RockmanPM Forums

Other Things => Gaming => Topic started by: VixyNyan on January 18, 2009, 10:28:42 PM

Title: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: VixyNyan on January 18, 2009, 10:28:42 PM
My very first games ever played and owned is:

Mine Storm for the Vectrex <3 (

And Bubble Bobble for the Commodore 64 ^^ (

This takes me WAY back into the early 80's before the NES came out in Europe.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Solar on January 18, 2009, 10:30:45 PM
It was so long ago, I don't remember which one was first. It was either Super Mario Bros, Street Fighter 2, or Pong/an Atari game I don't remember.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Sakura Leic on January 18, 2009, 10:31:51 PM
I think it was either Pokemon Red or Super Mario RPG.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Flame on January 18, 2009, 10:33:08 PM
Either A bugs life, (GBC) or Grand Tour Racing '98 (PS1) I dont remember. though I think it was GTR98 that came first.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: CephiYumi on January 18, 2009, 10:33:27 PM
hmmm, I think I played games on Tandy before consoles o.o

then mario I guess, but to be more interesting my grandparents had this mini arcade version of donkey kong that I remember always playing when I visited them, I thought it was amazing x3  They also had a pachinko machine in the basement nya.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 18, 2009, 10:37:39 PM
Peek A Boo, probably!  XD

In terms of Video Games, I'm not entirely sure, but it'd be something on Atari.  My guesses would be among Defender, Joust, Moon Patrol.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: HokutoNoBen on January 18, 2009, 10:51:35 PM

Crystal Castles for the Atari 2600. My sister and I logged several hours into many of the Atari 2600's goodness...including the likes of the ports of Dig Dug, Ms. Pac Man, and other titles like "Air-Sea Battle" and even ET!  8D
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Jericho on January 18, 2009, 10:57:49 PM
Jeebus, the oldbies are making me feel bad. XD

My first game was Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt for ye good ole NES. So much fun in one little package. 8)
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 18, 2009, 11:03:21 PM
I remember all the gems I played on the C64 as well...

...which is why Nintendo HAS TO RELEASE C64 ON US VIRTUAL CONSOLES....
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: PowerArmor on January 18, 2009, 11:05:22 PM
I think it was something on the Sega Dreamcast.

Might've been Altered Beast or something.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Shiki Tohno on January 18, 2009, 11:27:33 PM
First game? In a home console, I can't remember clearly, but it was either Super Mario Bros. on the NES or some version of Pac-Man on Atari 2600. In the arcade, I think it was some kind of racing game. Either that, or one of those generic Whack-a-mole games. :P
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Ephidiel on January 18, 2009, 11:28:33 PM
back when Sonic the Hedgehog was first released
this was the first videogame i ever played, my mother got a MegaDrive from her workplace with this game.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: HyperSonicEXE on January 18, 2009, 11:39:20 PM
Either SMB1 or Tetris.

Can't remember; I was way too young to remember, now.

And Bubble Bobble for the Commodore 64 ^^ (

Man, I thought that was purely an NES game.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Karai on January 18, 2009, 11:52:11 PM
If I remember correctly, this:
but with different characters. I still remember my hi-score: 749.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Da Dood on January 19, 2009, 12:27:05 AM
The first game I owned and remember playing was Super Mario Bros., but the reason I bought an NES was because I was fascinated with the arcades back in Orlando. It might have been The Simpsons or TMNT.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Klavier Gavin on January 19, 2009, 12:38:03 AM
Either Mario Bros. or Mega Man X. >.>
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: pyromonki12 on January 19, 2009, 01:27:29 AM
Super Mario Bros., I played it once but then stopped because my dad said I would die if I fell into the pit.

Being the stupid kid I was, I took him literally and stopped playing.... I think I cried too... not sure.

I was the dumbest 5 year old ever.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Kieran on January 19, 2009, 01:58:02 AM
The earliest game I have any recollection of was a Kool-Aid Man game for the Intellivision (I had the Sears-licensed knockoff, the Tandyvision 1).  I was like... five, maybe?  Over twenty years ago, at any rate.

I must also confess... we...

...We actually owned E.T. on the Atari 2600..  Dear god.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: RMX on January 19, 2009, 02:04:56 AM
hmm...Arkanoid for the ZX Spectrum, back when i was five, then Mario Bros. on the NES
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Sub Tank on January 19, 2009, 02:19:31 AM

I'm still stuck playing it.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Flame on January 19, 2009, 02:25:18 AM
Its such an annoying game too. and damn expensive.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Satoryu on January 19, 2009, 03:36:24 AM
i'm pretty sure it was Super Mario World. unless i played Megazone before then. if so, SMW was still the first game i ever saw.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Pringer X on January 19, 2009, 04:22:15 AM
Super Mario Bros. was the first game I actually played, but my first memory of a game was Mega Man X.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Protoman Blues on January 19, 2009, 04:24:47 AM

I'm still stuck playing it.

But you can be a winner at the game of Life.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Pringer X on January 19, 2009, 04:29:37 AM
But you can be a winner at the game of Life.

"Disappointment in the game of Life"
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Quickman on January 19, 2009, 05:21:25 AM
I think the first game I ever played was "Mr. Pixel's Cartoon Kit" for the Commodore 64.  But I'm not sure.  Somewhere I remember playing Pole Position for the 2600, but that may have been at a friend's house, as we didn't have an Atari.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Sky Child on January 19, 2009, 05:25:13 AM
Pipe Dreams... or something like that. It was one of those ancient PC games you played in elementary school.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Rockmon on January 19, 2009, 07:23:54 AM
can't remember the first game I played but the first games I owned were super mario land, tetris, and castlevania the adventure and an old school grey gameboy.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Dr. Wily II on January 19, 2009, 08:29:56 AM
It was Rockman World 2 if I remembered right...
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Rockman Milo on January 19, 2009, 08:51:00 AM
My first game was Super Mario Bros. 3, I got it 15 years ago. Ahh.. sweet nostalgia...  ;O;
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Trask on January 19, 2009, 09:11:47 AM
The first game I even remotely remember playing often was Pac-Man for the Atari 2600.  I think I was only two or three years old at the time, so I couldn't play to save my life. :|   
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Hypershell on January 19, 2009, 05:27:20 PM
Well, the NES was my introduction to gaming at home (no telling what my first arcade title was, although Spy Hunter and Pac Man hold the strongest memories).  We had ye olde SMB/Duck Hunt combo cartridge.

Heh, funny......I used to think the "quest" changed every time you beat the game.  Took a while before I realized there were only two.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Quickman on January 24, 2009, 10:31:20 AM
Took me a while to search my cluttered memory banks, but I remember what the very first game I ever played was.  It wasn't Mr. Pixel's Cartoon Kit, after all.  It was Congo Bongo!  That game was awesome.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: vile mk4 on January 24, 2009, 02:26:47 PM
I remember playing excite bike non stop in a cousin's house.

After that i keep asking my dad for a Nes EVERY [tornado fang]ing SECOND...and he bought me a frikin Super Nes with Super Mario kart and Street Fighter 2. What a rip off uh ?  im a streetfightercoholic thanks to him.

My dad couldĀ“t touch a joystick for his life, but he has such a good taste , holly [parasitic bomb].
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Cherrykorock on January 27, 2009, 10:21:38 AM
It was Megaman 4 for the NES, I was three and my dad bought an NES and three games, Pinball, Super Mario Bros. 3 and Megaman 4.
He put in Megaman 4 and I played it for hours. Didn't beat my first boss till like a month later, something like that. I think it was Ring Man. I know the first level I ever played was Diveman's level.  :V
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: OKeijiDragon on February 02, 2009, 08:33:44 AM
My first games ever were Super Mario Bros. 1, Super Mario Bros. 3, Duck Hunt, and Sonic 2.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on February 02, 2009, 09:03:44 AM
i'm certain the first game I played is the Duck Hunt/Mario1 cartridge for the NES.  Or that's the earliest I can remember aside from my brother telling me we had an Atari at some point in our lives...
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Sniper X on February 02, 2009, 06:43:25 PM
Megaman Battle Network 6 Both Version~ I'm in love with Gregar at that time. 8D
And Samurai Warriors.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Legendary on February 02, 2009, 11:54:37 PM
An Aladdin game for the Game Boy Pocket.

Good times, good times.
Title: Re: What's the first game you EVER played?
Post by: Police Girl on February 03, 2009, 12:33:56 AM
Donkey Kong Country, It was my dads (Along with the SNES, it was a bundle.) But now its mine. :)