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Other Things => Off The Wall => Entertainment => Topic started by: vile mk4 on December 27, 2008, 03:48:40 PM

Title: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: vile mk4 on December 27, 2008, 03:48:40 PM
5. Magneto. Watch X-men and X-men 2. Nuff said.

4. Mr . Freeze. Watch Batman: the animated series for more information.

3. Lex Luthor. I hate Superman, i really do, he's such a bland predictable and unteresting character. Superman : The red son is the only work with the men of steel that i enjoyed. But you know what ?, Lex luthor is amazing. He's practicaly fighting a God only armed with his intellect and his money (Ironman, Batman anyone ?). I used to love to quote a random page i saw time ago, where Lex explained hated Superman because he represented the end of humanity, while he instead wanted to keep improving and evolving. Superman is perfection and such thing doesnt exists, Lex represents humanity's potential, Hail Lex.

2. Apocalypse. How the hell a mutant as awessome and omnipotent as him gets his ass kicked over and over i don´t know. But i used to [parasitic bomb] bricks every time he said one of his lunatic megalomaniac lines in the 90's x-men animated series, and watching him in a cover is the reason i began buying comics. He also has an special place in my heart thanks to his appereance in X-men vs. Street Fighter.

1. The Joker. Choose bettwen Mark Hammil or Heath Ledger. The Joker men. I don´t need to explain myself.
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Alice in Entropy on December 27, 2008, 04:19:08 PM
Ah, I was hoping we'd have a thread like this.

5. The Penguin:
Penguin's just a funny guy, and in my opinion, cleverly designed. Who doesn't like his penguin-like appearance, his trick umbrellas, his numerous avian-themed traps and, of course, his infamous laugh? I'm also a sucker for top hats and penguins in general, so that's a plus.

4. Black Mask:
This guy is, arguably, Batman's most potent and deadly foe, next to Bane and the Joker. A ruthless and powerful criminal mastermind, he rules Gotham's seedy underbelly with an iron fist in most of his appearances...and in a city where crime is so prevailent, that's got to be a hefty asset. Really, though, one of the reasons I like him so much is his iconic face, disfigured to resemble a black skull. He's one intimidating bastard, alright.

3. Scarecrow:
Batman uses fear as his greatest power, right? So it only stands to reason that he should have a foe who also uses the power of fear. And while ol' Batsy does it just to intimidate criminals and thugs, Scarecrow delivers it wholesale. Okay, he's not a physically imposing character, but when he can cripple his enemies and leave them like gibbering wrecks, who needs muscles? This guy proves that the ability to shatter the mind can easily triumoh over physical pain.

2. The Riddler:
Riddler, in my opinion, is an interesting character. While most bad guys would try not to leave any clues that could help solve their crime, Riddler is psychologically inclined to do so anyway. Like I said about Scarecrow, Riddler doesn't need to be physically strong if he can defeat his foes in a battle of wits. Plus his real name (Edward Nygma) is awesome.

1. The Joker:
C'mon, he has to be here, right? Joker's great beause he's the antithesis of Batman: Batman represents tragedy, he represents comedy; order and disorder; right and wrong. Batman is stone cold serious and dark, yet still a hero; Joker is wickedly comedic, yet irrevocably evil. Heath Ledger's outstanding portrayal of the Clown Prince of Crime only adds to his greatness as a character, so he wins my award for number one supervillain.

Alright, I know they're all Batman villains. Can I help it if I think they're awesome? 8D
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Sub Tank on December 27, 2008, 05:21:00 PM
5.  Mojo Jojo

4.  Chairface

3.  The Mad Libber

2.  The Monarch

1.  Candleja
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Gaia on December 27, 2008, 05:30:01 PM
5.  Mojo Jojo

4.  Chairface

3.  The Mad Libber

2.  The Monarch

1.  Candle Jack

DON'T SAY HIS NAME! ... Anyway.

5. Lex Luthor: He actually is the only villan to explain why he hated the bland hero so much.

4. That one guy who's a villan to Aquaman (forgot his name, but using weapons>Sucky powers)

3. The Joker: Such Infamy and insantiy.

2. Darth Vader (lolwut, this is the Star Wars comic): Best villan role so far.

1. Dr Eggman (Sonic the Hedghehog Comic): You just never know where this guy's gonna show up, after his defeat.
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Blackhook on December 27, 2008, 09:03:52 PM
5. Vile (Vava)
4. Psycho Mantis (Do you know a Villain who breaks the forth wall and uses it as a weapon? I don´t think so)
3. The Penguin
2. Dr./Mr. Freeze
1. The freaking Joker! (Who can use cards as weapons...Gambit, Spider, Magicman go away, NOW! Ok, he´s just awesome)
....Have you oticed that Batman has some of the coolest vilains ever?
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Yami Blade on December 27, 2008, 09:10:18 PM

Nai and Mea from Mahou Sentai Magiranger



Rio From Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Rockmon on December 31, 2008, 05:44:56 AM
In no particular order,
Heath Ledger Joker
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Yami Blade on January 01, 2009, 04:02:55 AM

You mean Candlejack?  Oh [parasitic bomb]. I s
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Flok on January 01, 2009, 04:10:39 PM
On the top of my head, this not so accurate list showed up:

5: Blackbeard/Seriously, One Piece has many, many awesome and potential villains, but I picked Blackbeard at this moment because he looks like he will mess up a good portion of Grand Line the most in the storyline soon. I could easily switch him with someone else, but for now, he deserves it.

4: Albert Wesker/Okay, so this sneaky bastard who manipulates and steals everything has an iconic presence because of his sun glasses. And most of the time, his voice is spot on as well.

3: Two-Face/His luck attitude, dualism and fallen hero theme is just great.

2: Dr.Weil/Man of the century for having committed the worst crime(s) in Mega Man's universe yet. Intimidating, awesome, VERY twisted mind, floaty and like 1000 other words come to mind when talking about this doc.

1: Johan Liebert/An enigmatic villain. His manipulation level is just scary, definitely over 9000. Appears as handsome, charming and friendly, and yet his true nature is to cause as much damage possible, to people and to the world.

Again, this list is in no way accurate.
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Strider Xhaiden on January 05, 2009, 10:09:02 AM

5. Cobra Commander
4. Lawrence Limburger/Chairface Chippendale (Tie)
3. Dr. Robotnik
2. Megatron
1. Onslaught (Marvel Comics)
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Crimson Lightning on January 10, 2009, 08:25:59 PM
i gotta say
5. Darkseid
4. Magneto
3. Cyborg Superman
2.Prometheus this guy is good he was able to get in to the Justice League HQ by just hacking and knowing
everyone's weakness
1. The Joker this is insane kills people with laughing gas does some [tornado fang]ed up stuff
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Slash Man on January 14, 2009, 03:36:30 AM
5. Cutman
4. Quickman
3. Topman
2. Shadowman
1. Jack Nicholson as the Joker
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Crimson Lightning on January 14, 2009, 06:31:56 PM
1. Jack Nicholson as the Joker

gotta love that pic of Joker
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Shinichameleon / Nayim on February 02, 2009, 02:30:09 PM
gotta love that pic of Joker

Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Slash Man on February 02, 2009, 10:34:35 PM
Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: vile mk4 on February 04, 2009, 04:45:26 PM
Has bailado con el diablo por las noches ?
Title: Re: Your topfive supervillains
Post by: Crimson Lightning on February 05, 2009, 02:02:50 PM
ay veces que yo baile ;)