RockmanPM Forums

Other Things => Gaming => Topic started by: Solar on June 24, 2011, 04:23:20 AM

Title: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Solar on June 24, 2011, 04:23:20 AM
As seen at the end of Meet the Medic.

...Now I have no excuse to at least try it do I?
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Police Girl on June 24, 2011, 04:39:09 AM
Yeah, too bad I already [tornado fang]ing paid for it.

Anywho, try it, its a decent hat buying simulator. :D
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: irgpie on June 24, 2011, 04:44:28 AM
Whoo, guess that makes me a premium member. Now to continue leaving it untouched in my library.

But yeah, y'all should try it. I personally got bored of it a bit quick, but that's probably just due to a crap computer.
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Police Girl on June 24, 2011, 04:47:27 AM
I only play Prop Hunt.

The normal game just isn't that fun to me anymore.
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: irgpie on June 24, 2011, 04:49:19 AM
I don't even know what that is. I haven't played it since December, but even then it was just some messing around with friends I was with.

Edit: In fact now that I've got TF2 on the brain, I think I'll uninstall it finally for wasting my bandwith (Valve has a hard-on for unnecessarily large updates in filesize I swear).
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Police Girl on June 24, 2011, 05:03:19 AM
Prop Hunt is like a modified Hide and Seek, a Team of Pyros (And occasional Heavies) seek out a team of Scouts disguised as various props (In order to blend in). The Pyros and Heavies lose health when they attack (Except for Taunt Attacks) in order to prevent bulletspam or flamethrower spam. When there is only one Scout left they are given a Scattergun and have the choice of either fighting off the remaining Pyros or continue hiding.

Its very fun.
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Krystal on June 24, 2011, 05:25:08 AM
Oh ho. And now I have to try it.
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Solar on June 24, 2011, 05:31:03 AM
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Krystal on June 24, 2011, 06:33:00 AM
That sounds like fun. As soon as I like, download it, I suppose.
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Solar on June 24, 2011, 06:35:17 AM
I'd wait until tomorrow or later if I were you though, right now because of all the traffic even a turtle carrying weights or something that slows it down is faster than the download -___-
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: irgpie on June 24, 2011, 06:36:31 AM
Oh, before I forget. Since y'all will be needing a Steam account; We have a group and all that if you're interested not that it really does anything, but uh.. yeah. :v
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Krystal on June 24, 2011, 06:56:38 AM
I thought I joined it already but apparently not. /hmm.
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: STM on June 24, 2011, 04:42:16 PM
I'm surprised RPM doesn't have its own little server. I thought we did many moons ago.

I'm loving it right now. I've had the game for two years, but all the new players are making every single game a crapshoot... as in I'm racking up Spy kills like a son of a [sonic slicer].
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Acid on June 24, 2011, 04:44:25 PM
You know, this might actually make me play TF2. Though if I started, I'd be crushed by the competition. I hardly play any FPS.
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Rin on June 24, 2011, 05:56:35 PM
You know, this might actually make me play TF2. Though if I started, I'd be crushed by the competition. I hardly play any FPS.
Hi there.

Steam servers are crapping out on me.
But I'll try to download this later.
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: ST Jestah on June 26, 2011, 04:09:01 AM
I'm currently downloading the game. Been wanting to play this for a while but didn't know any friends who were interested in playing the game. That and I wasn't sure if my computer could even run it on one of the machines, so I never bothered to go out and buy because I feared I'd have wasted money just to see that it doesn't even work for me.

Can't wait to play with you guys (and I hope I don't lag too much).
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Sky Child on June 26, 2011, 07:16:20 AM
i can't wait to see a bunch of bots selling hats

we could get RPM a server but that would require effort/money and its not worth it at the time, maybe later tho

yall know my steam, and if you don't you can just PM me
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Blackhook on June 26, 2011, 09:27:52 AM
It is actually fun...though I get kicked from the servers at random intervals...I  guess I am lucky that I can play it at all :)
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Solar on June 27, 2011, 07:45:05 AM
I tried it for the first time ever a while ago.

It was a massacre. By bots. On easy.
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Fxeni on June 27, 2011, 12:55:31 PM
The game can take some getting used to. It's fun though. If you see me on give me a shout.
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: MrBaryl on June 27, 2011, 05:00:27 PM
It's a really fun game :D But playing as the Engineer is hard.
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Rayl on June 27, 2011, 06:42:51 PM
That's a varied opinion of course, some find other classes easy and some hard, I personally find playing Engie to be quite easy but that's me.

I tend to play all the classes but mostly can be found playing Heavy or Pyro. (I'll also join the RPM group while i'm at it)
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Align on June 28, 2011, 04:37:06 PM
You know, this might actually make me play TF2. Though if I started, I'd be crushed by the competition. I hardly play any FPS.
Well, the sooner you try it, the more likely you are to be up against other newcomers.
I tried it for the first time ever a while ago.

It was a massacre. By bots. On easy.
To be honest I think the bots are better than the usual pub server players...
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Blackhook on June 28, 2011, 04:41:54 PM
Yeah..the bots are clever SOBs. When I pick sniper I am barely able to hit them!
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: MrBaryl on June 28, 2011, 07:03:09 PM
Playing as Sniper or Spy is a nightmare because Soldiers will always get you. Oh well, at least I'm getting better with Pyro and Heavy!
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Police Girl on June 28, 2011, 09:41:50 PM
To be honest I think the bots are better than the usual pub server players...

Probably to train you to be better than those players.

Which reminds me that I need to do that as well, mainly for Scout since I usually main him or heavy.
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: ST Jestah on July 04, 2011, 08:51:45 PM
So yeah, anyone who has downloaded the game interested in playing for a bit. Right now to be specific.

If so, please post so in the thread and I'll post the name of the server we (Blackhook and I) will be on.

Edit: Session ended, hope to see you guys in the next one, when you have the chance that is.
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Krystal on July 05, 2011, 03:20:22 AM
I spy another: I'm never able to play with others because everyone else plays at 4-5 in the morning. OTL
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Solar on July 05, 2011, 03:27:09 AM
I can play right now if you want and my brother lets me use the PC >.>
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: Krystal on July 05, 2011, 03:51:23 AM
I still need to download it, \o/ But yeah, just a complaint about the near future >___>a
Title: Re: Team Fortress 2 is now F2P forever.
Post by: ST Jestah on July 06, 2011, 12:30:34 AM
Hmmm, yeah I thought something like this might happen.

We should try and make a schedule.
With that said, this post has been on 6:29PM (on my side)

Also, not gonna play today, but I might do so tomorrow.