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Topics - Waifu

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
X / Why is Wily obsessed with Zero?
« on: September 09, 2009, 03:18:56 AM »
This pertains to Wily in the X series, just what is his obsession with Zero? Almost all the villains in the X series seemed to be concerned with Zero particularly his potential and the Virus but why is Zero heralded by Wily as the "better robot". Wily has appeared in the form of Serges, Isoc or even as a sentient program of sorts who appeared to Sigma at some point in Mega Man X5 but why is he so concerned with Zero? Zero has yet to actually destroy X and the colony virus plot had been foiled already, Sigma has soon lost all concern with Zero and has moved to create next gen reploids but it seems that Wily or his later incarnations seemed so obsessed with Zero as if he has some secret power that unlock the potential of all reploids or at least his potential. Why is Wily concerned with Zero?

Entertainment / 2001: A Space Odyssey
« on: September 05, 2009, 09:53:03 AM »
I just watched 2001: A Space Odyssey on my DVR today but I just have to ask, what the [tornado fang] did I just watch? The first two arcs I barely got but it is the last one that made me want to bash my head against the wall or question the 'reality' that I live in. Did anyone else watch this movie, it was awesome but terribly confusing.

Zero was supposed to have his own series on the SNES and was to be the main character but they decided Zero would not be recognizable so they created Mega Man X with Zero as the co star but nevertheless Zero ironically became poular and even had his own series on the GBA. It is not to say that Zero isn't awesome but still why couldn't stick with that? how it would have been different if Zero was the main character?

Rockman Series / Super Sentai and Mega Man
« on: August 29, 2009, 02:32:40 AM »
As most artists in RPM or anywhere would tell you, we can draw inspiration from our experiences as children or from everyday experiences. Most of us know that Mega Man was inspired off of Astro Boy, Speed Racer, a hint of Gundam and just about anything from the InafKing's childhood experiences but would Super Sentai be included in the mix? I had seen some Gatchaman on Toonami, Kamen Rider Dragon Knight adapted from Kamen Rider Ryuki and who in America hadn't watched Power Rangers but compared to Inafune who had probably watched countless anime and Super Sentai shows, that isn't much. I was looking at Wikipedia the other day and I researched some of the shows ehre I can see the inspirations from some of the robots and navies came from. I tried to find some examples of characters that look some of Robot masters but the only thing I could up was Protoman who looks like a cross the Red Ranger and Racer X but nevertheless I had some revelation that Mega Man and all of his incarnations had been inspired off of some various Super Sentai shows.

X / Whatever happen to Doppler town?
« on: August 19, 2009, 06:20:15 AM »
After playing and beating Mega Man X3 again today, I wonder whatever happen to Doppler Town? Was it dismantled or was it abandoned? Whatever happened to all the cities in the X series in general?

Off The Wall / Storytelling in manga and comics
« on: July 20, 2009, 08:23:12 AM »
I realize after reading a few comics and myself over my lifetime that I notcied a few difference as well as similarites in the story aspect of comics or manga. This isn't a manga versus comics thread as I had lurked in those threads in other forums and while some can be pretty thought provoking, sometimes I find I find endless trolling and nonsense. I do not have or know all the differences but I had noted some matters such as:

1 For one thing in terms of storytelling, manga tends to be a little fast paced and they tend to spread onto more issues before a story arc is resolved. Western Comics save graphic novels tend to be self contained stories that pretty much focus on story and character development.

2. Both mediums have many different genres that many writers and artists explore but I find that most of the time, the consequences of the protagonists are somewhat more explored in comics than in manga where thet are pretty much excused of their actions in the story.

3. On the storytelling aspect, I notice that comics have a smaller story arcs that encompass a longer, complex arc but manga specifically ongoing manga tend to go on one arc with one antagonist causing all sorts of trouble in an arc until the next one shows and is apparently more powerful than last antagonist who had somehow been deposed of.

4. Japanese manga tend to be a bit more visual with its storytelling than Western comics that use mostly dialogue.

I am only making generalizations, I hadn't read that many manga or comics but I had noted some differences in storytelling as well as the art. Again, I do not know too much on the subject and I might as well be horribly worng on the topics at hand but these are my thoughts on the subject and this is not a comics vs. manga thread, I enjoy both mediums.

Rockman Series / Mega Man Graphics and Sprites
« on: July 16, 2009, 07:30:18 PM »
I have a question on mega man graphics and sprites, why is it the character sprites look largely the same while the backgrounds appear different. I may not be a sprite or graphics expert bu to be honest, I feel as though that I am playing the same game over and over with different sprites with Mega Man (in all series) looking largely the same although that is not to say that they are all the same but still it feels as though they are mostly the same. Can anyone enlighten me on the graphics side of Mega Man? 

Off The Wall / Protecting others
« on: July 14, 2009, 02:10:08 AM »
Why are most shonen anime adamant about this particular aesop asking what are you fighting for?

Gaming / Button Mashing and Fighting games
« on: July 03, 2009, 06:37:36 PM »
I am not much of casual gamer and granted, I spend time one game before going to another but still is there any easier way for me to master fighting games like Street Figther? It is kind of embarrising to go to a arcade or Gameworks without getting owned and laughed at by people who had layed these games, I don't really play them a lot and the fact that games like King of Fighters have so many button combos makes it worse. Is there any tips to help me maser games like SNK vs Capcom or even Guilty Gear?

Off The Wall / "Losing" your knowledge
« on: June 30, 2009, 04:42:21 PM »
I neeed brain training or something because sometimes it feels as though I am "losing" the klnowledge I had acquired. I just cannot seem to remember some topics off the top of my head and considering that I hadn't been in school for a month now makes it worse, sometimes it feels as though I know certain words but when I think about in my mind it feels as though I am saying "What is that?" as if I saw it for the first time. I know I have poor sleeping habits but still I don't why I am "losing" my knowledge or is it just me? How do you deal with "losing your knowledge? I am using the term "losing" loosely as it may not necessarily mean that I am actually losing anything.

Off The Wall / Canon and Non Canon
« on: June 19, 2009, 02:36:51 AM »
How we as fans intrepret what is considered to be canon or non canon in any series be it Mega Man or Mario? Granted, I am not an expert who follows the series to the letter or even have access to guidebooks but I still wonder how you can find what goes in a story or what is true in the story? I am not an expert on the Mega man/Rockman Universe like Vixy, Zan, Hypershell or any other I haven't mentioned but how to you guys find or track what is "true" in the Mega M<an or any universe and what is not?

One thing I don't get about the X games, why hasn't Dr. Light found any apprentices or create something to contain his knowledge on robots? Why has there yet to be a scientist who can completely replicate X or at least created their own robot? And why hasn't there been any advancement in robotics until X came along? Discuss.

Emulation / No GBA emulation
« on: June 04, 2009, 03:57:56 AM »
Does anyone know of a methid in which I could play some games on my No GBA smoothly and easier?

Fan Creations / G.G.'s videos
« on: June 03, 2009, 07:14:50 PM »
Hello, I don't if I can actually post videos here but I will show you a link to my YouTube account and I could use the post counts.

I wonder where does Wily get the money to build his robots and fortresses? Granted, they were filled with the latest tech but it must have been very expenive to create and build. Not to mention the time it must take to build them, Does Wily have a factory or something? What is his source of income for building all this stuff?

Off The Wall / Instant Experts and their abilities
« on: May 23, 2009, 06:20:59 PM »
How do you deal with those who become instant experts in their craft and surpass those who studied their entire lives? I don't the answer to that and I was wondering if the characters they surpass would deal with it. I don't know, it just seems annoying that anyone could just do in a few months or minutes what someone else practiced for God knows how long. I dson't know if that is realistic or I am just plain annoyed but seriously you may probably have to get a few years of practice before getting right. How do the rivals and other characters deal the characters that surpassed them?

Off The Wall / Conventions
« on: May 18, 2009, 06:59:24 PM »
I had never been to a con before and not only that when I see pictures of users who did, I feel sort intimidated to go because you are face-to-face with a guy who created your favorite show, game or etc. Plus, all the cosplayers who participate in these conventions and all the swag that they sell. How do you guys deal with that "intimidation"?

Original / Why does Wily like the Capsule so much?
« on: May 12, 2009, 03:47:36 AM »
Why is it that when you face the man himself in the Classic games, he always has that disappearing capsule that teleports all over the place? It has been in every game since Mega Man 4 and Wily always disappears and reappears whenever he is in it, why does always use that capsule? Can he use something else?

Entertainment / Death Note Live Action
« on: May 03, 2009, 08:33:57 AM »
Did you already here about the American Death Note movie?

I think Lelouch is somehow behind this.

Gaming / Old School RPGs and Plaformers?
« on: April 19, 2009, 04:01:05 AM »
I know I should not compare myself to other gamers but lately it feels though that I am somehow lagging behind everyone else. To be honest, I never played that many games other the Mario games, Secret of Mana 1 & 2, Final Fantasy VI, V, X and VII, Mother series, Mega Man Classic up to R&F, Mega man X up to 5, some movie games and other games that I cannot really think of right now but nevertheless I believe over the course of my life , I missed quite a few treasures especia;;y when I hear about games I never even heard of until today. Can anyone recommend me any classic RPGs, Platformers or any other treasures that I may have missed over the course of my lifetime? 

Anime & Manga / Do defeats really mean friendship?
« on: March 30, 2009, 06:25:42 PM »
I don't know if thus truly happens in real life but do defeats in action anime really equal friendship? I guess once someone has experienced the 'agony of defeat' they come to fear the person who had defeated them and become their 'friends', what hurts more than a wound from 'friend'? I don't know whether this is truly friendship or just plain brainwashing (or whatever the term is) to come around to that person's point of view but I don't believe that beating the crap out of some poor guy means 'friendship' or anything of that nature yet I see it all the time in shows like Bleach, Nanoha or even some other action show where the hero gets allies by beating them or 'befriend' them with their superior moral aptitude via fighting power. Is this truly realistic or I do just need to experience this in real life to get an accurate assessment of this?

EXE / Best Style/Soul/Cross
« on: March 27, 2009, 04:33:35 PM »
We use to have this thread awhile and now I want to create this one, I wonder just what is your favorite Style Change?

I prefer:

Proto Soul
Muramasa Style Blues (manga)
Bass Cross Megaman
Heat Guts (or any Guts for that matter)
Gregar Beast Out
Aqua Cross
Heat Cross
Charge Cross
Killer Cross
Slash Cross
Elec Cross
Wind Soul
Colonel soul
Hub Style

X / Alternate Routes for X series
« on: March 18, 2009, 07:01:12 AM »
A thought came into my concerning the X series and the routes it could have taken. I played X5 recently and saw the different endings for the game but I realized it could just have easily taken another route as early X1. There are many different routes and possibilties the X series could have taken for example Zero could have just stayed dead or Sigma could have been defeated once and for all been with the anti virus in X3 or one of the endings in X5 where X could have trained the new hunters. I don't what could have happened if they had taken that route, I could write in an article or fanfic and I had seen some fansite where they construct an RPG connecting with the Legends series but the point is what if the X series storyline had taken an alternate route?

Off The Wall / Dungeon & Dragons, 40k and other games like 'em
« on: March 06, 2009, 11:34:23 PM »
I know probably have the users on RPM had probably played strategy games such D&D and 40k (at least know PB does) but to be honest those games don't really appeal to me for some reason especially since I have to learn all the rules of the game. No offense to Gygax but there is no way I can learn all those rules and with the time I have, that may not be possible at this point. I had never roleplayed outside a forum or played any other strategy games other Chess (on windows), MMBN, Pokemon and some tactical RPGs. I just don't know why I have hard time with acquiring these games in real life or find out what the big deal was with these games in particular? I see references to them on television but if you talked about them with me in real life then I would just be confused. Can someone here tell me the appeal of these games? Or enlighten me on how great these games are?

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