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Other Things => Gaming => Topic started by: Jericho on February 17, 2010, 05:59:55 PM

Title: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Jericho on February 17, 2010, 05:59:55 PM
So around the time of that big reveal on Sakaguchi's newest Mistwalker project, "The Last Story", another reputable group of RPG makers made a surprising announcement. The Nintendo owned Monolith (formerly Monolithsoft) announced that their latest game, previously titled Monado: Beginning of the World, would be getting a name change to Xenoblade. The team seems to have been working on this one for quite some time and now, in the latest issue of Famitsu, they are able to divulge more info on the game:

All it took was a "Xeno" to get gamers everywhere talking about Monolith's new Wii RPG. Previously announced at E3 2009 as Monado: Beginning of the World, Nintendo, the title's publisher, gave the game the new name of "Xenoblade" a couple of weeks back and had people wondering if this might be a new entry in the Xenosaga series.

It's not a new entry in that fabled PlayStation series, though. Xenoblade director Tetsuya Takahashi made this clear in an interview in this week's Famitsu.

"The world setting, story and other elements have no relation," explained Takahashi on connections to past Xeno games. "It's a completely new title."

Design philosophy also appears to be different here. Past titles from Monolith have focused on events and scenario, Takahashi admitted. However, he feels that this type of development has reached a "dead end." The Xenoblade project started off by looking at the origins of the RPG genre. Takahashi wanted to make a game where it was simply enjoyable to adventure.

He suggested that players consider the "Xeno" part of the title to be just a symbol. "I wanted to to have some sort of common point with the games I've made."

Takahashi was a little shy in fully explaining the Xenoblade name to the magazine. "Xeno" has the meaning of "different nature" or "uniqueness," he explained. As for the "Blade" part, Takahashi asked that we refer to the game's ending to find out.

Possible ties with Xenosaga out of the way, Takahashi shared details on Xenoblade's unique story and world setting, and even gave some preliminary gameplay details.

Xenoblade's background story starts thousands or maybe tens of thousands of years in the past as two great gods waged a great battle. In the end, all that was left of the two gods were two giant corpses. Xenoblade is set on top of those two corpses.

Takahashi came up with the idea for this unique world setting after a meeting about Soma Bringer, a past Monolith project. "It seemed like it would be enjoyable to adventure on top of the body of a giant god," he told the magazine. He immediately returned to the office, wrote up a design document, and showed it to a number of other people, getting a positive reaction in the process.

In order to better get the point across about his plan, he had one of the Monolith staffers create a model of the two gods in their final resting position. The Famitsu article has an image of this model. The two gods, one winged, are facing each other, with their swords clashing like they're engaged in battle. One is kneeling while the other looks like he's about to fall to one knee.

This model, the magazine notes, was created far before actual production began on Xenoblade. "It was of great help when explaining the project to Nintendo," said Takahashi.

The entire game world is set on the top of the corpses of these two gods. The rest of the world is nothing but ocean. It's an entirely enclosed space. You won't find outer space if you look up. And it does not seem to be the case that the two gods are resting on a planet.

Takahashi actually gave a pretty specific size to the world. From one end of the corpse to the other (I'm not sure if he's referring to just one corpse or both combined), the world is about the size of Japan.

But it may be larger than it looks. Areas of the world will open up as you progress through the story, and you'll eventually enter the body of one of the gods.

Outside of the sheer uniqueness of a setting on top of two gods, Takahashi pointed out something else of note about the Xenoblade world. Because it's set on these human-like god figures, Xenoblade's world has a lot of height. "From the start of the project," said Takahashi, "we thought it would be interesting if we could make use of a vertical construction."

Areas of the world correspond to parts of the gods' bodies (no jokes now!). You'll find a wide variety to the world, from different weather to varied monster ecology. As an example of some of the regional features, Takahashi said that you can head to the top of one of the gods to see an aurora.

Not surprisingly, your quest is tied in closely with the unique setting. Residents of the two corpses are enemies. The player is on one god, which is home to a population of organic life. The other side of the world has mechanical life. Explaining how the story starts, Takahashi said, "It's simple -- the fight against mechanical life that threatens the peace of mankind."

The adventure starts on the right foot of the player's god, in an empty cave. This was actually something that was decided upon when the god model was first made. You'll initially make your way to the head area of your god.

Navigating what appears to be a large world will be simplified thanks to some of the steps Monolith is taking. The game will keep track of where you should be going, both for the main story and for sub quests that are unrelated to the story. You'll also be able to make use of warps to transport to areas that you've previously visited. Monolith even has some systems in place to keep you from losing your way when you're physically moving about the areas.

Your movement through the world will be seamless. "We've put effort into this," said Takahashi, "because we felt that in order to show a living world, we needed an overwhelming sense of scale, like that of an MMORPG."

Exploration of the world looks like it could be one of the game's charms. Takahashi said that he hopes players will simply walk around in search of special unexplored areas which have beautiful settings. You'll get experience for just finding these. Some areas include monsters that can't be defeated at first. Once you've powered your character up, you'll want to return to take on those beasts.

While most of this first interview was about Xenoblade's world setting, Takahashi also shared a few details on the Xenoblade battle system. Enemies in Xenoblade roam the fields alongside you. Encounter an enemy, and the game will transition seamlessly into battle. Takahashi explained that he didn't want make the game transition from field to battle in typical RPG style.

Since battles take place on the same fields across which you and the enemies roam, you'll find that nearby enemies will join in on the battle. As a strategy, you'll want to engage in battle in areas where there aren't any other enemies.

Your main character will adventure alongside two AI-controlled party members. Your character performs his attacks automatically while you watch the action and select special skills, known as "arts." Arts include attack skills, recovery skills and so forth, and are learned as you progress through the game.

The game will offer an adventure of around 50 to 60 hours, said Takahashi. This time will not consist of endless leveling up. It also, he made sure to note, won't consist of endless event scenes.

This first major feature on Xenoblade consisted almost entirely of the interview with Takahashi, with Famitsu getting its hands on just a few pieces of artwork and screens from the game. Xenoblade is set for a Spring release, so the wait for a more solid look shouldn't be too long.

Article Link (

Along with this, there's some beautiful art from the scans of the magazine.


Click Here For HQ (

It looks like it's going to be a great year for RPG fans, or folks with enough time on their hands to play them. XD
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Acid on February 17, 2010, 06:21:45 PM
Has been on my radar for a while.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: ViperAcidZX on February 17, 2010, 11:09:15 PM
Is this going to be in a setting like Xenogears (PS1)?
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Mirby on February 18, 2010, 12:24:55 AM
It looks pretty cool.

Also, it will be a great RPG year. FF13's finally coming out, we've got HG/SS (still qualify as RPG's!) in a few weeks, this, and of course Golden Sun DS. What a year!
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on February 18, 2010, 08:40:09 PM
So Xeno is just more of a sign to him of the games he worked and created before...hmm, but he said it has no connection to Saga and Saga didn't have any direct continuity to Gears.

Interesting interesting.

Anyhow, the world concept is just brilliant, hilarious though that I had a thought of the heroes facing the 2 corpses and just as they're ready to venture the two corpses, Wander and Agro arrives.  Lol.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Jericho on February 25, 2010, 10:08:00 PM
Quote from: duckroll
This week's Famitsu confirms that Yoko Shimomura is the composer for Xenoblade. There is no article for the game, but there was a huge article where they showcased all the major videogame composers and had a writeup + q&a with each of them. In Shimomura's profile it specifically says that right now she is working on composing Last Ranker and Xenoblade.

Awesome music get. XD
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Gaia on February 25, 2010, 10:10:53 PM
I'm getting Xenoblade for the fact I missed Xenogears AND Xenosaga, this will make up for it.  :\
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on April 01, 2010, 06:38:10 PM

Credit to RPGamer.

Suspicious recent interview shows that Xenoblade WILL indeed have a connection to Gears and Saga after all. (

Anyhow, i'll just add this trailer.


Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Jericho on April 01, 2010, 08:08:14 PM
The scale in this game, just from looking at the trailer, is [tornado fang]ing ridiculous.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: HyperSonicEXE on April 01, 2010, 08:23:44 PM
Now that's a messed up world, lemme tell ya.

You can fall off that junk, unless the 2 are really dense and cause gravitational pull.

Columbus sailed to the end of the world!
...then looked down and realized the world was quite tall!  :V
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: CephiYumi on April 01, 2010, 08:32:36 PM
Suspicious recent interview shows that Xenoblade WILL indeed have a connection to Gears and Saga after all

I wish it weren't April 1st  :\
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on April 01, 2010, 08:46:37 PM
Same here.  :(
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Jericho on April 01, 2010, 08:49:19 PM
I wish it weren't April 1st  :\

I don't mind it so much, but sometimes it's painful to wait that extra day for new info on things. XD
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on April 08, 2010, 02:10:45 AM
Aaaaaaand another trailer for Xenoblade.

Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Acid on April 11, 2010, 03:57:24 PM

New arts.

I think.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Mirby on April 13, 2010, 01:27:04 AM
The first and third are the same! Still, looks sweet.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Acid on April 13, 2010, 01:27:48 AM
Aw crap. Didn't notice.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Mirby on April 13, 2010, 01:30:54 AM
Well, it never hurts to help, right?
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on May 24, 2010, 10:10:10 AM

and another vid, more or less confirming jumping on field traveling


Ok, one last final vid.  This one introduces the environs~


edit: Okay...this is the for sure, final video.  A rather epic trailer showing that the villains are mini-mechs.  [tornado fang] I can't wait for this to come to the NA.

Title: Live Stream~ (Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG)
Post by: VixyNyan on June 13, 2010, 05:06:25 PM
Come look for a bit if you want~ ^^
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Jericho on June 13, 2010, 10:07:59 PM
Oh God, I really want to play this game.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: VixyNyan on June 13, 2010, 10:37:06 PM
Clips from the live stream~
Part 001 (
Part 002 (
Part 003 (

They will be playable soon. ^^;
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Bueno Excelente on June 14, 2010, 12:03:04 AM
Seemed pretty cool. Downloading to try it out. =P Is it a big hassle if I don't know nipponspeak?
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: VixyNyan on June 14, 2010, 12:40:21 AM
No, no hassle at all. You will get right into the action very quickly. ^^b

You do get hints on where you're supposed to go next, how to upgrade your Special Attacks (with AP) and things like that.

Oh and I recommend that you talk to every NPC that has a ! over their heads. They give you Quests, so accept them and the quests will be in your logs to keep track of what you do in the game. And you don't even have to return to the NPC to finish the quest. Just do the thing it tells you and you will earn the money for completing them, no matter where in the game you are. C:
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Bueno Excelente on June 14, 2010, 01:02:01 AM
No, no hassle at all. You will get right into the action very quickly. ^^b

You do get hints on where you're supposed to go next, how to upgrade your Special Attacks (with AP) and things like that.

Oh and I recommend that you talk to every NPC that has a ! over their heads. They give you Quests, so accept them and the quests will be in your logs to keep track of what you do in the game. And you don't even have to return to the NPC to finish the quest. Just do the thing it tells you and you will earn the money for completing them, no matter where in the game you are. C:
It'll be kinda hard to check those things that tell me what my quests are, or how to upgrade my stuff, if it's in japanese. =P Are there map pointers, or arrows in the game screen?
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: VixyNyan on June 14, 2010, 01:08:51 AM
Are there map pointers, or arrows in the game screen?

All the time. C:
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Aresian on June 14, 2010, 01:12:06 AM
I'll wait personally. While I like games for gameplay and whatever, the story is what is most important to me.

And I only play Xeno games for their story. XD Never the less, I'll take a look at Vixy's clips.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Bueno Excelente on June 14, 2010, 01:22:54 AM
All the time. C:
Awesome. Hope the game world is as big as it seems, 'cause I'm expecting CONTINENTAL!
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: VixyNyan on June 28, 2010, 01:52:44 PM
"Say Hello To The Six Composers Of Xenoblade" (
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: CephiYumi on June 28, 2010, 02:10:19 PM
Hello Mitsuda

Posted on: June 28, 2010, 07:02:44 AM
Very nice read, thank you ^^
Title: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG - Amazing New Fan Trailer
Post by: Jericho on September 29, 2010, 03:19:47 AM
Man, I really wish that Xenoblade had gotten localized and released when this thread was more active. A recent youtube video put out to show off the various locales of the game (set to some really amazing music from the game itself) has done nothing but add gasoline to my originally steady but dimly burning desire to play this game. You can see it here ( or take a look at the embedded video. Either way, this one's a must watch.

Title: Xenoblade is getting localized...
Post by: Solar on March 31, 2011, 10:23:31 AM
in Europe.


Nintendo of Europe can confirm that it will be bringing the epic RPG, Xenoblade Chronicles to Europe for Wii. The title, already launched in Japan, brings to life a universe where two worlds called Bionis and Mechonis fight a war that knows no end.

Join the battle for Bionis to repel the invasion of a terrifying mechanical army and uncover the secrets of a mystical sword called the Monado.

Xenoblade Chronicles will be launching later this year for Wii featuring both English and Japanese voice-overs and will be fully subtitled in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. Keep checking for further information on this epic new adventure for Wii.

Well it's better than nothing.

Hopefully NoA says something tomorrow.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on March 31, 2011, 12:46:24 PM

if it doesn't come here, I think I MAY hack my wii for this.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: STM on March 31, 2011, 10:46:10 PM
Rev up those torrents.

Because NoA is going to be stupid about this game.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Acid on April 04, 2011, 12:19:44 AM
So it wasn't just an April Fool's prank?

Thank god! I'm so happy right now. This is one of the games I absolutely wanted to get.

If LS were to get a PAL release too, I'd burst from joy.  :)
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: VixyNyan on June 29, 2011, 04:48:57 PM
The voices are incredibly English, with some scones and crumpets in the mix~ ( (




You will get used to it after a while. ^^
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Ephidiel on June 29, 2011, 08:27:55 PM
So it wasn't just an April Fool's prank?

Thank god! I'm so happy right now. This is one of the games I absolutely wanted to get.

If LS were to get a PAL release too, I'd burst from joy.  :)

did you already burst from joy? cause LS will also get a PAL release

and Tower of Pandora is pretty much going to be released for PAL too
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Acid on June 29, 2011, 09:44:46 PM
did you already burst from joy? cause LS will also get a PAL release

and Tower of Pandora is pretty much going to be released for PAL too

Being a PAL-dude hasn't felt this good since Terranigma!
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Hypershell on June 30, 2011, 03:12:10 AM
Never thought I'd see the day when the U.S. had this much incentive to import PAL games.  Thank God for Gecko OS, is all I can say.

NOA confirmed ( that, despite "Rainfall," they're not making any plans to release this, Last Story, or Pandora's Tower.

I'm not even an RPG fan and I'm still pretty ticked, just because it's a kick in the teeth to Wii's experienced gamers.  We're basically being told that we have Zelda and Fortune Street until Wii-U, which has no flagship title even announced, much less hopeful for launch.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on June 30, 2011, 09:09:24 PM
Thankfully, Rainfall isn't giving up, it's already amazing that they got Nintendo's attention within a span of...a bit of less than a week.

In which case, I wonder if Nintendo will be paying attention to the import sales as well (if they don't release Xenoblade to the NA by September), if so, think this'll also make them realize how much will even 'mod' their wiis for games they want from another region?
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: OBJECTION MAN on July 01, 2011, 03:47:32 AM
I stopped doing the buying imports thing for games that don't have a very good reason for being held back on a world wide release.

They won't publish it here, so they don't expect my money. That's cool, cause they WON'T be getting it.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on August 14, 2011, 12:21:02 PM
5 more days till it arrives to the EU and to those who are importing!

who's body is ready!? :D
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Acid on August 19, 2011, 01:42:40 PM
My copy arrived today.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: VixyNyan on August 19, 2011, 03:47:57 PM
So did mine~ <3
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Acid on August 23, 2011, 05:21:13 PM
I didn't play mine yet though!

Posted on: August 19, 2011, 15:54:17
Jerry, I know you're back.

Jerry, I know you were looking forward to this game.

Jerry, I know you played it already.

Jerry, reply dangit.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on August 23, 2011, 07:00:31 PM
My copy hasn't arrived yet  :(
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Acid on August 23, 2011, 07:24:45 PM
That sucks.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on August 26, 2011, 09:22:39 PM
So, how ya enjoying it so far Vixy and Acid?

...I wonder if Cephi has it too...
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: CephiYumi on August 26, 2011, 09:24:15 PM
I've had it for over a year  XD  I really liked it but haven't played much of it yet.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on August 26, 2011, 09:26:33 PM
Oh yeah, you have the japanese one, I recall your quick play on it via stream and that epic jump to the water~

man I hope it arrives on my mail next week...
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on September 12, 2011, 12:55:35 PM
Now that it's been sometime.

For those that are currently playing it/recently finished it (japanese/euro version; eng/jp dub), how was the experience for ya? :D
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Solar on December 02, 2011, 05:35:28 PM
Good news, bad news time.

The good:
This is finally getting localized for NA (there are supposedly some pics on NoA's twitter but I haven't checked yet).

The bad:
It's gonna be Gamestop exclusive. What this means for places without a GS I have no idea :| (Well, I do remember stores here getting MMSF Dragon version, so maybe it won't be a problem?)
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Jericho on December 02, 2011, 07:16:20 PM
Darn I got beaten to the news, but seriously, I'm so happy to see this coming to the US. :D
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Mirby on December 02, 2011, 11:23:26 PM
This is why I'm glad that I liked Operation Rainfall on Facebook; they broke the story early this morning.

I just didn't post about it because it wasn't confirmed yet.

Here's the official press release from Ninty (
Thanks to GameSaver for the link
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Hypershell on December 03, 2011, 12:10:45 AM
Exclusively through GameStop?  Bizarre.

In all honesty I was more interested in Pandora's Tower, but I'm glad one of the Rainfall games will see U.S. release regardless.  And unless Nintendo has another rabbit in their hat somewhere, I'm sure that by April 2012 there'll be no shortage of gamers who'll have played the hell out of Skyward Sword and have been left chomping at the bit for another core experience, genre popularity be damned.
Title: Who's getting "Xenoblade Chronicles"? April 6th.
Post by: dragontamer272 on March 30, 2012, 06:39:40 AM
I got interested in this new on-coming Wii title after reading about it on Nintendo Power, I then looked it up online at Wikipedia, finding out that Japan got this game 2 years ago, then Europe last year, and now we're FINALLY getting it. Sometimes it's just a major bummer that most games don't get released everywhere at the exact same time.

So in a week from now, Xenoblade Chronicles is now coming to the Wii on April 6th, who here is planning on getting it? I for sure am because I want to try something a little bit different.
Title: Re: Who's getting "Xenoblade Chronicles"? April 6th.
Post by: Rin on March 30, 2012, 08:39:00 AM
Hey you, brony.

I do not think we require ANOTHER  thread about this game.
Someone please merge this here thread into the main one.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: Quickman on March 30, 2012, 10:45:55 AM
Merged the thread.  And yes, Dragontamer, please make sure that there isn't already an existing topic prior to making a new topic.
Title: Re: Xenoblade (Wii) - Monolith x Nintendo RPG
Post by: The Drunken Dishwasher on April 01, 2012, 09:19:03 PM
I got interested in this new on-coming Wii title after reading about it on Nintendo Power, I then looked it up online at Wikipedia, finding out that Japan got this game 2 years ago, then Europe last year, and now we're FINALLY getting it. Sometimes it's just a major bummer that most games don't get released everywhere at the exact same time.

So in a week from now, Xenoblade Chronicles is now coming to the Wii on April 6th, who here is planning on getting it? I for sure am because I want to try something a little bit different.

I imported it and it's GLORIOUS.  To me anyways.