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Messages - Amatiramisu

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 206
Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: October 03, 2018, 04:51:45 AM »
Vieri sighed as she settled herself into the bath away from the rest of the group. Her temporary leg and her prosthetic arm neatly set aside with the rest of her armor, she sighed as relaxation - for the first time since her initial excursion from Rino-Laska - began to set in. Her eyes began to flutter closed...

"Vieri! Vieri! We're under attack!" Ammy's voice called in panic as it sped past the bathroom down the hall.

The Knight-Captain's eyes shot open as pure rage and adrenaline flooded her bloodstream. In seconds she'd rolled herself out of the tub, clicking and twisting on both her arm and the temporary leg as she armored back up, grumbling to herself. Shaking her still damp hair, she sped out behind Ammy, grabbing him by the shoulder, and socking him in the cheek.

"Wh-What was that for?!"

"Nothing!" She cried. "Where art the enemy?!"

Ammy stroked his cheek like a kicked puppy and whimpered. "Few minutes out...?"

"And my leg?"

"Not ready yet! I-I had just started drilling whe-"

Vieri roared in frustration and stomped down the hall, screaming about finding her sword.

As the two of them rejoined the rest, Ammy made a beeline for the fabricator. Checking it, it seemed the parts for his pistol had finally finished. "Thank [tornado fang]." He breathed as he removed them and began assembling them, charging the battery and building the frame.

Vieri strode up to Ruby. "Durians, thou said?" She crossed her arms. "This seems a joke but a knight mustn't ignore the plea for help."

"Gee, thanks." Ammy muttered, rubbing his cheek. As he set in the final screw, he admired his work. "Fugo, I could kiss you." He smirked as he sighted down the empty energy pistol at a wall. Making a beeline for the battery, he checked the level readout on the side of the 'magazine'. "Only about 40% but it'll do."

Vieri stared wistfully at her half-drilled leg still on the desk and clicked the temporary replacement's heel against the ground. "Thine work better be satisfactory when we return." She warned.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 24, 2018, 09:02:23 AM »
Shooing the men out of the room, Vieri made double-and-triple sure nobody could see her, and set about removing her armor. It'd be overly difficult to remove the leg wearing it, much to her chagrin. With no lack of effort, she finally removed her right leg with a click and a thunk.

Setting it aside gently, she stared wistfully at it as she took hold of the temporary prosthetic from the table. Staring at it with no small measure of criticism at what she fully expected to be shoddy craftsmanship (compared to the work of a member of the highest order of mages in Rino-Laska - it was), she was surprised to find it slotted into the hooks and clamps bolted into her leg stump cleanly.

She cleared her throat. It'd be too much work to replace her armor only to have to take it off all over again when the engineering process completed.

"Fugo, Ammy, might I enquire as to... Where the baths are?"

Ammy coughed awkwardly from around the corner. "I think I saw them up the hall. Just up this way."

"Turn around. If thou dare look, I shall smite thee both."

Ammy didn't hesitate to spin around, hoping Fugo had the sense to follow suit. The alternating steps of a mechanical foot and the stomp of a very angry girl's sock behind and away from them signalled that the coast was clear.

Ammy cleared his throat once again. "Well, I found the drill. You wanna finish fabricating the parts while I get it ready?" He asked as he was already moving back into the room prior, setting the original prosthetic on a clamp upon the table.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 21, 2018, 05:59:40 PM »
"I'll dig around for an industrial drill too." Ammy added. "Erm, Vieri, I'm gonna need... Y'know." He pointed at Vieri's lower half.

The knight glowered. "I demand privacy." She turned red. "I shan't compromise mine honor in front of thee."

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 21, 2018, 05:46:34 PM »
Ammy nodded sagely. "Keep things balanced, yeah. We can at least mock up a temporary prosthetic while we work on the other one." He agreed. "I was thinking some kind of energy-based ignition system with a more traditional hard metal barrel to focus the explosion. Far's the second boot goes, it would only need something like a small engine to compensate and keep her balanced, so it wouldn't be too heavy and unwieldy." He explained, pacing back and forth.

Vieri nodded blankly as Ammy spoke. "I... Thou speaketh words beyond my comprehension." She grumbled.

Ammy shrugged. "You'll get it when we're done." Ammy looked to Fugo. "You think we can put in some kind of rudimentary ignition system in til we can get the magitech stuff worked in? Something like a touch button? It's not ideal but at least it wouldn't sit there doing nothing til then."

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 17, 2018, 09:40:33 AM »
"Weapons and parts...?" Vieri mused. "Though I am a stranger to this land thou knowst what this device is capable of. I wonder-"

Ammy interjected. "I want a gun! Make me a gun!" He bounced on the soles of his feet. "Gun! Gun! Gun!"

Vieri whipped him on the back of the head. "Silence, knave! I am thinking!" She fingered her chin as the younger boy quieted himself. "My ah, combat capabilities seem lacking compared to thy own. What wouldst thou suggest?" She tapped her prosthetic leg even more apprehensively. "And ah, perhaps make the boy his firearm."

"Gun...?" Ammy squeaked hopefully. He cleared his throat. "Uh, nothing special particularly. See, just having the knife around is sort of disappointing. I'd feel safer just having a pistol or something on me."

"Or learneth swordplay..." Vieri muttered.

"...And make it at least look like a USP please." Ammy squeaked again. "S-Sorry. I'm actually sort of a gun nerd..."

Vieri snapped her fingers. "Ah! Thee art right!" She announced excitedly.

"What... You want one too?"

"Nothing of the sort, but ye knowst how firearms operate, yea?"

Ammy crossed his arms. "Well, your civilization's miles behind us technologically, right? If you know what a gun even is, I'm assuming you've at least got heavier artillery like cannons, and at best a few officers with flintlocks, right?"

"Yea." Vieri affirmed.

Ammy crossed his arms. "Modern firearms still operate on the same principle. Well, projectile based ones. What I'm shooting for - pun not intended - is more of a proper buster-type pistol that just sort of LOOKS like an older type of firearm. That's a whole nother can of worms." He caught the dangerous glint in Vieri's eyes and coughed awkwardly as he broke from his tangent. "Well, anyways, I'm looking for an energy weapon. But the thing it's modeled after used bullets that operate on the same general principle. Where your guns need to be - and this is WAY oversimplifying it - manually loaded with some kind of powder and an actual round, firing it essentially causes a mini explosion that propels-"

Vieri crossed her arms as she cut him off. "Thou art on the right track, but we are skipping a step." She clicked her prosthetic heel against the ground. "Consider instead of a bullet, I were the projectile?"

Ammy stared at her, dumbfounded. Then the lightbulb clicked on. "We'd need a few things. Like, for one, drilling a big [tornado fang]ing hole in your leg." Vieri hesitated, then nodded. "Then we'd probably be able to fabricate a few parts, including some kind of charge that doesn't need to be loaded and reloaded but still operates on the same overall combustive principles. A barrel that can hold that sort of force without shattering your leg and parts of you with it. Again, all shouldn't be hard with the tech we have here."

Ammy and Vieri both met Fugo's gaze, grinning.

"Fugo?" Ammy winked. "Hold off on the gun. We're making Vieri's leg blow itself up so she can knee you in the [tornado fang]ing face with the force of a cannon."

"Or launch mine-self-" Ammy continued her sentence, "-pointy end first" Vieri drew her sword for emphasis, "at thine foes!"

They laughed in unison.

"We can probably whip up something that interfaces via Magitech with your leg as it is so you won't even need some kind of trigger mechanism. Just like your leg works now, just think it and BOOM!" Ammy jumped, splaying out his arms for emphasis.

Vieri sheathed her sword, satisfied. "Verily, thou art not a complete imbecile after all."

General / Re: Change my nickname, please
« on: September 17, 2018, 09:11:11 AM »
The ohohoho-jou sama Nightborne it is. I'll whip up an avatar/signature tomorrow evening

Forum Games / Re: Time You've Been Logged In AKA The "I Have No Life" Thread
« on: September 16, 2018, 10:36:48 PM »
    27 days, 22 hours and 22 minutes.

General / Re: Change my nickname, please
« on: September 16, 2018, 10:30:57 PM »
Late to the punch here. Pick a name from my WoW character roster and I'll set up a theme for that!

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 16, 2018, 10:28:31 PM »
Vieri crossed her arms. "So, might I inquire as to what thine machine is capable of?" She tapped her prosthetic leg impatiently. "If not food, perhaps something more of use?"

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 16, 2018, 09:57:51 AM »
Vieri's head snapped to meet Fugo as he made his inquiry. "Meat. In the general sense." She answered flatly. Sheathing her blade, she calmly strides alongside the ninja. "Thine language is... Uncharacteristically crude. I expect as much from Ammy but thou seemst too sensible."

"She's asking why you say the [tornado fang] word a lot!" Ammy called out from underneath a desk he'd been rifling around.

Vieri cleared her throat. "Yes. 'Twas my intended question." She sighed. "From whence doth this strange device summon food from? Be it magic as well?"

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 13, 2018, 11:45:27 PM »
Vieri's reaction to the lab was... Guarded, to say the least. Being she pointed her sword at everything that made so much as a whirr or a tick.

Ammy was less cautious. "Hey, what does thi- GAAAH" He screeched as his curious poke at what was very clearly some sort of a tesla coil ended badly for him. Sucking on his now scorched finger, he moved to catch up with the rest of the party. "So is the ship... Safe? Like, we won't be flying into a mortar and having the hull blown to shreds only for the rest of us to freeze and drift eternally in the endless absolute zero depths of space?"

« on: September 12, 2018, 08:29:41 PM »
I love the Phobos trailer. Specifically the first minute. Where we see the Slayer has reached a level of rage so intense it's looped back around into eerie calm.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 12, 2018, 05:30:59 PM »
Ammy perked up at the mention of weapons. "Something a little more punchy than a knife would be nice."

Vieri merely hmmphs smugly.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 12, 2018, 03:22:46 AM »
Vieri gulped and clicked in the seatbelt, eyes wide.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 12, 2018, 03:07:03 AM »
Ammy groaned. "Wait, is there room for everyone? I'll ride on the roof!!" He pressed his face against the glass and sighed. "Never mind... We'll fit."

Vieri reached for the car door and stopped short. "Ah, mayhaps I'll pass on the restraint this time." She muttered as she took her previous seat, hugging her sword against herself.

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 12, 2018, 02:25:39 AM »
Ammy shrugged. "I wouldn't care either way, but I guess it could be a pain." He dropped his palm on the hood of the car a little hard, causing the alarm to go off. He didn't react. "There aren't any, I'unno, shuttles or anything like that? So we could get up there without having to worry about a teleporter room catching on fire? Maneuver ourselves past the battle?"

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 12, 2018, 02:21:14 AM »
Vieri crossed her arms. "Mine lords never encouraged restraint, merely not to point a blade at my own. However, I shalt act according to thine wishes for now." She crossed her arms. "Though this Wily fellow seems one I should run through without hesitation."

She knelt in front of Ruby. "It is the duty of a knight of Rino-Laska to serve the people. I shalt be thine protector, young one." She bowed her head.

Ammy hopped up from behind the van. "There's still the problem of we... Sort of have to get to space."

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 12, 2018, 12:43:27 AM »
Vieri took a cautious step back from Ruby, noting her mildly threatening look. "Ah, m-might ye have business with me?" Her good arm drifted to her hip, before she realized with a snap she left it in the car. "Ah, Fugo? This little one frightens me. Ammy? H-Help??"

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 11, 2018, 10:48:15 PM »
Ammy's head snaps from one person to the next as more and more people join their congregation. He finally groans and yells out in frustration. "Can we just slow down a little?!" He points accusingly at Haku? "Who are you?!" Then at Touko. "Who're you?!" Then Kai. "And who the hell're you?!" He finally collapses to his knees. "Who the [tornado fang] am I?!"

A hard whack across the back of his head came from the prosthetic arm of Vieri. "Thou must forgive my subordinate." She bows to the group then drags Ammy around the corner of the van and dumps him there in a heap. Dusting herself off, she nods to Fugo in appreciation. "Pay him no mind. I am Knight-Captain Vieri Galestrider of Rino-Laska. Thou may address me as Captain Galestri-" She shot a guilty look at the boy behind the van. "Vieri."

She looked to Fugo once more. "Thou hast everything under control, I hope? Thou must inspect thine horseless carriage, for it seems to be riddled with traps." She huffed. "Regardless, thine introductions are all complete, I hope? Shalt we carry on?"

Roleplay / Re: Wilypocalypse NOW
« on: September 09, 2018, 11:22:40 AM »
A slightly-too-loud yawn sounded over the engine inside the van's cab as Ammy maked it very clear how bored he was.

Planet Websitia, Fugo's Van, 1 Minute and 4 Seconds Prior to Current Events

"Wouldst thou please keep quiet?" A sharp voice snapped at the young man in the front seat. She cleared her throat. "You have been making all manner of noises and it's starting to become irksome." She grumbled.

Ammy peered over his shoulder and made a mouth pop. Vieri lunged for his throat but the seat belt locked from the sudden force. "Wh-What is this infernal device?! Free me, damn you! What have you done to me Ammy?!" She pulled and yanked at the still-locked seatbelt, becoming more tangled by the second.

Ammy sighed and leaned back in his seat, looking down and tapping at his pocket PC. Something in the corner of his eye caught his attention as he looked outside the passenger side window.

"...Hey Fugo. Do me a solid. Give it a bit more gas."

As Fugo took notice of the... Object outside, and exclaimed his confusion with significantly less [tornado fang]-words than Ammy had planned, the van slowed and stopped. The other thing wasn't so graceful in that regard. Ammy stared blankly as it dropped, spun, and rolled a good distance before bouncing back right in front of them faster than he could perceive.

He jolted as a shrill "HI!" pierced his eardrums. He sighed and unclicked his seat belt (while Vieri started gnawing at hers) and opened the door. Hopping out of the van, he slammed the door shut behind him and walked toward the figure. Looking her up and down and examining her from multiple angles, he finally stood up straight, and pumped his fist in the air.

"I'm Ammy!"

He gives Fugo a sidelong glance and a thumbs up.

General / Re: Change my nickname, please
« on: August 21, 2018, 01:23:32 AM »
its a fighting game

General / Re: Change my nickname, please
« on: August 13, 2018, 04:34:23 AM »
Because it's a fighting game
that's played at fighting game events
by fighting game players

General / Re: Change my nickname, please
« on: August 11, 2018, 05:57:53 PM »
That's actually my [tornado fang]ing Slap City main so

good [parasitic bomb] I approve

General / Re: Mega Man cereal???
« on: August 06, 2018, 05:40:06 PM »
pretty funny
on a conceptual level

General / Re: Change my nickname, please
« on: August 06, 2018, 05:38:15 PM »
EVO's over. Since I'd gone why not name me after, well, anyone from this list. I'll change my icon and signature to match.

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