RockmanPM Forums

Other Things => Off The Wall => Topic started by: IQ-0 on March 11, 2011, 08:07:33 AM

Title: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: IQ-0 on March 11, 2011, 08:07:33 AM
It has a magnitude of 8.8 and to make it worse it was hit by a 13 ft tsunami. So far, no injuries.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Krystal on March 11, 2011, 09:08:34 AM
It's 8.9 that caused the tsunami. The actual quake was 7.9 afaik. Then there was an aftershock. The coast is still under a tsunami warning and there are freakin' cars floating in the middle of the city.
And boats.

So far 2/3 of my friends in Japan are confirmed to be okay D:

I hope our Nico Singers are okay

I wonder how this will play out...
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: The Blind Archer on March 11, 2011, 09:12:31 AM
I just found out about this. Good lord... natural disasters are always scary, but this... holy [parasitic bomb].
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: CephiYumi on March 11, 2011, 10:01:11 AM
Reading what other friends are saying about this, apparently it was the 6th or 7th strongest earthquake ever reported?  Y-Yikes
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: The Blind Archer on March 11, 2011, 10:32:42 AM
Ah crap.  Coastal Cali's on Tsunami Watch. Low level, but this is a chance I don't want to take. I'm packing a duffel of essentials and some irreplaceables.

Anyone on the Pacific coast will want to read this, just to be safe. (
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Sniper X on March 11, 2011, 10:37:47 AM
I think they will be fine because Japan is a developed country.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Rin on March 11, 2011, 11:25:32 AM
HOLY... that's horrible. D :

Hope they'll be alright.

Posted on: March 11, 2011, 11:17:46
Additionally, I just went to /a/ to see what their reaction is to this news... and I was NOT surprised to see they only give a [parasitic bomb] about anime/mango being delayed.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Krystal on March 11, 2011, 01:17:16 PM
The top of Tokyo Tower is bent =O 3/3 friends accounted for.

An oil refinery in the Chiba prefecture caught on fire and exploded...Hmm, apparently death toll atm is 19. As in, only 19.
I think it's the 7th strongest quake ever? Ever recorded at least >_o
Actually I think it's pretty amazing how well Japan took the quake considering it's strength. Granted, most of it is built to be able to withstand moderate quakes (to the point where most people don't even feel the smaller ones).

Reitaisai is delayed/cancelled...for any Touhou fans.

Taiwan is supposed to be due for a tidal wave And all other pacific circle countries have tidal wave warnings.

Oh and yeah. You'd probably expect your anime to be delayed =w=b

Posted on: March 11, 2011, 09:40:15 PM
Miiiiiiight as well update.

Death toll is 32 now. Taiwan was hit with a tsunami but everyone is fine. So yay \o/
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Flame on March 11, 2011, 01:17:40 PM
I heard the wave was 23 feet actually. Damn, its scary. Especially when you think how a nation that is used to and has systems in place to deal with earthquakes and this type of thing, was still hit horribly.

Seeing that wave carrying houses across the countryside is terrible. And a few Nuclear Power plants issued states of emergency, after one had a cooling system failure, forcing them to cut power. (Apparently some of the others were issued more as preventive measure, although there was no major issues with them.)

Hope they recover. Wish them all the best.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: VirusChris on March 11, 2011, 01:31:22 PM
Damn... 0_0

I hope everyone is alright there, that's just plain scary something like that happened!
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: borockman on March 11, 2011, 02:07:05 PM
Oh god, it's like 2004 tsunami all over again.

Seeing the water plow through cars and fields is so surreal.

Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Blackhook on March 11, 2011, 03:50:06 PM
Well..atleast not many lives have been lost in this one..though it still hit them hard. I wish them the best of luck so nothing worse happens and that they's soon recover from it.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Jericho on March 11, 2011, 04:05:11 PM
Facts for absolute clarifications sake (as of 9:30AM EST):

- The earthquake was registered at 8.9 on the Richter Scale making it the fifth most powerful earthquake registered on Earth between now and the 9.5 scale quake that rocked Chile in 1960
- The tsunami's highest waves were registered as being between 23 - 32 feet high
- Several nuclear power plants that had been unstable as a result of this are now under control. The one at
- Japan has asked the US for aid; U.S has granted it, sending over 8,000 coast guard members with a healthy portion of them headed to stop the burning power plant.
- There are several entire cities being reported as set ablaze with no means of stopping the fires.
- In Hawaii, there have been reports of the coral reef area being dry. Warnings have been issued throughout the world to places like Russia and even the West Coast in response to the magniturde of this quake/tsunami combo.

This was the craziest thing to wake up to this morning. My thoughts go out to all those in Japan.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: slayer on March 11, 2011, 04:12:06 PM
holy jesusss   D:   i`m from chile...!! the last year was an earthquake and a tsunami >.< many people died, and now probably another tsunami may hit chile again , oh god have mercy >.< hope all yours friends are fine and healthy, if you excuse me i have to watch the news....
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Solar on March 11, 2011, 04:20:13 PM
Oh god, it's like 2004 tsunami all over again.

Seeing the water plow through cars and fields is so surreal.

No kidding, I said god [tornado fang]ing daaaaamn o____O
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Dexter Dexter on March 11, 2011, 04:40:45 PM
My father gave me the news this morning and I was like, "WTF". I was hoping that none of the major cities had been hit hard. Have they?

Anyway, get well soon, Japan.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on March 11, 2011, 04:51:26 PM
God damn. It's always the Far East getting the [parasitic bomb] from natural disasters.
I just hope this doesn't end up being too horrible for everyone there, aside from the death toll.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: IQ-0 on March 11, 2011, 07:39:11 PM
Other countries got hit too by the tsunami and even California as well as the pacific states are under tsunami watch.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: The Great Gonzo on March 11, 2011, 08:17:20 PM
I can't log into pixiv right now and thus can't contact most of the people I know over there. I hope they're all right...
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Satoryu on March 11, 2011, 08:22:55 PM
My heart goes out to everyone there.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Girla PurpleHeart on March 11, 2011, 09:32:20 PM
I felt depressed when I first heard about this. I hope people over there are OK. =<
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Gaia on March 11, 2011, 11:05:35 PM
I hope they will have a speedy recovery, I wish them well being. This is terrifying, and I hope for chile and other countries affected the same..
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Align on March 11, 2011, 11:33:14 PM
I got the news in the morning, felt a little weird to go off to study as if nothing had happened.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: The Blind Archer on March 12, 2011, 04:04:32 AM
Well, Monterey was safe.  Only got 3-foot high swells over here, tops.

What scared me the most is that I suddenly remembered one of my coworkers was studying abroad over there.  I was relieved to know she was safe, and bamboozled to know that she didn't even feel it. :X

Man... just hearing about this makes me realized how unprepared we all truly are.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Black Mage J on March 12, 2011, 04:17:54 AM
I hear that the Easter Island might be hit by the tsunami, hopefully things will turn out well, I'd rather not drown, not when I got a new house.
As for those who have been hit, I wish you a fast and safe recovery.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Krystal on March 12, 2011, 06:51:24 AM
Holy smokes apparently a nuclear power plant has started leaking >_>

And people in Cali should be careful =O Also has anyone checked to see if the majority of Capcom is okay~?
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: borockman on March 12, 2011, 07:16:33 AM
I hear that the Easter Island might be hit by the tsunami, hopefully things will turn out well, I'd rather not drown, not when I got a new house.
As for those who have been hit, I wish you a fast and safe recovery.

Wait, you live on Easter island?
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Kit on March 12, 2011, 07:52:04 AM
I saw on the news that Cesium is being detected in the nuclear power plants that were hit.

This is not good.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Gotham Ranger on March 12, 2011, 09:37:44 AM
It's being reported that the pressure in the No 1 Reactor in Fukushima has been successfully released, averting the nuclear meltdown scenario.

Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Krystal on March 12, 2011, 11:11:14 AM
I have no idea where you get your news from but from what I've heard the reactor at Fukushima just suffered an explosion (Not the reactor itself, but something else) an hour ago, and now, instead of just coolant leaking out of it there's radioactive stuffs leaking out.

So um, yeah, nuclear meltdown sorta happening. =\

(The reactor itself can't explode, but this leak is part of the worse case scenario...yeah...)

This ain't good -o-

Posted on: March 12, 2011, 08:06:57 PM
Also random info with nowhere to go:

The quake shifted the earth's axis by 10 inches
There are like 125 aftershocks of the quake every 10 minutes that measure over 5.0
When the tsunami hit Cali, 2 (? I have terrible memory) surfers died trying to take a photo of the wave/trying to ride the waves before the tsunami (U MAD) and one guy slipped off a cliff whilst watching.
Nintendo are okay =w=b
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Align on March 12, 2011, 12:05:43 PM
(The reactor itself can't explode
Part of it did. Not like a nuke, but...
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Gotham Ranger on March 12, 2011, 12:07:06 PM
I have no idea where you get your news from but from what I've heard the reactor at Fukushima just suffered an explosion (Not the reactor itself, but something else) an hour ago, and now, instead of just coolant leaking out of it there's radioactive stuffs leaking out.

So um, yeah, nuclear meltdown sorta happening. =\
Consider the time differences.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Krystal on March 12, 2011, 12:28:05 PM
...Hm, my time zone on the forum is 1 hour off from my computer's clock. My mistake. Because from my perspective you had posted half an hour before me, not an hour and a half :V

Basically, a repeat of Chernobyl is impossible due to the reactor's design. :V

Sigh, better fix up my clock...> 3>
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Gotham Ranger on March 12, 2011, 12:37:28 PM
If anything, it'll be a Three Mile Island scenario.

Edit: Watching a stream from Japan, the explosion was in the outside layer of protection of the reactor, not inside the reactor itself.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Bueno Excelente on March 12, 2011, 12:59:09 PM
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: CephiYumi on March 12, 2011, 01:19:46 PM
i-is that a cat? ; ;
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Bueno Excelente on March 12, 2011, 01:21:48 PM
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: CephiYumi on March 12, 2011, 01:23:58 PM
I hope it was saved
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Rin on March 12, 2011, 02:11:51 PM
I hope it was saved
I don't want to sound like a heartless [dark hold]...
...but I don't think saving cats is the highest priority right now. : <
Unfortunately, poor cat.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Black Mage J on March 12, 2011, 03:05:01 PM
Wait, you live on Easter island?
Oh, no, I was just worried for it's inhabitants.
Minimal casualties, minimal casualties..
Hoping Black Cat-san can somehow make a miraculously save itself.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: ViperAcidZX on March 12, 2011, 03:20:55 PM
Man first the tsunami hits Japan, a nuclear plant is struck. My mother said this earthquake is going to hit other countries too, and my country, Ecuador, could be next in line.

I'm definitely donating money to support these people.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Bueno Excelente on March 12, 2011, 10:19:34 PM
Well, it could have been much worse. They're very protected for this kind of event. Let's just hope they'll now be protected for tsunami-like events as well.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Krystal on March 13, 2011, 02:52:28 AM
Japan has walls for tsunamis. Granted, they didn't expect a 10m high one so that totally broke all boundaries. They also practise tsunami and earthquake drills frequently :3
Also their buildings were designed to be bouncy so they don't fall over as easily. Some of the older ones did collapse though...

The nuclear plants were designed to be well-insured as well, but the earthquake was so bad that it cut off both the power supply and the back-up power supply to the cooling system. Reactors were also designed to shut down as soon as there was a quake, but even when it's not working nuclear reactors get really hot...
So if the cooling systems fail it's bad, very bad.
When the first reactor's cooling system failed they tried to help cool it by releasing (radioactive) steam, but when the explosion happened in part of the cooling system things got bad and stuffs started leaking :V
The reactor itself can't explode because it's not pressurised. They designed it so something disastrous like that couldn't happen.

Also, a second reactor is now in danger of meltdown~

The end result of this would be basically the entire world being scared shitless of using nuclear power ever again =X
Which is pretty bad imo because the world can only provide us with so many resources, so we'll need to find another good, cheap, 'safe' and clean power source soon.
Tbh I think nuclear would be great if you were sure you could contain it. It's sorta like a yandere. When things are working out all is right with the world, but when something stuffs up, you are deader than dead.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Flame on March 13, 2011, 04:43:43 AM
the world can only provide us with so many resources, so we'll need to find another good, cheap, 'safe' and clean power source soon.

Hydroelectricity, Wind, Solar, Geothermal... None as dangerous as Nuclear Energy. Even if a Reactor were to be perfectly fine, there is still no way to dispose of nuclear waste fully.

The WORST among them is Geothermal and Hydro, Geothermal because extracting water from the earth can bring with it gasses and toxic chemicals and [parasitic bomb], but most of the time, they can be injected back INTO the earth, reducing them. Hydroelectric unfortunately has the need for a reservoir, meaning large portions of land are needed for it. But thats it.

Tbh I think nuclear would be great if you were sure you could contain it. It's sorta like a yandere. When things are working out all is right with the world, but when something stuffs up, you are deader than dead.
The problem is that they are almost ALWAYS in the vicinity of a city, or close enough that any disasters would require evacuation of the area.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: GP Aznable on March 13, 2011, 07:39:11 AM
Nihon ganbatte!(Japan, don't give up!)

All I can do is hope that everything in there will recovering....
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Bueno Excelente on March 13, 2011, 12:41:02 PM
Hydroelectricity, Wind, Solar, Geothermal... None as dangerous as Nuclear Energy. Even if a Reactor were to be perfectly fine, there is still no way to dispose of nuclear waste fully.

The WORST among them is Geothermal and Hydro, Geothermal because extracting water from the earth can bring with it gasses and toxic chemicals and [parasitic bomb], but most of the time, they can be injected back INTO the earth, reducing them. Hydroelectric unfortunately has the need for a reservoir, meaning large portions of land are needed for it. But thats it.
The only reason most big cheap and clean new energy sources haven't been used yet, is simply because the gigantic oil companies are trying to get as much money as they possibly can from the last few bits of expensive fuels right before it completely runs out on Earth. And when it does, they have scooped up all rights to different energy sources so they can stay in business and just keep selling. They're the biggest financers of research on new energy sources, simply because it's not competition they're talking about, it's continuing to sell people energy.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Krystal on March 13, 2011, 03:39:36 PM
Stuffs like Wind, Solar, etc are too hard to set up for too little gain...financially in the short term. Basically, people are too selfish to set up something they're not gonna end up profiting from, including the government.

Also nuclear energy just sounds cool.

Alternatively, the world can run on the Ciel System

But screw that, a volcano has now erupted man that guy upstairs hates Japan and you can watch the smoke here ->

Apparently it's sending crap 4km up into the sky. Fun times.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Blackhook on March 13, 2011, 04:53:32 PM
So..what wasn't thrown at Japan yet? This sounds like things that happen in a B-rated disaster movie >.>
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Jericho on March 13, 2011, 05:01:58 PM
...51 Ways to Protect Your Lover seems almost prophetic now after reading Krystal's last post.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Solar on March 13, 2011, 06:02:47 PM
But screw that, a volcano has now erupted man that guy upstairs hates Japan and you can watch the smoke here ->

Apparently it's sending crap 4km up into the sky. Fun times.

Oh come the [tornado fang] on >___<
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Align on March 13, 2011, 08:08:04 PM
Makes sense, since it's tectonic movement.

Posted on: 2011-03-13, 18:17:34
For extra contrast.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Phi on March 13, 2011, 08:23:14 PM
Makes sense, since it's tectonic movement.

Posted on: 2011-03-13, 18:17:34
For extra contrast.

Oh god, that's dreadful. I wonder how long rebuilding/remodeling will take on average. The US better be giving them full on support, they need ALL the help they can get.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Krystal on March 14, 2011, 02:26:22 AM
-o- Yeah, seeing that really shows how frail human settlement is against the forces of nature...

No news atm, I just woke up -v-, but let's have some trivia!

The quake has been upgraded to a 9.0

The Richter Scale is not linear, but a logarithmic scale. In other words, a 7.0 is 10 times more powerful than a 6.0 and 100 times more than a 5.0, etc.

So yes...9.0 is terrifyingly big and 10 is pretty impossible.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Bueno Excelente on March 14, 2011, 03:17:49 AM
Even with all of this, it's absolutely amazing how well-prepared they were. They've got actually quite minimal damage for this kind of disaster. It could have been much worse. And it seems the economy will be easy to fix, according to the news.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on March 14, 2011, 03:19:15 AM
It's disgusting, some of the things I've seen in response to this. People are actually reveling because they hate Anime and JRPGs.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Bueno Excelente on March 14, 2011, 03:24:39 AM
Oh, you haven't seen the worst, believe me.

There are a ZILLION facebook accounts with "Yay! God has finally given us payback for Pearl Harbor!" on their pages.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on March 14, 2011, 03:35:22 AM
Oh, you haven't seen the worst, believe me.

There are a ZILLION facebook accounts with "Yay! God has finally given us payback for Pearl Harbor!" on their pages.
I saw that, and it is just about the stupidest thing ever to come from Facebook, aside from Farmville. If I ever have to use Facebook for some reason, that picture that compiled all those responses will be a reference for who to filter from my attention span.

Also, I do feel like trolling them with 9/11, but it's not particularly worth it. Speak of petty revenge over distant past events...
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Girla PurpleHeart on March 14, 2011, 11:06:12 PM
So far, Ishihara is calling the victims of Tsunami "Divine Punishment" and Yamakan is against this. (http://"")

I saw this article on Sankaku Complex and here's what I wrote:
Divine punishment? What the [tornado fang]? How in the shitty [tornado fang] does this Earthquake have to do with "divine punishment"? People died from the Earthquake and Tsunami in the northern area and you called it a divine punishment? What the [tornado fang] is wrong with you? Do you even realized that some people have lovers lived there? God, this is the reason why I don't like you and your [tornado fang]ing pointless [parasitic bomb]. Great Job, your about to lose on the election and hell, you might not win because of what people heard you. So do us and Japanese's favor and JUST GET THE [tornado fang] OUT OFF OF THEIR [tornado fang]ing COUNTRY AND TAKE YOUR STUPID BILL WITH YOU, YOU [tornado fang]ing OLDFART!!

I know this sounds harsh, but if anyone knows Japanese and has his email address, please translate the quote from the above and post it here. I'm getting sick and tired of his bullshit.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Gaia on March 14, 2011, 11:15:36 PM
Link's not working for me, but yeah, that is rather stupid for him to say that. Since he's cuckoo, I don't think he has squat chances winning the election..
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on March 15, 2011, 12:50:44 AM
So far, Ishihara is calling the victims of Tsunami "Divine Punishment" and Yamakan is against this. (http://"")

I saw this article on Sankaku Complex and here's what I wrote:
I know this sounds harsh, but if anyone knows Japanese and has his email address, please translate the quote from the above and post it here. I'm getting sick and tired of his bullshit.
Is this the sand-vagina fuckshit that wanted to ban Anime? Someone tell him that the atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima were both "divine punishment", too. I can't believe the gall of people who actually have the nerve to say this.
You do NOT know what God, or whatever gods that exist, think.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Bueno Excelente on March 15, 2011, 01:15:04 AM
I want to kill this person.

Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Flame on March 15, 2011, 01:23:24 AM
Oh, you haven't seen the worst, believe me.

There are a ZILLION facebook accounts with "Yay! God has finally given us payback for Pearl Harbor!" on their pages.
Thos kinds of folk dont seem to know what HIROSHIMA is.
Or NAGASAKI for that matter.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Pyro on March 15, 2011, 01:29:43 AM
I want to kill this person.


This girl is proof that there is no god.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: The Great Gonzo on March 15, 2011, 01:42:05 AM
*sees Douchehara's response to the tsunami*


he's running for a fourth term yet he says repulsive [parasitic bomb] like this.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Dexter Dexter on March 15, 2011, 01:47:01 AM
So far, Ishihara is calling the victims of Tsunami "Divine Punishment" and Yamakan is against this. (http://"")
WHAT. THE. [tornado fang].
*headbutts self in the ass somehow*
...............I think my life expectancy went down by 50 years.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Krystal on March 15, 2011, 01:51:00 AM
The 'Pearl Harbour idiots (' are probably stupid enough to believe this (, and should have it thrown in their faces.

Anyway, yes, Ishihara is the same idiot who ran around trying to 'ban anime'. (Working Link (
ANN is having server problems atm though, because all the concerned otaku are flooding it for news of their favourite personalities.
Here's the top part of the article for you.

Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara said the following about the March 11 earthquake  (Tōhoku Chihō Taiheiyō-oki Jishin) and tsunami to the press in the metropolis on Monday:

    The identity of the Japanese people is selfishness. The Japanese people must take advantage of this tsunami as means of washing away their selfish greed. I really do think this is divine punishment.

Ishihara was contrasting the "selfishness and greed" that he perceived in Japan with the identity of the United States with "liberty" and the identity of France with "liberty, philanthropy, and equality [sic]."

...Yeah. How did that dope even manage to become Governor. (I believe the untranslated version would be 「日本人のアイデンティティーは我欲。この津波をうまく利用して我欲を1回洗い落とす必要がある。やっぱり天罰だと思う」)

Oh and Yamakan did the most badass thing ever and tweeted this:

To apply "divine punishment" indiscriminately to innocent people is absolutely ridiculous. Ishihara, you who can't speak Japanese properly, have no right to place that identity on others.

I thought most Japanese were Shintoists anyway.


Most recent disaster news includes scheduled blackouts to conserve energy, a hydrogen explosion at reactor 3, and a tsunami false alarm. Better than a missed alarm, in any case.

But reactor 3 isn't gonna have a meltdown.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Pyro on March 15, 2011, 01:58:01 AM
...Yeah. How did that dope even manage to become Governor.

Electoral Fraud perhaps?
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Black Mage J on March 15, 2011, 02:00:24 AM
I want to kill this person.

Either she's trolling, or she has a similar mindset to Shirley Felts Roper.
And to repeat.
"Not to be rude or anything, but I hope God kicks her and her inbred family church through the goalpost of life."

It's a shame people always love taking religion way too far, if people were more level headed in spreading their religion.
Christianity really makes my tummy hurt.
Electoral Fraud perhaps?
Being very good at hiding the fact he's bad at making excuses and ends up offending people.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Jericho on March 15, 2011, 02:29:59 AM
I want to kill this person.


I almost want to delete this post because it doesn't contribute to anything more than a terrible perception of what it means to be religious (being happy because an earthquake hit and potentially ruined a lot of things for the human beings living there because it shows that "He's real?" I didn't see one ounce of remorse from this woman for the people affected as she said that, and that is truly scary) but at the same time, it's just one of many crowning examples of modern day ignorance and agenda pushing that makes me hate to say I'm religious to some people out of fear of being lumped in the same category as this. :|


Edit: Ishi is a tool. Nuff said.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Flame on March 15, 2011, 02:41:02 AM
Just BTW, but seems Inafune and Ariga are fine. He posted on his blog yesterday, the 13th. and Ariga himself also made his own comments. (you can see that on Protodude's corner)
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Bueno Excelente on March 15, 2011, 02:51:10 AM
I almost want to delete this post because it doesn't contribute to anything more than a terrible perception of what it means to be religious (being happy because an earthquake hit and potentially ruined a lot of things for the human beings living there because it shows that "He's real?" I didn't see one ounce of remorse from this woman for the people affected as she said that, and that is truly scary) but at the same time, it's just one of many crowning examples of modern day ignorance and agenda pushing that makes me hate to say I'm religious to some people out of fear of being lumped in the same category as this. :|


Edit: Ishi is a tool. Nuff said.
Why the hell would you delete a post like this? I am religious myself, and I actually want to show how stupid people can get.

Extremism in any belief, idea or subject leads to people like this. Why the hell would you feel any shame on being religious? There are just as many atheist fucks in the world. Let's not insult the intelligence of people around here, shall we?
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Jericho on March 15, 2011, 02:59:20 AM
It's mainly because I don't want to see this topic get flooded with responses to the video and thusly opening up the floodgates for the "lol religion" pov while detracting from the actual earthquake issues that are still current/good things that are happening in result/compassion to the event. In retrospect though, RPM's actually much better than a lot of forums I hang around in this regard. Sorry if anyone took my comments as insulting though.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Gaia on March 15, 2011, 03:03:40 AM
Well, Jelly has a point. I do admit I'm catholic, but I'm not batshit crazy about it. @.@

But at least almost everyone with quake-and-flood proof sheilds is okay.. I do feel bad though that they are gonna have to put up with you-know-who's antics though..
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Girla PurpleHeart on March 15, 2011, 03:26:57 AM
I didn't watched the whole video, but that girl is dumb.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: CephiYumi on March 15, 2011, 04:01:41 AM
I seem to remember religious people being like this when Katrina happened too
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Krystal on March 15, 2011, 04:05:07 AM
Anyway, enough with the bad news, and religious debate, let's find happier things~

Evangelion fans can rejoice! Things are happening like the anime! (

Iwamoto encourages Ace Attorney fans! With an awesome picture. ( All I can say is poor poor Edgeypoo, he passes out at the slightest tremor xD I wonder when the creators will stop making fun of him.

And one more picture. ( But I'm not gonna tell you what it is.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: CephiYumi on March 15, 2011, 04:09:23 AM
I saw that Gyakuten one earlier today, it made my day
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Gaia on March 15, 2011, 04:22:01 AM
'Daawww, it's too bad I can't see the images on twitpic..  X(

But then again, it's nice to see that people can do, it warms my heart~
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Solar on March 15, 2011, 04:45:45 AM
The Slam Dunk/Vagabond mangaka has been drawing pics as well, I'd give a link them if I still had t =/
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Protoman Blues on March 15, 2011, 04:58:42 AM
I just heard that the reports of the 3rd reactor going is looking worse.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: borockman on March 15, 2011, 06:19:37 AM
Oh man, Japan just can't take a break. :(

I'll just drop this to show some positive in this thread.

[spoiler]Japan Quake as seen on Twitter (Translated by me [Jun Shiomitsu] so quality questionable)

Japanese people have been very open on Twitter about their experiences following the quake. These snippets of what moved them and touched them during these very trying times are heart-warming. I have attempted a rough translation on some of them so that you can have a read.

Please continue to pray for the people in Japan.

I hope these mini-stories will bring strength and encouragement to my friends and family in Japan by letting them know that, not only does the world sympathize with them, it looks up to them in admiration! My thoughts are with you.


* ディズニーランドでの出来事
ディ ズニーランドでは、ショップのお菓子なども配給された。ちょっと派手目な女子高生たちが必要以上にたくさん もらってて「何だ?」って一瞬思ったけど、その 後その子たちが、避難所の子供たちにお菓子を配っていたところ見て感動。子供連れは動けない状況だったから 、本当にありがたい心配りだった
At Tokyo Disneyland:
Tokyo Disneyland was handing out its shops’ food and drinks for free to the stranded people nearby. I saw a bunch of snobby looking highschool girls walking away with large portions of it and initially though “What the …” But I later I found out they were taking them to the families with little children at emergency evacuation areas. Very perceptive of them, and a very kind thing to do indeed.

* 国連からのメッセージ
国連からのコメント「日本は今まで世界中に援助をしてきた援助大国だ。今回は国連が全力で日本を援助する。 」 に感動した。良い事をしたら戻ってくるのです。これがいい例なのです
Message from the UN
Secretary General Ban Ki Moon: “Japan is one of (the UN’s) most generous and strongest benefactors, coming to the assistance of those in need the world over. In that spirit, the United Nations stands by the people of Japan and we will do anything and everything we can at this very difficult time.” I was moved at his words. What better example that good things happen to those who do good.

* 渋滞した交差点での出来事
一 回の青信号で1台しか前に進めないなんてザラだったけど、誰もが譲り合い穏やかに運転している姿に感動した 。複雑な交差点で交通が5分以上完全マヒする シーンもあったけど、10時間の間お礼以外のクラクションの音を耳にしなかった。恐怖と同時に心温まる時間 で、日本がますます好きになった。
At a congested downtown intersection …
Cars were moving at the rate of maybe one every green light, but everyone was letting each other go first with a warm look and a smile. At a complicated intersection, the traffic was at a complete standstill for 5 minutes, but I listened for 10 minutes and didn’t hear a single beep or honk except for an occasional one thanking someone for giving way. It was a terrifying day, but scenes like this warmed me and made me love my country even more.

* 揺れている最中でも・・・
聞いた話でびっくりしたのが、とっさに「入口の確保」と揺れてるにも関わらず、あの状況で歩いて入口を開け た人が居たのが凄いと思った。正直、シャンデリアも証明も何時落ちるか分からないのに、凄く勇敢な人が居た 事に感動した。
During the earthquake
We’ve all been trained to immediately open the doors and establish an escape route when there is an earthquake. In the middle of the quake while the building was shaking crazily and things falling everywhere, a man made his way to the entrance and held it open. Honestly, the chandelier could have crashed down any minute … that was a brave man!

* バス停で・・・
バスが全然来ない中、@saiso が、バス停の前にある薬局でカイロを買ってきて、並んで待ってる人みんなに配った!
Bus stop mini episode:
It was freezing and bus was taking ages to arrive. “@saiso” left the queue to run to a nearby pharmacy. He bought heating pads and gave one to everyone in the queue!

* ディズニーシーにて
ディ ズニーシーに一泊した娘、無事帰宅しました!キャストのみなさんが寒い中でも笑顔で接してくれて不安を感じ ることなく過ごせたそうです。防寒のカイロやビ ニール袋、夜・朝の軽食と飲み物、おやつまで。ディズニーの素晴らしさに感動です。頑張ってくれたキャスト さん、ほんとにありがとう!!
Thank you Tokyo Disney Sea
My daughter who was staying at DisneySea just made it back home! Many, many thanks to the staff who worked very hard in the cold with ready smiles that made her to feel safe and secure during the entire night. They brought her food, drinks, snacks, heating pads, and anything necessary to ensure she was comfortable and secure throughout her stay. I was touched by the Disney staff’s warmth and hospitality. Thank you so much!

* 日本人の良さを再認識
こ の地震が、きっかけになって、失いかけていた日本人本来の良さが戒間見れた気がする。犯罪はする様子はなく 、助け合い、律儀、紳士的。普段日本人は冷たい 人が多い…。って個人的に感じてるんだけど、多くの人が今回で「絆」を取り戻しつつあるように見えて、それ がなんか感動して、泣けてくる。
Reminded of the goodness of the Japanese people
This earthquake has reminded me of that Japanese goodness that had recently become harder and harder to see. Today I see no crime or looting: I am reminded once again of the good Japanese spirit of helping one another, of propriety, and of gentleness. I had recently begun to regard my modern countrymen as cold people … but this earthquake has revived and given back to all of us the spirit of “kizuna” (bond, trust, sharing, the human connection). I am very touched. I am brought to tears.

* 段ボールに感動
ホームで待ちくたびれていたら、ホームレスの人達が寒いから敷けって段ボールをくれた。いつも私達は横目で 流してるのに。あたたかいです。
Card board boxes, Thank you!
It was cold and I was getting very weary waiting forever for the train to come. Some homeless people saw me, gave me some of their own cardboard boxes and saying “you’ll be warmer if you sit on these!” I have always walked by homeless people pretending I didn’t see them, and yet here they were offering me warmth. Such warm people.

* 外国人から見た日本人
外 国人から見た地震災害の反応。物が散乱しているスーパーで、落ちているものを律儀に拾い、そして列に黙って 並んでお金を払って買い物をする。運転再開した 電車で混んでるのに妊婦に席を譲るお年寄り。この光景を見て外国人は絶句したようだ。本当だろう、この話。 すごいよ日本。
What foreigners are saying about Japanese people
At a supermarket where everything was scattered everywhere over the floors, shoppers were helping pick them up and putting them back neatly on the shelves before quietly moving into line to wait to pay for them. On the totally jam-packed first train after the quake, an elderly man gave up his seat for a pregnant woman. Foreigners have told me they are amazed witnessing sights like these. I do believe they actually saw what they said they saw. Japan is truly amazing.

* メディアの動きについて
ツイッターやUSTでの状況共有と、それに連動するマスコミの動きは、阪神淡路大震災の時とは比べ物になら ない質の高さを感じる。もちろん過去の辛い経験から得た教訓を、みんな活かそうとしている感動 。
Information network this time around
The information sharing efforts on Twitter or USTREAM, together with the quality of coverage and crucial updates provided by the mass media this time around is incomparable to what we got during the Kobe earthquake. I am deeply impressed by Japan’s successful efforts and ability to put to practice lessons learnt from past tragedies.

* 絵師さん
絵師さんたちがこの地震でみんなに元気付けようと必死に美しい絵や励ましのイラストを描いていることに感動 。みんな自分にできることをしたいと思っているんだね。
Touch of art
I saw artists and painters trying to keep things upbeat by painting or drawing beautiful or encouraging drawings for the evacuees around them. I was touched at how everyone was doing their very best to help.

* BBCの報道
本当に感動。泣けてくる。⇒BBCめっちゃ誉めてる。地球最悪の地震が世界で一番準備され訓練された国を襲 った。その力や政府が試される。犠牲は出たが他の国ではこんなに正しい行動はとれないだろう。日本人は文化 的に感情を抑制する力がある。
BBC Reports
The words of BBC’s reports are so moving they make me cry. They were praising us with words of admiration! “One of the worst earthquakes in recorded history has hit the world’s most well-prepared, well-trained nations. The strength of its government and its people are put to the test. While there have been casualties, in no other country could the government and the people have worked together in such an accurate and coordinated way in the face of such tragedy. The Japanese people have shown their cultural ability to remain calm in the face of adversity.”

* 父親の行動
1階に下りて中部電力から関東に送電が始まってる話をしたら、普段はTVも暖房も明かりもつけっぱなしの父 親が何も言わずに率先してコンセントを抜きに行った。少し感動した。
A little story about Papa
We live in an area that was not directly hit. When my father came downstairs and heard the news saying that our area had begun allocating electricity to the hard-hit areas, he quietly led by example, turning off the power around the house and pulling the plugs out of their sockets. I was touched. He usually NEVER turns off the lights or the AC or the TV or anything!

* 整列する日本人
日本人すごい!!こんな時にも山手線ホームできれいに整列してる …涙。有楽町駅を上から眺む。
Japanese people don’t shove
I'm looking at Yurakucho station from above. I see people standing in line, not pushing or shoving to get onto the Yamanote Line (probably the busiest line in central Tokyo), even at a time like this!

* パン屋
昨日の夜中、大学から徒歩で帰宅する道すがら、とっくに閉店したパン屋のおばちゃんが無料でパン配給してい た。こんな喧噪のなかでも自分にできること見つけて実践している人に感動。心温まった。東京も捨てたもんじ ゃないな。
The bakery lady
There was a small bread shop on the street I take to go to school. It has long been out of business. But last night, I saw the old lady of the shop giving people her handmade bread for free. It was a heart-warming sight. She, like everyone else, was doing what she could to help people in a time of need. Tokyo isn’t that bad afterall!

* 日本ってすごい
日 本って凄い。官僚も民間も、皆で助けようとしてる。トラックの運転手も有志で物資運んでるらしいし、東北の 交通整備をヤクザさんがやってるという話も聞い た。最近、日本に対して誇りを持てないことが続いていたけれど、そんなことない。日本は凄い国だ。素直に感 動してる。日本国の皆さん頑張ろう!
Japan is a wonderful nation!
Both the government and the people, everyone is helping one another today. There are truck drivers helping evacuees move. I even heard that the “yakuza” (gangsters, organized crime groups) are helping to direct traffic in the Tohoku region! There have been many recent developments that have made me lose my sense of pride in my country, but not anymore. Japan is an amazing place! I’m just simply touched. Go Japan!

* twitterすごい
Twitterの方々の情報とかが一致団結しててすごくたすかります。みなさま親切です!!こういうとき、 なんか、感動します。最近は近所とつきあいなかったり冷たい世の中だとか思ってたけどそんなことなかったね 。
Twitter is amazing!
The information shared to us all by the twitter community has been amazingly consistent with each other and has been so helpful. Thank you Twitterers! I’m very moved. People recently talk about social networks replacing traditional social life and making people cold and unsociable in real life. But … I guess that’s not true at all.

* ドイツ人の友達
ドイツ人の友達が地震が起きた時に渋谷に居て、パニックになっていた所を日本人に助けてもらったらしく、そ の時の毅然とした日本人の態度や足並み乱さずに店の外に出てやるべきことを淡々とこなす姿にひどく感動し、 まるでアーミーのようだったと言っていた。
From a German friend
A German friend of mine was in Shibuya (downtown Tokyo shopping district) when the earthquake hit. He was panicking when a Japanese passerby saved him, taking him into a building. My friend was blown away at how calm and disciplined this Japanese man was. He went out of the building with firm, unfaltering steps, did everything he was trained to do and came back. My German friend was deeply impressed by the Japanese people’s actions during the earthquake, saying they looked like a trained army.

* スーパーでの出来事
スーパーで無事買物出来ましたヽ(´o`; でもお客さんのほとんどが他の人の事を考えて必要最低限しか買わない感じだったのが感動しまし た(涙)
At the supermarket
I just came back safely from the supermarket! Man, I was so touched at how everyone there was mindful of others, buying only as much as they needed and leaving the rest for the people behind them.

* 御殿場で
実 際日本すごいよ。昨日信号が一カ所も機能していない御殿場市でもお互いにドライバー同士譲り合ってたし、地 元のおじいちゃんおばあちゃんが手信号やってく れてたりで、混乱もなく本当感動した。9時間運転してたけど前車を煽るようなドライバーはもちろんいなかっ たし、みんな譲り合い精神。
Gotenba traffic
Japan is really something! Yesterday, not a single traffic light was functioning in Gotenba City. But drivers knew to take turns at intersections and give way to others when needed. Local people were using flags to direct traffic at intersections. I drove for 9 hours but never saw a single car trying to get in front of another. Every single driver on the road contributed to the traffic situation and as a result there was no confusion at all.

* 「みんな」
タ クシー運ちゃんと電車駅員さんとおばさんと話したけど、みんな遅くまで帰れなかったりしてすごく疲れている のに、苛立つ事なく、言葉遣いもふるまいも丁寧 で、逆に気遣われてしまった。「みんな大変だから」という"みんな"って意識があることに感動するし、私も 受け継いで大事にしたい文化。
“All of us”
I spoke with an old taxi driver and some elderly staff at the train stations. All of them had been working non-stop and had not been able to go home for a long time. They were visibly very tired, but never once did they show any sign of impatience; they were gentle and very caring. They told me “… because all of us are in this together.” I was touched at what the notion of “all of us” meant to these elderly people. It is a value I will treasure and carry on to my generation.

* 日本の強さ
サントリーの自販機無料化softbankWi-Fiスポット解放、色んな人達が全力で頑張っててそれに海外が感動・協力してる。海外からの援助受け入れに 躊躇したり自衛隊派遣を遅らせたりしてた阪神淡路大震災の頃より日本は確実に強い国になってるんだ。みんな 頑張ろう。
A strong Japan
Suntory Beverages has set up free vending machines. Softbank Telephone services is offering free Wifi spots. Everyone in Japan is putting everything they can into helping one another. Japan is also now receiving aid from abroad. Compared to the Kobe earthquake, when Japan took too long to contemplate accepting foreign aid or dispatching the self-defense force to join the rescue effort, Japan has definitely grown into a far stronger nation. Be strong, everyone!

* 朝礼
今朝の朝礼で「何があっても決して不安な顔は見せずに売り場に立つ以上はおもてなしをする気持ちを忘れずに お客様を安心させてあげてください」ちょっと感動した。がんばるか。開店です!
Morning Ceremony
At the shopping center I work at, every morning we have a ritual (common in Japan) where we stand and recite, “No matter what the situation, I will never show anxiety before my customer; in all customer-facing situations I will treat my customers with respect and do everything I can to make them feel comfortable and at ease”. Today, these words were all actually kind of touching. Well, so the day begins! Here we go people, open shop!

* 井上さん
井上雄彦さんがものすごい勢いで笑顔のイラストをいっぱいあげてて感動する。励ましとか勇気とかメッセージ って、こういうことなんだなーと思う。 RT@inouetake Smile42.
Mr. Inoue
Mr. Inoue has been churning out drawings of smiling and laughing faces at an amazing pace! Things like this remind me again of what it truly means to give people a message of strength and courage.

* 学び
TLの拡散希望を見て思ったことは、阪神淡路大地震から学んだことがとても多くツイートされていること。当 たり前のことなんだけど、やはり人間は、学んで考えることができる生き物なんだと改めて思い、 感動した。
Lessons Learnt
What caught my attention on twitter is that a lot of the tweets were about the Kobe earthquake and how what we have learned from it has been put into practice this time around. I know it goes without saying, but I was once again reminded of how humans are indeed creatures that possess the amazing ability to think and learn from experience. It’s a great thought.

* ローマから
ローマにいる友達からメール。ローマの人々はニュースを見ながらこのような状況でも冷静に対処する日本人に 感動し、尊敬の念を覚えながら、非常に心配しているとのことです。
Message from a friend in Rome
My friend in Rome emailed me. He said that people in Rome are watching the news and sharing their amazement and their heartfelt respect at how, even at a time like this, the people of Japan are able to remain calm and systematically respond to the situation. People in Rome are thinking of us and are very concerned for us.

* 声をかけること
昨 日、裏の家の高1になるお兄ちゃんに感動した。 家に1人で居たらしく、地震後すぐ自転車で飛び出し近所をひと回り。 【大丈夫ですか―――!?】と道路に逃げてきた人達にひたすら声掛けてた。あの時間には老人や母子しか居な かったから、声掛けてくれただけでもホッとした よ。 ありがとう。
A strong voice
Yesterday, I was impressed and touched by the actions of my neighbor’s 13-year-old-boy. He was home alone when the earthquake hit. But instead of hiding, as soon as the earthquake quieted down, he jumped on his bicycle and road around the block repeatedly shouting at the top of his voice, “Is everyone alright? Is everyone okay?” At the time, there were only women and children and the elderly in the homes. I cannot describe how comforting it was just to hear a strong voice asking if I was okay. Thank you!

* 助け合い
警備員の友人何人かが町田〜相模大野で夜間警備のボランティアをしていたので手伝ってきた。年齢問わずいろ んな知らない人同士が助け合っていて心強かった。ちょっと感動してトイレの隅で泣いた。
The beauty of helping one another
I went out last night to help some friends who were volunteering as security personnel between Machida City and Sagami Ohno City. I saw total strangers, both young and old, helping each other along everywhere I turned and was heartened with an overwhelming feeling of encouragement. I was so touched I hid behind the toilets and cried.

* バイクでよければ
僕 は感動しました。バイトの先輩が1人でも救うために寒い中紙に「バイクでよければ送ります」と書き駅前で掲 げ鳶職のお兄ちゃんを所沢まで送ったそうです。 世の中まだ捨てたもんじゃないなって思いました。本当に尊敬です!!自分もなんか人の役に立ちたいと生まれ て初めて思いました。
I just have a bike
I’m so touched! My colleague at my part time job, wanting to help even just one extra person, wrote a sign saying “I just have a bike, but if you don’t mind hop on!”, rode out on his motorbike, picked up a stranded construction worker and took him all the way to Tokorozawa! Respect! I have never felt so strongly that I want to do something helpful for others.

* 乗り合い
浦和美園からタクシー使えると思ったのが甘かった…30分歩いてたら知らない人が車に乗せてくれた(つд; *) 人間の優しさに感動。ありがとうございました。
Sharing your ride
It was stupid of me to think I could catch a cab at Urawamien Station. I ended up walking 30 minutes and then finally was picked up by a stranger who offered to give me a lift. I’m touched by the warmth of human kindness. Thank you, thank you!

* 開放
昨 日、歩いて帰ろうって決めて甲州街道を西へ向かっていて夜の21時くらいなのに、ビルの前で会社をトイレと 休憩所として解放してる所があった。社員さんが 大声でその旨を歩く人に伝えていた。感動して泣きそうになった。いや、昨日は緊張してて泣けなかったけど、 今思い出してないてる。
Rest here!
Last night, I decided, rather than stay at the office, I should try walking home. So I slowly made my way west on Koshu freeway on foot. It was around 9PM when I saw an office building that had a sign that said “Please use our office’s bathrooms! Please rest here!” The employees of the office were loudly shouting out the same to all the people trying to walk home. I was so touch I felt like crying. Well, I guess I was too tense yesterday to cry, but now the tension is wearing off and am very much in tears.

* コンビニ
停 電地区のほとんどの店が店を閉めてる中、あるセブンイレブンが店内陳列棚にいくつもろうそくを置いて、営業 をしていた。レジが使えないため在庫確認用のハ ンディで値段確認し読み上げ、もう1人が電卓で計算、もうひとりが懐中電灯で照らす。その状態でレジ2台稼 動させていた。感動した。
At the convenience store
While most of the convenience stores near the station were closed because of the quake, there was just one Seven Eleven that was open. The employees had lit lots of candles and put them on the stores shelves. The cash register was not working and they could not take inventory, so the employees worked in threes, one reading up the item description and price, another punching the numbers into a calculator, and the last one using a flashlight to help them work. The store managed to operate both “cash registers” efficiently this way. Impressed!

* 避難所
長女いわく、横浜の避難所に向かう時に、知らない人達と声を掛け合い、場所を教え合っていたそうです。普段 は冷たいと思っていた他人の優しさに触れ、感動したそうです。日本人のいざという時の団結力を再認識しまし た。まだまだ日本も捨てたものではないです。
On the way to the emergency evacuation area
My oldest daughter was making her way to Yokohama’s emergency evacuation area. Total strangers were helping each other out and showing each other the way to the emergency evacuation area. She told me she was moved at how strangers, who can seem so cold at times, showed her kindness and care. I was reminded at the Japanese peoples’ inherent ability to immediately unite in the face of adversity. Today, I have discovered a newfound faith in my nation and my people.

* 呼びかけ
何 時間も歩き続けてたんだけど、至る所でトイレかしますとか、休憩できますとか言うビルや飲食店が沢山あって 感動しました。とある企業ビルの人がボランティ アで、○○線運転再開ですー!とか、休憩できますー!!って呼びかけてるの見て感動して泣きそうになったマ ジでw日本も捨てたもんじゃないな
A big, kind voice
I’ve been walking for many hours now. I’m touched at how everywhere I turn, there are shops open with people shouting “Please use our bathroom!” or “Please rest here!” There were also office buildings where people with access to information were voluntarily shouting out helpful tips, like “**** line is now operational!” Seeing things like this after walking for hours and hours made me feel like weeping with gratitude. Seriously, there is still hope for this country!

* ホームにて
都 営大江戸線の光ヶ丘方面行きは、非常に混雑しています。ホームにも、改札の外にも、電車を待つ溢れんばかり の人。でも、誰一人列を崩さず、通路を開け、係 員の誘導に従っている。ロープがあるわけでもないのに、通る人のための通路スペースが。その不自然なほどの 快適さに、ただただ感動するばかり。
On the platform
The Oedo Subway Line for Hikarigaoka is very congested. On the platform and at the gate there are just crowds and crowds of people waiting for the train. But in all the confusion, every last person is neatly lined up waiting his or her turn while managing to keep a passage of space open for staff and people going the other way. Everyone is listening to the instructions from the staff and everyone acts accordingly. And amazingly … there isn’t even a rope or anything in sight to keep people in queue or open space for staff to pass, they just do! I am so impressed at this almost unnatural orderliness! I have nothing but praise for these people!

* 駅員さん
終夜運転のメトロの駅員に、大変ですねって声かけたら、笑顔で、 こんな時ですから!だって。捨てたもんじゃないね、感動した。
Station staff
I said to a Tokyometro station staff who was on all-night duty, “I’m sure it has been a tough night for you. Thank you.” He responded with a smile, “On a night like this, gladly!” I was touched.

* おっちゃん
昨 日4時間かけて歩いて帰ってきた主人。赤羽で心が折れそうになってた時「お寒い中大変ですね!あったかいコ ーヒーどうぞ!」って叫びながら無料配布してる おっちゃんに出会った。これがあったから頑張れたそうだ。もう5回もこの話をしてくるので本当に嬉しかった んだと思う。おっちゃんありがとう。
My husband finally got home very late last night after walking for 4 hours. He told me he felt like giving up at around Akabane, when an elderly man who was going around handing out free coffee saw him, gave him a steaming cup and said, “You must be tired and cold. Here, have some coffee!” My husband told me that it was because of this elderly man that he found the will and strength to continue walking. I’ve already heard this story from him five times tonight, so no doubt he was really, really touched! Thank you to my husband’s anonymous helper!

* 献血の列
日本は強いです!大阪難波の献血施設は被災地の方の為に超満員の順番待ちでした。私欲の無い列を初めて見ま した。感動しました。被災地の方々、全国でその辛さを受け止めます。諦めずに頑張って下さい!
Blood donations
Japan is strong! At Osaka I saw a LONG line of people waiting to give blood at the blood donation center. This is the first time I have seen such a queue of selfless people waiting patiently in line just to give. It was a moving sight! To everyone in the hard-hit areas, we your countrymen accept your suffering as our own and we share in your grief. Do not give up! Stay strong!

* 節電営業
近所のスーパー・サミットに来てみたら、通常深夜1時まで営業なのに大きい看板が付いていなかった。早めに 店を閉めたのかと思ったら、外の電気だけ消して節電しつつ営業していた。ちょっと感動
Saving electricity for the North
I went to my neighborhood supermarket and was initially surprised that their neon signs were off. They usually are open till 1AM. I then found out that they were open, but were saving electricity so that more power could be channeled to the hard-hit coastal areas. Wow!

* 買うのやめるわ
バ イト先に若いお兄さんたちが軍団でお酒を買いに来たんだけど、その中の一人が「やべえ、オレお酒のためにし かお金持ってきてないから募金できん。ちょっと これ買うのやめるわ」って言って商品返品してそのお金全部募金してた。お友達も続々と募金しててすごい感動 した。 すごいよ
Not enough money!
At the store where I work, a huge group of young men suddenly came in to buy booze. One of them suddenly said, “Oops, I only have enough money to buy booze, I can’t donate! Forget the booze, maybe next time!” and instead put ALL his money into the disaster relief donation box. One by one, every single one of the army of youths threw all their money into the box after him. What a heart-warming sight that was!

* いつでも買える
今日、募金箱に金髪にピアスの若い兄ちゃんが万札数枚入れていた。そしてその友人に「ゲームなんていつでも 買えるからな」と言っていたのが聞こえて私含め周りの人達も募金していた。人は見た目じゃないことを実感し た。そんなお昼でした。 この話感動しました。
Goth youth
A goth youth with white hair and body piercings walked into my store and shoved several hundred dollars (several tens of thousands of yen) into the disaster relief fund donation box. As he walked out, I and people around me heard him saying to his buddies, “I mean, we can buy those games anytime!” At that, we all opened our wallets and put our money into the donation box. Really, you cannot judge people by their appearances.

* 絶対うまいはず
僕も秋葉からの帰りにおにぎりとみそ汁配ってる方に会いました、感動しました、チャリだったからダイジョブ です他の人にって言ったけどもらっておけばよかったなぁ絶対うまかったと思う
They looked absolutely delicious!
I too saw the guy handing out free rice balls and miso soup on the way back from Akihabara. I was on my bicycle so I told him, “I’m okay, please give it to other people!” On hindsight, I should have taken one … they looked absolutely delicious!!

* お菓子いっぱい
すごい。弟たった今ディズニーランドから帰宅したんだけど。新品のお菓子袋いっぱいにもらってきて、客全員 分の帰りの交通費負担してくれたんだって。一晩中、何か言えば全て対応してくれたって。やっぱり世界のディ ズニーランドなんだね。
Another Disney episode
Amazing! My brother just managed to get home from Disneyland right now. He’s got bags and bags of free sweets. Furthermore, Disneyland paid for every customer’s travel fare back. All night long, the staff responded immediately and fully to every request he made. Disneyland is truly a world class brand!

* 困ったときは!
昨日青葉台駅で帰宅困難者が溢れる中、車に乗ってる人が「○○方面の方どうぞ!」って行って車に乗せてた。 「困った時はみんな一緒ですから!」って言ってた。超感動したの思い出した。
Same boat!
Last night, Aobadai station was jammed with stranded people unable to get home. But there were private cars with drivers shouting “If you’re going in the direction of ****, please hop on!” I was able to hitch a ride on one of them. When I thanked the driver, he replied “No worries! We’re all on the same boat. We have to stick together!”

* 充電されたい方は・・・・
避 難所にいたときに、社会人1年生で、研修でこっちにきてた女の子が、たまたま携帯のバッテリーも持参してた らしく、体育館のコンセントを使用する許可もも らい、「携帯の充電をされたい方は、ご自由につかってください」と呼びかけて回ってたんだ。僕はその子にと ても感動したんだよ・・
Need to charge your phone?
At the emergency evacuation area, a young first-year intern at my company who had brought her phone’s charger got permission from the facility to use their power socket and went around shouting “Anyone need to charge their phone? Please use my charger!” Just a little thing, but I was touched.[/spoiler]

and the link for Inoue Takehito's drawings that Solar mentioned.

Oh and BTW I steal this from APforum.  -_-
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Kit on March 15, 2011, 06:41:41 AM
Those all made me cry.

The nerve of the human spirit in great times of need, can really show that humanity is amazing.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Jericho on March 15, 2011, 07:08:38 AM
The homeless guys offering their cardboard boxes is [tornado fang]ing manly tears inducing. ;_;
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: The Great Gonzo on March 15, 2011, 07:12:35 AM
That's amazing. :')
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Blackhook on March 15, 2011, 08:01:57 AM
Honestly...those stories surprised me.I'm glad that there are good people out there...
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Bueno Excelente on March 15, 2011, 11:08:49 AM
Sorry to mention this again. Won't even embed it or anything.

Previous video confirmed for troll.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Pyro on March 15, 2011, 02:31:34 PM
That's the worst thing about the internet. You don't know when people are being genuine, or simply trolling.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Dantonumanoa Ongdolota Amycronicon on March 15, 2011, 04:23:14 PM
After that post of Twitters, I was genuinely touched.
I wish Japan the best of luck and that they recover as quickly as possible.
This really is a terrible thing to happen to such nice people.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Dexter Dexter on March 15, 2011, 04:35:02 PM
That long line of tweets has left me speechless. They are showing genuine love for each other right there. My faith in humanity just got boosted.
May Japan get lifted back up on its feet again, stronger than ever. I hope for the best of these folks.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Krystal on March 16, 2011, 05:53:20 AM
The one spark of hope that has been universally ignited by this quake is the selflessness, kindness, and strength inherent in humanity. Even if some of it is offset by those who try to use the disaster for their own gain, in times like these, where everyone bands together to help others, you can really see how human nature is naturally benevolent.

Sappy crap aside, news:

Japan got a 6.0 quake in Shizuoka. (Not an aftershock from the first 9.0 quake). Hopefully Mt Fuji doesn't decide to finally reawaken.
Everyone in Japan is reacting along the lines of: 'Oh look, another quake', rather than 'Holy [parasitic bomb] HUGE EARTHQAKE'. (On twitter at least)
There was a fire in reactor #4 but they apparently have it under control.
And uh, not much other news that I have.

EDIT: I lied. There was also another tsunami. Yay uncontrollable walls of water travelling ridiculously far inland. When will this stop.

Eeeeeeeeeedit: False alarm \o/
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Pyro on March 16, 2011, 06:06:42 AM
All that's missing now is Godzilla rising from Tokyo Bay.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: The Great Gonzo on March 16, 2011, 06:18:17 AM
Comcast's latest reports on this have been almost nothing but "oh gods nuclear meltdown impending". D:
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Fxeni on March 16, 2011, 07:19:55 AM
I'll just leave this here. It's a video showing the different quakes and aftershocks between March 9th and March 14th, where each second is an hour.

Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Bueno Excelente on March 16, 2011, 10:54:09 AM
All that's missing now is Godzilla rising from Tokyo Bay.
If it's the good Godzilla who defends Japan, I'm hoping.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Gaia on March 16, 2011, 06:35:06 PM
Here's something other than an update on meltdown paranoia:

A four-month old baby has been rescued and reunited with her parents, along with a 70-year old woman who has been rescued. (

This has brought me new hopes that even the tiniest survivors can bring miracles.  >w<
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: dragontamer272 on April 16, 2011, 06:26:56 PM
I wish I could help, but well... heh heh heh... here's the problem... I'm broke. Who isn't broke? Especially with the United State's Economy the way it is.
Title: Re: Japan has been hit by a massive earthquake.
Post by: Align on April 16, 2011, 07:58:06 PM
Oh right, this thread is here too
Everything is fine, media is just being media.