A new TMNT fighting game for Wii...

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Reply #25 on: December 12, 2008, 10:56:30 PM
I'm telling you, Aska was [twin slasher]. Utter and total [twin slasher]. Whenever a scrub picked up the game, it was almost guaranteed they'd end up picking Aska and button mashing their way to victory with little to no effort. For all intents and purposes, Aska was that game's Eddy Gordo. -_-

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Reply #26 on: December 15, 2008, 04:00:51 AM
More details from GoNintendo
- Sept. 09 is the planned release date, but that may not happen
- ‘dark and edgy’ visuals
- ‘We were guaranteed that our ears wouldn’t have to suffer through endless loops of Turtles quips like ‘Slice and dice!’
- no specific generation of TMNT being referenced
- more details about fighting that we don’t know yet
- swing off ledges to do jump-kicks and more
- multiple control schemes (Wiimote, Wiimote and Nunchuk)
- motion controls, but not many
- taunts
- items
- change match settings
- story mode iss ‘not a sidescroller like Subspace Emissary’
- “4 player online is also planned, and the developers are working hard to deliver a smooth experience free of the issues that hindered Brawl. They also want to add something unique to the mix, so expect a new twist or two.”

EDIT - And much more details fromThe Technodrome Forum
New details:

Peter Laird worked on the story but its not like the Sub story mode of SSBB.

Some other details:
* The CG TMNT movie has the most individual influence on the game, but the comics and cartoon influenced the game, as well.
* The Team Ninja folks had worked on all of the DOA games (except XBV1/2) and Ninja Gaiden series (not DS game).
* Started planning in October 2007 and actual work in January 2008.
* Nothing from previous games is really being added just because it was in the previous games. i.e. Not trying to recreate Tournament Fighters or TMNT IV.
* Game being designed for Wiimote+Nunchuk but multiple control schemes being considered. Wiimote-only? Yes. GameCube? Unknown.

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Reply #27 on: December 15, 2008, 10:20:50 AM
>dark and edgy visuals
oh what the [tornado fang]

I suppose you could say that last TMNT game did that, and it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't popular either.

Offline HokutoNoBen

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Reply #28 on: December 16, 2008, 02:39:43 AM
>dark and edgy visuals
oh what the [tornado fang]

I suppose you could say that last TMNT game did that, and it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't popular either.

The single highest failing of the last TMNT game, above probably anything else, was that it dared to give the middle finger to what fans wanted most from a game that actually looked quite nice at first glance, on paper: CO-OP brawler action.

Everything else would have been judged in a much different light, had UbiSoft given us that, and did it well.

Who knows what will happen with this particular game, but at least this time, they're being upfront about it. And hopefully, maybe they'll still find a way to work some co-op brawler action for story mode, or something like that (even though the article stated it's not going to be like SSE, that doesn't mean it can't do its own thing in its own way).

Any way, to me, trying to go more for the dark and gritty is, ideally, hopefully doing more to return the series to form, like back in the 80s comics that Eastman and Laird penned. I have as many fond memories of the 80s toon and the Archie comics as much as the next guy, but really, any body can see that they were an utter bastardization of what E & L originally conceived.

If they can at least go back to the level that the 03 cartoon series had for its first few seasons, and/or the recent movie, I'll be pleased enough as an old Turtle buff.

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Reply #29 on: December 16, 2008, 09:09:43 AM
Finally a pic.

Stolen from here.

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Reply #30 on: December 16, 2008, 06:04:57 PM
If the game is anything like the old NES or Arcade fighting games(Even the very hard first NES one), count me in.

Quite a suprise to see Sora working on this.

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Reply #31 on: December 16, 2008, 07:22:20 PM
finally a chance to beat up Leo with Ralph! :D

Mikey should have at least one break dancing move/taunt. 'cause I will spam.  8D

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Reply #33 on: December 17, 2008, 04:39:56 AM
Stolen from here.

Same link has more scans of the article in question posted. Go take a look!


Hmm...looks actually interesting, even if it is early.

Offline Jericho

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Reply #34 on: December 17, 2008, 11:00:52 PM
Same link has more scans of the article in question posted. Go take a look!


Hmm...looks actually interesting, even if it is early.

I'm really digging the art direction here. Also, Sora is becoming one of my favorite developers at this rate.

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Reply #35 on: December 18, 2008, 01:43:10 AM
...well, it is looking quite Brawlish! Also, what's with all the surprise crocodiles?

Anyway, looking solid. As long as it "cooks" long enough, I don't foresee any problems.

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Reply #36 on: December 20, 2008, 05:31:25 PM
This bit of text was already posted in the pictures that I linked you all to, but for those of us who can't see them, here you go:

We wouldn’t have believed it if we hadn’t seen it, but there we were in late November at Ubisofts San Francisco offices, watching turtle-versus-turtle combat. Ubisoft- who will publish the game- had been looking for an opportunity to work with Games Arts, part of the all-star team that developed Brawl under the direction of Super Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai. The studio became available just as it was time for Ubi to start a new Turtles project to be release in 2009 - the 25th anniversary of TMNT. And then former members of Team Ninja joined the production to officially make this the craziest story we ever heard.

The version of the game that we got to see is very early - it’s been in development for just over a year - but it already looks impressive (Ubisoft is aiming for a September ‘09 release). In fact, the visuals may even surpass the bar set by Brawl; for example, a rooftopd level features a city skyline that is much more detailed then most brawl stages. And we were instantly relieved to see that this isn’t meant to be just a kids’ game. The visuals are dark and edgy for a TMNT title, and we were guaranteed that our ears wouldn’t have to suffer through endless loops of Turtles quips like “slice and dice!” during the action. Further, the team wisely avoided tying the game in with any particular iteration of TMNT- it doesn’t look exactly like any of the comics, cartoons, or toys.

As you can probably gather from these screens, the game is quite similar to Brawl in look and feel. There are some differences in the gameplay that we’ll get into in qa moment - and some other features that will set TMNT apart that Ubisoft isn’t ready to reveal yet - but the action should feel instantly familiar to anyone who’s put time into a Super Smash Bros.-style fighting game.

Up to four players can fight at once, and since competing turtles can be tough to distinguish between when the camera is far away, each character is color-coded with a glowing effect. The fighting is what you’d expect: regular moves, special moves, throws and combos. There are also attacks that use the environment, such as flying kicks off of walls, or attacks while hanging from ledges. In true ninja style, you can run short distances up walls, and some stages have poles that you can grab and swing on for higher jumps and more-punishing jump-kicks.

There will be multiple control schemes to choose from; we can confirm both Wii-remote and -nunchuck and remote only options. No word yet on whether a Gamecube controller will work, but a new control scheme is said to be in development for advanced players. Motion controls will be used, but not extensively- don’t expect to be swinging your remote constantly for common attacks. We can also report that taunts are in the game (we saw Leonardo mock his opponents by spinning his swords in the air) and that items will play a role in the fighting (although the only one we were able to catch a glimpse of was a health restoring pizza).

Players each have a life meter that depletes when they take damage, and it’s possible to be KO’ed instantly by falling off the screen (plus match rules can be customized). the game will have a generous roster of characters pulled from the turtles’ long history (we’ve been told Mirage Studios, which owns the TMNT brand, has been involved with the character-selection process), but so far we’ve been able to peek at only the turtles themselves and Splinter, their rat sensei.

Among the game’s various modes and match types (most of which are still a closely guarded secret) is a story mode. All we could get out of Ubi is that it won’t be a side-scoller like Brawl’s Subspace Emmisarry, and that Peter Laird- co-creator of TMNT- worked on the story. Four-player online battles are also planned, and the developers are working hard to deliver a smooth experience free of the issues that hindered brawl. They also want to add something unique to the mix, so expect a new twist or two.

Finally, we were really impressed by the games stages. We got to check out two of them, and they both looked as though they could hang with the best Brawl had to offer, thanks to lots of environmental interaction and plenty of visual detail. The first stage we saw was a gorgeous rooftop battle against a detailed city skyline, featuring a water tower that could be busted open to send water gushing out at opponents, an electric sign that zapped whoever got knocked into it, lots of long falls between the buildings, and poles to swing on for sky-high acrobatics. The next battle took place in the sewers and started in a small, confined area with water flowing along the ground. But when someone beat on a giant hatch on the left side of the room, it broke open and unleashed a tidal wave that pushed everyone into the stage’s second area, a vertical chamber with slippery platforms and a crocodile that popped out at random to chomp on unsuspecting victims.

We haven’t been this excited about the turtles in years. If the developers can deliver on the promise of what we’ve seen so far, fighting fans will have something pretty special to look forward to in the back half of ‘09. Ubisoft tells us the development team is determined to set a new standard for the genre, and that the fighting may end up being even deeper then Brawl’s. If they can pull that off, the whoa- cowabunga, dude.

Color me impressed.

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Reply #37 on: December 20, 2008, 07:09:19 PM
Yeah, I have the magazine for myself. So, yeah, color me impressed as well. Hell, go ahead and make it mutagen-green!  8D
I'm  really hoping that this game has what it takes to FINALLY give Smash some decent competition, as among other things, one of the few things I didn't like about Brawl was that I didn't think there was enough in the way of innovation. But with little in the way to contest Smash's dominance in this genre (Lord knows those Digimon games couldn't do it! 8D), I guess Sakurai didn't see the reason to go as far as he could. A bunch of Turtles FINALLY giving Mario competition could stand to change that...

What interested me the most was that, through reading the interview with the chief director, Noriaki Kazama, that, before the development of this game started, a number of the Japanese cast on the development team NEVER saw the recent CG TMNT film (natch, due to how the film was never released over there). Before then, like most, they were familiar with the turtles through the "cutesy turtles" that we all knew through the 80s. When they saw the CG film for the first time, they were amazed.

Quote from: Kazama
Everyone was really surprised, as the turtles looked nothing like the old cartoons that we remembered. These turtles were much cooler. We were really excited thinking, "these turltes will make for a much cooler game!"

Do the damn thang, guys. The Turtles deserve an outstanding game for their 25th anniversary.

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Reply #38 on: December 20, 2008, 07:16:50 PM
I'd just love to see how they can innovate the Smash formula (and we all know that's what's happening, regardless of the TMNT skin). As a fan of the series, I really can't imagine how the envelope could be pushed any further. Looking at this game as a separate entity though, all of the details just keep making for another game that will claim hours of my life. XD

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Reply #39 on: December 20, 2008, 07:30:19 PM
I'd just love to see how they can innovate the Smash formula (and we all know that's what's happening, regardless of the TMNT skin). As a fan of the series, I really can't imagine how the envelope could be pushed any further.

I would argue that "Sure, it could be pushed, but without a real incentive to do so, who knows if/when it will happen?"

I mean, the way I think of it is like this: if SNK didn't come around, and basically served as Capcom's main rival during the 90s, who knows if Fighting games would have made the strides that they did?

After all, through SNK, we got Fatal Fury, King of Fighters and Samurai Shodown (among others), while Capcom later tried such things as Vampire/Darkstalkers, the Marvel series, and even SF spin-offs like Zero/Alpha and SF3. All were games that did more to take FGs into new turf, and expand on what SF2 began. Competition is what kept both of these companies sharp (for the most part), and interested in trying new things, and we, as the consumers, only served to benefit from it.

That sort of thing has never happened to Smash (yet). Like I said, when their main competition was through cruddy rip-offs like "Digimon Rumble Arena", Smash, as a series, had no real reason to push itself. Therefore, it was able to get away with basically the old SF2 thing of "Turbo" (Melee) and "Super Turbo" (Brawl).

Ideally, even if TMNT doesn't completely outshine Brawl, it will finally serve to be that SNK-like entity that serves as the catalyst for not only a good means of how to compete with Smash, but take things into new turf, at last.

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Reply #40 on: December 20, 2008, 07:33:53 PM
Hmm, good insights there Ben.

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Reply #41 on: December 20, 2008, 08:06:48 PM
Please put in Usagi Yojimbo!  PLEASE.

Also Ninja Rap!  PLEASE!

However, this game has definitely tickled my fancy.  I'm really looking forward to it, as well as kicking all your asses with Mikey online!   8D

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Reply #42 on: December 20, 2008, 08:46:36 PM
Thanks, Jer.

Please put in Usagi Yojimbo!  PLEASE.

This will probably happen. Usagi and the Turtles have quite an interesting history together, with both characters/series intercepting each through the original comics, the cartoons (both 80s and 2003), a few of the recent games and, of course, the toys.

So, I can't imagine them not putting in Miyamoto Usagi. It's not like Stan Sakai (his creator) would have much reason to say "No!  8D", and it would be nice touch to include a character who has been a part of the TMNT's 25 year history.

Frankly, if it came down to it, I would be much more worried about some one like Ninjara (from the Archie series, and probably was the most interesting addition that came from that comic line). She's a cool character, and I'm sure peeps would like to see her again, but it would be a thing that they would have to track down her creator, and get his "OK". Depending on how things go, this may or may not be feasible.

Also Ninja Rap!  PLEASE!

Uhhh...well, I suppose they could stand to try to get the song, and just have to pay the royalties involved to use it....   8D

But seriously, the magazine article stated that the tunes were supposed to be all original mixes. So, I'm thinking that nothing from the past tracks is going to get in here, even if it would be classic to have some old tunes in there some how...  bVd

However, this game has definitely tickled my fancy.  I'm really looking forward to it, as well as kicking all your asses with Mikey online!   8D

If a Triceraton and/or Leatherhead (my fave characters from the original comic and 03 series) gets in, I'll gladly oblige you. Otherwise, I guess I'll have to go back to my old stand-by of Don.

...But I'll only play Leatherhead if he's the smart croc from the comic and 03 series. That "southern-fried" version from the 80s needs to just STAY there.  :V

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Reply #43 on: December 20, 2008, 08:51:52 PM
Come on now, Ben.  Even you can't deny how [tornado fang]ing awesome it would be if they had a level that played Ninja Rap to Brawl too.  It'd be so...so beautiful!  XD

Also, I'd hope for Mondo Gecko as well.  LoL, I always liked his design.  But yeah, I can definitely see them putting in Usagi.

...But I'll only play Leatherhead if he's the smart croc from the comic and 03 series. That "southern-fried" version from the 80s needs to just STAY there.  :V


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Reply #44 on: December 20, 2008, 09:24:51 PM
Come on now, Ben.  Even you can't deny how [tornado fang]ing awesome it would be if they had a level that played Ninja Rap to Brawl too.  It'd be so...so beautiful!  XD

Who said anything about denial? I'm just saying, realistically, it's not that feasible. There-in lies the difference, dear Blues!  ;)


Pretty much. Only thing that could get me to change my mind, was if it was possibly based off the Archie-version, who teamed up with Donatello in a 4 issue mini-series, was a good guy and was the leader of the "Mutanimals"...until they all died off towards the end of the Archie run.   ;O;

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Reply #45 on: December 20, 2008, 09:28:47 PM
Who said anything about denial? I'm just saying, realistically, it's not that feasible. There-in lies the difference, dear Blues!  ;)

LoL, you know I don't deal in reality when talking about my sick fanboyish gaming fantasies!   8)

Pretty much. Only thing that could get me to change my mind, was if it was possibly based off the Archie-version, who teamed up with Donatello in a 4 issue mini-series, was a good guy and was the leader of the "Mutanimals"...until they all died off towards the end of the Archie run.   ;O;

Well from what it sounds like, this game is going to have very little affiliation with the 80's Cartoon, so I'd imagine you'd get your proper Leatherhead.  I GAR-RUN-TEE!  XD

Also, a return of Aska would be pretty sweet as well.  The one downside I find to Konami not doing this is that we lose out of the classic Turtles gaming music of the past, most likely.

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Reply #46 on: December 20, 2008, 10:18:43 PM
LoL, you know I don't deal in reality when talking about my sick fanboyish gaming fantasies!   8)

True. Where was my head? XD

The one downside I find to Konami not doing this is that we lose out of the classic Turtles gaming music of the past, most likely.

Even if Konami WAS doing the game, it wouldn't have any impact on the music tracks.

Those Arcade ports of the classic TMNT games that were included in those newer games a few years back? They had altered tunes for those ports, because technically, the 80s Cartoon (and its infamous theme song) are NOT wholly owned by Mirage. Blame Murakami-Wolf-Swenson Film Productions, Inc. for why we will likely never hear that song again in any other TMNT-related thing of goodness.  -_-

Thankfully...the likes of characters such as Bebop and Rocksteady seem to be immune to this. If they want them in the game, they'll likely be here. Hell, Laird and Eastman seem to be quite protective of the two guys. So much so, that they hated how they had to be dumbed down in later eps of the cartoon, and when the 2nd TMNT movie was in the works, the suits wanted B&R in it (and verbatim to how they were portrayed in the toon), but Eastman and Laird said no. That's how we ended up with Tokka and Rahzar by the end.  8D

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Reply #47 on: December 20, 2008, 10:22:17 PM
Very good points about the music, actually.  And yeah, I remember reading that about Bebop & Rocksteady too. 


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Reply #48 on: December 20, 2008, 10:37:50 PM

"They're....BABIES!! They're BABIES!!!" [/Shredder]

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Reply #49 on: December 20, 2008, 11:28:40 PM
Ahhhh, so rich with quotes, the Turtles are.

Hmmm, I'm trying to think of what other characters I'd love to see in this fighting game.