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Messages - Rodrigo Shin

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Rockman Series / Re: Ancient Theories/Fanon
« on: January 09, 2009, 07:13:31 AM »
While we're talking about RX, does anyone know if that's related to the "Rx and Ry" from the old magazine preview of Mega Man X posted here?
No, RX is just the shortened version for "Return X", X's evil doppelganger, originally called just "EX". Rx and Ry were meant to be some support guys.

Rockman Series / Re: Ancient Theories/Fanon
« on: January 09, 2009, 05:42:52 AM »
First two: You still got those pics?
I remember these pictures myself although I didn't save them.

Like how Giroette's name was initially "translated" as Silve?
I was uninterested in ZX from the beginning, but I remember some fellow forumgoer of a brazilian board saying calling him "Silve" didn't really match the kanas.

But well, when we were revealed "Ciel"'s name, half the internet jumped on to call her "TEAL" too. Since Babelfish gave you that result and stuff... or whichever other translation.

And on this case here, well, you see the webmaster didn't really know A from B. Just said Marty ("Karin") was X's "mermaid girlfriend, pretty cool" and if you ask me all that remained to be added was "she doesn't afraid of anything".

So my occasionally calling him "Axl Low" wasn't so original, huh? Sad thing is, I actually like those surnames. Goes to show what a dork I am.
I like that surname.

The "problem" I saw with these given surnames is that people said "it's in a Japanese site, they know better than us, so they're OFFICIAL!". 'lo and behold, half the intarnet called Zero "Zero Omega" for a nice chunk of time.

and if the MM, MMX, MML, and MMZ were all capable of coexisting to a point (imagine Axl X Leviathan, nasty!Tron X Classic Megaman, Zero and Iris as robot Jessie and James, etc.).
I paid so much attention to the games I didn't even really know the X series and the Classic series were set apart by centuries. I popped these cartridges in and went on my merryway of shoving yellow bullets down weird looking robot's throats. And I couldn't be happier.

Even "Mega X" didn't really... register. Only when that scan of EGM where Inafune said he set the X series to happen 100 years after the classic series surfaced I was like "Now that explains a lot!"

(10 seconds later)

"And leaves a lot more to be explained."


Oh yes, on the matter of fanon... when Rockman X5 was released, most of our gaming mags did their coverage of it. Plot was obviously vague, with the one being the most descriptive saying that Zero was infected by a virus at the same time the colony was falling. OK, whatever.

The fun part: ALL of the bosses' names were the fanon ones. "Tidal Whale", "Burn T-Rex", and all that. They didn't cover how you could obtain the equippable parts either... which there were no online FAQs covering at the time the game hit. Says something, doesn't it?

Even when Mega Man & Bass was released for the GBA, a gaming mag here covering it gave the original japanese title, and then in the article themselves said that "Bass (Slash in Brazil)". I was like "Ok, WHAT? First you guys want to use a name that was pulled out of the comic's arse, and if that weren't enough you GET IT WRONG? Oh, good one!".

Rockman Series / Re: Ancient Theories/Fanon
« on: January 09, 2009, 05:10:36 AM »
That mangas were the official story of the game was a big assumption back then, too. They told the story of what "really happened" in a way the games, being games, could not. Although again, nobody really seemed to know exactly what was going on in them, everybody tended to give up an argument when somebody says "according to the manga, this happened."
I remember that a page made claims the X4 manga introduced a second Zero who would be the "TRUE" Zero, and this second Zero is of course evil, and that he would be the original one and the one that helped throughout everything post-X2 would be a clone. Yeah, seriously.

Oh, I remember the page now. It was ZeroXGold's (EXTREEEEEEEEME! *guitar twang*).

X having a mermaid/pirate girlfriend
I think the same page that said Teal was Zero's love interest also called Marty "KARIN".

Oh, and some Japanese fanfic site that gave full names to some characters like Iris Rose or Zero Omega (heh) that were taken as official.
If it's the same one I'm thinking about, it's Virtual Study Desk / Codename Yoshi, author Ryunosoke Kayama. I recall he had "Iris Thorne", "Zero Omega", "Marty Gibson", "Signas Lancaster", "Gate Renoir"... and the list goes on and on.

The Mega Mission manga girl also showed up there as "Ann Aldworth". I don't even know if she had a name in the manga.

And the insistance that the Guns and Roses names in X5 were fake up until the game was released, I remember. That Zero would stay dead after X5, too.
That was a good one. The reviewer himself for Tips 'n Tricks signed up on GameFAQs to say "sorry, it's legit". Of course, those who knew Mega Man better than Capcom said it was continued bull on their part.

Then it all became a clever plot device that showed us Reploids could have "civilian names".

Uh huh.

Rockman Series / Re: MM Art Request thread.
« on: January 08, 2009, 06:41:27 AM »
Miyabi, many thanks for the Zero and X scans. I'll make sure I don't lose those.

I can offer something for the Concept Art for Sigma anyway; I don't know if these aren't in R20, but for the looks of it at least in Dokuganryu's they aren't. They are from Compendium of Rockman X.

Credits to "Dr. Light" for the scans.

Rockman Series / Re: MM Art Request thread.
« on: January 07, 2009, 01:05:58 AM »
Speaking of things before the crash- before the crash, some forumgoer had found those concept sketches that I had seen more than once sold in auctions, that included some of the latter EXE anime enemies and that picture of X1 Zero with the beam saber. Has anyone gotten that?

I'll gladly help in return if anyone needs stuff from R20... that Dokuganryu scanned anyway, since they didn't the full book.

Rockman Series / Re: Ancient Theories/Fanon
« on: January 06, 2009, 09:35:24 PM »
My post was more aimed at PB's notion of Wily merely repairing Zero time and time again just for him to "be further friends with X".

As for him not trying really hard, whether to blame the character or the scenario writers, I'm riding with the latter. Nothing a retcon can't solve anyway.

Rockman Series / Re: Ancient Theories/Fanon
« on: January 06, 2009, 09:07:03 PM »
Eh, in X2, if you let the X-Hunters do as they please with Zero, he's already not on your side. They don't explain what sort of mind control was exherted on him, but with the control chip in hands they did try to turn him against X. Didn't last. Best route, of course, they're not able to tamper with the control chip, so Cain snaps everything together and Zero's around fighting the good fight.

Then ludicrously stupid as it may be to me the whole intent of Eurasia and the virus spreading on Earth was schemed by Wily. Sigma carried out the plan. When our "mystery repairman" fixed Zero, though, it's quite a blurred spot. Isoc knows Zero inside out, "has seen him" prior to him coming out of hiding, and Zero admitedly came to, could move but don't know what happened. My hunch is that before Wily could have his merry-way with him completely or whatever, Zero stormed out of wherever he may have been. But we may never know for sure. Enjoy your Aids copy chip plot.

I don't care which way it points as long as it's wide enough and bright enough to see and doesn't obscure anything important.  What games used horizontal bars other than the Game Boy/Color ones, anyway?
X7 and 8.

Rockman Series / Re: Ancient Theories/Fanon
« on: January 06, 2009, 08:18:05 AM »
PIXELBOY!  I remember him.  Sprites INC owes that guy a debt of gratitude.  

HOLY [tornado fang]ing [parasitic bomb] THAT takes me back. I even remember when he said he was closing shop and all.

X / Rockman X3 "Capture Book"
« on: January 06, 2009, 05:49:30 AM »
While digging around on Google for something I wanted to find and couldn't (see the "Ancient Theories" thread for further info), I came across an amusing piece of merchandise, for the looks of it, official.

This is titled "Rockman X3 Capture Book", and as far as I can make out of it, it should guide the player throughtout the game, but it seems like a lot if not all of it is illustrated... but not in the manner you'd quite expect.

According to the blogger, who apparently also said they were on their way to throw this guide out, it apparently is in this same vein you're given the stage maps. I was honestly curious, because I've heard much about these capture books and that they indeed contained artwork that even covered gameplay/plot points (like X returning the Armor Parts after each game), so I opened this thread to see if the other Capture Books are anything like htis one or if this is an odd man out, whichever.

Oh, those of you who raged on about the switched eye colors on X4's anime, I fully expect you to do the same for these small illustrations.

Blog's here:

If you guys wanna put this up (you know all too well who you are), feel free. Just link the visitors to Ácido Cinza.

Rockman Series / Re: Ancient Theories/Fanon
« on: January 06, 2009, 05:43:54 AM »
I was trying to find this production sketch of Zero from MHX that XEBEC had grouped in with some of the Mega Man BN anime, and well, I even ended up butting up on a dickgirl picture of drill hair.

[tornado fang] this [parasitic bomb].

I found some stuff though that's remotely interesting in the proccess, I'll be posting it in the X section.

As far as rumors that started when the Internet was starting to catch on, some guy had a petition that was merely a huge ad for his page saying that Capcom deliberately killed 2D Mega Man in favor of Mega Man Legends and that we had to take up on arms and fight this atrocity.

Rockman Series / Re: Ancient Theories/Fanon
« on: January 05, 2009, 07:46:26 AM »
You know, I never thought I would hear a fanon concept even more stupid than Zero being Roll (oh, the horrors of Capcom's boards).
GameFAQ's boards, 2001.

Two men go in, one man comes out.

"zero is totally roll!! since megaman is in the 22nd century as MMX it makes sence dr. light would upgrade roll too, and you see that they're both blonde, wear red and if you say zero's name real slow it becomes SEE-ROLL!"


X6 - Lifesaver disappears
X7 - Douglas disappears
X8 - Signas is pretty much removed from the plot and tells you what a good job you did by getting killed by spikes over and over until you ran out of Retry chips

Next stop: OBLIVION!

Rockman Series / Re: Ancient Theories/Fanon
« on: January 05, 2009, 05:11:21 AM »
Keeping the mindset of "Internet wasn't as widespread":
- I myself thought that both X and Rock weren't robots, but humans wearing armor.
- Bass = Vile. Some cat wrote a fanfic where in X (who's OBVIOUSLY Rock!)'s period their mind switch bodies. Next thing you know that is a FACT.
- Zero = Protoman.
- Protoman died in Mega Man 3 saving Rock's life from the boulders, that's why Rock sees his image in the sky (SAID BY A GAMING MAG HERE).
- We don't know how Protoman came back in Megaman 5. What the hell are you talking about that he was in 4?!

They should bring back all those characters they simply tossed away after X6. like Dynamo and Lifesavor. and Douglas. yeah.
Signas was well underway. Creepy enough that they changed his japanese voice-actor in X8 just so he died an year later. >.>

Fan Creations / Re: Rebirth of the Rockman-Themed Stolen *Bleep* Thread!!
« on: January 05, 2009, 02:13:23 AM »
I photoshopped hao-asakura's Iris many years ago...
She turned out slightly hotter than normal... >U< </wii>

that's the thing. he/she needs something that a normal humanoid Reploid doesn't have. as said, a mermaid could work. a centaur could work. a harpy or even just an angel could work.

but if it doesn't have any of that, the character is either unimportant to the plot or the exact opposite: a character very relevant to the plot. Dynamo, Gate, Vile, even the title character.

the whole point of having nonhuman Mavericks is supposed to be an imaginative thing. it's supposed to show creativity. it's supposed to offer something new to fight each time. the boss' abilities are supposed to reflect on what the animal its based on could do. and really, what could a humanoid do that any Reploid can't? having a vanilla Reploid mixed in with these animals, plants, and fungi would look dumb.
That's why I said give him a motif, but you can find plenty of mythology stuff that doesn't have to make him a halfbreed or whatever. Make sure his design stands out, give him a noteworthy power (humanoid Reploids excessing in a certain category, whether elemental, speed, strength, whatever) that your character will acquire upon beating them up and you're set.

Sure, if you toss in green colored reploid #10 who shoots default plasma shots against you then it'd be dumb. But I don't think that'd be the case.

Command mission doesnt count.
Sure, whatever floats your boat.

Fan Creations / Re: Rebirth of the Rockman-Themed Stolen *Bleep* Thread!!
« on: January 05, 2009, 12:58:22 AM »
also, who remembers this?

apparently theres an adult  version too.

Yep, there is.

I didn't know he had done more of that Legends Iris, love that design.

actually it is broken without Sigma as the final boss. its like, WTF O.o
In a good sense, God Redips wants a word with you

Failmeenay I'd rather forget that existed.
wasnt Optic sunflower female?
I haven't heard anything to that extent either - but I wasn't active for some good months as well, maybe someone found out stuff I didn't know prior to that. But if it's just because the VA might be female (didn't bother to check), well, then it's Childre Inarabitta all over again?

And... whatever... about Man-O-War too.

As far as female Mavericks, now wait a minute, wasn't Commander Yammark female? There was a female in X6, and I'm almost positive though not sure that there was one in X8.
Uhhh... nope? I've never heard anyone going out of their way to say Yammark was female or anything to the likes of that, and I don't think X8 had one either.

seriously, do you people realize how stupid it would be to have a regular boss be just a humanoid?
Sure. Define WHY it is inexorably stupid first, maybe then we'll agree or not.

I think you give him a good mythological motif or whatever, just for starters, you already have boss material.

To me that's like saying "Without Sigma as the final boss the X series is broken".

also, well... it would be like Classic hving a female robot master.

oh wait...
My point.

And I was hoping the X series would get a mermaid boss eventually, but Classic beat it to the punch.

Anime & Manga / Re: Casshern Sins
« on: January 05, 2009, 12:12:20 AM »
Yeah, I mean... when were we talking about combat efficiency here?

Yeah, like having a non-animaloid boss for a change would BREAK the game. ::)

whoawhoawhoawhooa, whatnow? who told you this? the story most DEFINETLY does not end at 5. it was SUPOSSED to, but it didnt.
As in "supposed", "Inafune wanted it to". X6 was in production just as X5 was finishing up. If he sticked around he could have prevented all that.

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