Welcome newcomer.
If you're here for megaman... GET OUT!
If you're here to advertise a fan-game... GET OUT!
If you're expecting everyone to like you... GET OUT!
If you're here to whine about your miserable life... then you're welcome to stay.
Other than the above; please read the rules, and enjoy your stay.
If you're here for only Megaman you'll be disappointed and bored really fast, I recommend expanding your horizons to other boards.
If you advertise for a fan game you won't see any of us look at it, but there are a community of members that will. It's just those members rarely interact with other boards and we rarely interact with them.
That's a major rule of the internet with the addendum that people may most likely not agree with your opinions and you shouldn't argue about them or shove it down our throats because no one will win those arguements.
Some members treat each other like family and close friends and we're comfortable about sharing what's going on in life. However there is a limit to how much we can take of 'my life sucks or I'm forever alone' so try not to go over board with that.
We're also sarcastic and I reccommend you get accoustomed to the language of trolling.
That's all I really have to say, but please enjoy your stay.