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Quickman · 21157

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Offline Quickman

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(Yeah, you were fine.  I just wasn't rolling those Yin against a 5.  Momentary brain fart.)

Offline Protoman Blues

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(Okay. Whew. The reason I made it so small was because from what I understood, I can only roll for a certain action and I believe that IG-88 would analyze the situation first before doing anything. Also, FROIDS!  8D)

Offline Quickman

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(You can throw in other actions all you want, but the roll will be based on the primary action of your narrative.  For example, you can say that you're being sneaky, so you sneak up behind some mooks and pilfer their blasters, because you're ninja-silent.  Then, you shoot them in the back and they fall forward like dominoes.  The roll will still be based on the Sneaky trait, but you can throw in some other stuff.  Or, you could narrate actions and then decide on a trait from that narrative, or leave the decision up to the DM.)

Offline Protoman Blues

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(Ahhhh okay. I'll remember that for the next time I narrate. Damn Froids!)

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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(Right, Boba Fett is in)

"Enough talk fools," Boba Fett not caring, as 15 grunty soldiers about to engage them, "I don't think our guests," starts readying his blasters, "are in the mood to chat."

(Right now, I'm a bit rusty, but I think it's better for me to start things slow, besides, everyone needs to get started, BTW)

Fear me.

Offline Quickman

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(Looks like general Bounty Hunter stat, which for Fett is a 4...  two Yin and one Yang, let's roll those bones!

Yin: 1, 5
Yang: 1

Scene progresses by one, mook rating reduced to 45.)

(Dr. Wily, you are up, and hopefully I catch this before I go to bed.  If not, Ringman might get it, or I'll check in when I sign on again.)

Offline Dr. Wily II

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(Given our timezones, I'll most likely post at around this time. >.> Anyways...)

(I'll go with Strongman here.)

"AHAHAHA!! SOME ACTION!! SHOOT FIRST, NEVER ASK LATER!!" Not wanting to let Boba Fett one-up him, Bossk rushes in head-first, literally, into the approaching soldiers, headbutting a few clean off their feet. Then from behind the soldiers, he took out his trusty blaster, and blasted down 2 more.

(Ehh... I hope I get his character right. >.>)

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Offline Ringman

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[Hey Quick, you can roll for me and Wily consecutively, but I'll need to post now or I'll miss the chance ]
[ Using sniper , natch ]
4-LOM shouts "Wait Bossk!  We need to come up with a strategy first!!!," but its too late.  4-LOM crouches down low, hoping to avoid crossfire, and steadies his arms with his knee.  He is careful in providing cover fire for Bossk, as not to hit the quickly moving target, and picks off any stragglers sneaking up on him from the periphery.  He looks to the others, "We need to get in there and assist him, before he gets himself disintegrated!"

[Somebody's gonna have to take leader, of this, but its not going to be me as 4-LOM isn't that kind of character.  My personal vote goes to either Fett or Ig-88, but I'll let you guys decide, and fighting over the leader position, only at first, might make for good roleplaying. ]

Offline Quickman

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(Wily:  Three Yangs and a Yin, rolling against a 5, let's roll them bones!

Yang: 4, 4, 3
Yin: 1

Mook level reduced by 11, mook rating down to 34)

(Ring: That's two Yins and two Yangs, against a 5, rolling them bones...

Yang: 5, 4
Yin: 1, 6

Mook level reduced by 9, Mook rating at 25 (depending on where we are, I may end up throwing in another wave, as this level is being picked off quickly...))

(Martial arts trait for this one)
Zuckuss isn't one to rush into the fray, so he slides along the wall, dodging the oncoming blasts.  Quickly, he ducks and rolls across the floor, then jumps to grab hold of the lip of the sewer pipe.  With some effort, he hoists himself inside and crawls through the narrow, dark passageway.  He finds that it branches off to his right, and he works his way down that path.  At the end, he slides out of the pipe and sneaks behind a guard, who is providing covering fire.  Quietly, Zuckuss lands a kick to the back of the guard's knees.  The man buckles and Zuckuss chops the back of the guard's neck with the heel of his hand.  Taking a moment to make sure that he wasn't heard, he lifts the guard's blaster and inches toward the branch of the pipe, hoping to provide some much-needed help from the other side.

(Whoo, got a bit action-heavy with this one.  Three Yangs and two Yins against a 5.  Rolling them bones...

Yang: 5, 4, 2
Yin: 2, 6

Mook rating reduced by 11, Mook rating down to 14 (Yeah, I'll throw in another wave))

(PB's turn!)

Offline Protoman Blues

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IG-88 rolls for Weapon Master

"ENOUGH. FOOLING. AROUND. FROIDS." IG-88 boldly states. He pulls out his blaster and states, "NO. WITNESSES." to the other bounty hunters, then proceeds to order the other hunters to kill everyone in their path. Analyzing the situation, he tells Zuckuss to make sure not one of their victims manages to get away. After instructing all the hunters on how to properly and logically proceed, he begins firing on their assailants."

Offline Quickman

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(I almost vetoed that action, as Zuckuss isn't with the group right now.  But, I'm going to assume that they are all equipped with comlinks, as for a group... they really should be, so I'll leave it.  Anywho...  Two Yangs and a Yin against 5, rolling them bones...

Yang: 6, 4
Yin: 3

Mook rating reduced by 4.  Mook rating: 10  Once rating eliminated, I'll introduce another wave via intermission story text.)

(Take it away, Pyro!)

Offline Protoman Blues

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(If they're a team, I figured that they would! XD)

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(Going to roll for Sniper)

Greedo having stealthily maneuvered his way to a more favorable position to attack eyed the and carefully marked three of the more frisky soldiers. He curled a finger around trigger and then squeezed it. One blast struck the guard in the temple and down him instantly, then the Rodian aimed again once more and fired twice.

Come and read some Thoughts of a Platypus

Offline Quickman

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(Three Yangs and a courtesy Yin against a 4.  Rolling...

Yang: 1, 2, 3
Yin: 4

Mook rating reduced by 6.  Mook rating at 4.  If Maine Coon Hazard takes the rating down to 0, he gets to post a coup de grace to end the scene, and then I'll send in another wave.)

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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(Rolling for Rocket Man)

Boba Fett rushes in, not allowing the remaining guards escape, uses his jumpjet, by scaling off the walls, while dodging and flanking the remaining soldiers fire from the air. Then firing his blasters with perfect precision towards their heads, stopping them cold in their tracks. "Hmph, that was rather too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel" muttered Boba Fett, before holstering his blasters.

Fear me.

Offline Quickman

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(Three Yangs and two Yin against a 4, rolling them bones...

Yang: 5, 4, 3
Yin: 5, 4

Mook rating reduced to 0, you get to do the coup de grace and end this scene!  Basically, describe the killing blow on how all the mooks were taken down.  No traits or dice rolling.  Just straight-up "here's how all the thugs were taken out, and how awesome I was in kicking their asses oh so thoroughly.")

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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(Okay, correct me for any mistakes, since I've already described Fett, blowing the heads off of the remaining soldiers)

While waiting for the other Bounty Hunter's to regroup, Boba Fett notices one of his quarry struggling to his feet. "Ah, blast proof aren't we." says Boba, before walking over and kicking down the recovering guard, "Let's see if you're foot proof!" he exclaimed, before curbing him beneath his heel. Then not wasting any time, walks over to the other downed guards giving one last shot to each of their heads, just to make sure no-one survived his pursuit.

Boba Fett looks up seeing the other hunters regrouping to his location, "Well, took you saps long enough to clean up." he added, "I alone can deal with this rabble myself. Maybe I should take the lead, next time."

Fear me.

Offline Quickman

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(You've given Fett a very Shadows of the Empire comic personality.  He never shuts up in the comic, and he even has the gall to make horrible puns!  He's so un-Fett, but at the same time, I love it.  He also gets pretty wordy in The Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy.  Anywho... onto the next wave...)

Zuckuss splashes down the pipe, pointing behind him.  "There's more coming!  But..." He pants as he slows. "But, we can't... I mean, there's an exit down there.  A door!  We could hold them off... but, someone would need to unlock it..." He looks to 4-LOM, unholsters his blaster, and takes up a position slightly within another branching sewer pipe, kneeling, and taking careful aim at the large pipe before the hunters.

Up ahead, the hunters can hear a whirring sound, followed by a loud "ka-CHUNK!" and the blare of an alarm klaxon somewhere farther down the pipe.  The grate at the end of the pipe shudders and emits a series of low, concussive thuds from around it.  Water drips from its seams.

"I don't like this..." Zuckuss says in a low voice as he backs a bit farther into the shadows, deciding that perhaps they don't need to unlock that door after all.

The grate, an imposing metal structure, bellows in protest as it begins to rise.  It grinds upward on rusted gears and shudders loudly to a stop.  A hand tosses a flash-bang under the grate, ensuring that the guards would have some cover as the ancient door finally opens.  The burst of light is blinding, with a deafening blast, and the guards charge in, not even waiting for the grate to finish opening, some of them having to crawl on their hands and knees just to get through.  Khijana is a powerful man.  Even his sewers are well-protected.

(Mook rating is 60.  Take it away, Dr. Wily!  And Ringman, if you want to post simultaneously.)

Offline Dr. Wily II

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(LOL, Fett still one-upped Bossk after all. 8D I wanna go Strongman again, but...)

Rolling Bounty Hunter.

Bossk grunted that Boba Fett managed to one-up him after all, but now wasn't the time to squabble, as a bright flash of light blinded his vision, and he could hear the roaring of even more guards pouring into the vicinity.

"GAH!! MY EYES!! Sounds like we have more company!!"

Bossk got on all fours, and felt his way around, and managed to pick up a spare blaster from one of the dead guards, and began some two-handed blaster action, generally aiming in the direction of the source of the roaring. He managed to hear a few moans and shouts, affirming he's shooting in the correct direction. He continued blastering, hearing even more shouts.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Offline Ringman

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Ok Quick.  I apologize for de-railing this, and I haven't had time to read through everything just yet, but it appears you are making a few mistakes.

Also please read this post as if it was said in the nicest most soothing voice.  I really have no clue how to type this without sounding like a jerk.

#1 You've been adding up the Yang results, and the Yin results.  It doesn't work that way. The numbers don't mean anything other than to tell you whether you had a success or not.  The reason for this is that it encourages people to use more actions.  The number of actions and the trait chosen should be largely determine your likelihood of successfully moving the scene.
You compare the numbers you roll against the stat you are rolling.  You get successes by rolling that stat or UNDER.
So if I roll against Sniper, my stat is a 5.  Any rolls that hit 5 or under are considered a success.  You count the number of successful die rolls.  So earlier I had a 5 and a 4. You said that reduced the mook level by 9.  That is incorrect.  It only reduces the mook level by 2.  Because I had 2 successes.  
This works the same with Yin.  Anything under my stat is a success.  I need at least one success to defend the scene's attack of 1.  If the number of successes are under the number of the scene's attack, we lose a chi.  

I hope this makes sense.

So, I'm not going to make us redo that scene or anything, but here's a quick break - down of what should've happened based on the rolls, as an example.

For Wily we had
Yang : 4 , 4 , 3 against a 5.  All 3 rolls are less than or equal to 5 so that makes 3 successes.  That reduced the mook rating by 3.
Yin : 1  - also against a 5.  That's easily less than or equal to 5 so that makes one success. That means Wily defended against the mook attack of 1, so no chi loss.

#2 You said that the description of how the mooks look is entirely up to the player.  This is not entirely correct.  Their basic look is up to the DM.  You need to provide the players with story cues.  We can add some details, like the mook was a fat guy, or a tall guy, or had a scar on his face or was weilding a thermal detonator / etc,  but you need to remember to stop any of us with a veto if our details are not plausible with the theme of the scenario.  Also, feel free to interject details in between our posts if you'd like, especially if the players seem to be having trouble getting started.  For example, when the other characters were being described as waiting for the mooks, you could've described some mooks dropping down behind us, or preparing to aim at us.  You can do this as long as it is not directly conflicting with things we've already stated, that you did not veto.  Once something is stated, its done, unless you the DM veto it. This may mean backing things up or changing some narratives if you didn't catch in until late, but we'll get the hang of this eventually, and vetos won't happen as often.  Furthermore, the players can suggest a veto at any time (which should tell the players to stop the action.)  But the DM has to approve.  The DM has full power to veto anything with or without suggestions from the player.  

#3 This part seemed fine, but remember, you determine the final stat being used for the rolls.  So I can say I'm using sniper, but if I never shoot at anything, or my shooting is clearly being undermined by another thematic stat, say I shoot a guy then describe my next 3 actions hacking into a system (Droid Brain) then you gotta check me on that.  

#4  give us some time to narrate what we are doing in between scenes, instead of just thrusting us into the next wave.  We do need to narrate the character's rp-ing during downtime, but we don't have to roll against anything, unless we're trying to do something fairly challenging, like trying to pick a lock or whatever.  At which point its a scab roll.  So after the sewer battle, I would've let us narrate where we were going, and yadda yadda.  Like since 4-LOM has schematics of the sewer, he should've been able to determine where they should go next, and vetoes still apply in these scenes as well.

Aside from that, I think people are doing alright.  We'll get the hang of this eventually.  I'm new to this too, so feel free to challenge me on any of the above statements.

Offline Ringman

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[ Not to be a stickler, but wouldn't Bossk be blinded by the Flash bang? I'll let that be the DM's call ]
4-LOM (Droid Brain)
Now knowing he needs to act fast, he first contracts the diaphragm's in his eyes to adjust to the new high light levels, and then opening up a plate connects his interface to the door.  He begins talking to the computer on the other end in, translating its language, and attempting to convince it that he is not a foreign threat.  The computer doesn't buy it, so 4-LOM shuts it down altogether before it can boot his connection.  This leaves him on manual he still has to go through all the proper routines to open the door.  He looks to Fett, "Do you have any grenades in that utility belt of yours that can hold these guys off?"

[After the action is over, you DM should let us rp where we go from here.  We do have some maps, we should be able to put them to good use, plus we can pick a leader and get ourselves organized a bit.]

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(Hmm... You're right. I guess I'll edit my post a bit.)

(EDIT: Ok, edited to fit, and aiming generally blind.)

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Offline Ringman

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[Good one Wily.  That works for me!]
[Question for Quickman, how wide would you say the pipes are?  How many people can they fit side to side.  Just thought with all these lasers going around it may be tricky to shoot without hitting our comrades.  Something to take into consideration with our narratives, if its important. ]
[ On a side note: Since this is beginning Wushu, I think we should just stick to the normal rules, but the door hacking situation could be counted as a Secondary objective.  Essentially it would be given its own mook rating.   In which case you'd have to divvy up my Yang successes between the main mooks (Soldiers) and the secondary mooks (The door).  It wouldn't typically add to the scene attack, unless it were something like a fire that we'd have to put out.  And it wouldn't necessary need to be completed to end the scene, but may affect the story depending on how it is connected to the story.  Without giving it a mook rating, I could say I hacked the door in one turn, which I think would be a bit lame.  So I'm being fair and describing it as taking place over a round or two.  Once again, this is nothing to worry about now, just something that might be interesting to include for future play sessions. ]

Offline Ringman

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QuickEdit: Recalculated roll, your Chi is fine.  My bad!

(Alrighty, four dice: Two Yins and two Yangs, rolling against a 5... Roll them bones!
Yin: 5, 5
Yang: 3, 1

Mook rating reduced by four.)

(Maine Coon Hazard is up, and the mook rating is 46.)

(Feel free to go nuts with your narrations and take out some mooks!  Remember, you control the mooks, the DM does not.  You control the mook numbers and actions.  If you want to bring in a bunch and start kicking their asses, go for it!)

[Just posting this as an example since I just now noticed it.  Here's an example where both Yin's failed since he's supposed to be rolling a 4 or under for successes.  Which means Greedo would've lost a chi here since he didn't role a single success to negate the scene's attack.  However, as I stated previously, we'll ignore that and move on, and try to do it right in the next scene.  I'll try to catch these, the next time around.  Let's continue. ]

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(Well, given Bossk is shooting blindly... I guess the rest of the bounty hunters can try to dodge his barrage. 8D)

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