RockmanPM Forums

Rockman & Community => Fan Creations => Topic started by: commandycan on July 06, 2010, 11:00:25 PM

Title: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: commandycan on July 06, 2010, 11:00:25 PM
Already posted a lot of this information up to a few of my YouTube buds and to the FamiTracker forums, so I guess posting it up here wouldn't be too bad of an idea either.

I decided on making an album in the same vein as Chiptuned Rockman (although I haven't thought of a name yet; suggestions for that would be nice if you have any!). So far we've got 9 people in on it (including myself), complete with an album artist (CadmiumRED, from the Mega Man Time Tangent fangame) and everything, and I'd like at least a few more remixers working on this (that is, if you're capable of making 8-bit music).

Before I do anything else, I'll throw down the guidelines that I gave to everyone else doing the project.

We're going to need to say which song we're remixing ahead of time. Just go ahead and post what song you're doing in this thread if you want to be a part of this. If there's a song in dispute I'll either notify both people or the person that requested to remix the song first gets it (oh, and I plan on doing a remix of Proto Man's Whistle from MM3! ).

Spin-off Mega Man games, like in the original album, won't be a part of the album (example: Mega Man X). Game Boy Mega Mans are fine, and so are spin-off game themes that are for original Mega Man characters (example: Roll's Theme in Marvel vs Capcom).

Songs will be in an MP3 format (if you don't want to go through the trouble of making an MP3 just go ahead and give me the .NSF and I'll convert it for you), and we'll put them in a .zip file or something, complete with album artwork (again, by CadmiumRED) and all other CD-booklet things that are usually in these sort of albums.

Here's the tracklist so far (in Mega Man chronology, newest themes to oldest):
1. Kevvviiinnn - Wily Stage 3 (Mega Man 10)
2. Baiisilisk - Chill Man (Mega Man 10)
3. IroncladPhazon - Solar Man/Sunstar theme (Mega Man 10/Mega Man V)
4. commandycan - Magma Man (Mega Man 9)
5. OmegaManZX - Intro (Mega Man 8 )
6. diehardxg2 - Burst Man (Mega Man 7)
7. RushJet1 - ???
8. MexicanSunflower (mex) - Mr. X Stage (Mega Man 6)
9. danooct1 - Game Medley (Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge)
10. NewAgeRetroGamer - Gemini Man (Mega Man 3)
11. MC Jimmy - Flash Man (Mega Man 2)

Like I said, I'd at least like a few more, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd go ahead and post if you want to be a part of this!

This thread can also double as something for progress. If a remixer has a work in progress they want to present to the rest of us, that's fine, but if the piece is completed I'd appreciate it if it were PM'ed to me through either RockmanPM, YouTube, the FamiTracker forums, or through AIM (Screen name is commandycan). CadmiumRED can also show the progress on the album artwork if he feels inclined to do so.

Also: if you know anyone that might want to be a part of this project, be sure to post about it!

Hope you enjoy the finished product when this is all said and done! 8)
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: CadmiumRED on July 06, 2010, 11:09:09 PM
The sooner we get more remixers and final decisions, the sooner I can pencil and finalize the album's artwork.  Honestly, I want to get this thing done ASAP, I want this to look incredible soon!
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: Acid on July 06, 2010, 11:27:53 PM
I really wish I could help. But I can't remix at all. Should I happen to think of a nice name for that project I will let you know though.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: commandycan on July 06, 2010, 11:41:07 PM
Sounds good! I'm a bit empty on the ideas at the moment and can't think of a single thing that would sound appealing as an album name. :P
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: CadmiumRED on July 07, 2010, 12:01:38 AM
The first thing that came to my head was Mega Square Wave.  When one comes off the tongue, more are to follow.

Here's others that I just thought of:

Tachyon Remixatron 2.0
R.A.M. (Rockman Arranged Mixes)

Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: commandycan on July 07, 2010, 12:04:45 AM
Really like R.A.M.

Like you said, it's easy to remember, and it makes sense (plus, it's punderful!). Maybe we'll make a poll and have everyone vote after we get some more suggestions for names. That is, if I can figure out how to, haha.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: Mirby on July 07, 2010, 12:47:47 AM
Chippy Tribute.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: MexicanSunflower on July 07, 2010, 07:05:33 AM
Changed my song to Mr. X Stage from Rockman 6

Sorry for any confusion -AC
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: MC Jimmy on July 07, 2010, 09:40:57 PM
Hey is there a guideline for how long this song has to be? Don't want to make something to short or too long.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: MexicanSunflower on July 07, 2010, 09:45:10 PM
4-6 minutes seems reasonable
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: commandycan on July 07, 2010, 10:18:09 PM
6 minutes would probably be pushing it a bit (but if you have the proper input and think it'd work at 6 minutes or longer, go for it!), at the very least it should be over 2:30, but if you can, try to get it over 3 minutes (just looking at the length of a few of the Chiptuned Rockman songs).
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: CadmiumRED on July 08, 2010, 02:02:31 AM
From the lack of attention both here and the FamiTracker thread, it might be a good idea if everyone made a second remix of something they like, that way the album goes to 18 tracks.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: commandycan on July 08, 2010, 04:21:40 AM
I dunno. Like I told you earlier, I'm pretty concerned about quality over quantity so at the moment I think we should hold off on anything like that. However, if it comes to the point where absolutely nobody else volunteers to be a remixer, we can probably take volunteers from remixers already on the album if they want to make a second song. But again, this is just if worst comes to worst.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: Rad Lionheart on July 08, 2010, 08:06:33 AM
If I had the talent I'd help out, but I am without such skills.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: lizardcommando on July 08, 2010, 08:12:54 AM
This sounds really neat. I'd love to help but I lack the famitracker skills :(

As far as song length goes, 3-4:30 minutes for songs dealing with one or two Robot Masters and 6 minutes maximum for medleys should be good. So how many songs will there be total?
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: MC Jimmy on July 08, 2010, 04:17:40 PM
If it comes down to it, I would like to request to do Shademan as well, if he's available! I got something going on for Flashman right now, but I want to add some more original riffs to it before I'm satisfied with the product.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: commandycan on July 08, 2010, 09:29:22 PM
Well, in the meantime, we've also got NewAgeRetroGamer working on a remix as well, as he just sent me a reply after KudosForce had suggested that I message him! We're up to 10 songs now. :)
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: KudosForce on July 08, 2010, 10:58:24 PM
Well, I can only think of one appropriate response for this: (

Thank you for taking my suggestion, CC! 8) Having more people involved is wonderful, as their talent deserves to be seen, rather.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: commandycan on July 12, 2010, 05:16:05 AM
Absolutely no-one is posting, so I'll go ahead and post some of my progress to try and get this thread rolling again (30 or so seconds yessss). :3
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: Rad Lionheart on July 12, 2010, 06:48:50 AM
That sounds pretty cool.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: KudosForce on July 12, 2010, 01:04:55 PM
I definitely like what I'm hearing, CC. owob

That said, I might get scolded for spilling the beans, but...'>.>

Kevvviiinnn's finished with his track, and it sounds nice! :D He's also eager to hear the others' contributions and see how their different styles work (yes, I did talk with him).

It'd be nice if we knew what New Age Retro Gamer's preparing, as well.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: commandycan on July 12, 2010, 07:25:29 PM
Yep, Kev's finished. So's OmegaMan and MC Jimmy (though MC Jimmy said he's going to be adding a few more things).

NewAgeRetroGamer hasn't talked to me since his confirmation PM, so I'm not sure what he's doing yet.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: MC Jimmy on July 13, 2010, 01:31:40 AM
Hey would it be alright, if I was to make a medley song, to use one of the songs that was already done, as long as it isn't a long part?
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: commandycan on July 13, 2010, 05:50:36 PM
I'd be fine with it, but, like I said, we still need to wait a bit before we make any decisions like that.

Oh, and NewAgeRetroGamer's decided on representing 3 with Gemini Man! :)
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: CadmiumRED on July 15, 2010, 11:38:06 PM
Heh, and man oh man guys, the front cover for this album is looking MORE and MORE amazing than I imagined it would be.  You are all in for an impressive treat.

Feast your eyes on this.

Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: CadmiumRED on July 16, 2010, 10:43:32 PM
I forgot to say this before as well, but I also plan to make the entire album's packaging artwork, so that if you all want the actual packaging, you can get it printed and cased if you desire to do so.  So yeah, we're going to have a booklet with all the info on the album in it, inlay art, the side tabs, the back for the jewel case, everything.

This is going to blow up to huge proportions when it's done.

EDIT:  Also, I made a second variation of the cover.  I wanted it also to look like MM and PM were in a dark room with nothing but the lights from computer screens being lit.  So I guess at this point, we can turn this into a poll, and see which of the two covers will make the cut.

Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: MC Jimmy on July 16, 2010, 11:10:21 PM
So far I'm liking the 2nd one. owob
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: Acid on July 16, 2010, 11:26:45 PM
I'm not sure which I prefer...
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: lizardcommando on July 16, 2010, 11:30:11 PM
I like the second album cover more.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: Protoman Blues on July 16, 2010, 11:30:42 PM
I think I prefer the first one.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: Night on July 17, 2010, 12:11:54 AM
1st=front cover
2nd=back cover

Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: CadmiumRED on July 17, 2010, 01:49:51 AM
Here's an update to the second version.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: commandycan on July 17, 2010, 04:42:19 AM
Nice. Retains the blue overlay without it washing out Proto's colors. See some refinement on the logo, as well! :)

Gotta say that's my favorite.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: lizardcommando on July 17, 2010, 05:46:43 AM
Oooh, now that's more like it! This one's looking really nice.
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: commandycan on July 25, 2010, 08:38:05 PM
oh hey just dropping in to say RushJet1's doing a track for the album

You might also know RushJet1 as one of the composers from the original Chiptuned Rockman. whoaaaa
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: Rad Lionheart on July 25, 2010, 08:42:06 PM
Cool. :0
Title: Re: Mega Man Remix Album
Post by: commandycan on August 05, 2010, 12:35:09 AM
BaiiIs8Bit closed his account and I'm not entirely sure how to contact him, so as of yet I'm not sure if he's still going to be a part of this project. I'll try and keep you all informed on what happens.