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Reply #6850 on: May 09, 2016, 10:03:31 PM
Bell blinked, a look of genuine surprise flitting across her face for a second before the now-familiar look of boredom returned. "Huh."

The gemstone on Leo's sword began to emit a faint glow, and her voice came from...somewhere.

"Hmm.....I am reminded of the sprites who reside in the forests around Chailon. It is....refreshing to know that such creatures are not solely confined to my home."

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Reply #6851 on: May 09, 2016, 10:07:59 PM
"AAAH AAAH AAAH!" Ammy panicked. "WHAT- WHAT IS-" He froze a moment, then the horrified look on his face turned to one of jubilation. "Oh..." He cleared his throat. "You were... You weren't kidding." He mumbled. Suddenly he lunged at the Pokemon and held it close to his chest. "I... This may potentially be the happiest moment of my life."

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Reply #6852 on: May 09, 2016, 10:12:39 PM
Missletoe was a bit confused and startled by Ammy's action.

"Whoa there Ammy be careful, Missletoe is kind of freaking out there." Fugo cautioned. 

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Reply #6853 on: May 09, 2016, 10:59:37 PM
Ammy's eyes widened and he released the poor Accelgor from his death grip. "S-Sorry. My mind is just... A little bit blown right now."

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6854 on: May 09, 2016, 11:08:02 PM
"It's fine don't worry about it, I think your reaction might be a bit common for anyone who's not a native to Websitia." Fugo sighed as he pet his Accelgor a bit to calm her down "I admit I was sure surprised when I saw them myself, considering they definitely are not on Earth,  especially since my Boss Sakura made friends and caught a crap ton of them.  She kind of has an advantage since she can somehow understand what they heck they say, everyone else has to rely on body language.

However I have heard that native Pokemon aren't exclusive on Websitia, but I don't know what other planets they are on since I haven't been to that many other planets."

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Reply #6855 on: May 09, 2016, 11:17:09 PM
Bell spoke up from the back seat. "That's a fair point. Doesn't matter how much they talk, you can always tell a lot more about someone from how they move. Heh, even if that someone happens to be a....2-foot tall, bug....ninja....thing...".

(Is Vieri taking a nap? Just curious.)

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Reply #6856 on: May 09, 2016, 11:30:29 PM
"Yeah but- Well, the thing is I really don't know if I'm a native. Again, I don't have any memory of anything since about a ye-" He stopped. "Oh... I think... I forgot to tell you about that..."

"Mmhm. 'Tis an important detail." Vieri added sarcastically.

Ammy turned over his shoulder and looked at the knight. "What about you, you're native right?"

Vieri nodded. "Aye. Of this world, though not of this land specifically. I am familiar with these 'Pokemon', though they do not bear special names from where I hail. They are beasts like any other."

Ammy sighed. "I... Am really out of the loop."

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Reply #6857 on: May 09, 2016, 11:35:55 PM
"Wait....Ammy has amnesia?" Fugo questioned "Holy [parasitic bomb] that [tornado fang]ing sucks."


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Reply #6858 on: May 09, 2016, 11:41:53 PM
Ammy jolted at Fugo's outburst. "Yeesh man, it's not THAT bad." He scratched his head. "Ammy's probably not my actual name. It was kind of the only thing floating around in my head."

Vieri crossed her arms. "And of your unknown assailants?"

Ammy snapped his fingers and grinned stupidly. "Oh yeah and there are also people trying to kill me for no discernible reason!" He slumped over in his seat. "Thanks Captain."

Vieri tilted her head, wondering what his problem was.

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Reply #6859 on: May 09, 2016, 11:43:44 PM
(This was typed in response to Ammy's "out of the loop" comment, fittingly enough, I was ninja'd and so opted to improvise a little.)

Bell snorted. "The hell d'you think we feel? All the Cap bothered to tell us before he shipped us out here was "Something's not right. Find it and sort it.""

She stared at her hand contemplatively for a moment. "Heh. Says a lot when I'm the only one in the squad that has any chance of passing for a native here. Might've been easier if I hadn't been assigned a babysitter, too."

Leo's voice echoed from nowhere again, her tone implying that this wasn't the first time the two had had this conversation. "I have explained this many times, Bell. You are not allowed to go on solo missions. Would you rather Caio or Saga be accompanying you in my place?".

Bell grimaced. "No. Just....don't even suggest that, Leo. Saga I could handle, but Caio? It'd be a miracle for us to even make it here without trying to tear each other's throats out."

Shaking herself, she raised her head a little to glance at Ammy. "Amnesia, huh? That's gotta be rough." - Then, quietly and as if to herself -  "Still.....sometimes there're things you're better off not remembering, y'know?"

(Remember when I said Bell was once suspended for attacking a fellow officer? Oh, and for the record, she's not an amnesiac herself.)

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Reply #6860 on: May 09, 2016, 11:53:05 PM
"Well I guess people trying to kill you isn't exactly uncommon here either, war or no." Fugo sighed "I'm sad to admit the law enforcement here's not the greatest, it's about marginally better than it is on Earth but not by much.

And to be fair you're not exactly the only one who doesn't exactly know a lot about themselves, a couple of my co-workers are in a similar boat, though I don't think it has to do with amnesia.

As for Bell passing off as a Native....we kind of have a bit of a wide scale on what's considered Native."

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Reply #6861 on: May 10, 2016, 12:00:08 AM
Bell shot Fugo a flat look, though her tone was more curious than annoyed.

"Really? Maybe I should clarify a little. The squad I'm attached to....there's the Captain - who looks like he should be dead. Saga - who's basically a furry's wet dream, Caio - who looks like what'd happen if a human ever managed to successfully bang a parrot, Leo-" - she gestured to the sword sitting between her legs - "- and me, the chick who pretty much resembles that crap the fast-food industry insists is a burger. Trust me, when I'm the most normal looking, there's a problem."

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Reply #6862 on: May 10, 2016, 12:03:28 AM
Ammy pointed to Bell's gun. "That's my favorite out of the list." He joked.

Vieri did take this moment to admire Leo's sword. "Captain Ma- Er, Leocadia? Wouldst thou please enlighten me about..." She pointed at the gem. "That?"

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Reply #6863 on: May 10, 2016, 12:07:34 AM
"Saga and Caio would probably blend in here no problem." Fugo replied. "The others probably not so much, though I think you're Captain kind of reminds me of an.....infamous leader that used to cause a lot of trouble for this side of the continent, but I'm sure he's not related since he was some techno organic cyborg guy. 

Admittedly I've never met a Ghost in person before but I don't think Leo would be too strange around here either.  Like I said Websitia's kind of weird."

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Reply #6864 on: May 10, 2016, 12:29:35 AM
An awkward silence descended over the interior of the car, and Bell opted to stare out the window while Leo considered the question. After a minute, a sigh was heard before she began to speak again.

"Ordinarily I would be forbidden from discussing such a thing with someone not of my home. However, due to....circumstances I would rather not discuss, I am no longer bound by that particular oath."

Bell shifted slightly in her seat, trying to hide her curiosity.

"The people of my homeworld possess a talent for.....I believe the word you would be familiar with is magic? I will confess I cared little for the finer details of the art, being more focused on the martial aspects instead of the philosophical....I digress.

The....quirk....of this magic is that it cannot be cast freely. There is a common story amongst those who live in Chailon that one day in the distant past, an angry god knocked the stars from the sky and sent them plummeting to the ground. Eventually, these stars became gemstones, much like the one you see embedded in my blade. Those who possess a gemstone are able to wield powers and abilities far beyond those of normal men. However, they are not simply found. Tradition states that only those in service of the Royal Court may carry one, and they are presented to their wielders by the ruler of the land once they have been deemed worthy of carrying one. The stories say that the gem an individual carries with them is a reflection of their innermost self, and that the simple act of touching it leaves a permanent mark on the wielder's soul."

She fell silent for a moment, and when she spoke again her voice was thick with what could only be described as melancholy. "A dear friend of mine was able to use hers to animate the earth around her and give life to beings who would serve as a partner in combat. Mine was....is....the ability to generate phantasms that mimic my movements." - Another pause, and it felt like Leo was weighing an important decision. Then, finally - "It would be truthful to say that I would not be here right now if my talents were any different."

Bell went back to staring out the window. She knew who that "dear friend" was, and what Leo meant by her final statement. She was snapped out of her thoughts by Fugo's statement, and couldn't help but snort in amusement. "You haven't seen the Captain. You ever seen the autopsy pictures of someone who died of poisoning? You know, pale as death, obvious and weirdly coloured veins, nasty case of pinkeye? Stuff like that? That's how he looks all the time. Hell, from what little I've been able to pry out of him, he has to stay covered up whenever he's in public so he doesn't touch anyone skin-on-skin. Apparently, all the fluids in his body are toxic." - She paused, a note of grudging respect working its' way into her tone - "All I know is I'm never challenging that sneaky bastard to a drinking contest again..."

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Reply #6865 on: May 10, 2016, 01:00:32 AM
Vieri sneered at the mention of magic. Learning the truth about what her home called magic made her sick to her stomach. She regarded her arm and sighed. "I understand. 'Tis something of a similar practice from my country." She held up the arm for emphasis.

"Yeah, about that Captain, I've been meaning to ask..." Ammy started.

"'Tis not a story I wouldst like to regale, but as our friends are more keen to share, I suppose..."

Vieri handed Ammy her sword and stretched her arms. "I hail from Rino-Laska, a country my lords call The One World. 'Tis a verdant land with fair weather year-round and the land is rich. 'Tis a large continent twelve weeks travel shore to shore on horseback. It goes unseen to all save for those my lords allow inside. This is why t'would be strange for anyone - save myself - to know of it."

She gestured to the gem imbued in Leo's sword. "Much as Leo's magic relies on gemstones, our magic comes from machines. This is a practice unknown to all save for my lords." She cleared her throat. "Apologies. Mine kingdom is ruled by a royal family, a council of archmagi, and a few affluent families. 'My lords' is... What is the expression here? A blanket statement."

"Verily, thine magic is far different from ours. The archmagi draw their power from infernal machines, which are collected from the outside world and returned to Rino-Laska. The Knight-Captain leads a platoon of men to collect parts discarded from... Your technology." She made a wide gesture. "The magic as you all know it, it is lost to our people. Save for few." She pointed to her arm once more.

"What I had not known is that the Knight-Captain and his men are killed to preserve the safety and secrecy of Rino-Laska, for reasons I cannot know. T'was likely why my initiation was so swift. I fell prey to this plot as well, and I was slain in combat against my own army. An archmagus, an elder amongst them, saved my life and using ancient magic not unlike thine arts, restored my body to what it is now." She stared at her arm, and wiggled her fingers. She frowned. "To a degree."

Placing her hands back in her lap, she sat up straight. "By all accounts, unless some whelp hast usurped my position, I am still Knight-Captain of Rino-Laska, and I am to find the source of power from these machines, and free my people from their influence. That was the mission given to me by the elder archmagus."

Vieri asked for her sword back, and Ammy complied. "Betrayed by your own country, huh... Well, it sounds like a nice place, political corruption aside. Why is Rino-Laska such a huge secret? Compared to the wasteland I'm sure a lotta people would be interested in a place like that." He observed.

"Once more, child, I do not know!" She snapped. She then glanced guiltily at Ammy, and cleared her throat. "I... That is what I am to do about this. I haven't even a way back home..."

Ammy shrugged. "Well, that explains why you were so skittish about the Fxenodrome. Can you just... Not point your sword at everything you don't recognize though?"

Vieri didn't answer.

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Reply #6866 on: May 10, 2016, 01:07:15 AM
Bell tilted her head as Vieri told her tale, though whether or not she was paying attention remained up for debate. When the Knight made mention of her prosthetics, she immediately thought of the Engineering Wing back at the ILESA base she called home, and the numerous attempts they'd made to get her in there so they could "help", but held her tongue, not wanting to interrupt.

Leo - wherever she was - was completely silent as well, trying to imagine how it would feel to be betrayed by the ones she'd sworn her loyalty to. She was thankful she didn't have a visible face, as her expression would not have been a pleasant one.

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Reply #6867 on: May 10, 2016, 01:12:41 AM
"Yeah I think your Captain is probably a new one for me." Fugo chuckled while digesting Leo's story and before listening to Vieri's tale.  "I guess that explains why you were really interested in the Fxenodrome and why you were kind of in a more than foul mood.  You don't happen to know how long this has been going on do you, it sounds almost like a conspiracy that's been going on for quite a few centuries."

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Reply #6868 on: May 10, 2016, 02:18:16 AM
"Mmm. Twas no excuse for my conduct earlier." She muttered.

Ammy waved his hand. "We're over that, Captain. I think it's safe to say the Fxenodrome has nothing to do with what you're looking for." He leaned back in his seat. "How far we got, Fugo?"

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Reply #6869 on: May 13, 2016, 01:41:35 AM
(First of the side stories is up, so.....)


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Reply #6870 on: July 15, 2016, 07:14:38 PM
"It seems as though we must sometimes use one theory and sometimes the other, while at times we may use either. We are faced with a new kind of difficulty. We have two contradictory pictures of reality; separately, neither of them fully explains the phenomena of light, but together they do."

- Albert Einstein, on Quantum Mechanics

I didn't know it back then. Hell, who could ever predict the path they were meant for. This was something bigger than me, bigger than all of us; the scale of which couldn't be toppled, and the pieces were already in place.

I, who would become the catalyst of his future. The instrument of his ignorance to secure his destiny. After the deciet and the dreadful lies, what remains of the human heart? Where our lives end up after the smoke clears, well, let's write that future together.

- 5 years ago -

“Wh-what’s happening to me, Akane? I’ve been hearing voices lately… voices that aren't my own.” A 14-year-old Phi huddles her knees together and hovers her shaking hands near the bonfire. “I just want it to stop…”

The elderly woman smiles warmly and kneels down next to her. “Ah, so you’ve noticed the changes already. Don't worry, that is nothing to be afraid of.” Akane hands her a cup of camomile tea. “In fact, it’s the reason we both sit here tonight in this place, and at this time.”

Phi slowly reached out a hand for the tea. “What do you mean?”

She made herself comfortable by laying out an orange blanket underneath her feet and sat down, “Well, this meeting was always meant to happen, dear. But, to get to the matter at hand, you have an abil-- a gift. We have a gift.” Akane noticed the worry in the little girl’s eyes and decided to make the explanation easier to swallow, especially after the trauma she’s been through.

“A gift that makes us hear voices?” She tilted her head.

Akane presses a knuckle against her chin and begins thinking of a way to explain. Soon, she draws her gaze upon her. “Have you heard of Classical Mechanics or Quantum Theory?”

Phi grabbed a stick that layed by her foot and prodded the burning wood in the bonfire. “Yeah, um, I kinda know about quantum theory, but only the basics.” The wood cracked and hot red embers sputtered from the flames.

Akane raised an eyebrow. “My, that’s very impressive for someone of your age. You’re a smart young lady, aren't you?” She smiled.

She squeezed the pendant that hung around her neck. “My sister taught me lots of things. I couldn't attend schools or classes, so I had to learn from Luna and adapt to the environment around me.”

“I see. That is something to cherish.” Akane nodded, and poked her finger in the sand, drawing a wavy line and a dot. “This gift works in a similar manner. To put this a more simpler way, Classical Mechanics involve the motion of a particle. Quantum Theory, while also involving particles, proposes the introduction of wave functions. This means we can observe the equation as particles and waves. This duality is prevalent in modern physics.”

Phi stared at the illustration in the sand and nodded. “O-okay, I think I understand so far.”

“Now, in this case, let’s substitute “particle” (mass) with the human body, and the “wave” will be human consciousness.” Akane elaborated and traced a body around the dot. “Wave is the transfer of energy that can travel through space or objects. In other words, it can travel freely from one point to another. Given what we know about Quantum Mechanics, what would you say is the 'point' in this scenario?”

Phi tapped her fingers against her thigh while examining the diagram. “Oh, umm, the body?”

“Yes! Very good, Phi.” Akane smiled and drew another body containing a particle. Now, the diagram had two human bodies and a wave between them. “If the human consciousness (wave) can travel from point to point, it would then stand to reason that a person can send their thoughts and memories to another person.”

“So, kinda like telepathy?” She asked.

“Hmm, I suppose you could put it that way, in a sense, although it’s more complicated than that.” Akane folded her hands together and stared into the bonfire. “What if I were to tell you that we could take it a step further? If observation can change the motion of a particle, is it odd to think that human thought can alter reality?”

Phi cradled her arms around her knees and thought about what Akane was saying. “By changing the motion of a particle, do you mean the Schrodinger Equation theory? I read up on some stuff about it. With, with this gift, w-we can… change reality?” There was clear trepidation in her voice and she began to question if people like them were capable of something so frightening.

Akane nodded her head and laughed a bit. “You are a very sharp young girl, indeed.” She placed a comforting hand on Phi’s shoulder. “Like I said, dear, there’s no need to be afraid. You are in control. Only you can decide on how you use this gift. It might be intimidating at first, but you will quickly get accustomed to it. What we use to access this potential is called the Morphogenetic Field. You see, you are integral to what needs to be accomplished. On your own, you may at times feel bleak or helpless, but together, you and him will go on to do extraordinary things.”

Phi searched the woman’s eyes, and she could tell that something was… different about her. Like she knew far more than what she let on. “You will go on”? “Him”? Could she see the future through this Field thingy? No, that’s crazy… But, then again, everything she said was difficult to swallow. It’s been a long, strange day, and I have no other choice but to trust her. I mean, it doesn't seem like she’s lying or delusional… and then there’s the voices I hear in my head… that’s gotta be connected to this.

“What about you?” Phi inquired. “Are you going to do great things with this 'Field' you were talking about? “

A thin, tired smile stretched across the elderly woman’s face and she peered down at her hands. “Oh, haha, I’m afraid I’ve completed my journey many years ago. I have lived countless lifetimes, seen friends come and go, watched the world grow and-”

Akane noticed the confusion on Phi’s face. “Ah, forgive me. Just the ramblings of an old woman and nothing more.” She took a deep breath and stood up from the ground. “I know this is a lot to take in, and there is so much more to tell you. But for now, you should head inside and get some rest. I’ll tend to the remainder of the fire in the meantime.”

“Okay.” Phi crawled to her feet and walked to the tent. She stopped short just before the entrance and turned around to face the woman. “Th… Thank you. For helping me when no one else would.”

“Happy to help, sweetheart.” She regarded her with a wave of her hand and started to dispose of the fire wood.

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Reply #6871 on: October 18, 2016, 02:43:43 AM
Reaper’s eye flitted across the monitors in front of him as he awaited his opponent’s strike. He had to be more cautious than he initially realized; His main source of attack was even lower on power than he had hoped. Suddenly, the MS on screen suddenly boosted forward and swung directly at the damaged torso of the Crossbone. His mouth formed into a grin.

“How predictable!” Reaper taunted over the comm, effortlessly flicking the attack away with the Muramasa. His concern over the situation subsided a bit. The Crossbone punched the Nadleeh away, then retaliated with a swing of the Muramasa.

The Nadleeh recovered just in time to block the first blow, which was quickly followed up by more. Phi was managing to keep up with the strikes from the weakened Crossbone, but just barely. She began to panic a little bit, searching for other options than just the GN Saber. She notices that there was a GN Shield available, and activated it just as one of the Crossbone’s attacks was about to connect. The Nadleeh dashes backwards and pulls out one of the other weapons available, the GN Beam Rifle, and begins to fire at the Crossbone.

“I… will beat you!” Phi exclaims over the comm.

“Not like that, you won’t!” Reaper replied with a sneer over the comm. He activated the I-Field, which deflected the incoming shots. The I-Field began to splutter on and off, however, due to the lack of power left in the Crossbone. Reaper lets out a sigh of annoyance as he deactivates the I-Field while at point-blank range of the Nadleeh, knowing he won’t be able to use it again. The Crossbone punches the Nadleeh again, sheathing the Muramasa in a quick movement knowing it would be useless at this point. The Nadleeh tries to fire at point blank, but since the Crossbone is too close it’s difficult to get a proper lock due to its erratic movement.

“Dammit…” Fxeni muttered under his breath as the Fxescythe-Zeta was finally released from the grasp of boforte’s mechanical beast after what felt like months. All the controls felt sluggish now, warning signals blaring from the monitors in front of Fxeni. He tried to transform into the Waverider form, but the joints that would allow it were completely shot. He eyed the readings on the monitor as he boosted away from the arm, narrowly avoiding the explosion that soon followed. The regular form was still functional for the most part, sluggishness aside. This would have to do. He regrouped with the closest MS, which seemed to be the Magmarock.

Suddenly the enemy Mobile Armour began to emanate a deep red aura, then fired a massive laser blast through space towards them. Fxeni quickly closed the Active Cloak and hoped what was left of the Beam Mantle would hold out, and Sakura quickly deployed her own Beam Mantle. Unfortunately for Asch, the Magmarock wasn’t equipped with a Beam Mantle. Asch blocked with the Magmarock’s shield, but it didn’t help much. It began to melt away, his sole layer of protection falling apart.

“I… I’m going to die…!” Asch said, fear creeping over his face.

Fxeni suddenly felt Asch’s fear. Not questioning how he could feel the emotion of what is supposed to be a robot copy, he opens up his defenses quickly enough to dash in front of the Magmarock and close the Active Cloak in front of it. The damage is done, however; the shock of the attack rattles through the FXE-Z and makes one of the monitors in the cockpit explode, the force of it sending Fxeni’s head to the side of the cockpit and smashing hard into it, shattering a section of his helmet’s visor. Blood begins to trickle down the left side of his face, and his vision is blurred momentarily. He shakes his head and closes his left eye as blood trickles over it, somewhat regaining his composure.

The Sakura Wing Gundam was slightly damaged by the attack, but was mostly in good shape. The Magmarock lost its shield, but a few melted edges aside it was still intact. The FXE-Z’s Active Cloak was now useless, and as such Fxeni discarded it completely; no use for dead weight. The fight was not over, nor did he have any intention of dropping out yet.

Phi managed to hold her own despite her lack of experience, but couldn’t get any attack to fully connect. Her shots would occasionally graze the outside of the Crossbone’s frame, but wouldn’t do any significant damage. Reaper on the other hand was doing his best with what little he had to work with.

“Enough of this!” Reaper exclaimed as he activated one of the few remaining weapons left that wouldn’t cost much energy; one of the Heat Daggers stowed away in the sole of the Crossbone’s foot. As it was revealed, he kicked into the left leg of the Nadleeh and gored right through it with the Heat Dagger. He took out the other one and stabbed it through the GN Rifle, causing it to spark wildly. Phi frantically went at the controls in an attempt to release the rifle, and manages to do so before it explodes in Nadleeh’s hand.

“Time to finish this,” Reaper says viciously. He grins as he prepares to rip through the cockpit of the Nadleeh, but suddenly he feels immense pressure in his head. He has a vision of what looks like… Protoman Blues? But with longer hair… with fear in his eyes. Blinding lights shine in his eyes, and suddenly the left side of his head explodes in sudden pain. He grasps his head in confusion and great discomfort.

Phi notices that the Crossbone stops moving, and takes the chance to do some damage. She pulls out the GN Saber again and slices off the hand holding the Heat Dagger then thrusts at the shoulder of the Crossbone, piercing right through it. The Crossbone begins to spark uncontrollably as the I-Field generator slowly has a meltdown. The Nadleeh backs off in anticipation of a potential explosion.

Reaper snaps out of the pain and regains his composure, all while it is too late to do anything. He resorts to his last chance at this point… escape. He drops a flash grenade from the Crossbone and jettisons the Full Cloth at the same time, boosting off right as the Full Cloth detonates. He hopes that the flash from the grenade will last long enough to cover his escape, maybe even make his enemy think that he fully exploded. He doesn’t stick around to find out.

Offline Dr. Wily II

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Reply #6872 on: October 18, 2016, 02:58:20 AM
(Wow, wow, WOW. Totally LOVED it. Now I need to find my last post here... XD)

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Protoman Blues

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Reply #6873 on: October 18, 2016, 03:32:37 AM
(Fantastic. Good to have you back! XD)

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #6874 on: October 18, 2016, 03:38:00 AM
(Hmm I wonder if I should wait for Wily or see if I can write something.)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection