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Other Things => Gaming => Topic started by: Ringman on May 06, 2013, 08:48:10 PM

Title: The Pseudo Science of Sonic the Hedgehog as documented by Ringman
Post by: Ringman on May 06, 2013, 08:48:10 PM
Ok, this is the product of my fatigue raddled brain one morning.  It's currently WIP.  It's been fun as hell to write though I don't know if I'll ever finish it.  Its probably got errors and redundancies but, it should provide an interesting read for anyone interested in Sonic the Hedgehog mythos.

The pseudo science of Sonic the Hedgehog as told by Ringman:


I just recently read the first issue of the Megaman/Sonic Archie comics crossover.  The issue itself expectedly horrible, and I caught myself complaining about total lack of scientific plausibility, when I realized I was complaining about a crossover of two video game characters that have always put science at a back seat.  Megaman, while no more scientifically plausible then Sonic the Hedgehog has always been good about providing semi-convincing techno-babble when the need arises.  Sonic, on the other hand, never cared.  This got me to thinking, how would one try to deconstruct the Sonic Universe in a scientific way?  So in my thought experiment I came up with this document. 


The goal is to create a set of consistent pseudo-science rules that tries to explain nearly all aspects of the sonic games,including the Sonic's speed, the chaos emeralds, zones, extra lives, etc. 
This document focuses only on the "playing experience" of the classic Sonic games for the Sega Genesis/32X and Sega CD and ignores the recent Sonic Adventure games, the master/system games ( sadly because of a few stupid elements in them that I just couldn't fit into my universe) and any of the current comics or cartoons. While it does borrow a few elements from other sources, it holds no adherence to any "official canon".  I will try to avoid contradicting source material as long as it fits within the context of this document.

What do you mean by pseudo-science?

Pseudo-science literally means fake science, meaning you are presenting ideas that sound like science to the unscientific.  This, in of itself, makes it no different from fantasy.  However, I am trying to draw from scientific theories, as well as some of the hypthetical ideas in science today, and above all provide a consistent explanation for everything.  There is the potential to push this document into hard science - fiction, by keeping as many pieces in the realm of actual science as possible and only breaking the few rules required to make everything work.  I, however, am not an expert in physics and would have to pass the torch to more capable hands to make that possible.

The planet mobius:

The planet mobius is roughly 2.5 times the size of earth, and orbits a sun much like our own.  Also, like our own solar system, it is the only inhabited planet.  Its inhabited by a race of sentient humanoids, as well as non-human animals all nearly identical to the ones on earth.  However, it also is inhabited by several races of sentient non-human animals, which have existed nearly as long as the humanoids, but are believed to have evolved from the non human animals millions of years ago as the result of the planet's unstable radiation.  For the purpose of simplicity, these animals will be referred to as sophonts for the remainder of this document, while humans will still be called human.

The core of planet mobius is highly radioactive.  The radiation is only dangerous to life when exposed to large amounts.  However, radiation levels at the surface are relatively harmless, and the inhabitants have evolved a fair resistance to it over their evoloutionary life-span.  It is speculated that the core of the planet is actually made up of highly unstable beryl-like gemstones known colloquially as "Chaos Emeralds".

Chaos Emeralds:

Chaos Emeralds are highly radioactive precious minerals that emit high levels of "dark energy" radiation.  They have extremely long half lives, which are estimated to be in the order of millions of years, and can have strange, sometimes adverse affects.  This radiation if properly resourced can be used as an extremely high efficient source of energy, though very few individuals have been successful at this.  Reported applications are manipulation of gravity, ftl travel (utilizing distorted 4d space), and even time travel ( only anecdotal evidence provided ).

At each half life a chaos emerald will explode, emitting massive volumes of dark energy and matter which can create somewhat un-predictable distortions in 4th dimensional space.  It is widely agreed that this explosion is the cause of the observed "Zones" on planet Mobius.  Chaos emeralds have been known to under go 3 half-lives, until it finally reaches a completely stable stage emitting no raadiation.  It is speculated that Chaos Emeralds may actually go through more stages then this, but this has yet to be verified.

The existance of the earliest stage known as "stage 0" has only been discovered recently. The only known chaos emerald to exist at this stage is the "Master Emerald" which is last reported being held in an Echidnean containment unit under the surface of the Floating Island. 

The exact occurences at each stage of decay have not been verified, but given evidence supports the below theories.

Stage 0 (Master Emerald):
Emerald is completely stable, and emits little to no radiation, and appears to cause no 4th dimensional distortions.   

Stage 1 (Super Emerald):
Emerald explodes into 7 pieces of smaller size each piece being is pushed 4th dimensionally creating a distortion known as the "Special Zone", all observed Zones are actually the results of 4d radiation being emitted by the parallel Special Zone.

Stage 2 (Chaos Emerald):
Each piece explodes into 2 pieces of smaller size.  These pieces are also pushed 4th dimensionally creating new "Special Zones".

Stage 3 (Stabilization):
At this stage the chaos emerald doesn't split or explode.  It simply ceases to emit any detectable signs of radiation or 4d distiortion.

Once a Emerald is split, it is considered permanent.  Super emeralds have been successfully recombined using advanced echidnean technology, but whether those Emeralds were restored to the a condition identical to the one they were in before the first decay is unknown, as know naturally formed Super Emeralds are known to exist.

Echidnean technology has also been proven successful at extracting energy into usable power from a Stage 0 Emerald.  This would have been thought to be impossible considering the low level of radation emitted by the Emerald at this stage.  How this has been done while not expediating its decay, is unknown.  The sophont "Knuckles the Echidna" the only living direct descendant of the extinct Echidna race, has utilized this technology but has been either unable or unwilling to reveal its processes.

When pieces of emeralds are placed in close proximity to one another with the combined by product of Golden Rings (See Golden Rings for more info) it has been shown to release massive amounts of dark energy radiation.  This requires large amounts of energy to work and thus requires at least 7 Stage 3 emeralds and an order of 50 or more rings.

It has been shown possible through Echidnean technology to utilize this energy in an organism. Affected subjects appear to glow very brightly and are capable of moving at extremely high speeds.

It is speculated that the subjects are being displaced 4th dimensionally, which leaves behind the observed glow.  By bending space-time utilizing the dark energy radiation the subject is able to perform astonishing speeds.  This jumping in space time appears to the viewer like ghostly trails emitting from the subject.  Since they are displaced in the 4th dimension they are practically invulnerable in this state.  The only thing interacting directly with the 3 dimensional planes is the glowing field produced by the emitting radiation.  This field extends 4th dimensionally to the user, which means that they are still affected by physical obsticals in the 3rd dimension.

It is rumored that the sophont "SOnic the Hedgehog", and the cryptids known as "The Flickies" are able to perform this feat without the use of technology.

The radation purportedly stimulates the limbic system of the brain as well, causing the subject to report extreme emotions of anger and hysteria. 

In an interview about the phenomena, Sonic the Hedgehog has been quoted to state "I can't remember exactly what happened while I was juiced, but it was wicked!"

Other sophonts who have reportedly experienced this phenomena are the fox sophont "Tails 'Miles' Prower", and "Knuckles the Echidna." To this date no known human has ever reproduced these results successfully.  Willing participants of experiments, have either died instantly, or later after developing malignant tumors as a result of exposure.  It is rumored that the criminal, Doctor Ivo Robotnik, has been developing a method to give humans access to this power.

Zones are areas of localized, and concentrated radiation given off from the decay of a chaos emerald, as a result of it reaching its last half-life before stabilization.

When a chaos emerald decays to this point it releases a large amount of radiation, which explodes over an area of land creating the identifying properties of a zone.  A Zone's level of radiation decreases from a central point outwards in a circle.  The level of radiation is measured in "Stages."  Typically a zone has 2 stages, however zones with 3 stages have been observed, and it is speculated that larger numbers are possible.   Zones decay over time, eventually to the point where the radiation and effects disappear completely.  This process is believed to take hundreds of years, and it is theorized that 2-stage zones were once 3-stage zones, 3-stage zones were once 4-stage zones, etc. 

Zones have several well observed identifying marks, high levels of radiation, golden rings, and decay nodules.

It has been well verified that zones are actually the result of 4D movement of radation from a parallel "Special ZOne".

Zones have occurred in many different climates and regions of mobius, from deserts, to cities, even underwater.  There have even been accounts of Zones that move in 3 dimensional space.  One account in particular, of a mobile zone in the sky, prompted the construction of the "Wing Fortress" by the criminal Doctor Ivo Robotnik.

Special Zones:

Special zones are a 4D distortion created by the explosion of dark energy from a decaying chaos emerald.  It is also the only known way to retrieve an unstable Stage 2 Chaos Emerald.  It is believed the 3 dimensional field from "Golden Rings" extends from this area, as well as the build-up and bursts from decay nodules.

Since a special zone resides in 4th dimensional space, multiple zones can act as a gateway to the same special zone, no matter how separated they are in 3rd dimensional space.

It is believed that Special Zones similar to normal zones, but much higher in concentration of radation, golden rings and decay nodules.  Unfortunately, know footage has ever been captured of the interior of a "special Zone."  There have been a few witness reports from the sophonts SOnic the HedgeHog, Miles Prower, and Knuckles Echidna, but all accounts vary wildly.  It is believed that the high levels of radation affect the temporal lobe causing incredibly detailed hallucinations.  There have been accounts of, large colorful floating mazes with flashing images of animals, tiny checkered planets populated with multiple color spheres, and even giant slot machines.  Hopefully some day future technology will allow us to finally witness the interiors of these mysterious special zones.

Entering a Special Zone:

Tails "Miles" Prower was the first sentient organism to invent a method with which to enter a Special Zone. As an advanced modification to his previously patented "White Gloves" designed for handling "Golden Rings"  (See White Gloves, and Golden Rings for more info) by merging 50 Golden Rings, and bringing them into close proximity of a Special ZOne entry point, a larger more concentrated instance of a golden ring be attracted to the 3 dimensional planes.  Upon direct collision with the 3rd dimension, the largeer golden ring will begin emitting space distorting dark energy, greatly effecting the surrounding field of gravity.  This effectively openS up a 4th dimensional wormhole directly to the special zone.  Tails has refused to release the full details of his mechanism at this time.

For this to work the chaos emerald must be at a healthy level of decay.  The only known method to opening a path to a special zone on a long decayed Stage 2 Chaos Emerald is through the use of the above mechanism in combination with Doctor Ivo Robotnik's mark 2 "Star Post."  (See Star Post for more info).

Dangers of Zone radiation:

The radiation within zones is typically not harmful.  Most humans, animals, and sophonts can live in zones for extended durations and experience no ill effects.  Some beings are affected by this radiation more than others.  These affects have been shown to be harmful to some, as well as temporarly beneficial to others.

While the full dangers of zone radiation are wildly unverified, it has been reported by Miles Prower that it can have a highly lethal effect on certain organisms, specifically one of similar genetic make-up to the sophont Sonic the Hedgehog.  Sonic has frequently reported strange symptoms brought about from prolonged exposure to zone radiation, including the ability to move at faster speeds then normal.  While Sonic has always demonstrated remarkable ability to run at high velocities, of up to 80-90 mph, he has been reported to be able to run at increased velocities of 150mph or higher. While this is arguably a beneficial side-effect of zone radiation, Sonic has also reported feelings of extreme pleasure when within a zone, as well as higher than normal brain functioning.  Upon exiting a zone he has reported flu-like symptoms including nausea, disorientation, and head-aches.  These effects are fortunately not permanent. As Sonic can leave the zone, and will regain complete health, after at least 1 hour of normal exposure.

Miles ran many tests on Sonic's physical and mental condition after his first encounter with a zone, and has speculated that prolonged exposure to a single stage of zone radiation for more than 9 minutes could induce a cardiac arrest.  Sonic has reportedly, never spent more than 9 minutes in a single stage of zone radiation and will never return to the same zone or stage without spending time in under normal exposure.

Despite this fact many animals actually inhabit zones for their entire lives.  It is rumored that the "Flicky" a cryptid bird species of Sophont, never verified to exists, actually live large portions of their lives in "Special Zones," and suffer no harmful effects.  (See Flicky for more info.)

Discovery of the Zones:

Long before chaos emeralds were discovered to actually exists, the human criminal Doctor Ivo Robotnik had been testing experiments designed to locate the source of a zones radation, and phenomena.  Robotnik claims he is highly susceptible to direct exposure to zone radation, and would thus conduct his work using robotics from the relative safety of the zone's outer stage.  As a futher precaution he would often utilize his specially designed "Egg pod" to help protect him from the harmful radiation. 

Golden Rings:

Golden rings are 4 dimensional objects, created by the explosion of a decaying chaos emerald, in its second to last half-life.  What one sees when they observe a golden ring, is actually a "spot light" emitted from the actual object in 3 dimensions. The object reverberates in 4th dimensional space which gives the "illusion" of a continuously spinning golden ring in 3 dimensions.  Also being emitted from the object is a highly unstable radioactive, and magnetic field.  Immediately, upon formation a golden ring will slowly gravitate towards a solid object, or other rings due to the attractive nature of its magnetic field.  Once a ring comes within a certain proximity to a solid object or another ring, its continuous particle radiation will actually repel it slightly away from the object, until it finally halts movement altogether.   It is widely accepted that during this stage the 4th dimensional object emitting the ring is actually being tilting on 4th dimensional axis, until it reaches an equilibrium.  A ring will only gravitate towards objects for a short period of time, after which they will stabilize, and remain in a fixed point until acted by an outside force.  Much like a spot-light on a wall, it allows the ring to appear as if its floating in mid-air.  While many rings will be found hovering over the ground, many can be found at high altitudes as well.

Despite the 4th dimensional properties of rings, it is possible to manipulate one in 3 diminesions. While the rings themselves can be moved around in 3 dimensions, it is hypothesized that their 4th dimensional movement is either static or constant. While the latter hypothesis is popular it is widely disputed.

Ring formations come in a variety of arrays and patterns, much like the crystalline patterns of a snow flake, and it is common to find them spinning in unision.  It is theorized that rings start out spinning at wildy different intervals, but will synchronize over time with rings of close proximity.

When outside of the radiation stage of a zone rings will decay over time.  This process is roughly 15 minutes or less.

Rings are extremely hot, and can result in lethal burns when touched.To safely handle a golden ring, one must wear specially designed gloves.  These gloves, typically white in color, are made from tightly woven, thick kevlar, and are able to withstand the heat from rings for several hours at a time.  Unless built with a special water proof lining, these gloves can become problematic when wet, as the water will transmit heat to the wearer.

The 3 dimensional portion of Rings is not a solid object thier manipulation is simply the result of an external force interacting with the repulsive force of their partical radiation.  Because of this, several rings can occupy the same space at the same time, allowing a handler to hold many rings at a time.  This process will be referred to as "merged".  Merging rings greatly reduces their overall decay time, and they will expel much more radiation, and will decay their zone-extricated time of 15 minutes or less.  Continous force must be applied to keep rings in a merged state.  Due to the repulsive particle radiation, once the force has disappeared, merged rings will explode outwards in a shower, at which point they observed to behave under normal gravitational conditions. This causes them to expel large volumes of radiation and reduces their decay time to as little as a few seconds. Once a ring is close to its final seconds decay it has been observed to appear/reappar in rapid succession, ultimately vanishing completely. It is speculated that the ring is moving in and out of the 3 dimensional planes at this time. 

Though no indisputable explanation has been put forth as to why, it has been observed that a person may re-merge these rapidly decaying rings causing them to halt their expediated decay, and resume the normal pattern of 15 minutes.  Some theorists have suggested that this causes the rings to revert to a previous quantum state, though there is currently no method of observing this.

The repulsive particle radiation of rings has remarkable applications.  Any object upon entering the rings repulsive field will see a vast reduction in kinetic energy, thus softening its overall impact.  It has been demonstrated that a person holding a ring, can withstand impacts from vehicles, bullets, and explosions whilst suffering little damage.  This allows a holder to withstand many incidents that would typically cause death.  It has also been shown that this partical field will actually radiate from the holder for a few seconds, even after the rings have been released.  Theoretically, if a person were fast enough, they could potentially retrieve any dropped rings after an impact, and maintain their protective field contiguously.  Unfortunately, no test subjects have proven themselves fast enough to verify this.  However, this technique is reported to be utilized by the sophont identified as "Sonic the Hedgehog".

Sonic the Hedgehog is a hedgehog sophont which has been observed to be highly susceptible to the radiation and by products produced by decaying Chaos emeralds.  Much of the data collected has come from direct observation of this subject. 

The White Gloves:
These specially padded gloves were designed to protect the wearer from the extreme heat when handling golden rings.  The first patented gloves were built by Miles "Tails" Prower, a fox sophont, and a prodigious inventor. 

Title: Re: The Pseudo Science of Sonic the Hedgehog as documented by Ringman
Post by: Phi on May 06, 2013, 09:09:12 PM
You, sir, are a genius. I'm a sucker for pseudo science. Great stuff here!

The core of planet mobius is highly radioactive.  The radiation is only dangerous to life when exposed to large amounts.  However, radiation levels at the surface are relatively harmless, and the inhabitants have evolved a fair resistance to it over their evoloutionary life-span.  It is speculated that the core of the planet is actually made up of highly unstable beryl-like gemstones known colloquially as "Chaos Emeralds".

Golden Rings:

Golden rings are 4 dimensional objects, created by the explosion of a decaying chaos emerald, in its second to last half-life.  What one sees when they observe a golden ring, is actually a "spot light" emitted from the actual object in 3 dimensions. The object reverberates in 4th dimensional space which gives the "illusion" of a continuously spinning golden ring in 3 dimensions.  Also being emitted from the object is a highly unstable radioactive, and magnetic field.  Immediately, upon formation a golden ring will slowly gravitate towards a solid object, or other rings due to the attractive nature of its magnetic field.  Once a ring comes within a certain proximity to a solid object or another ring, its continuous particle radiation will actually repel it slightly away from the object, until it finally halts movement altogether.   It is widely accepted that during this stage the 4th dimensional object emitting the ring is actually being tilting on 4th dimensional axis, until it reaches an equilibrium.  A ring will only gravitate towards objects for a short period of time, after which they will stabilize, and remain in a fixed point until acted by an outside force.  Much like a spot-light on a wall, it allows the ring to appear as if its floating in mid-air.  While many rings will be found hovering over the ground, many can be found at high altitudes as well.

The 3 dimensional portion of Rings is not a solid object thier manipulation is simply the result of an external force interacting with the repulsive force of their partical radiation.  Because of this, several rings can occupy the same space at the same time, allowing a handler to hold many rings at a time.  This process will be referred to as "merged".  Merging rings greatly reduces their overall decay time, and they will expel much more radiation, and will decay their zone-extricated time of 15 minutes or less.  Continous force must be applied to keep rings in a merged state.  Due to the repulsive particle radiation, once the force has disappeared, merged rings will explode outwards in a shower, at which point they observed to behave under normal gravitational conditions. This causes them to expel large volumes of radiation and reduces their decay time to as little as a few seconds. Once a ring is close to its final seconds decay it has been observed to appear/reappar in rapid succession, ultimately vanishing completely. It is speculated that the ring is moving in and out of the 3 dimensional planes at this time.  

Though no indisputable explanation has been put forth as to why, it has been observed that a person may re-merge these rapidly decaying rings causing them to halt their expediated decay, and resume the normal pattern of 15 minutes.  Some theorists have suggested that this causes the rings to revert to a previous quantum state, though there is currently no method of observing this.

The repulsive particle radiation of rings has remarkable applications.  Any object upon entering the rings repulsive field will see a vast reduction in kinetic energy, thus softening its overall impact.  It has been demonstrated that a person holding a ring, can withstand impacts from vehicles, bullets, and explosions whilst suffering little damage.  This allows a holder to withstand many incidents that would typically cause death.  It has also been shown that this partical field will actually radiate from the holder for a few seconds, even after the rings have been released.  Theoretically, if a person were fast enough, they could potentially retrieve any dropped rings after an impact, and maintain their protective field contiguously.  Unfortunately, no test subjects have proven themselves fast enough to verify this.  However, this technique is reported to be utilized by the sophont identified as "Sonic the Hedgehog".

Sonic the Hedgehog is a hedgehog sophont which has been observed to be highly susceptible to the radiation and by products produced by decaying Chaos emeralds.  Much of the data collected has come from direct observation of this subject.  

^ I especially love that section.

You should go into other franchises, mold your theories from their perspective and create something awesome like this.
Title: Re: The Pseudo Science of Sonic the Hedgehog as documented by Ringman
Post by: Pyro on May 06, 2013, 09:47:52 PM
Can this apply to the comic in any way? It and the video games are completely separate continuities as your explanation could work for the games but not so much the comic as the Master Emerald came into existence in Sonic the Hedgehog #56 after Mammoth Mogul, having absorbed the power of Enerjak (who absorbed the power of eleven emeralds), absorbed the Floating/Angel Island's remaining emerald and its backup. Conversely, the Super Emeralds were originally Chao transformed into emerald as explain in the Adventure arc somewhere in the #80s and disappeared into another zone.

Man, the comic makes less and less sense the more I give it thought.
Title: Re: The Pseudo Science of Sonic the Hedgehog as documented by Ringman
Post by: Phi on May 06, 2013, 10:22:36 PM
I don't believe you mentioned why Sonic's shoes fail to burn up or become hot from running at high speeds.
Title: Re: The Pseudo Science of Sonic the Hedgehog as documented by Ringman
Post by: VixyNyan on May 07, 2013, 01:43:37 AM
I don't believe you mentioned why Sonic's shoes fail to burn up or become hot from running at high speeds.

That takes me back to this! XD (
Title: Re: The Pseudo Science of Sonic the Hedgehog as documented by Ringman
Post by: Quickman on May 07, 2013, 06:27:00 AM
Oh man, that was great.  Can't wait for the explanation on the shoes and the Floating Island.
Title: Re: The Pseudo Science of Sonic the Hedgehog as documented by Ringman
Post by: Pyro on May 07, 2013, 06:30:27 AM
I am guessing the Chaos Emeralds can mess with the four fundamental forces of the universe, notably gravity in the case of the Floating/Angel Island.
Title: Re: The Pseudo Science of Sonic the Hedgehog as documented by Ringman
Post by: Phi on May 07, 2013, 06:37:02 AM
I have a theory for the floating island, but I don't want to steal his thunder.
Title: Re: The Pseudo Science of Sonic the Hedgehog as documented by Ringman
Post by: Ringman on May 07, 2013, 01:42:59 PM
Wow I'm glad you guys are enjoying this so far!  I really didn't expect it to get that much support.  Its still very much a work in progress so I haven't had time to cover everything I had cooking in my head.  I've got an interview to prepare for tomorrow, so I won't have time to do anymore with this for today.  You're guesses on the floating Island are correct since Chaos emeralds specifically radiate dark energy which is believed to be able to manipulate of gravity and credited for the speed of the expansion of the universe. 

But even better than that, just wait till I get to Item boxes, star posts, and extra lives <- (This one will really flip your lids).