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Other Things => Gaming => Topic started by: Jericho on January 31, 2009, 12:46:31 AM

Title: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Jericho on January 31, 2009, 12:46:31 AM
First off guys, careful, I've changed this topic's main focus from debate to ponder. (That re-worked Toy Story quote didn't work like how I wanted it to.)

OK, as stated in the topic title, President of NCL Satoru Iwata was recently quoted stating that while Wii & DS sales have been nothing short of "so awesome", he still feels that there are numerous field goals left for Nintendo to try and reach with their products. After last year and the somewhat lackluster state of game releases after anticipated hits such as Mario Kart Wii & Super Smash Bros. Brawl, as well as the launch of Wii Fit & Wii Music for the more open minded expanded audiences, gamers were left on a pretty long dry spell in terms of big time Nintendo efforts last year. This is however all in the past as the Nintendo president stated in a recent press release that it is going to be the sales of Nintendo branded software that going to push Wii sales (both software and hardware) this year and in the future to well beyond PS2 levels.

Now then, ignoring the blatant Nintendo fan in me for a second and thinking as a rational human being, this statement sounded like utter nonsense to me for half of a minute. I mean, I know Nintendo is capable of some truly top class stuff, they are my favorite developer and game company after all, but to say that they have software planned and in development to topple the absurdly diverse and amazing PS2 library starting this year?

Come ooooonnnn. XD

Then, Iwata delivered a line true to the zen-like confidence he has in his company:

[...]Wii still has much more room for expansion. We can expect more sales of software in the next fiscal year than in the current year. With what kind of software is Nintendo going to achieve this goal? Well, it will be shown at E3 to be held in the U.S. this June.

Ladies and gentlemen, start your pondering. I'm personally expecting a Zelda '09 now. XD

With my part said and done now, RPM, discuss.

- Link to the article is here - (
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Align on January 31, 2009, 12:47:50 AM
Topple PS2 sales? Fat chance.

Well actually, how long did it take PS2 to garner its massive mountain of moved copies?

Also this "software" thing reminds me of that autoplay/video walkthrough/etc patent that was being discussed some time back, now where did that go..
ah, here we are (
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Acid on January 31, 2009, 12:48:41 AM
Zelda 09 is extremely possible. They claimed they've been working on it, Wii yet lacks an exclusive Zelda title, and the new gaming concept announced recently which included that veeeeery ominous piece of conept art almost give it away.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Jericho on January 31, 2009, 12:51:26 AM
Topple PS2 sales? Fat chance.

Well actually, how long did it take PS2 to garner its massive mountain of moved copies?

Also this "software" thing reminds me of that autoplay/video walkthrough/etc patent that was being discussed some time back, now where did that go..
ah, here we are (

Dunno really as it's still moving units worldwide. What I'm more interested in is the idea that the PS2 had one year where it suddenly became "THE" system to everyone with a tremendous turnout of games. If the Wii is truly in the same situation, I'd just like a glimpse inside the candy box to know what kinds of games we can expect.

Then again, all of this random hope could all be dashed instantly if I keep reminding myself that this is a PR piece. Still though, it's all pretty intriguing stuff.

Zelda 09 is extremely possible. They claimed they've been working on it, Wii yet lacks an exclusive Zelda title, and the new gaming concept announced recently which included that veeeeery ominous piece of conept art almost give it away.

I'm beginning to think that it's more than being worked on at this point. There are just too many subtle hints that when combined with this release make it seem almost given.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: RMX on January 31, 2009, 01:03:08 AM
Good luck trying to beat 10 years of great title after great title after great title, in 12-24 months, with a console which most successful games top the usual Mario and Zelda with "Wii Music/Sports/Play"

Seriously I'm tired about the "IT PRINTS MONEY" thing

What's more incredible is E3 becoming relevant again, though.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Jericho on January 31, 2009, 01:07:06 AM
Good luck trying to beat 10 years of great title after great title after great title, in 12-24 months, with a console which most successful games top the usual Mario and Zelda with "Wii Music/Sports/Play"

While I see your point, I can see it happening  especially since the Wii is supposed to last for quite some time (not 10 years, imo but close). I can't see it happening in a 1 - 2 year timespan of course, unless they like buy the world.

What's more incredible is E3 becoming relevant again, though.

You aren't the only one man. After E3 2006, then the abysmal '07 - '08, and with people saying they want to come out swinging there again, it's like a time to rejoice. XD
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Shiki Tohno on January 31, 2009, 01:35:36 AM
Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Excuse me while I go laugh my ass off. No system, not even its own sequel, the PS3, will be ever able to topple in a single year the aura of sheer power cast by the PS2.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: HyperSonicEXE on January 31, 2009, 01:49:23 AM
The Nintendo DS can topple the PS2; it just needs anthology games like the PS2 has.

And if that doesn't appeal, let me put it another way:

Sonic Mega Collection +, Megaman Anniversary Collection, and Megaman X Collection for the NDS.

...oh, okay, so NOW I have your attention.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Satoryu on January 31, 2009, 02:48:10 AM
No system, especially not even its own sequel, the PS3, will be ever able to topple in a single year the aura of sheer power cast by the PS2.


i dunno if Iwata's claims can come true, but Nintendo has a better chance of succeeding than Sony or Microsoft.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: TeaOfJay on January 31, 2009, 02:59:01 AM
You know, I can't really take E3 seriously anymore ever since last year's crap fest.

But we shall see if Iwata can put the games where his mouth is, or if he's just going to unveil yet another "Wii <Insert Activity>" game.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Solar on January 31, 2009, 03:16:59 AM
Those are strong fighting words Iwata-san.

I now expect Zelda Wii, Mario Galaxy's sequel, Pikmin 3, Sin & Punishment 2, Punch-Out, a new Metroid (+ new 2D one that it can link with for extras), Star Fox Wii, a true Pokemon console game, Kid Icarus Wii, plenty of franchise revivals, plenty of awesome 2nd party games, and demos that prove that (almost) everything shown at last year's October conference is awesome as well. Also a new Mario Party Wii and Wii Fit for the HAHA.

...what? He was the one that said they were going to topple the PS2 in a year.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Acid on January 31, 2009, 03:18:03 AM
I actually agree with Tayio.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Jericho on January 31, 2009, 03:25:39 AM
Don't we all?
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Da Dood on January 31, 2009, 03:38:55 AM
If they release a Super Mario Galaxy sequel or a Zelda Wii or Star Fox Wii this year, I will seriously consider not selling my kidney for a PS3.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: STM on January 31, 2009, 03:51:25 AM
Those are strong fighting words Iwata-san.

I now expect Zelda Wii, Mario Galaxy's sequel, Pikmin 3, Sin & Punishment 2, Punch-Out, a new Metroid (+ new 2D one that it can link with for extras), Star Fox Wii, a true Pokemon console game, Kid Icarus Wii, plenty of franchise revivals, plenty of awesome 2nd party games, and demos that prove that (almost) everything shown at last year's October conference is awesome as well. Also a new Mario Party Wii and Wii Fit for the HAHA.

...what? He was the one that said they were going to topple the PS2 in a year.
He said topple the PS2... not all of humanity. 8D
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Jericho on January 31, 2009, 04:04:58 AM
He said topple the PS2... not all of humanity. 8D

[tornado fang] I lol'd. XD

Still it could have been worse. He could have added Super Smash Bros. Turbo Ultimate Bitchslap Edition, Wave Race Wii, Pilotwings Wii, Adventures of Link 2, Yoshi's Island 3 & a Nazo no Muramejou & StarTropics revival done by EAD Tokyo & Retro Studios respectively. This would pretty much mean the end for everyone else. 8D
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Solar on January 31, 2009, 04:06:23 AM
[tornado fang] I lol'd. XD

Still it could have been worse. He could have added Super Smash Bros. Turbo Ultimate Bitchslap Edition, Wave Race Wii, Pilotwings Wii, Adventures of Link 2, Yoshi's Island 3 & a Nazo no Muramejou & StarTropics revival done by EAD Tokyo & Rerto Studios respectively. This would pretty much mean the end for everyone else. 8D

What part of franchise revivals did you not understand? 8D

Oh, and I forgot something, Captain Rainbow and Disaster localizations.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Jericho on January 31, 2009, 04:08:12 AM
Whoops, silly me. XD

Add a DKC4 and buying back Rare from MS just for the lulz though.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Solar on January 31, 2009, 04:09:36 AM
Would the two money printers print enough money to actually buy it from MS of all companies? XD
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Jericho on January 31, 2009, 04:13:33 AM
That's the fun part. Also, I was sure that this thread would have gotten more opinions from everyone on the board. I guess there isn't much to be said on the topic now.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Sky Child on January 31, 2009, 04:16:29 AM
topple the absurdly diverse and amazing PS2 library
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: HyperSonicEXE on January 31, 2009, 04:24:31 AM
Keep in mind; Nintendo may not think of the PS2 as highly as the public does.

"Best console ever" is almost a matter of opinion. The PS2 has a ton of titles and the golden ones really hit the sweet spots, but the same could be said of the SNES. Or GBA.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: VixyNyan on January 31, 2009, 04:25:44 AM
Every company calls their own product the best. It's a fact. Let the gamers decide. >U<
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Satoryu on January 31, 2009, 04:32:47 AM
Add a DKC4 and buying back Rare from MS just for the lulz though.

not even Nintendo can save Rare from killing itself.

but on the brightside, that would mean a Virtual Console Goldeneye and Perfect Dark...
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Align on January 31, 2009, 06:07:14 AM
It's just not the same without those shitty trident controllers and splitscreen at my friends house...
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 31, 2009, 07:19:08 AM
Let the gamers decide. >U<

LoL, let SOME gamers decide.  Other's simply like to start console wars.

As far as the Wii over the PS2 is concerned, really, only time will tell.  What originally made the PS2 sell was that it was the cheapest DVD player available, and a lot of people got it for that reason.  IIRC, after a good year or so, that's when all the games really started coming out for it..  I just remember during the first 6-8 months of it being out, I recommended people get a Dreamcast over a PS2, cause I thought it was a better system.  LoL, I still do!

So back then, the PS2 was the hottest console to get, and game developers started really supporting it.  LoL, I think.  I'm no expert.  Anyway, now the Wii is the hottest console to get, and I think that it'll only get more and more support in the coming years.  I mean, games like Madworld and The Conduit are starting to appear.  They may not be games for everybody, but I'm sure a good portion of people out there will like them.  I know I probably will.  Plus, like with the DS, I see a lot of potential with it, even though the DS was kinda on the back burner until Nintendogs. 

Will it surpass the PS2?  Again, only time will tell.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Jericho on January 31, 2009, 07:27:10 AM
PB, that's pretty much the way I thought of the whole thing, hence my second response in this thread:

Dunno really as it's still moving units worldwide. What I'm more interested in is the idea that the PS2 had one year where it suddenly became "THE" system to everyone with a tremendous turnout of games. If the Wii is truly in the same situation, I'd just like a glimpse inside the candy box to know what kinds of games we can expect.

But yeah, surpassing the PS2 is really a long term goal more than it is a "we'll do it in less time" goal.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: HokutoNoBen on January 31, 2009, 08:01:46 AM
As far as the Wii over the PS2 is concerned, really, only time will tell.  What originally made the PS2 sell was that it was the cheapest DVD player available, and a lot of people got it for that reason. 

There's that, but there's also the OTHER reason, that Sony may or may not want to acknowledge as something that helped bolster their sales records:

Sony's hardware has never prided on being all that lasting and durable. For example, it's rare that you'll find some one with a 1st Generation PS2 that they got at launch, way back in the day, because they probably have had to LONG since replace that unit. Possibly twice (or more!) over, if they're really unlucky, careless or just had random DRE-related episodes that would never go away.  8D

So, it'd be interesting, if we were able to break down those sales of units over the PS2 hardware's lifetime, and at least see how many of those units were ones that were purchased because they were replacements to units that had been "retired" [/Zero series terminology]. After all, such a thing only works more to Sony's benefit, by virtue of ye olde business model of "planned obsolescence". 

That said, because Nintendo's products, usually, have a much higher record of being more "durable", it's unlikely that they'll be able to match the PS2's sales records any time soon. What reason will there be to move more units, if the ones that most people have, still work fine, after all?  8D
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 31, 2009, 08:09:43 AM
Sony's hardware has never prided on being all that lasting and durable. For example, it's rare that you'll find some one with a 1st Generation PS2 that they got at launch, way back in the day, because they probably have had to LONG since replace that unit. Possibly twice (or more!) over, if they're really unlucky, careless or just had random DRE-related episodes that would never go away.  8D

Ahhh yes, I remember many a DVD returned with the perfect ring scratch on it.  XD

Also, my friend still has his original in perfect working order!   8)
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: HokutoNoBen on January 31, 2009, 08:33:44 AM
Also, my friend still has his original in perfect working order!   8)

He must have the devil's luck when it comes to keeping that thing in pristine order. I consider myself a guy who takes care of his stuff, and even my first PS2 eventually bit it, in spite of my best efforts (including not using it like a DVD player too much, as I've heard that shortens a PS2's lifespan). 

I'm on my second one (a SlimJim) since 06. Hopefully that will last me for a while, cuz I still don't like how some games look upscaled on my PS3.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 31, 2009, 08:34:33 AM
He must have the devil's luck when it comes to keeping that thing in pristine order. I consider myself a guy who takes care of his stuff, and even my first PS2 eventually bit it, in spite of my best efforts (including not using it like a DVD player too much, as I've heard that shortens a PS2's lifespan). 

I'm on my second one (a SlimJim) since 06. Hopefully that will last me for a while, cuz I still don't like how some games look upscaled on my PS3.

Actually, it's quite dusty!  XD
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on January 31, 2009, 09:44:19 AM
damn...i'm always getting to these threads slow...

well I still have the slimjim ps2 and it's serving me well.  So is my dreamcast, my snes (I never had the snes replaced<3 the one from that Mario All Stars+Mario World cartridge bundle), my gba sp is still swell and I finally got the earphone adapter thanks to Ebay(leave me be, I want my sounds in a long bus ride, aside from CD players...)~

Well, whatever the case, aside looking forward to gameplay videos of Sin and Punishment 2 and other games I can't think of now.  Nintendo better please me well in the upcoming E3, that's all~
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: RMX on January 31, 2009, 12:25:04 PM
Thread in a nutshell in terms of f/sn

Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Hypershell on January 31, 2009, 06:04:34 PM
(including not using it like a DVD player too much, as I've heard that shortens a PS2's lifespan)
I really hope that's not true of the Slim, or I'm screwed.  >.> (hey, my standalone player sucks)

Toppling the PS2, one hell of a goal.  Despite my inner fanboy I'm rather pessimistic, and it's not just the dryspell.  There's one other thing that severely damaged my confidence in Nintendo's development: Mario Kart Wii.

That game's AI is a complete nightmare (this coming from someone who enjoyed Double Dash), the unlock conditions are extremely unrealistic, and the cut-down multiplayer options add insult to injury.  The game is, to its credit, by far the best Wi-Fi setup that Nintendo has ever established.  But offline, it's pretty lousy.  The fact that Nintendo tried to pass that as a killer app bothers me.  Add in Wii Music and Animal Crossing at the end of '08, and Nintendo did a lot of damage to their reputation.  I'm hoping this was an isolated incident, but we'll see.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Gaia on January 31, 2009, 06:50:10 PM
Relevant, I still have plenty 'o consoles working, just that they are collecting dust due to lack of use. On topic..

The Wii may be able to topple the PS2 if hell ever froze over. I'm putting my money on that. Also: I did enjoy using my Dreamcast as a CD raido at one point.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: HokutoNoBen on February 01, 2009, 12:10:20 AM
I really hope that's not true of the Slim, or I'm screwed.  >.> (hey, my standalone player sucks)

Heh, I'm taking chances myself, since I've modded my slimjim in order to play imports (tape n tissue FTW!  8D)

Again, so far so good. In fact, it's looking like I may have to eventually get another SwapDisk, while my PS2 still lives.

There's one other thing that severely damaged my confidence in Nintendo's development: Mario Kart Wii.

That game's AI is a complete nightmare (this coming from someone who enjoyed Double Dash), the unlock conditions are extremely unrealistic, and the cut-down multiplayer options add insult to injury.  The game is, to its credit, by far the best Wi-Fi setup that Nintendo has ever established.  But offline, it's pretty lousy.  The fact that Nintendo tried to pass that as a killer app bothers me.  Add in Wii Music and Animal Crossing at the end of '08, and Nintendo did a lot of damage to their reputation.  I'm hoping this was an isolated incident, but we'll see.

One way of examining this, is to look at it the same way as what happened over the DS's lifetime, especially those early years.

Hindsight being 20/20, it's easy to see that there's a lot that the Early DS sear have a lot with the first 2 years of the Wii. "Killer apps" were rather spaced out, "Casual" games were dominating the shelves, and the 3rd parties had yet to really come out & show what they were made of.

My thinking is, Iwata is a smart business man, and he's basically doing the same thing all over again, with the Wii. The first two years were meant to do more to get the Casual Gamer money, because that's what really gives them a license to print money (as was the case with the DS). Now that he's got Casual Gamers eating out of the palm of Nintendo's hands (once again), now it may come to thing of where, Nintendo is willing to do more to deliver on their end, while more 3rd parties will be eager to try and do their damnedest to get in on that.

Far as I'm concerned, that's exactly what's going on. We could stand to have a number of more additional "megatons" unveiled over the next few months and up to E3, while we already know that such things like Dragon Quest X and Monster Hunter Tri are in the pipeline. And reportedly, Iwata is just as interested in marketing these Japanese favorites in the West as each individual developer is. And if those "cash cow" franchises really deliver on the Wii, that will only give the likes of Square Enix and Capcom more reason to support the console (with hopefully more goods than just sequels to those cash cows and others, like Sengoku BASARA and Rockman for Capcom and more FF/DQ spin-offs from SE). Then there's Sega, who's pretty much already amped up their Wii-related gameplans, by starting with the likes of MadWorld, and we could stand to see more where that came from.

So short, there's a good deal of evidence that this could stand to be the year that Wii owners will come to really love their console (again), non-believers may become believers and all that good stuff.

Again, though....I don't see the Wii moving more consoles just yet. Not until we start seeing more "deluxe consoles" unveiled, or maybe a good price drop. A special edition Wii, for the sake of something like DQX and/or MH Tri would definitely move more units, at least in Japan, certainly... 
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Acid on February 01, 2009, 12:19:17 AM
Ben, reading your comment made me think that Nintendo made all these low budget games (cause that's what they are, don't lie to yourself. There are exceptions though) just to secure their survival. And now that they've gathered enough financial power to take risks again they may actually turn the Wii into a gaming behemoth. Wiihemoth if you like.

I remain optimistic.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: HokutoNoBen on February 01, 2009, 01:46:54 AM
Like I said, there's one that's undeniable: Iwata is a marketing genius. He made it so that all these "Casual" games were the stuff that the Casual demographic couldn't get enough of. They are what gave Ninty a license to print money on the Wii and DS alike. Now they are, as the Penny Arcade comic put it bluntly "rich as [tornado fang]." 8D They've not only insured their survival, they got money to burn now.

Now, let's just hope that I and others who think as I do are right, in the notion that now Ninty will USE that money in order to give us the goods.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: HyperSonicEXE on February 01, 2009, 03:57:21 AM
You know, I thought the Wii's sales were better in the U.S.

Iwata, you want to sell 30 million Wiis? You really will have to have some kind of insane list of titles if Brawl didn't even get you that far.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Shiki Tohno on February 01, 2009, 04:38:07 AM
Thread in a nutshell in terms of f/sn

I like how you think.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Protoman Blues on February 01, 2009, 06:52:06 AM
Like I said, there's one that's undeniable: Iwata is a marketing genius. He made it so that all these "Casual" games were the stuff that the Casual demographic couldn't get enough of. They are what gave Ninty a license to print money on the Wii and DS alike. Now they are, as the Penny Arcade comic put it bluntly "rich as [tornado fang]." 8D They've not only insured their survival, they got money to burn now.

Now, let's just hope that I and others who think as I do are right, in the notion that now Ninty will USE that money in order to give us the goods.

That's my hope, pretty much!  XD
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: vile mk4 on February 01, 2009, 04:55:21 PM
The Wii will surprass the PS2 ?
Yes, eventually. just a year ?
Mr. Iwata is smoking some of those purple mushrooms that grow in Miyamoto's garden. Godammit nintendo, overconfidence was your downfall back in the n64 era, overconfidence was Sony's big mistake with the PS3.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Jericho on February 01, 2009, 05:00:35 PM
The Wii will surprass the PS2 ?
Yes, eventually. just a year ?

Mr. Iwata is smoking some of those purple mushrooms that grow in Miyamoto's garden. Godammit nintendo, overconfidence was your downfall back in the n64 era, overconfidence was Sony's big mistake with the PS3.

Everybody who posts this and thinks along this thought train really needs to re-read the article I linked to. He said he wants it to happen in the future, not right away.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: STM on February 01, 2009, 05:04:57 PM
Anyone have a bench mark to compare where the PS2 was just passed its second year of sales?
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Jericho on February 01, 2009, 05:20:22 PM
I guess I could search for and grab a few past NPD results from NeoGAF, but really, that won't be a terribly good starting place. I wish if I could find the software sales lists from release to that point though, that'd be a good way to find out whether or not the Wii is similar to the "god of console libraries'" early years, something that I've always suspected it was.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: Hypershell on February 02, 2009, 12:12:54 AM
Heh, I'm taking chances myself, since I've modded my slimjim in order to play imports (tape n tissue FTW!  8D)
I installed a proper flip-top for that reason.  Gotta have my Namco X Capcom fix. 8)

One way of examining this, is to look at it the same way as what happened over the DS's lifetime, especially those early years.

Hindsight being 20/20, it's easy to see that there's a lot that the Early DS sear have a lot with the first 2 years of the Wii. "Killer apps" were rather spaced out, "Casual" games were dominating the shelves, and the 3rd parties had yet to really come out & show what they were made of.
The casual market isn't what's scaring me, the lack of effort is.  Most any established franchise that hit the DS was a decent effort.  Star Fox and Yoshi's Island were probably the weakest, but even they were passable.  Mario Kart Wii, however, is absolutely disgraceful when it's played offline.

I'm mainly referring to Nintendo's own efforts and not their third party support.  I don't care that Wii Music is a casual title, anyone who knows my affinity with the Rabbids knows that minigame collections don't scare me.  What bothers me is that it was, from what I've heard, a lazy development effort.  As was Animal Crossing.

I'm hardly abandoning the console or anything.  Yes, DS started with a big dry spell (I didn't much care because FREAKING YOSHI IN SUPER MARIO 64 kept me occupied), it came back.  Kinda sank back in it with the Wii in '08, if you ask me.  But I'm chomping at the bit for both Wii's Punch-Out!! and DS's Fire Emblem like you wouldn't believe.
Title: Re: Iwata: "Nintendo’s E3 2009 Software Aimed To Topple PS2"
Post by: HyperSonicEXE on February 02, 2009, 05:29:13 AM

This help with the 2-year comparison?

Sure didn't help at GAF. They're not getting that this is as much a quantitative measure as it is qualitative, and lemme tell ya,

Their butts are HURTING from my lightly cautioning Nintendo.