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Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: December 25, 2008, 09:24:00 AM »
I don't see why, It should be super [tornado fang]ing easy to find...

but sure, why not?

Huh. Didn't know it was on the same spot where you could DL the Powered Up 8-bit version of the boss theme. Thanks.

Original / Re: Hot or Cold Music
« on: December 25, 2008, 05:57:44 AM »
Cold. It's not just Rockman either,
Cold Comfort
Ice Cap
I love the chilling musical numbers a lot more. Maybe it's because of my location; I love snow.

Got that right. Cold Music is awesome! I'm in the middle of doing a Winter VG compilation album for some fellas over at the Shizz.

Original / Hot or Cold Music
« on: December 25, 2008, 02:31:45 AM »
I tend to lean more towards the cold tracks. Ice Man, Dr. Cossack Stage 1, Cold Man, all great tracks. How about the rest of yas?

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: December 24, 2008, 08:30:42 PM »
Another Rockman 2 rom hack in progress.

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: December 24, 2008, 05:11:31 AM »
It's already done, and I have most of the soundtrack!

Any chance you'll share it? Pweety pweese with sugar lumps on top?  8)

Original / Re: Rockman 7/8 FC (Spoilers)
« on: December 24, 2008, 12:49:02 AM »
RmnB Boss Battle 8-bit

Amazing! Now he just needs to do the rest of RM&F in 8-bit! 0v0

Original / Re: Rockman 9 Attacks!
« on: December 21, 2008, 11:29:20 PM »


Jewel Man ftw~

Is... Is it bad if I recognized who's butt ox that was right away?  :o

Yeah, I went with Tornado Man even if he does remind me a lot of Harpuia, which isn't really a bad thing.

Original / Re: Rockman 7 Attacks!
« on: December 21, 2008, 11:26:21 PM »
Turbo Man. He's got a catchy theme and his design is all kinds of rocks! And as someone already said, Scorch Wheel can be used to burn trees! Way to stick it to those environmentalists!

Original / Re: Rockman 6 Attacks!
« on: December 21, 2008, 11:23:29 PM »
I went with Centaur Man. Always loved his design and his peaceful stage music. Though Blizzard Man does have my fav theme in that game.

Original / Re: Rockman 4 Attacks!
« on: December 21, 2008, 11:20:24 PM »
The Ariga Megamix version of Skull Man (which I read for the first time only a few weeks ago) sent my appreciation for the character through the roof! Plus I've always loved his theme and what remixes he has gotten have been pretty awesome!

Original / Re: Rockman 5 Attacks!
« on: December 21, 2008, 11:17:17 PM »
Gotta give it to Napalm Man. The dude just looks like a walking weapon's factory. I honestly think all the robot masters in MM5 look pretty sweet. Star Man is still my fav space themed robot master.

Original / Re: Rockman 2 Attacks!
« on: December 21, 2008, 11:12:04 PM »
I'm gonna have to go with Metal Man. He just looks sooooo awesome. Fun fact: when I was a kid, I thought Metal Man had a pot belly.  XD

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: December 20, 2008, 11:38:22 PM »
So I was thinking how awesome it would be play the NES version of Mega Man 1 with the Powered Up's music. Same thing with MMX, but with Maverick Hunter X's music. I mean, there's gotta be a way to do that. Of course then, it may exceed the regular sizes of those game's roms.

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: December 20, 2008, 01:52:09 AM »
This may very well be the best Frost Man remix. Ever.


Original / Re: Rockman 3 Attacks!
« on: December 20, 2008, 01:31:14 AM »
Picking my fav robot master in MM3, my fav MM game is like asking me to pick a favorite among my kids. And I don't even have kids! Buuuuuut, if I had to choose, it'd be between Magnet Man and Shadow Man. Both look sweet and both have some excellent music. Deciding between the two of them is like choosing which arm to keep. Sigh. I'll go with Magnet Man.

Original / Re: Rockman Worlds Attack!
« on: December 20, 2008, 01:25:05 AM »
I've always dug the Mega Man/Rockman Killers. It's a toss up between Punk and Ballade, though I love Enker. Ballade was the only one among them that ever really broke into his own, proving that he did have a heart.

X / Re: Your Favorite Bosstune
« on: December 16, 2008, 11:34:08 PM »
This is one VERY tough call. X1's boss music is classic. There isn't a single boss tune that I dislike. I liked the X-Hunter's boss theme but it paled in comparison to the regular boss music. X3 had good boss tunes but the regular boss theme doesn't stack up to anything in the previous titles. X4, oh that game had epic boss tunage! Iris theme was great, yet sad and Sigma's 2nd form boss theme is made of the best win sauce. LOVE X5's regular boss music. Can't even remember a single boss track in X6. For X7's flaws (and there are many), the music was fantastic and the boss beats were really sweet. The Final Battle theme was very nice. Gah! This is so hard!

Fan Creations / Re: Diggeh's Miscellaneous Pixelations
« on: December 16, 2008, 09:01:00 PM »
Saw a few of these over at deviant art. Very impressive stuff. Makes me wish for an 8-bit Wily Wars.

Original / Re: The "Rockman Endless" ROM Hack Thread
« on: December 15, 2008, 08:57:46 PM »
I can see it now...
Whole stretches of the platforms of DOOM... 8D

Dude, you must be a mind reader because I was thinking the exact same thing! I'll have "Can't Sleep Until I Pass" playing in my head when I get to the Guts Man areas. And when I go to bed, I'll have nightmares about it.  :|

Original / Re: The "Rockman Endless" ROM Hack Thread
« on: December 15, 2008, 05:43:57 PM »
I cleared 100+ screens in the 6th version of Rockman 3 Endless. Didn't even see the Yellow Devil.

Bring on Rockman 2 and 4 Endless. I'd love to see those. Rockman Endless, I wouldn't look forward to so much because that game is balls hard.

Rockman Series / Re: Underrated BGMs and Songs
« on: December 12, 2008, 04:58:24 AM »
MM4's final battle music is probably my fav of all the final battle themes in classic MM. Love that tune.

Skull Man's theme is also excellent. Some sweet remixes came out of it like Soldier of the Underworld, my fave Skull Man remix.

Rockman Series / Re: Underrated BGMs and Songs
« on: December 12, 2008, 04:17:18 AM »
Toad Man's theme is absolutely fantastic, yet you can count the number of remixes it's received on one hand. But then, it seems like MM4 music on the whole is largely slept on. Sucks, really.

Original / Re: The "Rockman Endless" ROM Hack Thread
« on: December 12, 2008, 03:54:11 AM »
rock3endless updated again yay !!!

W00t! I'm off to get owned by the new sections before going to bed!

Rockman Series / Re: Megaman Hare Hare Yukai Dance - Haruhi Style
« on: December 12, 2008, 03:50:44 AM »
Saw it months ago, but never get tire of seeing it! Actually, that video was my introduction to that song, Hare Hare Yukai. I was amazed at how they got the 8-bit sprites to move like that.

Fan Creations / Re: MM Fanprojects
« on: December 11, 2008, 10:38:21 PM »
I hope this Touhou RockGirl becomes reality. Bet it'd be a lot of fun to play.

Here's another Rockman 3 romhack. Rockman 3 Alpha. Maybe some of you have heard of it. It isn't on the same hacked levels of Rockman 2 hacks but it does change up the levels a bit and the damage ratio is a lot higher. Think of it as a tougher version of Rockman 3.

Just scroll down to get the patch:

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