Wilypocalypse NOW

Protoman Blues · 425271

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Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1475 on: April 25, 2013, 03:55:50 PM
While deeply admiring the crystal, the console beeped rather loud, signalling something. Dr. Wily II went over to the console, and noticed that the diagnostics have been completed.

DWII - That's weird, I remembered it'll take at least an hour more to finish...

Dr. Wily II shrugged, and typed a bit onto the console. Before long, he pressed the Enter button, and the generators began to slowly whirred into life.

DWII - LET THERE BE LIGHT!! ... Wait. We already have light.

Back at the Medical Labs, all the medical equipment began to blink into life. Medic Man felt a slight jolt of electricity when the console he was tinkering with whirred into life.

Medic - A shocking relevation~

After removing his syringe from the console, Medic Man desparately tried to recover whatever encrypted and decrypted data there was, but it seemed that the sudden blackout had corrupted some parts of the data. However, whatever was left was mostly decrypted. Sighing, Medic Man continued decrypting whatever was recoverable.

At the Underground Factory, the machines hissed into life as the conveyor belts began to roll out the Zero Joes. Wily Fighter, relieved that the power has been restored, began to monitor the production again.

WF - Hmm. Only 30% complete. At least the production wasn't completely thrown out the window by that freak blackout...

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Offline White-Jet

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Reply #1476 on: April 26, 2013, 06:01:17 AM
With the generator now working its own magic to restore functionality to the system, Hierophant deactivates his staff, not wanting to cause another blackout with his own restoration powers.

Now that the risky endeavor was out of the way, he can get back to finding Death and Emperor and getting out of the WDS.  But as he was turning to leave the basement, a sudden remembrance struck his mind; the control room is still in shambles because of Reggae's persistent attempts to expose them for his own amusement.

He knew he had more pressing matters to take care of, but there was no telling if WilyII has more than one control room, and he has no time to run up every level to find out.

Hierophant ran back into the stairwell and into the room below the first incline, finding an elevator next to the door.  With the power slowly coming back on, he rushes into the elevator and presses the fifth level button before pointing his staff towards the ceiling and casting Haste to speed up its ascent.  A few seconds pass before a jolt almost knocks him off his feet, followed by the elevator doors opening to the still brightening hallway.

But no sooner had he been greeted with a familiar sight, an agonized squawk echoed throughout the hallways as Reggae careened past the doors, his tail, wings and hair set ablaze and setting off the fire alarm and sprinklers one after another.

"Oh no...." Hierophant mutters before rushing out of the elevator and into the control room to find the console and its various monitors dropped back to its normal height while the crushed monitors sizzled and smoldered with dying spark fires from the fountain of water pouring from a broken sprinkler pipe.

Fixing this problem could have been as simple as pointing his staff at the damaged console and using his white magic to repair it, but with the sprinklers spilling like a rainstorm, just powering up the console would have caused an explosion that would take out the entire level, if not re-invoke the blackout he had risked his card to rectify.

He runs out of the control and follows the trail of pipes in the hopes of finding where the water was coming from and shut it off so he can get back to fixing the control console before WilyII and his two cohorts decide to head back to the control room, obviously by teleportation.

The caravan reaches what appears to be a migration stumbling through the ruins of of a neighborhood.  The Berbils driving the caravan look to each other before the one in the second seat, a rust-colored Berbil, picks up the walkie-talkie and turns it on.

"St. Acidburg citizens incoming," he spoke into the walkie-talkie, "Friends may be among them.  Stopping caravan to search."

As the caravan was beginning to stop, Chariot notices most of the citizens and been slowing to a stop while looking towards them.  Some of them had the three swords that signified their sense of betrayal and the bundle of ten wands burdening their struggle to cope, but something was wrong.

Two of the swords were hanging off their hands, waiting to be clutched and swung while their heads are adorn with a crescent moon forehead and horns seemingly drilled into the sides of their skull.  But only one trained under the tutelage of Tarot Cat's deck would be able to see this.

Chariot immediately grabs the walkie-talkie and shouts into it, "Keep driving!  You don't want to stop for these guys!"

Before the Berbils could figure out why, the entire caravan shakes as a large dent pops out of the right side of the trailer.  Looking out the nearest windows, they found some of the incoming citizens had detracted from their aimless lumber through the neighborhood and had begun attacking the caravan, shouting and screaming at them to get out.

The panda Berbil panics as he tries to back away from the citizens attacking from the front, but accidentally crashes into the ones swarming and clawing at the trailer to rip it open.

"Don't you guys have a loudspeaker you could use to calm these guys down!?" Chariot shouts amidst the banging and shaking.

"Of course, but Berbils lack material to amplify volume louder than noise outside." the red and white Berbil pipes.

The doors eventually burst inward as several terrified citizens clamber to get inside and grab the first thing that isn't bolted to the trailer.  Chariot yanks another spear out of the unexplained space under his cape, using the back end to beat and jab the frenzied citizens out only to suddenly get bashed in the face by a flying rock.  It wasn't forceful enough to knock him to the floor, but caused enough of an impact to break his nose and release ruby-like blood from his nostrils.

The second the Blood of Swords leaked out of his broken nose, the citizens clambering into the trailer felt a sense of negativity billowing from its quick-drying drops and freaked out, reaching out and attempting to grab and beat Chariot only to be kicked and stomped by his retaliating boots until the Berbils regained their senses and fought to shut the door, activating its emergency locking and buffing system to ensure no normal force would be able to break through.

Though slightly disoriented by the bludgeoning, Chariot scrambled over to the walkie-talkie and shouts into it.

"Drive!  Get away from this part of the neighborhood before they start upping the force!"

"Berbils trapped." the panda Berbil protests, "Berbils do not want to harm terrified innocence."

"If you want to find your friends, you're going to have to make some exceptions!" Chariot retorts, "Not to mention Vixy may have already sensed the negative energy fueling my Blood of Swords and could be coming down here any moment to check out the situation!  She finds out I'm the one giving off that negative energy and she'll think the entire caravan is a threat and destroy it without even bothering to check!"

A pipe breaks through the window of the truck, startling the panda Berbil further as he grabs the exposed in and shoves it back out, causing a domino reaction of citizens falling onto each other and provoking them to attack each other.

"Berbils listen to Chariot," the rust-colored Berbil exclaims monotonously. "Berbils do not like hurting innocence, but Berbils hate dying even more."

The panda Berbil looks towards his side-driving companion before reluctantly mashing his robotic foot against the wheel and speeding through the neighborhood, scaring oncoming citizens into either jumping out of the way or bracing for impact.

Chariot, meanwhile, collapses his back against the wall and slides to a sitting position while ripping the dried streaks of ruby from his broken nose.

Gotta concentrate....  Control my impulse and direct them to neutral energy....  I wasn't putting others first....  I was controlling the situation....  Controlling....  Direct my impulse to neutral energy so no one identifies me by injury alone....  Release nothing....

After what seemed like a few minutes, his hands started to pull and wipe away citrine-colored blood: the Blood of Pentacles that flows senseless energy through his materialized body.  He only has to keep this up until his nose stops bleeding.

"Neighborhood long; innocence still coming," the red and white Berbil said, "Caravan may be stuck here a while."

"As long as I keep focused on believing the impulses that fuel my Blood of Pentacles, we should be fine," Chariot mutters while shaking the ruby and citrine streaks and sheets from his hands, "Your best bet right now is to pray Vixy is at least willing to listen to our reason for being this reckless if she decides to fly down here to investigate.  But judging by what's going on right now and her ability to sense FRESCA, she might not even have to judge us before swooping down to control this situation."


Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1477 on: May 01, 2013, 08:21:24 AM
DWII - OK, now that we have power, it's time to get things back on track!! But first... Computer, do a full security scan of the whole WDS premises. And if there are any abnormalities... Exterminate with extreme prejudice.

The console beeped in acknowledgement of the verbal command, and whirred loudly.

DWII - Now, we should head back to my main control room. I have a itching need to contact someone after such a long update blackout. Gatling Man, go and patrol the premises.

Gatling - Sir, yes Sir!!

With Gatling Man exiting the Generator Labs...

DWII - Computer. Teleportation to the control room.

Computer - Control room coordinates not recognised.

DWII - ... Wait what.

Computer - Control room coordinates not recognised.

DWII - ... *turns and face Tron* Looks like we need to walk back the long way again. And avoid the multiple death-traps that have re-activated with the power restoration.

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Reply #1478 on: May 01, 2013, 08:34:20 AM
(Well, stand creation is a pain. Its not set in stone yet so I could always go a different route.)

Offline White-Jet

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Reply #1479 on: May 01, 2013, 10:02:51 AM
Hierophant eventually found himself back in the Aquamarine Lab after following the pipe closest to the control room.  With the room fully illuminated, he founds that some of the pipes were dipped into the various pools dotting the walkways as barely visible whirlpools indicate where most of the water was coming from.

He runs to every console in the room, searching their commands for a deactivation option to shut off the sprinklers but only found options to open and close the shutters as well as change the environment for testing purposes.  Looking towards one of the pools, he sees a large window taking up the wall below the surface, obviously to observe the various sea-based robots that have yet to appear, most likely due to their tanks being used to put out the fire in the control room and on Reggae.  The only dry passage leading to it was at the other end of the room from where he stood, making the harrowing attempt to fix the control room before anyone found out what had happened during the blackout.

Hierophant heaved a frustrated sigh and attempts to head over to the door only to be startled by a blaring klaxon echoing throughout the room.


No sooner had the oddly Dalek-sounding voice finished its sentence, the cameras strewn throughout the ceiling of the Aquamarine Lab started shooting scanning lights that began sweeping every inch of the room. Hierophant panics at the thought of being caught by one of the cameras; though his card is indestructible to all known hazards, he could still be knocked unconscious or weakened to the point of not being able to fly or project himself.

Fearing his lack of dexterity in dodging every single scan light that swept through the area, he reopens the shutter opens and sets the pool behind him to close, causing two doors to slide slowly towards each other.  He barely dodges a scan light sweeping across the console and makes a run for the closing tank, diving in just as the shutters connected.

As he began sinking towards the bottom, he saw the observation room's cameras begin activating their scanning lights, easily penetrating the windows in search of their given target.  He quickly swam towards the corner of the pool, well out of sight of the windows and the camera's fixed angles.  Buoyant as his body was, however, he couldn't take this moment to use his staff to locate Death and Emperor as its weight could drag him within sight of camera and their scan lights, leaving him stuck where he is until the entire room finished scanning.

After being unable to bypass the remaining six levels through the stairwell, and still being chased by Death, Emperor eventually returns to the more occupied fifth level, having seen the entire station back up and running.

There had been no sign of Hierophant, obviously too busy fixing the damaged he caused to continue pursuing him, though he starts to notice Death had seemingly disappeared.  Thinking he had lost her through his quick, ninja-like speed, he continues towards the door leading to the fifth level, poking his head through to find the entire hallway was sprinkling water with waterproof cameras scanning every inch of the area for what he could only assume to be intruders that didn't belong in the station.

Wiggling his eyebrows while snickering in anticipation for resuming his observation of Dr. Wily II's evil antics, Emperor fazed back into his card and slipped through the crack under the door, slithering through the hallways while easily dodging every scan light that passed through the area until he reached the control room, finding it still in shambles with the added annoyance of a broken pipe spilling water onto the crackling wires and dying fire.

"Not yet, it seems," he mutters to himself, "No matter.  Since those two spoil sports haven't found me yet, I can easily hide here until they get back."

"You sure about that, pretty man?" snickers a voice from behind.

Before Emperor could yelp in surprise, his card jolts, followed by a familiar scythe appearing before his apple-bulged neck.  Following the metallic stick attached to the curved blade, he sees Death standing directly behind him with an eager, devious smirk on her face.

"You might want to be a little quieter with your thoughts," Death muses, "There's no telling how many of these cameras have ears."

Emperor grits his teeth in frustration as Death leans closer to him, "You may be able to mimic a ninja perfect, but you're a million years from being as unnoticeable as the very shadow that accompanies Death."

Emperor's snarl eventually curls into a sinister smirk, "You think so?  Let's just see how unseen you really are before the lights of all that see us."

He then bounds backwards, knocking his and Death's card clear out of the control room.  As the once nonchalant reaper struggles to keep her scythe situated on Emperor's throat, the ninja-disguised tarot pulls out a bandaged sphere with a lit fuse out of his pocket and throws it into her face, causing a muffled explosion of fire to knock her back, separating her card from his.

Just as Death had regained her senses, one of the cameras began sweeping its scan light towards her, startling her into pivoting out of the way.  By the time the camera finished its sweep, Emperor had once again disappeared.  Death muffles an annoyed growl only to see another camera sweeping its light through the hallways, forcing her to retreat to the nearest dark room in the hallway, which happened to be another closet room.

Peeking through the crack of the doorway, she realizes that the plethora of lights dancing around would make it impossible for her to continue pursuing Emperor without being spotted, forcing her to stay hidden until the cameras finished their scan and went back to their usual stationary observations.


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Reply #1480 on: May 04, 2013, 03:01:51 AM
Hmm... I'll need to do some hacking huh? Fxeni pondered as he watched PBPB walk away. He wandered back inside his room, and examined the stuff he had in the room. Well, maybe I could use some of this stuff to whip something up, but I would be missing some parts... he thought as he gathered up parts from around the room. Then he remembered the portal opener that he still had on him. He pulled it out of his pocket and examined it.

Well, it got busted in one of the many battles, but the parts here should do he thought as he dismantled it and started sorting everything out. He figured that he would have enough time to put something of use together in time for the stealth mission.

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Reply #1481 on: May 04, 2013, 03:36:47 AM
"...Taylor?" HeatGabumon said quietly, tugging on Taylor's shirt.

"Yeah, what is it?" she replied somewhat absentmindedly, more focused on what she was making than what he was saying.

"I think everyone here is headed to eat this cooking."

"Oh that's nice," she responded coolly. A few seconds passed before realization of what he said struck her. "Wait, WHAT? There's not enough prepared to feed everyone! What the hell?!? Quick, get cooking too, man, what are you doing just standing around!"

"Okay okay!" the Digimon said, helping out as well.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #1482 on: May 04, 2013, 08:22:24 AM
As the security cameras contiune their laser sweep, Dr. Wily II is checking the status on his PDA, while guiding Tron through the death-traps.

DWII - Hmm... Still no abnormalities... Too strange...

Tron - Strange?

DWII - Yea... The blackout... And the prior hacking just felt... Unlike the Resistance...

Tron - Are you having second thoughts?

DWII - ME!? NEVER!! I just want a proper explanation to all this!!

Tron - Good, we must have full resolve to win this war!!

DWII - Not to worry... I WILL WIN THIS WAR!! ... After we get past all this death-traps...

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Reply #1483 on: May 04, 2013, 08:52:06 AM
The windows eventually stopped flashing spotlights, indicating they had completed their scan of the area.  Hierophant puffed a small cloud of bubbles before sinking towards the bottom of the tank and drifting towards the lone doorway standing next to the windows.

There appeared to be a trap door below him, most likely to drop any damaged machines that are swept into the area, and an opening a few feet above his materialized height.  Hierophant pulled his hat off before heading for the surface, staying just high enough above the water to get a better look of the place without being spotted by any of the cameras that might still be scanning the room.

While the scanning lights have all shut off, it didn't necessary stop the cameras from filming any activity that was going on in the observation room.  But since the control room is still damaged and without power, Hierophant didn't feel the need to worry about being spotted as he cautiously climbs out and looks around for the whereabouts of any consoles that might control more than just the shutters of each tank.

He didn't have to look long before seeing one of the consoles directly adjacent to the window overlooking the tank he jumped into.  And it appears this particular tank was the only one sacrificing its liters to put out the fire in both the control room and wherever Reggae was running his flaming feathers to.

Hierophant sneaks up to the console and begins searching for an option to shut off the sprinklers, but quickly finds he was having as much luck finding the command as digging through a pile of haystacks for a sharp needle.


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Reply #1484 on: May 06, 2013, 05:11:00 PM
(So, I've given it further thought, and I've decided to go back to just not knowing what the artifact does. The idea of Stand creation was kind of neat, but in the end I didn't feel as if I would do the concept justice, especially since I've not seen/read JJBA. :\)

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Reply #1485 on: May 07, 2013, 08:09:54 AM
(Fair enough.)

Posted on: May 06, 2013, 07:19:48 AM
(Giant wall of text and dialog go!)

Zeta walked as fast as she could without the contents of the cart falling over and making a mess.  With the information she learned about PB’s current condition she felt that she couldn’t leave PB alone or else he might do something completely stupid, if he hadn’t already.

“Dammit I can’t believe I believed PB forgot about the trauma he endured, how could I have been so stupid?!” Zeta thought to herself in frustration “Why in the world would he think that this is the best way to deal with this sort of thing!?  When I get in there I’m going to knock some sense into him!”

When she finally reached the Sickbay she rushed in with the full intention of giving PB a piece of her mind….only to find he was nowhere in sight.

“You have got to be kidding.” Zeta face palmed

“Zeta is that you?”  A voice said somewhat close by.

“PB?” She asked “Where are you?”

“I’m in the bathroom, did I scare you?” PB asked.

“Well yeah, I thought you decided to take a walk or something equally stupid.” Zeta sighed.

“Is that so?” PB laughed “I’m glad you weren’t here when I went to my room to get my Bass.”

“YOU DID WHAT!?” Zeta yelled.

“Relax I didn’t walk here and back.” PB laughed again “I teleported here and back.”

“Teleported?” Zeta questioned “That’s odd I don’t see a teleporter here.”

“Well ADA can handle teleportation but it’s kinda redundant to use it to get to other places in the base.” PB explained “However with my condition I can’t walk long distances, however I myself can teleport.”

“You mean like Instant Transmission?” Zeta replied.

“That’s basically it, it works really well with the Sword of Omens Sight Beyond Sight.” PB continued.

“That’s pretty convenient.” said Zeta “As a robot I can teleport too, but if the teleportation array thingy stops working I’m stuck where I am, but you don’t rely on that.”

“Yes but there are other down sides to my teleportation capabilities.”  PB pointed out “I have to concentrate to use it, which can be hard to do during battle and it’s useless with a power dampening field.”

“I see.” Zeta walked to the door, put her ear to the wall and heard water running. “How long have you been in there?”

“I think about 10 minutes or so, I guess I hadn’t had anything to drink in a long time and woke up extremely thirsty.  Before I knew it the entire water pitcher was empty and nature called.” PB sighed

“That makes sense, but you seem to be taking your time washing your hands.  I heard the facet running when you started talking.” Zeta pondered.

“It’s not that I’m washing my hands, they’re just sore as hell from practicing my Bass.” PB whined

“Not to mention those chains you were shackled with.” Zeta muttered to herself though PB didn’t hear her. “You should of known better than to practice your Bass in your condition, you’re already hurt and if you push it too hard you could damage your wrists permanently.”

“You do have a point.” PB agreed “It’s just with the war effort I hadn’t had time to practice, and I felt now would be a good time.”

“Did you just start learning how to play?” Zeta asked.

“Yeah I did, I’m still trying to get the hang of it.” PB laughed

“You’ll get it eventually.” said Zeta “You just have to keep practicing your scales, chords, and fingering.”

“You seem to know a bit about this Zeta, do you play?” PB asked.

“Yeah I play both an Acoustic and Electric Guitar in the little spare time that I do have.  It’s pretty much the same thing but with a different style.” Zeta explained.

“That sounds awesome, you mind playing something for me?” PB requested.

“Sorry I’m not really in the mood to play right now, my mind is a little out of focus to play something.” Zeta sighed.

“I’m sorry to hear that, is there anything I can do to help you feel better?” PB asked.

“We’ll talk about it when you get out of the bathroom.” Zeta replied as she sat by the door

“Okay then.” Said PB as he continued to soak his sore hands in the water.

As Zeta was waiting for PB to get out, she noticed the aforementioned Bass on PB’s bed and was a little curious about it.

“Hey PB can I have a look at your Bass?” Zeta asked

“Sure go ahead.” PB answered.

“Thank you.” Zeta said as she got up.

She walked over to the Bass and inspected it thoroughly.  She saw that it was well taken care of with no scratches or dents.  However closer inspection revealed that some of the frets have tear stains and the strings were quite sweaty.   She also noticed that the bed also had some tear stains.

“He’s really being tormented by what happened and yet he doesn’t show any indication that he’s feeling this way.  I know that we just met each other, but I feel like I have to do something for him, after all it’s partially my fault he’s injured like this.  PB, why do you have to keep this to yourself, is there nothing I can do to ease your mind?” Zeta thought to herself.

 “Zeta are you still there?” PB asked.

“Yeah I am.” said Zeta without hesitation “Did you think I left or something?”

“No it’s just you were pretty quiet.” PB stated “Is everything alright?”

“Yeah just having a good look of your Bass, it’s awesome dude.” Zeta said honestly.

“Thanks I had it custom made, it was pretty expensive.  Not that it’s a real big deal for me.” PB laughed.

“Yeah you never have to worry about money do you?” Zeta remarked.

“Yup, it’s pretty cool I don’t have to worry about my business failing and everyone is happy.  It’s a win-win situation.” PB said happily

“I guess, too bad I can’t really benefit from it since I can’t have sex.” Zeta said as she put the bass down, and sat down next to the door.

“Oh right I forgot you can’t really do that.” PB apologized.

“It’s fine, I mean I don’t get those urges so it’s not like I’m missing anything.  Plus I don’t have to worry about repercussions or stuff like that.” Zeta explained.

“I guess that’s one way of looking at it, still are you really okay with it?” PB asked.

“Yeah I can’t really miss what I never really had.” Zeta nodded.

“I see.” PB replied.

“Anyway are your hands feeling better yet?” Zeta asked.

“They’re feeling a little better, but they still hurt like hell.” PB winced

“That really sucks, if your weren’t so injured I would have given you a hand massage but I don’t want to make things worse.” Zeta sighed.

“It’s alright, it’s my fault I ended up this way.”  PB replied “Don’t worry about it.”

“I don’t know if I can.” Zeta muttered to herself softly enough that PB couldn’t hear her.

Zeta then noticed that she was starting to get hungry.  Like humans robots can get hungry, which usually meant that they needed to recover some energy to run at optimum efficiency.  This can be achieved either with a rest in a capsule or by consuming food.

“Uh PB is it okay if I start eating my food right now?” Zeta asked.

“Huh, of course you can.” PB answered “Why didn’t you do so sooner?”

“I kinda wanted to wait until you came out, it didn’t seem right to start eating when you haven’t eaten in a while.” Zeta replied.

“You don’t have to do that Zeta, this isn’t a fancy restaurant and I’m not strict on manners.  Don’t worry about me and eat something.” PB ordered.

“Okay if you say so.” Zeta replied as she got the tray of sushi and a bottle of Mango Lemonade off the cart and began eating her meal. “There’s also some soup and a bottle of Mango Lemonade for you when you get out.”

“Ah thank you very much Zeta I can’t wait to try it.” PB said happily.

As Zeta was eating her sushi PB still kept soaking his hands in the water.  He wondered why she seemed to be more depressed the more he talked to her, it was almost like she was getting emotionally exhausted.

He had the feeling that she may have figured out he lied to her about forgetting what happened to him, but he didn’t want her to know how much it affected him. He was the leader of the Resistance and didn’t have time to deal with this when the entire world was in danger, and he certainly didn’t want his comrades to be burdened with it.

As he thought this his hands looked like they were stained with blood.  He was shocked it happened again and tried his best to make it go away, even though he knew that it was his mind playing nasty tricks on him.  The more he desperately tried to wash it away the more bloodied it got and it was making him feel scared.  

After a while he starts hearing voices screaming in terror and clutches his head in despair.

As Zeta was finishing her last piece of sushi she hears a sickening sound coming from the other side of the door.

“Oh no.” Zeta breathed as she quickly opened the bathroom door…and covered her eyes at the sight of PB vomiting into a toilet.

“Ugh I forgot humans can do that.” Zeta says a bit disgusted.

“I’m sorry you had to see that Zeta.” PB pants without looking at her, still feeling nauseous “I need you to do me a favor.”

“Of course what do you need me to do?” Zeta asked without hesitation.

“I need you to get a bottle of mouthwash, there should be some in this room somewhere.” PB requests as he flushes the toilet.

“Gotcha, I’ll find some.” Zeta replied as she went to look.

It didn’t take long for Zeta to find some mouthwash for PB and for him to clean himself up.  After he used the mouthwash to get the taste of vomit out of his mouth Zeta helped him walk back to his bed and sat with him.

“What happened?” Zeta asked.

“I’m not exactly sure myself.” PB panted “I guess my body is kinda weak from not having anything to eat along with my fever.  But don’t worry about me I’m alri-*smack*

PB became a bit disoriented as he felt a blow to the face and closed his eyes due to the pain.  He certainly wasn’t a stranger to being slapped, the blow was much harder than what Sakura usually does though not as bad Hitomi’s [sonic slicer] slap from hell.

“No. You’re. Not.” He heard Zeta say.  She sounded frustrated but there seemed to be some other emotions involved than just anger.

When he managed to open his eyes he saw something similar to what he saw before he was kidnapped.

Zeta was trembling and looked like she was crying, but she didn’t have any tears.  Although robots can be just as emotional as humans, albeit more logical than humans, they are unable to produce bodily functions such as tears or sweat.
Either way she was trying to avoid looking at him directly and PB took it as a sign that he shouldn’t say anything and let her talk.

“You’re not alright, hell you’re not even okay!” Zeta continued “I don’t need the ability to see FRESCAs to see that you’re losing it!  For god’s sake last time we met you begged me to kill you because you thought it was the only way for you to be stopped!  Yet you pretend that you don’t remember what happened and don’t want to talk about it!?  You don’t want me to worry about you so you keep your pain to yourself!?  Don’t you realize that if you doing this you’ll only feel worse and worse!?

I know we just met and all but I want to help you, because I know I wasn’t much help when I had to fight you!  It’s the only way I can help you after all I did to hurt you, because I know what it’s like!  I’ve been there, I’ve been through that horrible feeling!  It feels like everything and everyone you love falls down a hole and you can’t do anything to stop it, doesn’t it!?   That state of helplessness is the worst feeling in the world, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, not even the people who made me feel that way!

So why do you have to do this to yourself PB!?  Why do you feel that you can’t let me help you ease the burden on yourself!?  I can’t possibly understand why anyone would do this to themselves!”

Finally fatigue set in and she couldn’t speak anymore.  She kept crying being completely oblivious to the world around her and what PB was currently thinking when she finished.

(Wow that took a bit longer than I thought.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1486 on: May 07, 2013, 08:50:37 AM
Meanwhile, back in the hijacked pokemon league building...

Sapph was the first to arrive in the kitchen, quickly putting on an apron and joining in helping the cooking. "We're gonna need quite a bit more than what you've got done so far. There's a total of 33 mouths to feed, including us, with about 31 of them being digimon."

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Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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Reply #1487 on: May 07, 2013, 09:00:32 AM
"That... is a lot of Digimon. You seriously have 30 Digimon on your side?" Taylor asked incredulously.

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Reply #1488 on: May 07, 2013, 09:17:30 AM
"That's the difference between Tamers and Chosen. I get to have as many digimon as will listen to me." Sapph said, cracking his neck. "And it just so happens that 30 is that magic number of digimon that'll listen to me."

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Reply #1489 on: May 07, 2013, 09:35:04 AM
"That's still a lot... wow."

"Stop talking and keep cooking!" HeatGabumon admonished, irritated that they were delaying the cooking of food for the large group that had descended upon them.

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Reply #1490 on: May 07, 2013, 10:22:54 AM
As he saw Zeta trembling over what just happened, he wanted to reach over to her and console her. As he attempted to a quick flash of him enraged and hitting her came into his mind and he held back, his hands shaking as he lowered them.

"I....I remember everything." PB said as he started walking back to his bed to grab his Bass. "It's not helplessness that's the problem, Zeta. It's...You don't know what he did to me. You don't know what it's like. Those...frenzy waves. I don't even know how long I was exposed to them. It could have been just hours. It could have been days for all I know. B-but it felt like years. Years of having everything you know, everything you learned, every sense of reason and control just stripped away from you. All your memories, all your emotions just...just thrown to the wayside and replaced with insanity."

Zeta saw him on the bed. "PB..."

"B-but you can still see yourself doing all of it. The part of your mind that clings to the person you were is still there, but it can't...I couldn't stop it. I could hear the screams. I could feel the impact of my power against Vixy's. I could sense the FRESCA around me. Just...pure raw terror. At me. P-people...everyday people. Ordinary citizens with whom I swore to protect, swore to help were terrified of me. I was fighting my friends.....and was trying to kill them. I-I could've killed Vixy. I could've killed you. I could've killed Sakura. My young Sakura. I was teaching her how to control her powers and ego and...and...I..." PB interrupted himself by strumming his Bass.

"You don't have to go through this alone." Zeta said trying to comfort him.

"You asked me why I felt like I have to do this by myself. I've...never been one to let people see me depressed or sick. B-but this is different. Right then, when you were crying after you slapped me I wanted to console you... But then I saw you hurt...saw you in pain. I can still feel the blows of our fight in my mind. That's why I went to get my Bass. I was trying to think of something else. I look at you and feel the damage I inflicted. I look at everyone else and see the potential death I could cause. I'm suppose to be strong...a leader...and I'm terrified of losing control again...of going insane of..of..."

PB was suddenly interrupted when Zeta leaned towards him and passionately kissed him.

"What...what was that for?" PB said stunned.

"I dunno. It worked when Vixy did it!" Zeta replied somewhat embarrassed.

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Reply #1491 on: May 07, 2013, 10:26:19 AM
(Uh PB, Zeta is unable to produce tears.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #1492 on: May 07, 2013, 10:55:51 AM
Sapph had been cooking during that short exchange, and was still cooking. "Y'know, I saw the condition of St Acidburg..." He said, still cooking. "And I wouldn't blame ya if you decided to join the rebellion..."

My thread of Random Crap

Who loves Grape Soda? Sapph loves Grape Soda! Is it true? Is it true? Ohyesohyesohyes it's true-oo~ I do I do I do I do-oo~

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Reply #1493 on: May 07, 2013, 12:45:04 PM
"So you were spying on us, were ya?" Taylor said calmly. "And did the cameras in your mech pick up the audio as well?"

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Reply #1494 on: May 07, 2013, 03:34:15 PM
Back at the Medical Labs, Medic Man had just finished deciphering the remaining encrypted data. Putting everything together, Medic Man managed to somewhat determine the cause of hacking. But the results are... Intriguing.

Medic - Digimons~? What the hell are Digimons~? And they managed to defeat Null Man~!? Mymymy~ I must report back to the doctor~

As Medic Man prepared to rush out, he took another glance over the mummified boforte, and saw that he was still sleeping. Like a baby.

Medic - Aww~ I could report to the doctor, but Null Man needs fixing more~!

With that, Medic Man turned back towards the console, and began to repair Null Man's data core that was hidden in the encrypted data.

(White-Jet, please continue on your part with Hierophant. I'm starting to run out of filler. XD)

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Reply #1495 on: May 07, 2013, 07:54:18 PM
(Fixed Sakura)

Posted on: May 07, 2013, 10:02:05 AM
PB was taken aback by the kiss. Under normal circumstances something like this would not bother him. He was trying to make sense of it when he suddenly realized that he wasn't scared of hurting her anymore.

"Heh...there is wisdom in Vixy's methods." PB said while putting his arm around Zeta. "Th-thank you!"

Zeta responded, "Look, you're right. I don't know everything that you're going through right now. How can I? But what I do know is that going through something like this alone is not the way to handle it. For once, put away the ego. Let someone be your shoulder for once."

"I don't...well I've never really done that before. I'm not accustom to relying on someone." PB said while turning his head and looking at the window.

"I'd like to help." Zeta turned his head back towards her.

"I-I don't know..." PB responded.

The two of them once again embraced in a kiss when suddenly PBPB walked into Sickbay 2 and saw them.

"Pffffft. I should've [tornado fang]ing known you were with a woman!" PBPB glared at the two of them.

"It's...it's not what you think. Plus it's not like you haven't seen this kind of thing before!" PB replied while Zeta smiled.

"I was just bringing him dinner!" Zeta blushed.

"I'm sure! So, how are you feeling?" PBPB asked PB.

"I'm fantasti-OWW!" PB said while being slapped by PBPB. "Geeze, twice in the span of 9 minutes. That's gotta be a record!"

PBPB just raised an eyebrow. "It's not. And I know you're not okay, dumbass. Do you know what the hell you put me through last night? Our damn psychic link provided me with an advanced [tornado fang]ing screening of your goddamn emotional state. If it weren't for Vixy I would've gone nuts."

"Sorry!" PB apologized. "You know we PB's are not really good with bearing our souls or asking for help from others."

"No, YOU'RE not good at it! I went right to Vixy when I didn't know what to do. Zeta could even see your suffering and thank [tornado fang] she took the initiative before you just disappeared on us! You're the only one who feels like you have to handle everything by yourself! AND LOOK WHAT THE [tornado fang] HAPPENED!! Are you so egotistical to not realize that if you had of asked for help before facing that Met army, you might not have been captured in the first place? What if they took your egoprentice as well as you and exposed her to that [parasitic bomb] like you were?" PBPB laced into PB.

PB just sat there, silently. For once in his life he didn't know what to say. He thought of everything PBPB and Zeta said to him and just sat there, eyes wide open, shocked at the truth.

"This is what I'm talking about, PB. I want to help you, but you've got to want help in the first place!" Zeta responded.

"You should listen to her!" PBPB said.

"I...." PB couldn't believe what he was about to say. "I do need help. You're both right. My body may be healing alright but my mind is an absolute wreck. One thing is for sure...I cannot lead the resistance right now. I need time to sort everything out and get my [parasitic bomb] together. B-but I can't ask you both to hold off the fight just because I'm out of commission. RPM needs you both right now."

"Look, I've got things well in hand. I'm you after all, just sexier and way [tornado fang]ing smarter!" PBPB stated. "I'll make sure the resistance is victorious in this war. Speaking of which, there's an operation that needs my immediate attention as we speak. I can't keep Fxeni waiting for long. Focus on getting better, you jerk store! We'll need you before the battle is done."

"Yes sis. Tell Fxeni I said hi." PB actually cracked a smile.

As PBPB was walking out, "Zeta, can I see you outside Sickbay for a moment?" Zeta got up and walked outside with her.

"Listen, I know [ray splasher]-me. Despite what he just said he's going to be hesitant to accepting help. It's not his fault, it's just his ego. Well okay, it is his fault. Anyway, I can feel his emotional state better than anyone due to our link and when I walked in his mind was the most calm it has been since before he was captured."

"So, he is getting better then?" Zeta asked.

"Thanks to you, yes. He might not even realize it. Needless to say, he needs you right now and I want you to stay with him no matter what he says. The truth is that we really need him back in this fight and with you around he has a better chance of getting him back sooner. As of this moment I cannot think of a more important cause to the resistance than you being by his side. Heh, consider it a secret order from a commanding officer if you must. Stay with him. Please!" PBPB said as she put her hand on Zeta's shoulder.

"I won't let you down, ma'am!" Zeta said and saluted.

"Haha, at ease soldier. I've gotta run. Good luck." PBPB said as she walked away and headed for Fxeni's quarters again.

"LOVE YOUR OUTFIIIIIIT!" Zeta yelled out.

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Reply #1496 on: May 07, 2013, 08:30:36 PM
RMZX - "So... after further analysis.. I can conclude that this artifact... is still a complete [tornado fang]ing mystery."

RMZX took the badge-like artifact out of the analysis machine.

RMZX - "Hmm... maybe its supposed to be something I wear?"

RMZX attached the artifact to his jacket, the markings on it shone for a brief moment before fading back to black.

RMZX - "Hm, guess that was it. I don't feel any stronger or anything. What a [tornado fang]ing waste."

RMZX left the lab in a fuss, visibly irritated by the supposedly worthless artifact.

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Reply #1497 on: May 07, 2013, 11:32:57 PM
"No, just the visuals." Sapph answered, continuing to cook. "And the cameras were active in case you ran into trouble that I needed to help with." He said, pausing a moment to check how much food they had cooked. "When and if you do join them, I have a favor to ask of you."

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Reply #1498 on: May 08, 2013, 01:26:20 AM
After putzing through several commands, Hierophant finally finds one that controls the pipes draining the water into the sprinklers, but activating the corresponding window reveals a map of the current floor almost obscured by a maze of pipes connecting one of the tanks to the room its pipes were connected to.  Thankfully, he didn't have to worry about figuring out what room connects to which pipe as both the control room and the pipe leading to it were flashing red, indicating a flow problem.  Pressing them caused both the room and the affected pipe to stop flashing as a dialogue box popped up with the words "DAMAGED PIPE OFFLINE".

Heaving a small sigh of relief for dealing with the first part of the fiasco, Hierophant runs back up to the main floor of the Aquamarine Lab and through the now drenched hallways, which had since completed it scan of any anomalies, back into the control room, finding the pipes no longer spilling water, but most of the monitors that had been crushed open were now leaking water from the very cracks the waters had drizzled into.  He runs up to the console and tries to pull the monitors off, but finds they were bolted to the undamaged monitors, and his average strength wasn't going to be enough to uproot them.

Hierophant looks around to make sure no robots, or WilyII for that matter, were wandering about the control room before pointing the staff at the monitors and unleashing a powerful surge of white lightning, causing all the monitors to shatter and spill the water that had built up during the sprinkler's activation.  As he was about to breathe another sight of relief and head up to check and see how much water was left in the monitors, he hears a faint voice boasting from outside.

"Why is there white lightning coming out of that room!?"

"It must be that anomaly that has been causing this fiasco!  Let's hurry before it gets away!"

Hierophant panics, realizing WilyII and his cohorts had managed to make their way to the elevator to get back to the current floor the control room is in.  There was still water in the monitor, but he didn't have time to empty it out, and there was no telling how far they are from the control room.  He swallows hard before holding the orb end of his staff and two of his unoccupied fingers towards his forehead.

"Please don't explode....  Please don't explode...." he mutters while concentrating on the staff's healing powers.  After a few seconds, the orb flashes white as green-glowing binary numbers flickered off it.

Wasting no time to check and see how far the voices were from the room, Hierophant points the staff at the machine, clutching it with both hands, and fires off a blinding white beam, causing more green-glowing binary numbers to rise up around it as all the shattered and compressed monitors popped back to their normal height with the shards still remaining growing and expanding back to their original solidity; steam billows from the monitors, indicating the heat of his transferring healing energy was evaporating the remaining puddles of water still trapped within the monitor's boxes.

"Hey you!  What're you doing to my controls!?"

Hierophant almost dropped his staff as he snaps his head over to see WilyII and some unfamiliar person with a dark crystal standing at the door.  The console was almost back to full operation, and he wasn't about to reveal his ability to heal machines, let alone reveal he had been separated from Tarot Cat's deck.

"Sorry...." he yelped before slamming his foot onto the keypad inside the control room, causing a loud klaxon to nearly blast their eardrums before the door to the control room slams shut.

There was a startled yelp from the other side, followed by an aggravated yell.

"Curse you, you...intruder!  I'll have your head when I get the door back open!"

Hierophant grits his teeth before looking back towards the console, "C'mon....  Hurry up...!"

The staff eventually fades back to its original blue hue, indicating the console had been fully repaired.  But no sooner had he attempted another sigh of relief, the keypad began beeping, indicating WilyII was punching in his pass code to get back into the room.  He quickly runs up to the console and digs through its commands until he found one that controls the teleportation function.  He quickly hits the "Emergency teleportation" function just as the door flew back open, causing his entire body to glow white before disappearing in a beam of light.

Death pokes her head back out after noticing the lights had stopped flashing, seeing the cameras had returned to their stationary positions.  Before she could think about lingering out to see if the entire hallway had stopped scanning, she heard a crash, followed by several long-pole tools falling out of their messy positions.  She barely manages to dodge them before looking to where the crash came from to find Hierophant laying upside down in the middle of the room.

"You really need to find a better position to drop in from," she muses once again.

"Try telling that to the teleportation system I had to use to get out of the control room," Hierophant grumbled before scrambling back to his feet, gathering the tools and slamming the door shut, "We're going to have to hide here a while.  I have a feeling he's going to be sending some robots to search for us."

Death puckers her lips to the side, wanting to give Hierophant another harsh talking, but figures he probably didn't have much of a choice and decided to heed his suggestion.


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Reply #1499 on: May 08, 2013, 10:19:29 AM
"No, just the visuals." Sapph answered, continuing to cook. "And the cameras were active in case you ran into trouble that I needed to help with." He said, pausing a moment to check how much food they had cooked. "When and if you do join them, I have a favor to ask of you."
"And what would that be, provided I do defect to their side?" she inquired.

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