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Topics - Rin

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Anime & Manga / Excel Saga! - JESUS CHRIST SOMEONE HELP ME!
« on: April 23, 2009, 10:29:00 PM »
General Excel Saga thread(with biggest approach to the manga). Did you read it? Did you like it? Which is your favorite character?






Of course, a detailed summary of what [spoiler]Miwa says to Il Palazzo will be good too.[/spoiler]

« on: April 19, 2009, 05:36:25 PM »
We all know most of animoo dubs are horrible. Tough there are exceptions. Then how about we share some pain with each other?

In this thread we post anime dubs from all countries around the world. It can be an english dub, a french dub, a italian dub, a whateverthefuck dub. As long as it's just sounds bad.

I'll start with this little gem right here:


Now then...

Rockman Series / You own Rockman canon... ALL SERIES VERSION!
« on: April 17, 2009, 02:10:38 PM »
Hello there. Here, I made this thread because I'm kind of bored, and interested to see how will this turn out.

So, what's this thread about? Well, basically, here we talk about our own canon things in Rockman series. What do I mean?

For example: So we all know that Dr. Light build Rock, right? Then, why not change it a bit. For example, let's have Dr. Cossack build Rock and also make Rock a huge fan of Stalin. There.

That's of course, just a retarded example. To put it even simplier... ITT we just go wild and rewrite the canons of all Rockman series.

I'll start.


Rockman Classic:

In year 200X two scientists, Dr. Light and Dr. Wily work on new generation of robots. However, Light tricks Wily and kicks him out of the lab after building the first real Robot Masters. Also, he takes all the credit. Therefore, Wily decides to take revenge on Light and builds an ultimate fighting robot named Blues, who is sent to wreck carnage and havoc upon the unsuspecting citizenz of IDONTGIVEAFUCKABOUTHENAMEVILLE.

Rockman X:
After many years, the robot war ended and new era begun. The new race of robots, called the Repliroids arised. Repliroids were based around a very strange robot, called X, who was also the one who ended the war hundred years ago. However, nothing lasts forever, because eventually X rebelled against humans and decided to wipe them out. Thus, starting the "Human Erasure Crusade".

Rockman Zero: Another hundred years have passed since the previous war. The only remaining race on earth(besides few animals) are Repliroids. The Repliroid Empire of Neo-Arcadia is ruled by Holy Lord X. A certain psychotic Repliroid awakens from his slumber, deep within a complex in Neo-Arcadia's main palace. He doesn't remember who he is, and the only things he CAN remember is the fact that he must kill X, and that his name is... Zero.


Okay. I did my part(I will write more [parasitic bomb] after I get some responses here). Now I want to see you rewrite some Rockman series and/or characters.


Off The Wall / Do you write?
« on: March 22, 2009, 12:20:44 AM »
As in, do you write stories? If so, what did you write?

Because I often do, and they are usually "comedy stories". And I write them in Polish. Tough I used to write shitty fanfiction. And I actually still do, except now I use to trolling people over at

But my stories are as follow.

Inner & Outer - A fantasy/science fiction story about... well saving the world and stuff. I rewrote it more times that I care to count, and I ultimately gave up writing it(quite recently actually).

Complete Unreality - A story about evil overlord called Lord Forte who tries to conquer the world. Starting with city called Absurdity. Generally a comedy and parody of many things. Characters and their names are based on users of a certain polish forum about Sonic(Sonic PL). And some of my originals. Also it features many characters from my earlier works(when I was like what, in elementary) like super-hero Sitoman, Sailor Girls(parody of Sailor Moon team hurr) and other [parasitic bomb] like that. It was written in "freestyle" with raping of basic writing rules and all that. I wrote few alternate reality stories, and decided to write a remake. But without this whole "evil overlord bullshit", but with the same characters with different stories and sometimes changed looks. Also, there's a girl called Mu Serenity who is a parody of CC. lol

Legend of a Conqueror - Comedy. It's once again about an evil overlord and his organization. I'm still writing it. It's a sequel to original Complete Unreality and takes place in the same universe. It takes place ten years in the future when Forte was defeated and put to prison... LIEK FOREVAH. Only two chapters so far.

Love & Rivalry - My newest one. Which I started writing yesterday. And I have one chapter so far. It's about a certain gamer who is a real fuckin' dick named Larry. He moves away with his family to city called Absurdity(yes. It takes place in CU universe) and there he starts going to very high-class school. There he meets two other gamers(guy and a girl) who are both leaders of their own Gaming clubs. They both hate each other and have strong rivalry. And they both want Larry in their clubs. And he doesn't really want to join ANY clubs. Not even gaming ones. Tough before the first school day ends, he discovers a certain secret of the two rivals and gets into more trouble than he expected.

Okay. What do you guys write? And in what language? If in english, then show me where I can read it(if you want me to) because I'n curious. Oh, and I just might translate Love & Rivalry to english and post it here. Want or do not want?


Anime & Manga / Slayers General Thread
« on: March 16, 2009, 11:58:49 PM »
Okay, I decided to finally make this thread because lacking a Slayers thread in anime sub-forum is a friggin' disgrace.

So, what are you toughts on this series? Do you like it? Was it a part of your childhood(like it was mine)? Who is your favorite character? Do you watch the new series that is currently airing?

Personally, Slayers is one of my favorite animoo series. It has great characters, great humor and overall it's awesome.

My favorite character is(SURPRISE, SURPRISE) Xelloss, followed now closely by Ozel from Revolution and Evolution-R.

Okay, dudes and dudedets, DISCUSS.

Entertainment / Sonic the Hedgehog Comics
« on: March 03, 2009, 03:34:11 AM »
Hai! Some of you might remember that in one discussion topic about comics, I was raging at Archie Sonic Comic because it sucked...

NO MORE! I officially love this comic book right now. And I remember that there were people here who bought the comic on regular basis once upon a time, but stopped because the comic got shitty. Well, guys. The comic is good again so I suggest you start buying it again... OR, download it at least.
Ever since they fired those [Top Spin]s who were the cause of the series becoming shitty, and hired new writer and main artist, this comic really became a fun read.

They constantly make fun of themselves, characters like for example Shadow. HECK! Even characters from games became much better, for example Silver who was recently introduced.

Here: Have an example of the awesomeness:


Anime & Manga / Kuroshitsuji AKA Black Butler
« on: February 28, 2009, 05:07:43 AM »
Either I am not looking hard enough, or this "corner" of RPM lacks a thread about Kuroshitsuji. Well, time to fix this.

I one has no idea what Kuroshitsuji is, then I will give you a bit of a hint as to what it is about.

The story is about Ciel Phantomhive, a young rich boy who is english and has the most FABULOUS and DEADLY butler named Sebestian Michaelis at his side. The setting takes place in england, 19th century London to be exact. This animu is really one of the best currently airing and it has a really nice ost too. Also it has [spoiler]JACK THE RIPPER, GAY DEATH GOD, CRAZY LIKE [tornado fang] ANGEL AND MUCH MORE STRANGE [parasitic bomb]![/spoiler]

So, I suggest you give it a try, yes?


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