Bad Art Mega Man Joins the Cross (Street Fighter x Tekken that is; also Pac Man)

Jericho · 48658

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Offline KoiDrake

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Maybe they don't owe us anything. But offering compensation would help towards calming the fans a bit.

Public relations matter.
They don't need to calm the fans, as they still buy their games anyway.

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Actually, now that I think about it: This is actually the second appearance in a Namco crossover game since Namco X Capcom, but under the Voulnutt name tag in that game. That actually rung a few bells when I first read Mega Man's profile, which reminded me of a similar crossover event, athough that was JP Only. It would've been funny, but considering Capcom's reputation as of now, I can say that they've come between a rock and a hard place.

This could mean Mega Man might've had a chance to re-unite with one of the other Namco franchises, but Pac-Man's never been given a chance to appear in a fighter (unless I've been living under a rock and that needs to be remedied) which is why he's there in a pesudeo-realistic game that has jiggle physics for obese fighters, rather than the ladies.

But alas, coincidence.. don't ya think?

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Flame

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i meant like a proper new game, not...that
Except that's ALL we have been getting, and probably all we WILL get for a while. Cheap low quality cash ins that don't cost them a whole lot and therefore are not a major risk.

All fans WANT is an actual new game. Hell, new games are what started this mess. We thought we were getting Mega Man Universe and Mega Man Legends 3. Universe was met with mixed reaction, for various reasons, but legends 3 was what we all wanted. Universe was just the side dish.

To top it off, Legends 3 was an amazing  PR opportunity. Something pretty original. A game for the fans, by the fans, in conjunction with Capcom. The fans would decide almost everything. Since Capcom was skeptical, it would start as just a prototype. And that prototype would be it's own self contained adventure. The Prototype would be the prologue, the prequel to Legends 3, and would determine Legends 3's actual greenlight. There were contests, polls, an all sorts of interactions between the fans and the Dev team, on a scale Ive never really seen before. The game is practically finished, and then It gets cancelled. Capcom cites no specific reasons, only that certain "criteria" was not met.

Legends 3 is not greenlit, and the Prototype, which was delayed, will NOT see the light of day, despite being basically finished. The Japanese Devroom is shut down almost immediately, and Capcom just chucks everything in the garbage. Fans are pretty upset over that, and then, to add to the situation, Capcom Europe insults the fanbase, saying that the game's cancellation is their fault, because they didn't care enough. Everything at this point leads to the conclusion that Capcom used Devroom numbers to predict how many units would be sold, and found it unsatisfactory for their investment. Despite Capcom themselves saying Fans need not join the devroom to follow the game.

And from then on, it just gets worse. Capcom remains incredibly tight lipped over the cancellation, and whenever a devteam member says something, specifically when they announce they support the fan efforts, their blog or twitter is shut down right after.

MvC3 rolls around. Mega Man fans assume that Mega Man will be in it, since he was in the previous 2. Popularity polls are created, and Mega Man tops the charts. Fans try to push for either Mega Man or Mega Man X to be a character. They get told that he will not be included because they cannot make him work in the game, and give other excuses as well. Instead they place Zero in the game, porting most of his moveset from TvC with Tron, and instead of Mega Man, put Arthur in the game. Fans get no specific reason for Mega Man's absence from Capcom. Fans try to get Mega man perhaps as DLC instead. They get told there are no plans to release Mega Man DLC. Instead, fans get the "Days of Future Past" stage, that shows several Marvel and Capcom Characters as either Slain or Captured, and show Mega Man as "Missing".

(EDIT: And I forgot to mention the shitstorm that ensued when Capcom announced UMvC3 almost right after the first, making MvC fans annoyed that they just wasted 50 bucks on an incomplete obsolete version.)

Fans try to push for X, to accompany Zero. They instead get an alternate Skin for Zero.

And for all this, there are no concrete reasons ever given. They are determined on preventing Mega Man's appearance in MvC3.

Time passes, and Street Fighter vs Tekken is announced. people hope Mega man might be a cameo, and eventually ARE teased with a blue silhouette that does not really resemble Mega Man.

The Phone game comes out. It's a cheap Mega Man X port with the graphics slightly modified in photoshop.

Capcom announces they do not know what to do with Mega Man and we get repeated PR talk of "Top Men", (with the emphasis on the "Top Men" Part) deciding Mega Man's future, and deciding a "10 year plan".

Then we get this. A variant on bad Box Art Mega Man, simply named "Mega Man". Not "Bad Box Art Mega Man" but Mega Man. This is supposed to be the Mega Man fans have wanted in MvC3. Any other time and it would have been funny. But then we look at his bio, and see that they have used Mega Man Vollnut's background for him.

Capcom has not only destroyed and completely reversed a perfect PR opportunity, but have created an even WORSE PR nightmare. With almost the majority of the fanbase angry over the way they have been treated. Capcom at no point offered any explanations, and then continued to Ignore Mega Man and make moves that are totally inappropriate for the current situation with their fans.

No, they dont OWE us anything. But they at least owe us explanations, not cardboard cutout "we still care!" PR from Sven. We need SOMETHING. Capcom may not owe us a game, but after baiting us and then pulling the proverbial football right as we are about to kick, they DO owe their fans something. Especially since their fans are what makes them money. Sure, a few less fans doesnt mean anything to them when they can just [parasitic bomb] out another Street Fighter or Resident Evil and have those fans eat it up, it is still just plain stupid, and makes them look bad in the game industry. I know nothing of business, but im pretty sure a company does not want to have a bad reputation. It's bad business practice, and gives competing companies the advantage of using the situation to win over the disgruntled fans, with the bait of "Look here! we DO care about you! Capcom may not care, but we do!" And then make a few fan requested games.

Sega seems to listen to the fans, and Nintendo might listen, I cant be too sure, but they almost always seem to follow fan demand. mainly because whatever they put out, fans like. Capcom right now, has an image that they do not listen to their fans, and in fact, do not respect them. Some people very well see the treatment of the Mega man fanbase as Capcom trolling their fanbase. Not just folks in the fanbase itself, but many outside of the Mega Man fanbase too.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Protoman Blues

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compensate? capcom doesn't owe you anything and even if they did they don't have to

if they decide to actually release something, you guys who are so deprived will eat it right up

And that right there is what I meant by the more rabid side of fanbases.

To think that a company owes us for screwing us over... Yeah, the fans are indeed what make a company successful, the customers. But just because they cancel a few things doesn't mean they HAVE to do something. At the end of the day, we don't matter to them. They don't care how we feel or what we want; they only care about what makes them money. And in that greed, they're often blinded to the extremely obvious solutions (such as MEGA MAN).

LoL, I love how both of you didn't actually read what I said. I didn't say they owe us compensation. I just said that none was offered and that until they do, the complaining and [acid burst] off-ness of the fans is not going to stop. They can do whatever the [tornado fang] they want.

Like I've said in a previous thread, how Capcom went about the whole PR debacle was the real, non-gaming world equivalent of Jet Blue keeping customers on the tarmac for 9 hours without allowing them to get off the plane. Did Jet Blue have to offer their customers compensation for their [tornado fang] up? No. Did they? Yes! Why? Because it's good business. Again, it's not about the cancellation of the game as much as how they went about it. I mean, can you honestly name another gaming incident like this where a company got their fanbase so involved & so pumped up only to dump them like a prom date after your high school graduation? Cause I can't think of one.

They don't need to calm the fans, as they still buy their games anyway.

Haha, which is the real problem overall. The gaming business world is pretty much like the drug dealing world. You don't have to provide good customer service as much as keep the supply of crack comin' in! XD

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Best answer ever.  XD

i meant like a proper new game, not...that

i know you guys aren't that desperate
Well, considering the cancellation or refusal to localize all known proper games is the entire REASON the fanbase is on edge...well yeah, of course actually releasing one would quell them.  Using PB's analogy, it's the denial of our crack that has us so pissed off in the first place.

Until that's fixed and until Capcom starts showing some shred of compensation for their [tornado fang] up, stuff like this, which should be seen as a humorous gesture, will get people upset. That's all there is to it.
When you're right, you're right.  It's the same as the bull surrounding X and UMvC3.  The fans are on edge, and Capcom basically can do no right until they get a decent core Mega Man game out there.  

This one, though, I can honestly see as hitting too close to home.  The fact that it's BBAMM playable is a direct reference to Universe, and his profile as a "digger" a reference to Legends.  Presumably because this was set up with Inafune in 2010.  That's the whole problem here.  Had Universe and Legends3 come out, this would've been hilariously enjoyable.  But, they didn't, and because they didn't, this is just reminding us of what we lost.  You kinda have to be brain-dead, doubly so on Capcom's end (I could understand the Digger reference flying over Namco's heads), to not see what the problem is, so they come off as clearly not giving a damn.

I don't think Capcom is trolling Mega Man fans at all, but while UMvC3 is a simple matter of "we want what we want and nothing else" from the fans, SFxT is more a matter of sheer negligence on the part of the developers.  I still believe they had good intentions, but...really...

Nintendo might listen, I cant be too sure, but they almost always seem to follow fan demand.
Actually, I think Capcom could take lessons from Nintendo when it comes to trolling your own fans.

[spoiler=Super Mario 3D Land]What was the biggest fan-based (not the editor-based "where's the particle effects?" bullshit) complaint of NSMBWii?  No playable Peach.  What was the biggest fan-based complaint of 3D Land upon Tanooki Suit's unveiling?  It doesn't fly.

So what does 3D Land do?  We watch Mario free-fly through the whole damn credits, and after numerous grueling hours to 100% clear the game, you're treated to Peach in a Tanooki Suit.

That's about the most direct fan-trolling I've ever seen.  And you know what?  We don't give a damn, because the games are freaking awesome anyway.[/spoiler]

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

Offline Reaperoid

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I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations

Offline Protoman Blues

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When you're right, you're right.  It's the same as the bull surrounding X and UMvC3.  The fans are on edge, and Capcom basically can do no right until they get a decent core Mega Man game out there.  

This one, though, I can honestly see as hitting too close to home.  The fact that it's BBAMM playable is a direct reference to Universe, and his profile as a "digger" a reference to Legends.  Presumably because this was set up with Inafune in 2010.  That's the whole problem here.  Had Universe and Legends3 come out, this would've been hilariously enjoyable.  But, they didn't, and because they didn't, this is just reminding us of what we lost.  You kinda have to be brain-dead, doubly so on Capcom's end (I could understand the Digger reference flying over Namco's heads), to not see what the problem is, so they come off as clearly not giving a damn.

I don't think Capcom is trolling Mega Man fans at all, but while UMvC3 is a simple matter of "we want what we want and nothing else" from the fans, SFxT is more a matter of sheer negligence on the part of the developers.  I still believe they had good intentions, but...really...

I usually am!  8D

But exactly. Like that one tweet said...

BBAMM is like an amalgamation of the disappointment that is MMU's/MML3's cancellations & MM's absence from MvC3...

It's not intentional as much as it's just an exclamation point on pretty much everything that pissed fans off last year.

Those are some pubic hairy balls chin he's got going on there! XD


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yeah whatever

LoL, I love how both of you didn't actually read what I said.

i won't deny it

PB's analogy, it's the denial of our crack that has us so pissed off in the first place.

if crack = bad and crack = megaman, then megaman = bad?

cause if so i can only think that capcom has done justice here

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Others mentioned compensation too...

Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Offline Reaperoid

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Inafune was dead-set to bring an American style of things over to Capcom Co.
If this was put into motion at the same time as Universe, then how can anyone complain about this being the wrong thing to do? Besides that? Well... Street Fighter games tend to... y'know, be released.

I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations

Offline keiang

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This whole thing would've been hilarious, it's just an issue of timing. It's like if someone made a joke about a celebrity they didn't know died in an accident earlier that week.

If there's anything I know about Capcom, it's that they aren't intentionally mean. They're just stupid. Seriously, this isn't the first time they haven't really thought about the implications of their actions. In Resident Evil 5, they had you go around shooting a bunch of spear-wielding Africans living in mud huts. The implication is racist, but that isn't the intent. With this, they're referencing two cancelled games that they dealt with badly. The implication is that they're trolling, but that isn't the intent. Like Hypershell said, if Universe and Legends 3 had come out, we would've found it funny, but now it seems just kind of rude. Most companies would've realized that this gesture has horrible timing, but again, Capcom is pretty stupid about these things.

They're the guy who makes a fart joke at the funeral of a colon cancer victim.

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i won't deny it

Nor should you!

if crack = bad and crack = megaman, then megaman = bad?

cause if so i can only think that capcom has done justice here

Not really. Games, like crack, are drugs and not all drugs are bad. Some are even legal. By your analogy, this is more similar to prohibition, and prohibition, done in the name of justice, is & always will be far worse than drugs.

Offline Flame

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yeah whatever

i won't deny it

if crack = bad and crack = megaman, then megaman = bad?

cause if so i can only think that capcom has done justice here
WHY must you be so negative all the time...?

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Protoman Blues

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WHY must you be so negative all the time...?

He's not being negative. He's being an [dark hold]. There's a difference! XD

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I always enjoy reading your posts guys. Awesome information and debate! 8)

But yeah I agree with you guys, bad timing. I kinda find it funny they're using the BBA Mega Man, but with the cancellation of the previous two new Mega Man games... Capcom should've ANNOUNCED this first before the cancellation of Universe and Legends 3 (I bought my 3DS to get that game too... ;_;) and it would've been more well-received. But he's inclusion was already under way before the cancellation of Universe and MML3 so you can't really blame them, but you got to ask if they have brains and if so why aren't they using it?

Then again some things are just unavoidable, that's life for you. Life is cruel and unfair but we have to deal with it and keep on pushing forward.

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Except that's ALL we have been getting, and probably all we WILL get for a while. Cheap low quality cash ins that don't cost them a whole lot and therefore are not a major risk.

All fans WANT is an actual new game. Hell, new games are what started this mess. We thought we were getting Mega Man Universe and Mega Man Legends 3. Universe was met with mixed reaction, for various reasons, but legends 3 was what we all wanted. Universe was just the side dish.

To top it off, Legends 3 was an amazing  PR opportunity. Something pretty original. A game for the fans, by the fans, in conjunction with Capcom. The fans would decide almost everything. Since Capcom was skeptical, it would start as just a prototype. And that prototype would be it's own self contained adventure. The Prototype would be the prologue, the prequel to Legends 3, and would determine Legends 3's actual greenlight. There were contests, polls, an all sorts of interactions between the fans and the Dev team, on a scale Ive never really seen before. The game is practically finished, and then It gets cancelled. Capcom cites no specific reasons, only that certain "criteria" was not met.

Legends 3 is not greenlit, and the Prototype, which was delayed, will NOT see the light of day, despite being basically finished. The Japanese Devroom is shut down almost immediately, and Capcom just chucks everything in the garbage. Fans are pretty upset over that, and then, to add to the situation, Capcom Europe insults the fanbase, saying that the game's cancellation is their fault, because they didn't care enough. Everything at this point leads to the conclusion that Capcom used Devroom numbers to predict how many units would be sold, and found it unsatisfactory for their investment. Despite Capcom themselves saying Fans need not join the devroom to follow the game.

And from then on, it just gets worse. Capcom remains incredibly tight lipped over the cancellation, and whenever a devteam member says something, specifically when they announce they support the fan efforts, their blog or twitter is shut down right after.

MvC3 rolls around. Mega Man fans assume that Mega Man will be in it, since he was in the previous 2. Popularity polls are created, and Mega Man tops the charts. Fans try to push for either Mega Man or Mega Man X to be a character. They get told that he will not be included because they cannot make him work in the game, and give other excuses as well. Instead they place Zero in the game, porting most of his moveset from TvC with Tron, and instead of Mega Man, put Arthur in the game. Fans get no specific reason for Mega Man's absence from Capcom. Fans try to get Mega man perhaps as DLC instead. They get told there are no plans to release Mega Man DLC. Instead, fans get the "Days of Future Past" stage, that shows several Marvel and Capcom Characters as either Slain or Captured, and show Mega Man as "Missing".

(EDIT: And I forgot to mention the shitstorm that ensued when Capcom announced UMvC3 almost right after the first, making MvC fans annoyed that they just wasted 50 bucks on an incomplete obsolete version.)

Fans try to push for X, to accompany Zero. They instead get an alternate Skin for Zero.

And for all this, there are no concrete reasons ever given. They are determined on preventing Mega Man's appearance in MvC3.

Time passes, and Street Fighter vs Tekken is announced. people hope Mega man might be a cameo, and eventually ARE teased with a blue silhouette that does not really resemble Mega Man.

The Phone game comes out. It's a cheap Mega Man X port with the graphics slightly modified in photoshop.

Capcom announces they do not know what to do with Mega Man and we get repeated PR talk of "Top Men", (with the emphasis on the "Top Men" Part) deciding Mega Man's future, and deciding a "10 year plan".

Then we get this. A variant on bad Box Art Mega Man, simply named "Mega Man". Not "Bad Box Art Mega Man" but Mega Man. This is supposed to be the Mega Man fans have wanted in MvC3. Any other time and it would have been funny. But then we look at his bio, and see that they have used Mega Man Vollnut's background for him.

Capcom has not only destroyed and completely reversed a perfect PR opportunity, but have created an even WORSE PR nightmare. With almost the majority of the fanbase angry over the way they have been treated. Capcom at no point offered any explanations, and then continued to Ignore Mega Man and make moves that are totally inappropriate for the current situation with their fans.

No, they dont OWE us anything. But they at least owe us explanations, not cardboard cutout "we still care!" PR from Sven. We need SOMETHING. Capcom may not owe us a game, but after baiting us and then pulling the proverbial football right as we are about to kick, they DO owe their fans something. Especially since their fans are what makes them money. Sure, a few less fans doesnt mean anything to them when they can just [parasitic bomb] out another Street Fighter or Resident Evil and have those fans eat it up, it is still just plain stupid, and makes them look bad in the game industry. I know nothing of business, but im pretty sure a company does not want to have a bad reputation. It's bad business practice, and gives competing companies the advantage of using the situation to win over the disgruntled fans, with the bait of "Look here! we DO care about you! Capcom may not care, but we do!" And then make a few fan requested games.

Sega seems to listen to the fans, and Nintendo might listen, I cant be too sure, but they almost always seem to follow fan demand. mainly because whatever they put out, fans like. Capcom right now, has an image that they do not listen to their fans, and in fact, do not respect them. Some people very well see the treatment of the Mega man fanbase as Capcom trolling their fanbase. Not just folks in the fanbase itself, but many outside of the Mega Man fanbase too.

This is what CAPCOM is right now. And I wouldn't be surprised that Mega Man fans would be rowdy on those events later on. That would be hilarious to see.

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He's not being negative. He's being an [dark hold]. There's a difference! XD
I'm sure that [dark hold]s can be negative.

Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and

Offline Flame

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He's not being negative. He's being an [dark hold]. There's a difference! XD
I didnt want to just outright say that because y'know, I don't want to sound like an [dark hold] myself... >_>

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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I'm sure that [dark hold]s can be negative.

Oh, without a doubt! But negativity isn't the case here! XD

I didnt want to just outright say that because y'know, I don't want to sound like an [dark hold] myself... >_>

I have no such problem!  8D

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Indeed you don't. Indeed you don't...

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Regardless of the timing and what Capcom's intentions are right now, I'll admit that I like BBA Megaman.  Although the stomach got a little overdone, his moves and appearance is still cool to me. 

"Well.  This is just delightful!" - Marino, from Mega Man X Command Mission

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After seeing the MM1 USA Boxart... BBA Mega Man didn't have a gut! He actually had a good build on him, not too buff but not skinny either but he NEVER had a gut. He really let himself go if he has a beer belly now. :(

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He really let himself go if he has a beer belly now. :(

Not again...He really needs to lay off those E-Tanks  :|

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The possibility of a more Normal Blue Bomber is up for grabs if Ono is wise enough to take it.

Daemon Gildas: "Is there any chance at a more traditional "costume" for Mega Man in Street Fighter X Tekken? What about using the "Mega Man" seen on the movie-posters in Dead Rising? Or maybe a look based on the Ruby-Spears cartoon? That way, we have the option of a less-creepy incarnation of the Blue Bomber, while still playing along with the slightly-cheesy nature."

Svensson: "Interesting suggestion. Maybe. Let me chat about it with Ono."

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #74 on: March 05, 2024, 07:48:29 AM

I couldn't refrain from commenting. Very well written!
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