RockmanPM Forums

Other Things => Off The Wall => Anime & Manga => Topic started by: Flame on July 22, 2010, 05:58:36 PM

Title: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 22, 2010, 05:58:36 PM

Apparently, scanlation sites have been under mounting legal pressure by a US/Japan anti piracy coalition which has been going around stopping scanlation sites.


San Francisco, CA, June 8, 2010 – Today a coalition of Japanese and U.S. publishers announced a coordinated effort to combat a rampant and growing problem of internet piracy plaguing the manga industry. “Scanlation,” as this form of piracy has come to be known, refers to the unauthorized digital scanning and translation of manga material that is subsequently posted to the internet without the consent of copyright holders or their licensees. According to the coalition, the problem has reached a point where “scanlation aggregator” sites now host thousands of pirated titles, earning ad revenue and/or membership dues at creators’ expense while simultaneously undermining foreign licensing opportunities and unlawfully cannibalizing legitimate sales. Worse still, this pirated material is already making its way to smartphones and other wireless devices, like the iPhone and iPad, through apps that exist solely to link to and republish the content of scanlation sites.

Participants in the coalition include the 36 members of Japan’s Digital Comic Association, Square Enix, VIZ Media, TOKYOPOP, Vertical, Inc., the Tuttle-Mori Agency and Yen Press. Working together, the membership of the coalition will actively seek legal remedies to this intellectual property theft against those sites that fail to voluntarily cease their illegal appropriation of this material.

“It is unfortunate that this action has become necessary,” said a spokesperson for the group. “However, to protect the intellectual property rights of our creators and the overall health of our industry, we are left with no other alternative but to take aggressive action. It is our sincere hope that offending sites will take it upon themselves to immediately cease their activities. Where this is not the case, however, we will seek injunctive relief and statutory damages. We will also report offending sites to federal authorities, including the anti-piracy units of the Justice Department, local law enforcement agencies and FBI.”

The coalition stated that it has currently identified thirty sites targeted for action.


IMO, this is bullshit. theres thousands of mangas that arent licensed in the US, and never will be, which is WHY we go to scanlations.
And even if they stomp out manga sites, Ill still be able to torrent manga.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Gaia on July 22, 2010, 07:22:06 PM
So that means we'll have to be stuck with [parasitic bomb]-overraited manga (Twilight) now even though good manga lacks in the US? What the [tornado fang], I don't feel like reading Naruto once a week, and Avatar: The last airbender. what the hell guys.. wait. It's Squeenix. Damn, I knew those guys are not to be trusted. I HATE IMPORTING!  >_<
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Jericho on July 22, 2010, 07:28:37 PM
So that means we'll have to be stuck with [parasitic bomb]-overraited manga now even though good manga lacks in the US? What the [tornado fang], I don't feel like reading Naruto once a week, and Avatar: The last airbender. what the hell guys.. wait. It's Squeenix. Damn, I knew those guys are not to be trusted. I HATE IMPORTING!  >_<

...why the [tornado fang] is Avatar: TLA, a western animated series even mentioned in a post related to [tornado fang]ing manga scanlations being attacked? What does Square-Enix alone have to do with this when the article clearly states that they are one of a 36 corporation strong coalition against manga piracy? Humor me with an answer, because the more I see you post the more I wonder if I'm just getting annoyed with no justification or as I suspect, you don't have a [tornado fang]ing clue what you're saying.

ON TOPIC: FUUUUUUUUCK, I'm following (or semi following) way too many manga for it to be conceivable to buy them all at whole market prices (much as I would adore that). This initiative is scaring the [tornado fang] out of me, but it's to be expected with how the manga scanlation sites have paraded around with the scanlations while making money off the ad spaces they sell & advertise themselves with.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Gaia on July 22, 2010, 07:36:33 PM
...why the [tornado fang] is Avatar: TLA, a western animated series even mentioned in a post related to [tornado fang]ing manga scanlations being attacked? What does Square-Enix alone have to do with this when the article clearly states that they are one of a 36 corporation strong coalition against manga piracy? Humor me with an answer, because the more I see you post the more I wonder if I'm just getting annoyed with no justification or as I suspect, you don't have a [tornado fang]ing clue what you're saying.

I hate explaining things..

1. If this is come to pass, most likely SE and other companies would have to be blamed for it by millions of anime and manga fans that couldn't afford almost all the manga in existence.

2. Avatar: TLA is also had a comic book/manga adaptation. Basically, we might have to resort into buying US merchandise again. And I don't feel like burning $20 just for some adaptation you can get online.

3. Why that when I say something, I feel like I'm better off at other boards SAYING these things? This hardly makes any sense.  -AC
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Jericho on July 22, 2010, 07:55:54 PM
I hate explaining things..

1. If this is come to pass, most likely SE and other companies would have to be blamed for it by millions of anime and manga fans that couldn't afford almost all the manga in existence.

2. Avatar: TLA is also had a comic book/manga adaptation. Basically, we might have to resort into buying US merchandise again. And I don't feel like burning $20 just for some adaptation you can get online.

3. Why that when I say something, I feel like I'm better off at other boards SAYING these things? This hardly makes any sense.  -AC

1. They would only be "blamed" because manga scanlation sites have never done a good job of keeping what they are doing discreet. As much as it's helped bring a lot of people to the manga culture, first hit ads on Google for something of this magnitude are like a giant "kick me" sign placed on their backs.

2. Irrelevant to this discussion. If you wanted manga, you wouldn't be looking at adaptation comics from American properties. You would be looking at/paying for manga.

3. It might be because you don't ever keep your opinion focused throughout an entire post. It might be because of this weird condescending attitude you take whenever you present your arguments. It could also be because this board has a more rigid stance on saying things without merit vs. saying things that are at least thought out. Pick your poison.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Gaia on July 22, 2010, 07:59:35 PM
3. It might be because you don't ever keep your opinion focused throughout an entire post. It might be because of this weird condescending attitude you take whenever you present your arguments. It could also be because this board has a more rigid stance on saying things without merit vs. saying things that are at least thought out. Pick your poison.

That explains alot. I might need better sentence structures afterall. However, I've seen US properties trying to mimic the japanese style and calling it manga. It's happened before. It's also why ads are never a good idea. More ads = easier pickings I say.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Karai on July 22, 2010, 08:42:13 PM
what is this I don't even
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Align on July 22, 2010, 08:42:35 PM
Another attempt to hunt pirates? Laf.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Blackhook on July 22, 2010, 08:50:46 PM
Bring Manga over here and I´ll stop reading scanlations. Greedy bastards
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Bueno Excelente on July 22, 2010, 09:06:16 PM
Considering I pretty much only read stuff that has no chance whatsoever of getting a western release, this is a gigantic kick in the balls. Manga scan sites should be a bit more careful with how they distribute stuff. Like comic scans. They pretty much move from blog to blog, and one dude posts all the links on the /co/ board at 4chan from time to time. Releasing everything in a big site with ad revenue in webcomic format with scans and translations attribuited to this and that guy is a dumb move.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 22, 2010, 09:37:59 PM
Bring Manga over here and I´ll stop reading scanlations. Greedy bastards
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Protoman Blues on July 22, 2010, 09:39:44 PM
For every one thing that goes down or gets taken down, there are 5 more waiting to take it's place.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Sakura Leic on July 22, 2010, 09:53:57 PM
Well if they start translating more manga and bringing it to local bookstores so that way there's more than those vapid and not really intresting shojo mangas then they wouldn't have this problem in the first place.  Furthermore scanlation sites shouldn't even translate the entire thing if it exists in america fully translated already.  They should only give samples of it, like 1 chapter or one volume, so that way we can decide if we want to buy it or not because there are mangas I wish I never bought, ie. Gintama, Scrap Princess, Peace Maker, Dears, and a few others.  

In fact they could use the sites to advertise or even sell the manga.  Scalation sites should also have a price for downloading the manga and some of the proceeds should go to the creators of the manga they download.  But the way that both ends are going is beneficial to no one.  

There's a demand for manga but the companies aren't providing the supply so therefore people are forced use scanlation sites which not only provide the supply they reqiure no profit which means the companies lose money dispite the fact that they don't have a supply to give to lose money in the first place.  So because some of the companies are losing money they are boycotting theses sites and forcing them to shut down, but chances are this is going to happen again because they'll probably still provide no suppy and call for the demand of non profit scanlation sites to provide the non existant supply and the consumer would much rather read it on a computer screen for free instead of paying for the offcial release, if there is one, no matter how many times said sites beg them to buy it.  It's a vicious no win cycle because both organizations are made to not work together harmoniously like other relationships between internet media and what said media is showing you.

Take the Nostalgia Critic for example, he reviews really old and really bad movies for no profit other than the donations he recieves.  However he gives credit to people who made the films so that way the companies who made the horrible movies get more dinero and pubicity because the people watch the reviews want to buy the movies to actually see how horrible it is and show their friends.  That's why Fox, Warner Bros, and other networks like him because he is actually supplying a demand for thier excess suppy, or at least they get more publicity/ratings whatever works.  

On an somewhat unrelated note one independant director is actually trying to sue the Nostalgia Critic saying he can't show his image on his site, which isn't illegal and he's only suing him because his feelings got hurt because the Nostagia Critic said his movie was bad.  It makes no sense because his movie was probably bad and now people want to see it.  But Nostalgia Critc took down the image because he's nice and likes to fight fire with fire.  The independant director is going to be premoting a comedy short at Comicon and he hopes to get a contract with Comedy Central for it.  Nostalgia Critic is also going to be there to boycott the short with a few of his friends, so chances are if this works the director is going to lose a huge amount money because he was dumb enough to try to sue someone without a concret reason.

In conclusion I find this complaint to be stupid because these guys aren't doing anything to satisfy the consumers demand but I understand why scanlation sites shouldn't be continuing the way now because they are hurting these companies even more than the companies are hurting themselves.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 22, 2010, 10:01:13 PM
Hah. Good thing I fully downloaded all the volumes of Eat-man a while back.

because then theres mangas like that...

Viz had it at one bit, but they dropped it after localizing the second volume.

Weeell vizz, if you didnt drop mangas that I liked, perhaps I wouldnt be "pirating" them.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Jericho on July 22, 2010, 10:03:31 PM
*excellent post*

What the hell? Since when is Sakura dropping knowledge on fools like this? I've been away from the site waaaay too long. XD
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: CephiYumi on July 22, 2010, 10:06:26 PM
It has nothing to do with greed
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Acid on July 22, 2010, 10:09:26 PM
For every one thing that goes down or gets taken down, there are 5 more waiting to take it's place.

Treating the symptoms, not the cause. Eh?
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Sakura Leic on July 22, 2010, 10:21:45 PM
What the hell? Since when is Sakura dropping knowledge on fools like this? I've been away from the site waaaay too long. XD
Eh I plan to own a business and I'm good with money so I guess it's natural for me to understand this.  Plus I'm tired of bookstores not having any veriaty in there manga selection, because I'm one of the few people who actually would buy the official release if they have it since I'd rather read it in my hands than a screen.  Yes America has their comics and I really should start thinking about reading some, if they have it, because for some weird reason thanks to my brother I'm really intrested in X-Men, and maybe get some Batman too since he's my favorite hero.  

But I grew up with manga and I don't like a majority of shojo since it's not really realisitic and a couple of them are yaoi.  I mean I don't mind light yaoi, heck 2 of my friends are bi, and God Child isn't that bad but I prefer strait couples thank you very much.  I also don't really go for a lot of main stream manga either, I prefer lesser known mangas like PhD Phantasy Degree, Gimmick! not Hot Gimmick just Gimmick!, and the Saiyuki series.  Okay Saiyuki is a bit more main stream but not a lot of people have any idea what it is.  But if I can't go to a book store to pick up a copy of Kami Kaze Kaitou Jeann or Dazzle to only find it's not there or it doesn't exist anymore than what can I do.

I only know about what nostagia critc does because of my brother because I don't know the name of the web adress and I need new speakers.

It has nothing to do with greed
It's not really about greed per say it's more about stupid desisions on both sides.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Bueno Excelente on July 22, 2010, 10:32:12 PM
Eh I plan to own a business and I'm good with money so I guess it's natural for me to understand this.  Plus I'm tired of bookstores not having any veriaty in there manga selection, because I'm one of the few people who actually would buy the official release if they have it since I'd rather read it in my hands than a screen.  Yes America has their comics and I really should start thinking about reading some, if they have it, because for some weird reason thanks to my brother I'm really intrested in X-Men, and maybe get some Batman too since he's my favorite hero.  

But I grew up with manga and I don't like a majority of shojo since it's not really realisitic and a couple of them are yaoi.  I mean I don't mind light yaoi, heck 2 of my friends are bi, and God Child isn't that bad but I prefer strait couples thank you very much.  I also don't really go for a lot of main stream manga either, I prefer lesser known mangas like PhD Phantasy Degree, Gimmick! not Hot Gimmick just Gimmick!, and the Saiyuki series.  Okay Saiyuki is a bit more main stream but not a lot of people have any idea what it is.  But if I can't go to a book store to pick up a copy of Kami Kaze Kaitou Jeann or Dazzle to only find it's not there or it doesn't exist anymore than what can I do.

I only know about what nostagia critc does because of my brother because I don't know the name of the web adress and I need new speakers.
It's not really about greed per say it's more about stupid desisions on both sides.
It's good that you want to start your own business, but there's a whooooole lot of factors you have to consider before actually starting it.

...that, and if you plan on getting initiated on western comics, PLEASE ask for advice. I fell out of the loop in the 90's because I had a completely crappy taste. ake sure you go in reading something like some classy Vertigo thing, or something. Surf the wave into the awesome. (Franco-Belgian comics can also be excellent. I recomend)
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Sakura Leic on July 22, 2010, 10:56:36 PM
It's good that you want to start your own business, but there's a whooooole lot of factors you have to consider before actually starting it.

...that, and if you plan on getting initiated on western comics, PLEASE ask for advice. I fell out of the loop in the 90's because I had a completely crappy taste. ake sure you go in reading something like some classy Vertigo thing, or something. Surf the wave into the awesome. (Franco-Belgian comics can also be excellent. I recomend)

Don't worry I'll only start my business after I graduate from college with a Major in Plant Science and a Minor in Business, because I don't want to end up like my mom's boss his business is doing well but sometimes he has no idea what he's doing because he had no former business lessons, I mean you can run a business by only following your instincts but I'd like to get a former knowledge so I can get a better understanding of how it works. 

I want to learn about plants as well. I don't know if it'll be for the plants themselves to sell so people can have an alternative to getting food or simply so they can have cleaner air.  Or to use the extract of the plants to help people thereputicly with oils, bath salts, soaps and other things like Bath and Body Works but hopefully a little less expensive and a bit more organic since, well people are using it. 

I just want to help people either way because I'm a mostly honest person and I despise people who take advantage of others just for money. I mean I like money as much as the next person and I am a bit greedy but only because I want to be able to be happy I can buy or afford things, be it for food or recreation, without having to depend on others too much.  But this way in the future, I mean I'm only 17 for crying out loud I have plenty of time to find out exactly what I want to do.

As for the comics I need to find a store first with really old comics so I can start from the beggining, although I hope it won't be expensive.  I probably won't find one it's just wishful thinking on my part.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Rin on July 22, 2010, 11:05:39 PM
Bring Manga over here and I´ll stop reading scanlations. Greedy bastards

Never the less... wut.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Bueno Excelente on July 22, 2010, 11:25:41 PM
Don't worry I'll only start my business after I graduate from college with a Major in Plant Science and a Minor in Business, because I don't want to end up like my mom's boss his business is doing well but sometimes he has no idea what he's doing because he had no former business lessons, I mean you can run a business by only following your instincts but I'd like to get a former knowledge so I can get a better understanding of how it works. 

I want to learn about plants as well. I don't know if it'll be for the plants themselves to sell so people can have an alternative to getting food or simply so they can have cleaner air.  Or to use the extract of the plants to help people thereputicly with oils, bath salts, soaps and other things like Bath and Body Works but hopefully a little less expensive and a bit more organic since, well people are using it. 

I just want to help people either way because I'm a mostly honest person and I despise people who take advantage of others just for money. I mean I like money as much as the next person and I am a bit greedy but only because I want to be able to be happy I can buy or afford things, be it for food or recreation, without having to depend on others too much.  But this way in the future, I mean I'm only 17 for crying out loud I have plenty of time to find out exactly what I want to do.

As for the comics I need to find a store first with really old comics so I can start from the beggining, although I hope it won't be expensive.  I probably won't find one it's just wishful thinking on my part.
Ah, good. And don't forget the basics for a good location, space, distributors, etc.

That seems like a wonderful goal. A bit common for teenage idealism, but I hope you'll get there. =P Still, start thinking of your own life early. It's a good thing to do.

When it comes to starting certain comics, you don't need to start with the very first. Old comics didn't really have set stories or origins, and people who aren't familiar with them aren't really keen on going through years of Golden Age stuff. =P For example, you want to read Batman? Read the best arcs. Start with Year One, the canon origin, and go onwards to the rest. Wanna read Green Lantern? Start with Rebirth, and go through with it, since you don't need previous knowledge to know much about it. Marvel Cosmic? Start with Annihilation.
Thing about hero comics, is that there's alot of crappy arcs, and alot of good ones. And you don't need to know everything about the story to follow them, since they switch authors pretty often and they change moods, stories, canon and alot of other stuff. Just ask around for which are the best arcs, and enjoy them. Not from the first to the last like Manga, but by picking up small stories. Either that, or pick up a comic which has already ended and is guaranteed to be good, like Starman, Transmetropolitan, or Bone. It'll be more than worth it.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Sakura Leic on July 22, 2010, 11:38:07 PM
Ah, good. And don't forget the basics for a good location, space, distributors, etc.
Of course, like I said I'll wait til I'm older because as I said before I'm not fond of my town because it's really really small.

That seems like a wonderful goal. A bit common for teenage idealism, but I hope you'll get there. =P Still, start thinking of your own life early. It's a good thing to do.
I'm not even sure if my genereration even has idealism because as far as I know they don't care about anything other than themselves and the people they text.  Honestly I'm not exactly sure if it's normal teenage behavior to be deliquents or just because there's nothing intresting in this town.

As for the comics that's really good advice I had no idea it worked like that.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 22, 2010, 11:47:08 PM
Wow. there was a wise and srs bsnss side to Sakura that i did not expect.

Yeah. When I go to Borders, for example, almost NOTHING there catches my eye. Its all very bland. because publishers say "They like manga? lets give them manga!!" and then proceed to bring here ANYTHING, regardless of how good it is or not. And so, we end up with not only the overrated mainstreams, but the real bland "meh" ones, with only a few gems in there.
AND LOTS AND LOTS OF SHOJO. Jesus, why is there so much of it?

I mean, perhaps Im the only one who sees it this way. But perhaps... If they listened a bit more to fan requests, they could bring over more quality stuff. Im all for quality over quantity any day.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Sakura Leic on July 23, 2010, 12:07:52 AM
That's true I mean here in Barns and Nobel there is barely anything that catches my eye and they take out a lot of mangas I like too, like PhD and Dazzle.  In fact sometimes they put mangas like the Kingdom Hearts series and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumia in the teen section...near the Twilight series. *shudders*  The pokemon manga is in the kids section and they only have up to the Yellow saga.  

I don't get why the manga industry does this, I mean I was lucky I found a copy of the ZX manga and Megamix in Barnes Noble because normally I don't order online because I expect it there!
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Bueno Excelente on July 23, 2010, 12:11:15 AM
Of course, like I said I'll wait til I'm older because as I said before I'm not fond of my town because it's really really small.
Think big, and don't set up near competition. Stores that give stuff to a certain niche are best placed on certain locations.

I'm not even sure if my genereration even has idealism because as far as I know they don't care about anything other than themselves and the people they text.  Honestly I'm not exactly sure if it's normal teenage behavior to be deliquents or just because there's nothing intresting in this town.
All good teenagers have idealism. It's what comes from within. Just because vapid, simple-minded people don't, it doesn't mean everyone who likes to think a bit more doesn't want to save the world when they're older.

As for the comics that's really good advice I had no idea it worked like that.
I know you're an honest person, but work by the definition of try-before-buy. I'll link you a few REALLY good comic downloads you can try out for meaningful stories and whatnot, and then you can decide if you want to follow them or not.

Back on topic, there really aren't alot of manga which people are sure that will sell in the US. Most of it is just niche stuff as it is. That's why it doesn't come over.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Sakura Leic on July 23, 2010, 12:16:33 AM
True but it's no excuse for the massive overload of shojo manga, I mean there has to be a balance! o//////o
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 23, 2010, 12:42:52 AM
Amen Sakura. Amen.

why do I have to order them online from Borders or B&N when they should have it at the store as well? then theres like you mentioned. the very bad categorization.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: CephiYumi on July 23, 2010, 12:58:41 AM
I like shojo  :'(
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Sakura Leic on July 23, 2010, 01:01:55 AM
I do too, but I only like a few shojos.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Bueno Excelente on July 23, 2010, 01:13:27 AM
Only a few shoujos don't fit in the constant same stereotypes. I tend to love crazy stuff like Midori no Hibi or LoveCom.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 23, 2010, 01:24:35 AM
I like shojo  :'(
Nothing wrong with the genre itself, Even Ive read one or two shojos some time. But theres no excuse for almost HALF the manga selection in bookstores BEING shojo.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: CephiYumi on July 23, 2010, 01:27:47 AM
I haven't been to the manga section in a book store in a few years (or a book store) but it always seemed like a pretty varying selection to me mew.  Has that changed?
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Sakura Leic on July 23, 2010, 01:30:11 AM
I think so because now it's mostly shojo and bland main stream manga to me.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: OBJECTION MAN on July 23, 2010, 01:42:58 AM
Honestly, if they aren't filling customer demand, then tough [parasitic bomb] for them.

They should go for simultaneous releases, in a cheap digital format, much like they stream officially translated Naruto and One Piece subbed now. Like for example, a Jump site that has a monthly/issue subscription for digital translated manga in a simultaneous release. There are way too many series to be charging per title really. They should stick to the weekly batch issue scheme, just digitally, and sell them per issue, or some monthly/weekly fee.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 23, 2010, 02:54:39 AM
Honestly, if they aren't filling customer demand, then tough [parasitic bomb] for them.

They should go for simultaneous releases, in a cheap digital format, much like they stream officially translated Naruto and One Piece subbed now. Like for example, a Jump site that has a monthly/issue subscription for digital translated manga in a simultaneous release. There are way too many series to be charging per title really. They should stick to the weekly batch issue scheme, just digitally, and sell them per issue, or some monthly/weekly fee.
This. seriously, this. theres no reason they should just make manga sites close. just make them pay per read. you pay a monthly or so fee, and get manga or something like that.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Bueno Excelente on July 23, 2010, 03:24:09 AM
This. seriously, this. theres no reason they should just make manga sites close. just make them pay per read. you pay a monthly or so fee, and get manga or something like that.
Official sites would be something pretty sweet. Get a license for each manga's net editions, then sell them individually online. Or sell a quickly translated version of Shonen Jump/whatever other mag a day later, online.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 23, 2010, 03:28:17 AM
On online version of shonen jump... but better.

Imagine this. an online build your own jump. (sort of) you choose the titles you care about, and you get those online for a monthly subscription. saves me the trouble of having to wade through Naruto and Bleach to get the 1 manga I want.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Gaia on July 23, 2010, 03:35:36 AM
saves me the trouble of having to wade through Naruto and Bleach to get the 1 manga I want.

And Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z, you won't belive how common this series is at my local Barnes n' Noble (eats up half a rack, after that, it's anything mainstream). Very much this.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 23, 2010, 03:40:50 AM
I never minded DBZ in my Jump. But yeah. things like Naruto get it's own very own rack. and then after all the overrated mainstream, theres the very bland mainstream or shojos. And when you find a series you like, you hve to wait on odd schedules for following volumes, and sometimes, they just disappear.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Police Girl on July 23, 2010, 04:48:35 AM
So that means we'll have to be stuck with [parasitic bomb]-overraited manga (Twilight).

Don't call that [parasitic bomb] manga.

Also, I personally don't give a [tornado fang]. I only really read the Code Geass Manga, and all of those (Save that strange one that takes place in 1885.) Are all licensed and (in the case of SotC and NoN) Finished.

Besides, i'm pretty sure the main reason they want these places dead is because the big franchise Shonen's (Bleach, Naruto and One Piece.) Seem to get top billing. And those make the money, I'm pretty sure if they were just scanning the lesser known ones that don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting licensed over here, they would've had a better chance of avoiding this. And any that they did scanlate, upon them getting release in the US, have them removed from the site as to not [acid burst] off the authorities. But thats just my take on it.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Gaia on July 23, 2010, 05:08:29 AM
Don't call that [parasitic bomb] manga.

Too bad it was already labled manga by the author who made it. 8D

But yeah, seeing the big name manga all the time does get tiring (One Peice, Naruto, DBZ, etc).
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 23, 2010, 05:47:03 AM
Too bad it was already labled manga by the author who made it. 8D
I can call my fecal matter Manga, and it wouldnt mean it IS.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Gaia on July 23, 2010, 05:52:59 AM
I can call my fecal matter Manga, and it wouldnt mean it IS.

Even then the so called "manga" is a hard-cover comic book. Just as bad as a troll in central park, I tell ya.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 23, 2010, 06:22:44 AM
I can call it that too... 8D
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Bueno Excelente on July 23, 2010, 06:30:06 AM
Dunno if any of you actually READ the Twilight mango, but what I read, the dude who made the narrative transition actually tried to make an effort so it wouldn't go to complete [parasitic bomb]. The art is Deviantart-grade stuff, but the script itself isn't amazingly bad. It's just Twilight, but they made a decent transition. You also get to see how ridiculous the whole thing is, since it's based of the book rather than the movie. So, yeah. Mary-Sue Bella at her whole potencial, and Eddy with a skin that glows like Las Vegas at night. All in all, it was a fairly entertaining half an hour. (and I'm sad to say, but still better than quite alot of the comics/manga I sometimes find).

But yeah. There's not enough demand for unpopular manga around here for it to be profiteable. A store only orders a few copies of whatever [parasitic bomb] we're into, if they can be sure that [parasitic bomb]'s gonna sell. And your corner store in the middle of the town you live is not gonna have it waiting for YOU.

A good solution would be a net subscription. Problem is, what would you pay, and would you pay for more, or less manga every week? Not everyone likes every manga the japanese magazines offer. And the service being currently used for comics is still very much an experiment, to see if the audience accepts it. Manga authors don't want to go through all that [parasitic bomb] just to provide to the small number of people who read this or that manga, so they just sue so they don't get their material outside.

What I don't understand, is the need for companies to sue over small-time manga that few people read and which is never gonna get published here, like Otaku no Musume-San, which was taken off OneManga awhile ago due to copyright enfringement. It's a kind of manga very much in tune with japanese culture, and really not something that'd sell. WHY sue over that, and not over Naruto, Bleach or One Piece?

It's just kinda stupid.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: CephiYumi on July 23, 2010, 06:46:20 AM
Even then the so called "manga" is a hard-cover comic book.

Graphic Novel?
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Bueno Excelente on July 23, 2010, 12:28:21 PM
Graphic Novel?
That reminds me of a story when Neil Gaiman once went to this one author convention...

"Comics are the lowest form of crap there is."
"You know... I write a comic."
"Oh? Which one?"
"Sandman?! But that's not a comic! That's a GRAPHIC NOVEL!"

Basically, the distinction is bullshit. =P I don't care if it's printed in a prettier format. It's a [chameleon sting]ing comic.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on July 23, 2010, 12:32:13 PM
this reminds me to continue my hunt for the spanish Cyber Six bloody hard to find ):
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: VirusChris on July 23, 2010, 02:04:15 PM
Great... some mangas I read online, like Princess Resurrection, Hakori Devil Princess, and seeing the latest chapters of Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach a week I'll never get to read again.

I do buy the manga that does come out in the US, though I'm waiting on Volume 8 of Princess Resurrection which Del Ray hasn't released yet since Volume 7 in November, and I have the complete Part 1 of Naruto and some volumes of Bleach. I'm a little tight with money right now, but I'm getting my paycheck today.

This is a lot of bull, if they're doing this they should at least just remove the manga that has official been bought over overseas and leave the ones that haven't alone. I rather not torrent then, but at least the companies should release more manga over here!

I don't mind buying my manga as long as it's released over here and have a PROPER schedule when the next volume gets released. Waiting for one of my favorite manga for months now without a schedule telling it when it's coming or having a manga series canceled when it's right at the end. Like Kingdom Hearts 2 manga (only Volume 1 and 2 were released), which is no longer printing I believe, and Zatch Bell! manga (this one has only 7 volumes left to translate and Viz stopped!).

The companies need help with their business in the manga market.

I sometimes wonder whatever happen to America, the land of the free...
This makes me cry. :'(
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 23, 2010, 05:05:26 PM

I sometimes wonder whatever happen to America, the land of the free...
This makes me cry. :'(
Lol what.
Whats that got to do with anything.
All because its land of the free doesnt mean you get to steal things. reading manga online IS pirating, after all.
And while we might not give a [parasitic bomb], publishers and mangakas who want money do.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Bueno Excelente on July 23, 2010, 05:17:05 PM
Lol what.
Whats that got to do with anything.
All because its land of the free doesnt mean you get to steal things. reading manga online IS pirating, after all.
And while we might not give a [parasitic bomb], publishers and mangakas who want money do.
Exactly. Just because a bunch of idealists think all intellectual property should be free and information should be accessed by everyone freely, that doesn't mean people want their work going all over the net to others who haven't paid for it. So, yeah. Realistically, there isn't any kind of market for most manga in the US. Let's just be happy the popular ones get here at all, and rely on pirating to read the rest. We're doing something wrong, but it is because we want it. Simple as that.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: CephiYumi on July 23, 2010, 05:31:07 PM
Basically, the distinction is bullshit. =P I don't care if it's printed in a prettier format. It's a [chameleon sting]ing comic.

All it's describing is the format, not the quality or type of reading material x3  And I was jus curious what he meant by "hard-cover"
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Bueno Excelente on July 23, 2010, 06:18:28 PM
All it's describing is the format, not the quality or type of reading material x3  And I was jus curious what he meant by "hard-cover"
But why call it that? It's a hardcover comic. It's a paperback comic. It's a trade comic. There, three separate distinctions for the three separate kinds of comics.

Why "graphic novel"? Sounds like pretentious drivel.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: CephiYumi on July 23, 2010, 06:24:47 PM
Because thats always how they are labeled? o.o
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: TheOnly on July 23, 2010, 08:22:18 PM
I knew this day would come.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Gaia on July 23, 2010, 08:33:03 PM
I sometimes wonder whatever happen to America, the land of the free...
This makes me cry. :'(

Oh god, not the "Land of the free, I get to do the bloody hell I want!" excuse again. such a low. -_-

But alas, but what about a certain man's digital manga "Nekomimi" manga series? That could work, people called upon his help before.


Buy and download Scanalation. Something that COULD work, if the author has a scanner and has permission by law.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Romantic Fool on July 23, 2010, 08:38:19 PM
haha, it's not like it's the end of the world anyways. Besides, I doubt that they'll be able to nail all manga hosting sites, and even if they went after scantilators too, more would pop up or reform.

que no?
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Bueno Excelente on July 23, 2010, 09:01:36 PM
Because thats always how they are labeled? o.o
Labeled, yeah. But it's kinda... "It's not a toy, it's a COLLECTABLE FIGURINE!" or "It's not a racing video game, it's a SIMULATOR!"

It's a title to get people to take it more seriously. A stupid title. It's like when they called every single FPS of the early 00's "A Halo-killer". It's a way to sell it, but it's still a damn stupid name.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Hiryu on July 23, 2010, 09:35:37 PM
I don't mind them doing this. Hell, it's their series, they should do this. But the amount of Pirated manga is ... a lot.  Not to mention the sites that hold it. They'll never be able to fully get rid of pirated material, but they can minimize it.

My only problem is that it's going to take forever to catch up to the Naruto I was reading. The amount of time it takes to release the manga is ridiculously long. Plus, I don't want to pay $7-$10 for a book I can read in 30 mins. That's really part of the reason why I stopped collecting the manga and read online. Sometimes I just read the manga in B&N or Borders or whatever.

I really think they should offer manga online instead of in bookstores for a monthly fee. It's so much easier to create a digital copy of something than to make the physical copy, obviously. Because then you have to ship it to the store, and they sometimes don't even have the title you want. It depends on the store you live nearby too. Some stores don't even have a decent selection of it because they have such limited space. I wouldn't mind paying for it either, because then I know the author's getting paid right. The amount of work they put into it and not getting fully paid for it sickens me.

Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Karai on July 23, 2010, 09:53:22 PM
They don't even have to create digital copies, they already have all of them. It's not like printing billions of pages is a manual job.
I think it's just a matter of time, like with e-books.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Black Mage J on July 23, 2010, 10:10:39 PM
This is pretty upsetting.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: CephiYumi on July 23, 2010, 10:40:55 PM
Labeled, yeah. But it's kinda... "It's not a toy, it's a COLLECTABLE FIGURINE!" or "It's not a racing video game, it's a SIMULATOR!"

It's a title to get people to take it more seriously. A stupid title. It's like when they called every single FPS of the early 00's "A Halo-killer". It's a way to sell it, but it's still a damn stupid name.

I use the term to reference comics/manga that are in little book form that have multiple chapters, thats it.  I'm not saying it because I think they are "higher quality" ^^;  This isn't something that needs debating  XD
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Gaia on July 23, 2010, 10:51:16 PM
This isn't something that needs debating  XD

Like with almost every subject matter here? I can SO see this getting a debate. It's RPM, afterall. What's RPM without debates anyway? 8D
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Blackhook on July 23, 2010, 11:09:57 PM
Yeah...we could do that OR we could continue with the ranting!
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Rin on July 23, 2010, 11:32:24 PM
My only problem is that it's going to take forever to catch up to the Naruto I was reading. The amount of time it takes to release the manga is ridiculously long. Plus, I don't want to pay $7-$10 for a book I can read in 30 mins. That's really part of the reason why I stopped collecting the manga and read online. Sometimes I just read the manga in B&N or Borders or whatever.
I don't know what makes me sick more, the fact that you don't want to buy your manga because "LOL 30 minutes" or because you are afraid of not catching up with Narutu.

Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: TheOnly on July 23, 2010, 11:48:25 PM
Maybe they will wize up and offer E-books at somepoint, that would be better. We read the mangas that we want, and they will get they money, and we get into no legal action.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Acid on July 24, 2010, 12:38:11 AM
I'll tell you what will happen:

Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Bueno Excelente on July 24, 2010, 01:02:46 AM
I'll tell you what will happen:

Exactly. Another site with a different name will form, upload lotsa lotsa mangoes, and we'll be able to read our kauay dezoh né again.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Solar on July 24, 2010, 02:50:18 AM
I'll tell you what will happen:



Anyways, can't they just create the manga equivalent of Crunchyroll (just don't [tornado fang]ing region lock it)? If that's still online then it must mean that it's profitable somehow, so why not try the same thing with manga?
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 24, 2010, 04:58:19 AM
And in any case, if all else fails, Pirate Bay.
Or Demonoid.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Bueno Excelente on July 24, 2010, 05:00:56 AM
Torrents aren't as good as simple megaupload links shared between a large community.
Title: Re: US/Japanese manga publishers form Multi-National Manga anti-piracy coalition
Post by: Flame on July 24, 2010, 06:16:32 AM
I suppose.