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Messages - Tsukishiro

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 5 6
Anime & Manga / Re: Naruto
« on: December 24, 2008, 09:37:19 AM »

I figured that this is old news already, but...

[spoiler]Konoha has just been officially nuked, people...[/spoiler]

Off The Wall / Re: The Accomplishments Thread! (Inflate your Ego Redux)
« on: December 22, 2008, 06:21:11 AM »
I'm one of the very few who have a perfectly good reason to type in AAA as arcade initials.

If that isn't an ego booster, Sparky, then I don't know what is...

As for me, I found a 5 dollar bill lying around on the street at one time, and a twenty dollar bill while cashing my check on the floor of a bank. In the second case, I asked a guard (who turned out to be a police officer) what I should do with it (for the sake of doing the honorable thing and try to return to it's rightful place), and in both cases, I was able to keep the bill for myself. Lucky for me, yus?

Anime & Manga / Re: Man Arrested for Importing Manga
« on: December 22, 2008, 06:06:35 AM »
This is absolutely Disgraceful.
Oh how the mighty America has fallen.
im absolutely disgusted with my country. Not just because of this, which is ridiculous, a man going to jail for 20 years for a bunch of pages with drawings on them, which he obtained legally, and has every right to be able to keep, but for the entire sorry state of things.
I never thought that id ever live to see the day where Im actually sad to be an American. I am no longer "proud to be"

This, as I believe that the whole damn system is being done [tornado fang]ing wrong. Someone needs to fix this pronto...

I would speak of my thoughts further, but they pretty much cross that political no-no line, so I'll keep it to myself for now...

DAMN!  Better start swimming. X(
Hmm... I should start swimming too, but to Japan... Need to get Shiki to teach me the powers of the Tohno Gland so I can secretly steal Akiha from him. :P

If you two are serious about this, then you would go and save up money for a one way flight to Sydney / Tokyo, with some money and stuff prepared in advance in order to survive there...

I know that, despite the seriousness of the topic (the utter stupidity of the censorship people punishing a man for owning manga), that the idea of swimming to another country is a 'just kidding' moment there, so please don't take my words the wrong way...

[spoiler]On the other hand, if they convict the poor man and send him to jail for any amount of years because of this, then I'm going to focus on learning moonspeak and save up money to do just that. I won't live in a place that lies about it's own creedo. No [sonic slicer]ing WAY!!!  X( >_< ::) :| :([/spoiler]

Fan Creations / Re: Akira's color-full arts
« on: December 18, 2008, 10:01:10 AM »
Sky's right. There should be more birthing hips soon. >U<

That, and a proper hourglass figure to fully bring out the good looks of the form...

Fan Creations / Re: Vixy Randomness~
« on: December 18, 2008, 09:52:02 AM »

Comic Jam / Re: CJ999 - SEXY TIME! ( RATED R )
« on: December 17, 2008, 12:33:16 PM »

I'm surprised that Nobo hasn't caught wind of this pic yet.
Behold, the undeniable PB Trap! *shot*

Fan Creations / Re: Cephi's cute things~ Again
« on: December 17, 2008, 12:11:15 PM »
I wonder how Ninja Lou would react to that pic...  :\

Gaming / Re: Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes (under new management)
« on: December 16, 2008, 04:16:59 AM »
*stares at Hypershell oddly*

...uh, okay...

Fan Creations / Re: Cephi's cute things~ Again
« on: December 16, 2008, 12:38:17 AM »
Boyfriend, girlfriend, she wants both. Ash is both. >U<
Ash is the short for Ashley, what are you, dense?


He wears a dress once in Celadon so he can challenge a gym leader, and the world never lets that go...

...sigh. The poor kid.

Still, Cephi could of caught far worse...

Fan Creations / Re: Cephi's cute things~ Again
« on: December 16, 2008, 12:20:17 AM »
he shall be my pokemon  >w<

Why do I feel like this could be misinterpreted as Cephi "catching" a boyfriend?  -u-'

Gaming / Re: Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes (under new management)
« on: December 15, 2008, 11:17:49 PM »

Hypershell, please forget about My Wii and Brawl Codes. It will still be valid, but it won't be me that will be there. Not now, nor ever again...

(I'm giving my bro the Wii with Brawl for Christmas, that's why.)

Edit: Uh... never mind. Forget that I said that. I'll still be in use of the Wii, so please don't erase my Codes from the board...

Second Edit: I have added these people to my friends list (I will add everyone else in RPM tomorrow...) and I would like to ask if everyone else would do me the kindness of adding me to theirs.

Ninja Lou
Sky Child
Nekomata (Oops, I forgot that the kami of nekos has not posted a Wii code...)

Also, as it will be my older brother that will be online most of the time (he's home for most of the day while I go to my edumacation place for weird people, lol...), I believe that an introduction is in order.

I hereby introduce my brother, as the one and only "Goku Man". (Real name's Odin, and he's my half brother, so he and I don't share a last name IRL...)

I hope that you all will give him a warm RPM welcome, and I hope to see all of you very very soon... (In a deadly Brawl match...  [eyebrow] [eyebrow] [eyebrow])

Fan Creations / Re: Milen's Hall of Works
« on: December 11, 2008, 04:15:14 AM »
Castlevania : Tales of RPM

(Sorry I can't decide who can be Death, so Death is still Death)


[sonic slicer] ;-;

Funny. You seem more like a Carmilla to me (the good looking one, not the one from the fighting game...), Hitomi...

Put a teeny tiny crown on death and call it King Reaper :P
That's a really neat idea, Sky. >U<

Sparky works too.

You two both win an internet for that, kitsu...

Although... I think that Sparky would make an excellent Dracula if you ask me. He even has his own minions and castle (and city to surround it with...)

Fan Creations / Re: Milen's Hall of Works
« on: December 07, 2008, 12:03:01 AM »
I can tell you which key RPMers aren't in it. >w<

Yeah, I can too...
It's a beautiful picture regardless, Milen-san.

Different artists, different view on key members.

thank you, doormat.

 :| :| :| :| :|
Why do I even bother to post my honest opinion again?

Fan Games / Re: VixyNyan ROM Hack(s)
« on: December 03, 2008, 12:35:26 AM »

In fact... I'm surprised that no one has thought of it before...

Someone needs to expand on that "Blue Vixy" sprite...
Maybe a pic?

Fan Creations / Re: Akira's color-full arts
« on: December 02, 2008, 05:56:04 AM »
Um... Not to be odd, but I thought that Hikari = Light...
The only reason that her name is Dawn in the English version is because Light doesn't really sound like a girl's name to americans...

I mean, unless I'm mistaken, Kasumi is Misty and Haruka is May in the same manner, because I'm sure that Kasumi and Haruka DO NOT translate to Misty and May. It's the Engilsh localization, as far as I'm concerned...

Fan Creations / Re: borockman's fun fun art thread!
« on: December 02, 2008, 05:48:51 AM »
More like a sleeve that holds the proof of Light's match inside of it...

Imagine that, a shield with pockets...

Fan Games / Re: VixyNyan ROM Hack(s)
« on: December 02, 2008, 05:46:30 AM »
thanks ye worthless stalkerfox.


Is it wrong of me to try and put my memory to good use, Hitomi-sama?
And I'm not a stalker... I gave that habit up years ago...

Fan Games / Re: VixyNyan ROM Hack(s)
« on: December 02, 2008, 05:07:17 AM »
I think that I know how Hitomi fits the role of Woodman...

[spoiler]It's because her 'other form' is a Kokiri elf... At least, that is from what I remember of her...[/spoiler]

General / Re: Rockman Tanjou has (almost) returned!
« on: December 01, 2008, 04:24:23 AM »
I figured as much...

Oh, and it seems that the manga aren't up yet, so they still have some work to do...

General / Re: Rockman Tanjou has FINALLY returned!
« on: December 01, 2008, 04:21:32 AM »
Okay, in case there are people that aren't aware, then this should be big news...

As of a short while ago (because I have checked the link out just now), Rockman Tanjou has finally come back online!

I just feel...

 ;) :D :) >_< :( :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-[ :| :\ :'( X( XD :O -_- 8D :V >w< owo 0v0 :W >BD bVd [eyebrow] :chant: -u-' [objection!] :cookie: ...

In other words, really, really happy.  8)

And who shouldn't be, because Tanjou is back!!! Kitsu!

Gaming / Re: Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes (under new management)
« on: November 28, 2008, 02:34:23 AM »
By all the powers that I possess...  :chant: :chant: :chant:

I reveal to all... My Wii Console and SSBB Friend Code!

Wii: 7540-4245-8441-7165
SSBB: 2320-9779-8704

And now... I shall promptly seek out all of you! Mwahahahahahahaha!  >BD

Off The Wall / Re: Man Escapes Prison, The Solid Snake Way.
« on: November 15, 2008, 06:46:37 AM »

It's just that good.

Off The Wall / Re: The Manly Prince Pageant
« on: November 15, 2008, 06:45:57 AM »
*Looks at the voting count now*

 :o I don't believe it...
PB is actually losing...

*smiles slyly*

I Voted for DZ and Sparky, And PB......Don't Kill me, I was randomly voting.

Well, you balanced it out by voting for DZ and Sparky, so it's not much of a problem.

Off The Wall / Re: The Manly Prince Pageant
« on: November 15, 2008, 06:28:49 AM »
Sparky is SO going to win this.

He's too regal for all of yas.

Well, I voted for him, so... yeah.

Off The Wall / Re: The Manly Prince Pageant
« on: November 15, 2008, 06:25:12 AM »
*PB spit-takes his tea.

As much as I would wish that he would, it won't happen. :(
He prefers Mango Lemonade to tea, I believe...

That's what makes it funny, dear.

Oh... -_- (didn't get the joke)

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