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Messages - brawlman9876

Pages: 1
Forum Games / Re: Comment on the Previous Signature.
« on: December 06, 2010, 07:07:50 AM »
Has something to do with Phoenix Wright
and being part of the indigo tribe sounds cool!
(and i will never be in it, cuz im not cool  :( )

Rockman Series / Re: Your favourite and least favourite Megaman game
« on: December 06, 2010, 06:53:33 AM »
My favorite Megaman game is Mega Man 10
This is probably because i like all the masters designs and themes, i love the stage design, and i love that theres so much content in this game!

My least favorite is MMX6
i HATE X6  :|

Original / Re: Your Top 8 Mega Man 10 Robot Masters?
« on: December 06, 2010, 06:48:54 AM »
8.Blade Man
7.Commando Man
6. Strike Man
5.Chill Man
4.Nitro Man
3.Sheep Man
2.Pump Man
1.Solar Man
This was hard to come up with, because i love all the masters in 10!  owob

Fan Games / Re: Megaman recharged screen shots
« on: February 21, 2010, 08:57:14 PM »
so what now hes silenced forever because he cant make another post? again that's not fair!

Fan Games / Re: Megaman recharged screen shots
« on: February 21, 2010, 08:19:06 PM »
On another note that last post wasn't asking for help! it was just some progress.

Fan Games / Re: Megaman recharged screen shots
« on: February 21, 2010, 08:10:11 PM »
I know he posted way to many threads, but didn't they get merged together? Also again, the last one was merged to and locked, so what could he have done? annoy more people and message them? would you rather have that  :\

Fan Games / Re: Megaman recharged screen shots
« on: February 21, 2010, 07:57:54 PM »
Wow....disobeyed my direct orders.  Oh well, I wasn't kidding.

Just for the record, if anyone actually wants to help him on his project, feel free too off the RPM forum.  Hell, I won't even lock this thread. 

Ok dude he just wanted some help and if people did want help, how would he know? the topic got locked! he waited a few days to let it cool down and you just ban him? That isn't far in my opinion.

Original / Mega Man 10 Third Playable Character Ideas
« on: February 18, 2010, 06:21:19 AM »
I have no idea how to check if this already exists...and its pretty obvious on who it will be. But what good Ideas can you come up with for the third playable character for Mega Man 10? One of mine is that roll possibly gets a cure and wants to help...not likely but it could still happen.  8D

Fan Games / Re: Megaman Recharged (looking for spriters and artists)
« on: February 08, 2010, 01:51:25 AM »
Although im gone being..."used" for getting you back Palkia :3 Ill still check back from time to time and see whats happening and say my opinion, as for the sprites i agree with Lucky Star a little to complicated. other hen then change up the face and they will be good.

Fan Games / Re: Megaman Recharged (looking for spriters and artists)
« on: January 28, 2010, 11:02:05 PM »
Hi again, NintendoPalkia. :3
actually im not him, he just told me to post this -_- dont worry i actually axsist
he is also telling me this And i quote
"please reply to her and ask her if she can unban me
 tell her i am very sorry and I won't do it it again tell her I need 1 last chance please"

Fan Games / Re: Megaman Recharged (looking for spriters and artists)
« on: January 28, 2010, 10:57:25 PM »
Ok I'm making a megaman fan game. Alot of the information about it can be found on youtube by searching up NintendoPalkia and going to my youtube account and searching my uploads for megaman fan game themes, updates, sprites etc.
So far I have a pretty small group helping with my megaman fan game. But this project will not work if I don't have more people. I need a very talented artist that can help with making my 8 robot masters data cards. I also need somebody who can make mug shots for my 8 robot masters. (Not that important at this point but if you compose 8-bit music you are welcome to try and help us out here). This isn't something new, it has been going on for awhile now and my group has to get moving quickly if we want to finish this project on time.
Last but not least, if you are not commited to helping please do not say you'll help, the last thing we need is for someone to drop out on us. Thank you for your time, we'll be pleased to see your efforts in helping us out.
I've been helping out my group but it seems we need more people, If you need to see my actual work I'll be very glad to show it to you.
You want me to show my actual works? go to youtube, type in NintendoPalkia on the search bar and click one of my videos or my name and find my megaman videos. Thats your proof.
If you are too lazy to view it then click here:
Just the basic stuff we've worked on for your PROOF but theres more.
8-bit music composers are also appreciated, even data card makers too.
Anyone who wants to help and will help will be put in the credits of our fangame, aswell as my youtube account (the center attraction of the fangame). I can promise you that and I am serious about this too.
No trolls please and be nice, no rude or nasty comments please. (A few problems from DA, youtube, and rockmanpm regarding this have left me no choice but to come here, anyone who wanst to bring up another arguement or fights isn't welcome, so please don't start).

Pages: 1