RockmanPM Forums

Rockman & Community => Rockman Series => Topic started by: AquaTeamV3 on November 14, 2008, 02:57:02 PM

Title: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: AquaTeamV3 on November 14, 2008, 02:57:02 PM
What are, in your opinion, the cheapest attacks you've seen in a Megaman game?  For me, I'd have to say that most of them come from Network Transmission; some of the attacks were unavoidable.

Protoman EXE's Surprise Slash~Network Transmission

Very cheap tactic; Protoman dissapears and gets directly next to you, immediately doing a wide slash.  It's literally unavoidable; jumping or sliding will not save you.  Without a barrier or Invis chip, you're done for.

Zero.EXE's double wave~Network Transmission

Zero fires a double slash wave, similar to the ones fired by Double and Fenri LunaEdge.  My question is, how does Megaman avoid this if he can't wall jump.  Guess what, he can't.

Tornadoes~Air Man

I never did like this move.  Over the years, I've gotten exceedingly better at dodging these, but it's still an annoying move.  The fact that wind is blowing makes it all the harder to jump over, and he does them in volleys too.  And people wonder why that song is so popular.

There's some more, but I can't remember exactly what they were at the moment.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Tickle Buffalo on November 14, 2008, 03:37:23 PM
That stupid phoenix's A/S rank attack from Zero 2. Going invincible for extended periods of time is not fair or fun. Doing it when the game locks content if you get a low rank from taking too long is even less fair. It's not even hard to avoid, it's just annoying. Screw that guy.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Acid on November 14, 2008, 03:42:44 PM
The most annoying thing I ever encountered were those silly invincibility/power up/speed up phases in MMX3.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Satoryu on November 14, 2008, 03:49:03 PM
Wily Capsule's elemental balls attack in MM7. moreso the fire and ice ones.

anything Snipe Anteater shoots at you.

Armadillo's ability to deflect the Hadoken in MHX.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Solar on November 14, 2008, 04:20:23 PM
Wily Capsule's elemental balls attack in MM7. moreso the fire and ice ones.

-King Jet's attack that destroys the platforms.
-Leaf Shield + the falling leaves
-Airman's, there some times were it just can't be dodged.

Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Da Dood on November 14, 2008, 04:40:13 PM
Most are covered, but I hate Mino Magnus' body split too. I picked him first in my 100P Ragnarok attempts because of it.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Protoman Blues on November 14, 2008, 06:16:10 PM

Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Alice in Entropy on November 14, 2008, 06:31:03 PM
Let's see...

- NebulaGray's leaping dragon attack that cracks ALL THE FREAKING PANELS (AirShoes are a MUST here).
- Elec Beam. Three hits and YOU'RE TOAST.
- Scorch Wheel. I've always found it tough to dodge.
- ANYTHING from Duo.EXE.
- Super Model W Serpent's explosive crystal bullets and fireballs. I really hate trying to dodge them.

BubbleMan.EXE is indeed a very tricky fellow. *Has bad memories of trying ad nauseum to beat him*
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Solar on November 14, 2008, 06:37:00 PM


Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Pringer X on November 14, 2008, 06:45:11 PM
Snipe Anteater---just the biggest douche in the world. I could barely even hit the bastard because he'd twirl around more than a ballerina on crack and caffeine.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Klavier Gavin on November 14, 2008, 06:46:51 PM


Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Satoryu on November 14, 2008, 06:58:58 PM
in Powered Up, there's nothing you can do when Wily starts using Rolling Cutter.

oh, and Fire Man in MM1 is an absolute [lightning web]. the fire blasts are alright, but the flares left on the ground are the real problem.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: AquaTeamV3 on November 14, 2008, 09:43:49 PM


You gotta hate bosses who fill the screen with their projectiles.  Then he has to go toss crabs at you; let alone the fa t that some bubble contain fish or mines.  The truly annoying part is the fact that you can only encounter his V3 form when your heath is below 25%.  Jerk.

That said, I find Infinity Mijinion annoying for the same reason; filling up the screen with bubbles.  Why did they have to go and nerf the Falcon Armor's charge shot?
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Acrosurge on November 15, 2008, 01:28:11 AM
It doesn't get much cheaper than Awakened Zero's ultimate attack in X5.  Not only do his giant saber waves cover the screen, but they are also instant kill moves and Zero is completely invincible afterward.  He's not hard, due to the fact that Zero never pulls out this move at the start, but the move is uber-cheap.  Hmm; I can't recall any other boss that has instant-kill moves that don't involve spikes.

Ninetails's Annihilator Hadouken and MM7 Wily's fire and ice spheres come in second.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Flame on November 15, 2008, 01:29:56 AM
Colonels cape throw attack in exe 6. he throws his cape at you and if it catches you, he does a slash that reduces you to 1 HP no matter how much HP you have.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: MassKiller1 on November 15, 2008, 01:32:47 AM
If you ever get hit by it and it's impossible to get out of if you do...

Omega's 9 hit combo...

I really hate him when he does that because I usually play Hard Mode in Rockman ZX and I know the minute he touches me with that I'm screwed over....
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Acrosurge on November 15, 2008, 01:39:36 AM
Colonels cape throw attack in exe 6. he throws his cape at you and if it catches you, he does a slash that reduces you to 1 HP no matter how much HP you have.
Which reminds me that Epsilon's Metacrush is unavoidable and also reduces his target's HP to 1 regardless of that character's level.  I don't even know what Epsilon does after reeling in his opponent with this move, but it lays an uber hurtin'.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: White-Jet on November 15, 2008, 01:55:19 AM
That said, I find Infinity Mijinion annoying for the same reason; filling up the screen with bubbles.  Why did they have to go and nerf the Falcon Armor's charge shot?

Let's also not forget the annoying doppelganger that emerges after hitting him with ANYTHING!!!  And they all just stand in wherever you whooped him and throw more bubbles out of their heads to the point where you're too busy wailing on them than Infinity himself!  >_<  He's the reason I go after him first when I have to re-fight the Mavericks again before facing Sigma.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Flame on November 15, 2008, 02:25:48 AM
I cant fight him without armor.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Gaia on November 15, 2008, 03:17:19 AM
Gigavolt Man-o'-War was annoying, one slip off the platform by mistake would kill you. (I hate his VA also, annoyin')

The Exploder enemy from Command Mission, just wasn't fair... In fact, his random encounters weren't fair either, he was mostly paired with others. (Kill him before he kills you. X Heart is a MUST HAVE against this guy)

That six-armed bastard kept chaning elements, wich was annoyin', since his weaknesses kept changin'

Infinity Mijion for same reasons above

Bubble Man EXE for same reason as Mijion

What everyone else has said

.. Boy, took a lot of practice against those guys.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Flame on November 15, 2008, 03:26:16 AM
oh bah. Meltdown was easy. just wail on him with hyper modes.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Gaia on November 15, 2008, 03:34:18 AM
oh bah. Meltdown was easy. just wail on him with hyper modes.

Unless you want to take the hard way, no Hyper Modes for the entire speedrun. (I used to run from Meltdown before I figured out his weakness)
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Flame on November 15, 2008, 03:35:39 AM
hes still easy. but then, My Zero has Red lotus saber and heat haze X2...
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Gaia on November 15, 2008, 03:37:50 AM
hes still easy. but then, My Zero has Red lotus saber and heat haze X2...

Other than that the six-armed bastard kept chaning elements, wich was annoyin'. (I'll replace Meldown with that six-armed turd)
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Duke87 on November 15, 2008, 03:42:18 AM
X5 Sigma. Giant [tornado fang]ing purple blocks.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Gaia on November 15, 2008, 03:50:40 AM
X5 Sigma. Giant [tornado fang]ing purple blocks.

Dude.. I was able to dodge his blocks by dashing around the oppisite direction, and dropping from the air when it needs it.  -u-'
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Flame on November 15, 2008, 03:55:43 AM
X5 Sigma. Giant [tornado fang]ing purple blocks.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Pringer X on November 15, 2008, 04:01:24 AM
Another annoying attack I remember is that stupid flower thing (Raffelsia?) from Command Mission. Her stupid sunlight beam attack got stronger every friggin' turn or time she used it, but either way she'd spam the crap out of it. Not to mention she auto-heals every turn and it INCREASES as the battle goes on. Seriously, I had an easier time with the Nine-Tails clan than I did her, and I pulled out the big guns whenever I had a chance in either case!
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Hypershell on November 15, 2008, 04:05:02 AM
Burst Man.  Much rage.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Police Girl on November 15, 2008, 05:08:18 AM
Burst Man.  Much rage.

Agreed, also Bubble Man.EXE, Childre Inarabbita (Just the Submarine Part, and the thing he said OVER AND OVER. >_<), and

Infinity Mijion.

I can't believe how hard he was with Falcon X's Shitty Charge buster.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Jericho on November 15, 2008, 05:44:25 AM
All of the answers in this thread save for BubbleMan.EXE are wrong. You know what the cheapest attack in the history of the series is? Sera's second form and it's sweeping laser in Mega Man Legends 2. The damn thing is almost guaranteed to knock you flat on your ass with a broken shield and less than 2 full units of shield energy and the worst part? It. Can. Hit. More. Than. Once.

[tornado fang] you hard mode Legends 2. If I weren't such an old school veteran, this level of difficulty would just be cruel. XD
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Flame on November 15, 2008, 05:46:25 AM
Vile in X1. just cant beat him! 8D 8D 8D
but seriously, Sigma X4's boomerang attack.
andI just hate bubleman exe. hes so freakin annoying. hes the sole reason when my exe 3 lost all its data from the battery running out while I was saving, i lost it. He was the first thing that crossed my mind when my save was gone. and then I just lost it. went nuts.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: MassKiller1 on November 15, 2008, 05:58:24 AM
Vile in X1. just cant beat him! 8D 8D 8D
but seriously, Sigma X4's boomerang attack.
andI just hate bubleman exe. hes so freakin annoying. hes the sole reason when my exe 3 lost all its data from the battery running out while I was saving, i lost it. He was the first thing that crossed my mind when my save was gone. and then I just lost it. went nuts.

Vile in X1...not so much but what happened to you with your EXE 3...believe me it happened to me too and I threw a tantrum in the middle of Walmart. - -
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Police Girl on November 15, 2008, 06:58:51 AM
All of the answers in this thread save for BubbleMan.EXE are wrong. You know what the cheapest attack in the history of the series is? Sera's second form and it's sweeping laser in Mega Man Legends 2. The damn thing is almost guaranteed to knock you flat on your ass with a broken shield and less than 2 full units of shield energy and the worst part? It. Can. Hit. More. Than. Once.

[tornado fang] you hard mode Legends 2. If I weren't such an old school veteran, this level of difficulty would just be cruel. XD

There's No Shield in Legends 2...
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Jericho on November 15, 2008, 07:03:35 AM
Yeah, don't you notice when your gauge is completely depleted there's a red overtone inside of it and if you take one more hit, it's game over? That's the shield. it acts like a little buffer in case you run out of energy.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: AquaTeamV3 on November 15, 2008, 07:38:30 AM
You know what the cheapest attack in the history of the series is? Sera's second form and it's sweeping laser in Mega Man Legends 2. The damn thing is almost guaranteed to knock you flat on your ass with a broken shield and less than 2 full units of shield energy and the worst part? It. Can. Hit. More. Than. Once.

Try rolling through it; makes life that much easier, doesn't it?  It is pretty overpowered though, and probably the reason she's so annoying.  The black hole+meteors combo is pretty irritating too.

but seriously, Sigma X4's boomerang attack.

Yeah, if you let the scythe hit the floor, you pretty screwed over.  Other than that, he's pretty easy for a first Sigma form.

Burst Man.  Much rage.

That fight as a whole is cheap.  I have this method where I slide repeatedly to get out of the bubbles; it works pretty darn well.  Still, you gotta hate a boss who tries so hard to abuse the insta-kill spikes.  The bounciness in his room doesn't help matters much, either.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Jericho on November 15, 2008, 08:26:00 AM
Try rolling through it; makes life that much easier, doesn't it?  It is pretty overpowered though, and probably the reason she's so annoying.  The black hole+meteors combo is pretty irritating too.

Oh, I learned this after m first few playthroughs. It still doesn't make up for the fact that screwing up slightly and getting nipped by the laser still has the same effect. (I love playing around too much in games, go figure. XD)
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Flok on November 15, 2008, 05:43:24 PM
Duo.Exe really is a [sonic slicer].

I can't remember that Bubbleman.Exe was cheap, in fact, Flameman.Exe was much worse for me personally.

Airman, King's axe without Lightning Bolt, Wily Saucer MM7, Infinity Mijinion, Botos's little trick and a few others I cannot remember right now.

Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Police Girl on November 15, 2008, 05:52:34 PM
Yeah, don't you notice when your gauge is completely depleted there's a red overtone inside of it and if you take one more hit, it's game over? That's the shield. it acts like a little buffer in case you run out of energy.

Oh, I thought that was just there to prevent you from dying in Lava or Ice.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Alice in Entropy on November 16, 2008, 02:43:04 PM
Another annoying attack I remember is that stupid flower thing (Raffelsia?) from Command Mission.


I nearly cried in rage fighting her. D=

Oh, and come to think of it, the Mad Nautilus' six-at-a-time laser attack in that same game annoyed me when I first fought it. And let's not forget Mach Jentra's party-killing "Flames of Gehenna". RAGE.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Mirby on November 16, 2008, 04:44:35 PM
I was pissed at Gemini Spark SP. Cheap as hell, because he hits hard and rapidly. That is pretty cheap. When I finally beat him, the time was 0:21:63 and I S-Ranked him. Serves him right.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Helada Quemadura on November 16, 2008, 05:02:27 PM
Hmm; I can't recall any other boss that has instant-kill moves that don't involve spikes.

Uranus's Cave-in move from MM5GB.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Mirby on November 16, 2008, 05:03:46 PM
I forgot about that one. Way easy to dodge though, since he broadcasts it, iirc.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: AquaTeamV3 on November 16, 2008, 10:01:16 PM
Yeah, he pretty much gives that one away.  Kelverian's block was annoying, that killed instantly and could catch you off guard.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Jericho on November 16, 2008, 10:11:54 PM
Kelverian's block was annoying, that killed instantly and could catch you off guard.

I thought it could only kill you if you dashed under it?
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: AquaTeamV3 on November 16, 2008, 10:31:40 PM
You don't necessarily have to dash; sometimes he'll just toss it on top of you.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: HyperSonicEXE on November 16, 2008, 10:37:58 PM
The Omega version bosses in MMBN3. Pretty much.

MM7 Wily UFO, the fire and ice attacks. GEEZ.
Of course, if I used the Super Adapter and made him aim higher, I might not take as much damage.

Panther Falclaws or whatever it was. Ugh, I hated that.

And, while it's not an attack, Saturn's absorption and general shrugging off of his weakness is annoying.

EDIT: Oh yeah, CrystalMan. I can't keep track of his projectiles, at all.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Elpis TK31 on November 17, 2008, 10:53:37 PM
You all seem to be forgetting the Cheap REVENGE HAH attack that several bosses have (Flauclaws and Ourobockle are good examples, Pegasolta is a bad example) if you kill them while you are airborne and over a hole/pit, YOU DIE, now THAT is the cheapest attack ever, even if it's not done by the bosses, then by the programmers XD

Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Speyeker on November 19, 2008, 06:11:41 AM
At least one of X8 Sigma II's attacks...I think the one where he fires a giant wave at you and there's virtually no way to dodge it.  He uses it incredibly rarely (in a lot of battles with him you may not even see it at all), but it's still very cheap because there's no way to dodge it.

The Star Force games final bosses also use nigh-unblockable attacks (at least the first one did, I think....).
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Frozen Potato on November 19, 2008, 07:23:31 AM
At least one of X8 Sigma II's attacks...I think the one where he fires a giant wave at you and there's virtually no way to dodge it.  He uses it incredibly rarely (in a lot of battles with him you may not even see it at all), but it's still very cheap because there's no way to dodge it.

he does that all that time actually....he charged it...but you simply hit him with a X charged shot,axl's concentrated shot or zero's 3combo hit/sigma canceled his charged....preventing him from using that

Black Devil...X5.....his stupid blocks are annoying.....get hit and you'll get load of damage.....and im currently busting him right now using normal X on my PSP!  8D
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Rockman Milo on November 19, 2008, 08:32:07 AM
You all seem to be forgetting the Cheap REVENGE HAH attack that several bosses have (Flauclaws and Ourobockle are good examples, Pegasolta is a bad example) if you kill them while you are airborne and over a hole/pit, YOU DIE, now THAT is the cheapest attack ever, even if it's not done by the bosses, then by the programmers XD


What he said. THAT'S cheap.
...Oh! And Duo.EXE's meteor punches, I hate 'em >_<
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: HyperSonicEXE on November 19, 2008, 09:29:34 PM
Black Devil...X5.....his stupid blocks are annoying.....get hit and you'll get load of damage.....and im currently busting him right now using normal X on my PSP!  8D

Duck and cover, man, duck and cover!
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: MegaFreak2 on November 19, 2008, 10:08:08 PM
Quote from: Acrosurge
Which reminds me that Epsilon's Metacrush is unavoidable and also reduces his target's HP to 1 regardless of that character's level.  I don't even know what Epsilon does after reeling in his opponent with this move, but it lays an uber hurtin'.

I always hated that. By the way, he just spins around and kicks you in the face.

I also hated Great Redips' Deus Ex Machina attack in Command Mission, and the fact that he could do it twice in a row. I'd be like "YES! I'm fully healed now!", and then all of a sudden "BWAHAHAH DEUS EX MACHINA". At first I thought, "oh, that's fine, I can just heal myself again", but NO, he gets TWO turns and kills all three party members.

Quote from: Ballade
Another annoying attack I remember is that stupid flower thing (Raffelsia?) from Command Mission.



Now that I look back at Command Mission, it's kind of sad. All my (main)characters are Level 99 now so it's no fun, and my Gamecube doesn't work so I can't start another game...
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Frozen Potato on November 19, 2008, 10:34:44 PM
Duck and cover, man, duck and cover!
did that all the time...but  i always mistakenly jump and got hit by the incoming blocks  8D

and also mcduff whatever....whale boss from X5....when he gets weaker...he gets to the other side and shoot ice block......get hit...and you'll get a cheapy spike death........

I always hated that. By the way, he just spins around and kicks you in the face.

I also hated Great Redips' Deus Ex Machina attack in Command Mission, and the fact that he could do it twice in a row. I'd be like "YES! I'm fully healed now!", and then all of a sudden "BWAHAHAH DEUS EX MACHINA". At first I thought, "oh, that's fine, I can just heal myself again", but NO, he gets TWO turns and kills all three party members.

deux ex machina ish nuthin....what i hate is he uses attacks that gives all status ailments on my whole party...wasted much turns just to heal all that...then he does it again....annoying....

You all seem to be forgetting the Cheap REVENGE HAH attack that several bosses have (Flauclaws and Ourobockle are good examples, Pegasolta is a bad example) if you kill them while you are airborne and over a hole/pit, YOU DIE, now THAT is the cheapest attack ever, even if it's not done by the bosses, then by the programmers XD

never got that on ourobuckle.......but it did get me when fighting pegasolta....finished him..i was like phew finally and relaxed.....didnt realized i was on over a pithole  8D
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: AquaTeamV3 on November 19, 2008, 10:45:38 PM
At least one of X8 Sigma II's attacks...I think the one where he fires a giant wave at you and there's virtually no way to dodge it.  He uses it incredibly rarely (in a lot of battles with him you may not even see it at all), but it's still very cheap because there's no way to dodge it.

Shadow Dash/X-Drive activation gets you through that one easily, and you can guard break him out of it like Meteor Weapon said.

I still say network Transmission had the cheapest bosses only because some of them used unavoidable attacks (curse you Protoman.EXE!!!).  They were basically prompting you to use Invis chips or Z-Cannon.  The game was still fun though, and there are a ton of Classic series references, even to the point of the final boss having a similar pattern to MM2's Alien Wily.

Colonels cape throw attack in exe 6. he throws his cape at you and if it catches you, he does a slash that reduces you to 1 HP no matter how much HP you have.

Actually, you're partially wrong on that one.  Colonel only uses the move if your HP dips below the damage of the actual move.  If you're at full health, he'll never use it.  It actually kills you instantly, but you probably had Undershirt on (which is why you had 1 HP left).
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Splash on November 20, 2008, 06:42:23 PM
Eh...ya know...Mega Was original in a Lap of robot Masters...And His weakness is Thunder Beam and Ice Slasher(10 HP)...
and what I HATE!...Fire Man's Fire...Shadow Dash...then Bubbles of Burst Man,Turbo Wheel...Venus Bubble...then Launch Octopus,Crush Crawfish.Anteator..AND THUNDER OF ALPHA IN MMBN3!(h8 this creature)
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Duke87 on November 21, 2008, 12:46:13 AM
Ah yes, Alpha's Sigma Lightning attack. Dance, baby, dance! Or just use an Invis chip or something else that makes you immune to it.

Of course, having both versions of the game can work to your benefit. I know I played an awful lot through Blue before I really touched White. Thing to do? Trade a bunch of powerful stuff over that you normally wouldn't have access to yet. Alpha is annoying normally but if you throw up a Life Aura he can't touch you with anything. Ha! [eyebrow]

Still, I think the cheapest attack by far in the alternate timeline games is Pegasus SP's giant Iceberg of doom. Absolutely undodegable and unblockable. Only way to avoid it is to get lucky and be able to throw up an Invis, Barrier, or Aura in time. And unlike Leo and Dragon's ultimate attacks, which you can just absorb the damage from if you're doing well enough, Pegasus' freezes you, meaning if you get hit by it, you also get hit by his next attack. So even if you can survive it, you're still probably toast if you get hit with it. Much annoyance. Pegasus remains the only boss (Well, except Andromeda) in that game that I haven't S ranked. Thank goodness for cipher mail so you don't need to!
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Cyberpunk on November 25, 2008, 09:06:58 PM
In X5, Sigma's first form tosses these blue energy waves at you that take up most of the screen, leaving only a small jump or duck space to avoid them. And you'd better avoid them, since they do ludicrous amounts of damage. And he throws them at, like, 3 or 4 at a time! Unless you're a controller ninja, or have Sub-Tanks to waste, you'll die. DIE.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Flok on November 28, 2008, 10:22:27 PM
I also slightly remember that if you did not have the right requirements, High Max would be a pain in the ass to take down. I mean, his attacks were not that cheap, but he took like 3 hours to take down if you entered his lair unprepared.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: CyberXIII on November 30, 2008, 04:02:20 AM
Anything named Bass.exe was a pain in the @$$. :W
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: kuja killer on November 30, 2008, 04:51:09 PM
I also slightly remember that if you did not have the right requirements, High Max would be a pain in the ass to take down. I mean, his attacks were not that cheap, but he took like 3 hours to take down if you entered his lair unprepared.

Oh man i remember the very first time i played x6 and got to him in the final levels for first time ever. Couldn't ever figure out how to damage him and did die so many times and using the sub tanks with no luck ever..

Until i found out the best way to ever hit him ..which was very time consuming was to have the auto-charge function turned on to get him vulnerable (which does 0 damage anyway) ..pause the screen and switch the hammer throwing weapon ..toss a hammer and it'll actually do like 1 hp damage literally ...unpause ...and keep jumping around the room trying to stay alive while the auto-charge takes care of things...when i get the chance... repeat over and over opening the menu, pick the hammer thing ..hit him once, switch back via menu until dead.

it was NOT a good idea to just switch weapons via R and L buttons cause that didn't help me at all that took a long time
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Nexus on November 30, 2008, 05:03:17 PM
Oh man i remember the very first time i played x6 and got to him in the final levels for first time ever. Couldn't ever figure out how to damage him and did die so many times and using the sub tanks with no luck ever..

Until i found out the best way to ever hit him ..which was very time consuming was to have the auto-charge function turned on to get him vulnerable (which does 0 damage anyway) ..pause the screen and switch the hammer throwing weapon ..toss a hammer and it'll actually do like 1 hp damage literally ...unpause ...and keep jumping around the room trying to stay alive while the auto-charge takes care of things...when i get the chance... repeat over and over opening the menu, pick the hammer thing ..hit him once, switch back via menu until dead.

it was NOT a good idea to just switch weapons via R and L buttons cause that didn't help me at all that took a long time

I've felt your pain, except on an extra path on a normal level instead. Funny thing is, his pattern isn't that difficult, and his weakness is the Magma Blade, after stunning him with a full-powered charge shot. If you're playing as Zero, you have to Magma Slash him first, then attack him with normal saber slashes.
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: MegaTuga on January 06, 2009, 09:03:21 PM
All the Bowlman.EXE attacks in MMBN3...

Oh and the Alpha electric beam...
Title: Re: Cheapest Boss Attack(s) in the series?
Post by: Sky Child on January 06, 2009, 10:08:37 PM
All the Bowlman.EXE attacks in MMBN3...

Oh and the Alpha electric beam...
Dude. The last post in this thread was in NOVEMBER. Why dig up a dead topic just to post that?

Every time I find another necropost from you, I want to ban you more.