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Topics - waterballoon

Pages: 1
Gaming / Worst Fan Game You've Ever Played
« on: February 06, 2016, 01:54:56 AM »
I thought'd it be interesting to have a conversation about the worst Mega Man Fan Games/Rom Hacks you guys have played.

For me, the worst I've ever played was Mega Man Origins. The levels were dull and uninspired, the robot master designs were terribly bland and forgettable, the music was Geocities homepage-tier Midis and the master weapons are boring and don't even change your color.

Mega Man 42 is my personal second worst for being absolute crap in every area. The music is tone deaf and repetitive. The graphics looks like something a 5 year old boy with hammers for hands would make in MS Paint, and the game play itself is shallow and glitchy.

Fan Creations / waterballoon's sprites or whatever
« on: October 14, 2015, 05:05:47 AM »
Hi guys. I've been doing a lot of sprite art recently.

I'm gonna start with some stuff I'm doing for a friend's game.

And here's some stuff I'm doing for a personal project, which I'm still looking for a programmer for.

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