Megaman Battle Network Chrono X!

killer336 · 76226

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Offline thefallenalchemist

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Reply #100 on: July 31, 2013, 11:52:19 PM
When this thing goes online, there's gonna be worse swear words than that one.

Offline Police Girl

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Reply #101 on: August 01, 2013, 02:08:50 AM
Nevertheless, can you please get rid of it?

Why should they get rid of somebody saying "hell" once, especially when BN2 was open to using it?

Its almost as if you're projecting your wants onto them.

Anyway, online huh? That's a pretty cool accomplishment. Nice work.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #102 on: August 01, 2013, 02:21:11 AM
Nevertheless, can you please get rid of it?
Yeah don't think they're gonna do it just because one person asked them to.

Also in the anime Netto is known for swearing. Not profusely, but he is known for saying the equivalent to [parasitic bomb] from time to time when things don't go right. Which is often.

So yeah, though I'm not really in a position to say they will listen or won't, odds are the swears stay in. If this is meant to be a true sequel, a true follow-up to EXE6, then it would follow the spirit of the original games.

And in retaining that spirit, there would be some "swear words". Minor ones, to be sure, but they'd be there nonetheless.

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline MaxRock

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Reply #103 on: August 01, 2013, 02:46:50 PM
When this thing goes online, there's gonna be worse swear words than that one.
If you reffer to the player names in Online Mode, I implemented word filter.

In the future, do you think that you can remove all swears from the game? The originals never had a swear in them.

When it goes to in-game cursing, remember that original BN games had it too... And we plan to stay as close to them as possible.

Let me quote few from BN2:
- "Damn it all to hell!"
- "Suck yo momma's milk"
- "You mean that ice $@&#!? That guy was never up to any good!" (Undernet Board)

Kids today are easily exposed to a lot worse cursing, plus I believe most of the BN fans are in their adulthood now, so they care less too.

Offline Mirby

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Reply #104 on: August 01, 2013, 02:52:01 PM
as long as there's more funny things like this as well, i'm happy

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline thefallenalchemist

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Reply #105 on: August 04, 2013, 06:07:11 PM
I wasn't talking about the names, I was talking about the swears that accompany most peer to peer conversation in any MMO, which sounds like what this is turning into.

Offline killer336

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Reply #106 on: November 15, 2013, 09:50:19 AM
Hey guys! I bet you're wondering: "Why were there no updates!? >:{ " Haha, well, I'll be straight with you. I had plans for a few updates, but things got held back. We want to add a cool new addition to online mode to increase its longevity. Not only that, but also Midnite and Mick are in the middle of remaking a few graphical assets that we felt needed to be improved. Expect to have something "old" get a much needed reworking!

But listen! I have more to tell you! We have some screenshots to show you and something nice to look forward to in the upcoming week!

And this right here sets the tone for the rest of the story. It looks like meeting Ms. Madd in the second chapter has its own set of consequences. *gulp*/

Doesn't that person look familiar? He should! Make sure to observe the new mugshot for Lan Hikari! Do you think that one is better than the one in Demo 4?/

Oh DAMN! That's a lot of viruses! And it appears our old friend from the first chapter is back.

If you played Battle Network 2 or 3, then this guy should ring a bell! That's right, we're bringing this old school virus back! Take a ride with me on the nostalgia train!

*whistles innocently*

Things to Note: Chrono X will be participating in this year's NCFC. That's Nintendo Community Fangame Convention for the uninformed. It's basically a conference where numerous developers show off their fan/indie games! This will be our second time coming back. I'll be giving you a link to our booth when it's ready, so when it's up, be sure to give us a vote. A friendly vote goes towards faster updates and the like!

It's come to our attention that a weird bug happens on certain computers that have Chrono X on them. Once you beat Raven, if you choose to save before you get MegaMan back, your game will freeze and you will be unable to save. An easy workaround is to wait until you get MegaMan back, THEN save. We currently have fixed this issue, so any of you users that haven't come across this bug, or have yet to play Demo 4, please keep that in mind. Demo 4.1 will be free of this bug entirely.

It's also a FANTASTIC idea to copy your savefile, and store it somewhere else. Go to CXDATA and copy your MMBNCX.sav and OLDSAV.back files to another folder/pendrive/wherever. If not to protect yourself against any bugs, but also in case something happens to your computer.

Offline Jadzxa

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Reply #107 on: November 16, 2013, 05:35:43 PM
This is still looking amazing! I haven't had time to mess around with anything much. But it's great to see the updates still flowing in here.

My art,projects and other things.

Offline killer336

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Reply #108 on: April 23, 2014, 05:43:51 PM
Hello, boys and girls! Despite the lack of updates about Chrono X in this topic, I can assure you the project is still going on strong.

I am cordially inviting you and any Mega Man fan you know to attend our project's fifth anniversary celebration stream. On it, we plan to reveal many, many new things about Chrono X.

New things that will be revealed:
-New bosses
-New Me.M.E.N.T.O. form
-RequestBBS contest winners
*This is the minimum amount that will be revealed

Date: May 16, 2014
Starts: 4:00PM EST (1600 hours GMT-5)
Ends: 6:30PM EST (1930 hours GMT-5)
Note: Times may not be exact

That's right, we'll be on twitch for this event! If you need help converting our timezone into yours, please use this: Convert!

If you go to the link around the time we put down, you should expect to see us talking to you guys live! This is our project's fifth birthday and many, many things will be revealed so we hope you guys can make it!

List of Events:
1.Presentation segment (15-20 minutes) [Check this for an idea on how it will be shown.]
2.Fan art showcase (5 minutes) [Read below]
3.Live Question and Answer (120 minutes)

Yes, right after we showcase the submissions and do the presentations, you can ask us questions about the game and our future development plans! Since our fifth anniversary is a pretty big deal, you can expect us to be more open about revealing game content. Always wanted to know what some of the upcoming bosses are? Maybe asking us at the event would be the time to ask! While we do plan to be more forthcoming with our answers, there are certain things we will keep a secret no matter what, so please ask the right questions  :)

Fanart Segment

Remember to keep sending in those fanarts! ANYONE who submits a piece of fanart will get it shown on the stream with some nice commentary by us. That should be it. Check the end of this paragraph if you still plan to submit your fanart and lost/forgot the details to do so. Those of you who did or don't plan to submit any can stop reading here. Here are the details for those who missed:

(Send to
Subject: Birthday Stream Art Submission

Message: Give an overall idea of your piece and what you were going for. And maybe why you chose to represent that particular part of Chrono X.

Attach your art with the title and your name.

E.g., QuickFormParodyByKiller336

What can you pick?

You may pick anything and everything to do with Chrono X. The catch is, it must have been officially revealed by us, whether it be from the demos, updates we posted, Me.M.E.N.T.O. forms, or even the staff!

Your freedom extends that far. You can perform many takes on this. If you want to parody a scene from the demo (maybe do something with Lan smashing the speakers with a giant hammer), or even take characters and invent little scenarios! For example, what if Raven and RiffMan had a conversation on who looked cooler? Or maybe MegaMan decides to show off his new powers to GutsMan? It's up to you!

Type of Art: You can pretty much do this with whatever type of art is comfortable with you. The quality of the art isn't important, it's the fact that you want to make it.  smile

Make a comic, picture, sprite, or whatever you want. Really, go nuts!

What you can do to help:

And now, I have a little favor to ask of all of you. We want this event to have a relatively satisfying turnout, but we need your help to make that happen! Spread word about this on your social networks as May 16th draws closer. Post on YouTube, your own websites, forums, or whatever you got!  The more people we get, the more likely we are to reveal certain content. Just keep that in mind as an incentive. Let's work together on this!

You can confirm your attendance by commenting below or by joining the appropriate Facebook event group Confirm!. This is not necessary, but it lets us know about how many people we can guarantee to be there! You can of course reply to this topic instead.

That should be it! I hope to celebrate this milestone with you guys. Take care.

Offline MaxRock

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Reply #109 on: May 21, 2014, 10:29:57 PM
How did you guys like the presentation? Did you find it entertaining? If so, you're in luck, because we uploaded it to our YouTube channel so you can see it all again. For those of you who couldn't make it, this is an excellent opportunity to catch up on all of the content we revealed.

The fanart segements and the Q&A should come within the next few days, so there's that to look forward to as well. We're all very happy that so many of you who watched it have given us positive feedback.