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Reply #7000 on: September 19, 2018, 06:22:13 PM
In the small sideroom they'd gone to, Ruby froze as a familiar feeling nudged her on the network. Her connection to Kai was as solid as it ever got, so this was.....

It was at this point that she remembered she was halfway through putting one of her new boots on, and fell over with a squawk as gravity and her own off-balance posture conspired against her.

Kai, who'd had his back to her (he'd seemed weirdly insistent on averting his eyes, she'd say he seemed flustered but he never seemed to be anything other than slightly irritated) the whole time, tilted his head at the noise as he adjusted the cuffs on his coat.

[K: You alright?]

[R: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just....I think I'm picking up someone else on the Network....Sorry, on the Wilybot Network.]

He frowned, not that she could see it.

[K: You recognise the signal?]

[R: I feel like I should, but....]

[K: Hm. Keep an eye on, then, but don't contact them unless they approach you first. We should probably tell the others, though.]

Ruby, who by this point had regained her balance and won her battle with the offending boot, nodded absently as she reached for the next part of her new gear, still trying to figure out exactly who the new signal belonged to.

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Reply #7001 on: September 20, 2018, 07:47:02 PM
"Well I think that’s the most positive conversation you guys had yet.” Fugo laughed “And I never would have taken Vieri to be such a daredevil, though I do have some suggestions to make it a bit more effective.

Not only should the leg be heavily modified we should also make a shoe for her other foot so Vieri can go full on rocket girl or human cannon ball.  Otherwise the aim is gonna be way off if only 1 leg has the launching mechanism. 

And while we can make all the parts here if you wanna utilize Magitech that’s not gonna be possible without someone who knows their way around it…...luckily my boss is such a person and this kind of stuff should be right up her alley.  I also suggest making a replacement leg for her so she’s not hopping around on one leg or bored in bed while Sakura works on the thing.  She can also do something with the arm if you want later on.

Lastly I think we should make Ammy that gun anyway for emergencies.  The majority of our enemies are heavily armed robots and a simple knife isn’t gonna do much against them if Ammy is caught between a rock and Robot Master.”

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Amatiramisu

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Reply #7002 on: September 21, 2018, 05:46:34 PM
Ammy nodded sagely. "Keep things balanced, yeah. We can at least mock up a temporary prosthetic while we work on the other one." He agreed. "I was thinking some kind of energy-based ignition system with a more traditional hard metal barrel to focus the explosion. Far's the second boot goes, it would only need something like a small engine to compensate and keep her balanced, so it wouldn't be too heavy and unwieldy." He explained, pacing back and forth.

Vieri nodded blankly as Ammy spoke. "I... Thou speaketh words beyond my comprehension." She grumbled.

Ammy shrugged. "You'll get it when we're done." Ammy looked to Fugo. "You think we can put in some kind of rudimentary ignition system in til we can get the magitech stuff worked in? Something like a touch button? It's not ideal but at least it wouldn't sit there doing nothing til then."

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Reply #7003 on: September 21, 2018, 05:51:22 PM
"Yeah that should be simple enough to have the 3D printer do." Fugo nodded as he started to input the directions on the printer to make the parts needed as well as Ammy's gun.

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Reply #7004 on: September 21, 2018, 05:59:40 PM
"I'll dig around for an industrial drill too." Ammy added. "Erm, Vieri, I'm gonna need... Y'know." He pointed at Vieri's lower half.

The knight glowered. "I demand privacy." She turned red. "I shan't compromise mine honor in front of thee."

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Reply #7005 on: September 21, 2018, 06:03:09 PM
"That's understandable, that's why I made the replacement leg first." Fugo stated as the leg finished and he handed it to her.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #7006 on: September 24, 2018, 09:02:23 AM
Shooing the men out of the room, Vieri made double-and-triple sure nobody could see her, and set about removing her armor. It'd be overly difficult to remove the leg wearing it, much to her chagrin. With no lack of effort, she finally removed her right leg with a click and a thunk.

Setting it aside gently, she stared wistfully at it as she took hold of the temporary prosthetic from the table. Staring at it with no small measure of criticism at what she fully expected to be shoddy craftsmanship (compared to the work of a member of the highest order of mages in Rino-Laska - it was), she was surprised to find it slotted into the hooks and clamps bolted into her leg stump cleanly.

She cleared her throat. It'd be too much work to replace her armor only to have to take it off all over again when the engineering process completed.

"Fugo, Ammy, might I enquire as to... Where the baths are?"

Ammy coughed awkwardly from around the corner. "I think I saw them up the hall. Just up this way."

"Turn around. If thou dare look, I shall smite thee both."

Ammy didn't hesitate to spin around, hoping Fugo had the sense to follow suit. The alternating steps of a mechanical foot and the stomp of a very angry girl's sock behind and away from them signalled that the coast was clear.

Ammy cleared his throat once again. "Well, I found the drill. You wanna finish fabricating the parts while I get it ready?" He asked as he was already moving back into the room prior, setting the original prosthetic on a clamp upon the table.

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Reply #7007 on: September 24, 2018, 01:58:11 PM

Back at the Fxegama Asch got out of his Mobile Suit though he did feel a little wobbly.

"Everything regarding my systems seem to be okay, though I'm still a little shaken up." Asch admitted "Just trying to calm down best I can, that was probably the most intense battle for me so far to be honest, but I know it's only gonna get more nuts from here."

Sakura quitely got out of her suit and simply decided to stare out one of the windows for the moment to collect herself and think about her next course of action.

“Yeah, we still have our work cut out for us,” Fxeni replies, cringing as he touches around the left side of his forehead. He glances over at Sakura momentarily, but decides against saying anything more at this point in time.

He looks over at the FXE-Z. It’s in pretty rough shape; the active cloak is gone, the armour is melted away in places, and the joints are all shot. The engineer team is hard at work on it, but he seems unsure whether they’ll be able to get it back in shape in time. He’ll try helping to fix it, but in the back of his mind he knows that he might have to go out in his Arwing next time. He sighs and looks back over to Asch.

“I’m going to go get this checked out in the medbay,” Fxeni says as he gestures in the general vicinity of his cut, “I suggest you two get a checkup there too. Even if you’re fine outwardly, it would be best to play it safe. Up to you though.” He subtly points at Asch, then motions his finger over to Sakura. That done, he starts to make his way out of the medbay slowly, curious to see if Asch and Sakura will come along or if they decide to stick around here.

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Reply #7008 on: September 24, 2018, 04:21:49 PM
"Yeah think I’ll take you up on that if they have any facilities for robots, Sakura you coming?”Asch asked.

“Uh no thanks, I’m fine.  Sorry I just want to be alone for a bit you go on ahead.” Sakura replied shaking her head though Asch noticed something….odd about her tone.

“Suit yourself, but if you feel like you do need something you should come okay?” Asch nodded.

“Okay….” Sakura sighed and looked back to the window.

Asch caught up to Fxeni relatively easily and decided to call Borock-bot to let him know they were alright.

“Yo Borock-bot we’re heading back down, how’s everything down there…..That’s good we’re fine too for the most part, Fxeni and I are heading to the med bay to get ourselves checked out, though Sakura didn’t want to come along for some reason…..Yeah I think we are why…...What….I’m sorry can you repeat that….Ugh I was really hoping I heard that wrong, can you at least explain why and the how…...Okay I guess I can see that but that’s kind of over the top don’t you think?…..Gotcha, now was PB ever even aware this?…..Good because if he was I probably would have throttled him….Anyway I’m gonna try to see what I can do here, it’s honestly kind of important.” Asch cut the call and sighed while facepalming before slowly getting his hand off his face before he addressed Fxeni who had his eyebrow raised hearing only one side of the conversation.

“So uh…I don’t know exactly how to say this so I’m just gonna be blunt here…..apparently Sakura has never had a proper full medical examination…..ever.”

"Way ahead of you there should be ready to go once you are." Fugo nodded "Your gun's almost done too."

(One sided phone calls are fun to write)

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Offline Strider Xhaiden

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Reply #7009 on: October 01, 2018, 01:38:57 AM
Making their way back to the main room to meet up with the others, Ruby and Kai shared a hurried mental conversation as to how best to break the news to the group. Kai was personally for not telling them at all, but Ruby was insistent. Even if the Wilybots were family, these people were nice and she wasn't going to leave them in the lurch, so to speak. He had responded to that particular assertion with a loose shrug and considered the matter dropped.

Idly noting Vieri's apparent absence (and noting the prosthetic with an air of something close to amusement), Kai approached Ammy and Fugo while Ruby hovered in the background, absently fiddling with the collar of her new coat, which bore a suspicious resemblance to the one Touko had lent her.....if the original had been a vivid scarlet colour and had a collar that practically obscured the lower half of her face. She'd kept the undersuit, battered and torn as it was, and added a pair of armoured boots and what looked like an armoured thong on top of that, though the latter wasn't visible due to how low the hem of her coat fell. Also not visible was a flak vest of the same colour as the rest of her new ensemble. She patted one of her sleeves, feeling comforted to some degree by the bulk of one of the new weapons it concealed. Not quite her scythe, but they'd do.

Kai, for his part, was dressed in a similar manner. Jeans, a pair of sturdy looking black military boots, a plain black coat (also in a military style) and a pair of leather gloves. The only real splashes of colour on the whole thing were the white scarf covering his neck, two tails hanging down to just below his shoulderblades, and some sort of white gauntlet covering the back of his right hand, with a ring of azure steel lining the outside of it.

Flexing his fingers to try and accustom himself to the unfamiliar weight of the thing, he gave a brusque cough to get the attention of the others in the room. His tone was casual, but somehow all the more serious for it.

"Not that I have any interest in causing a panic or anything, but....-" - he shot a sidelong glance at Ruby, who responded with a nod - "-we appear to have a Wilybot inbound. She-" - he jerked his head towards her "-noticed it a couple minutes ago but doesn't know who or what it is. Good news is, it seems to be a ways off yet, but it's definitely headed this way. Any one of you has a plan, now's the time to speak up."

He cast his eyes over the others, expression unreadable.

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Reply #7010 on: October 01, 2018, 02:37:06 AM
"Well that's just great..." Fugo facepalmed. "Touko turn on whatever surveillance system this place has."

A screen flared to life and showed boforte approaching the lab....very slowly and heavily damaged.

"The [tornado fang]....boforte?!  He was supposed to be in space!" Fugo exclaimed with his eyes narrowed "Though looks like our friends did a number on him so he probably crash landed here.  Anyway I'm gonna contact an ally to see what's up."

Meanwhile at the ISS.

Borock-bot was waiting for Sakura, Asch, and Fxeni to return when his communications systems alerted him that Fugo was contacting him.

"Oh Mr. Fugo sorry I hadn't contacted you, the battle only finished a few moments ago and I'm wrapping things up here, you and your compatriots can come up if you want." Borock-bot stated.

"Actually had a change of plans....well more than a few plans really, I'm gonna go to the Sex Station instead on a space ship.....kind of a long story but I'll explain when I get there.  More importantly.....uh wasn't Sakura and the others fighting boforte there?"

"Uh yes they were.....why?" Borock-bot asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Well uh funny story....it seems there's a very heavily damaged boforte coming this way." Fugo laughed nervously. "Any idea how he could have crash landed there?

"Oh dear....." Borock-bot facepalmed "Miss. Sakura litterally flicked him away like a fly since they destroyed the mobile suit he was piloting.  I guess the impact was so strong he crash landed to the planet close to your location."

Fugo suddenly laughed at the implication of what happened shocking Borock-bot and everyone else around him.

"Okay that makes sense." Fugo said in between laughs. "Well I think we have enough people to drive him away with his damaged state, made a lot of new friends to help out with that.  But we definitely don't want Wily to take this place, there's a lot of valuable epuipment here that I definitely don't want Wily to get his hands on.  Plus I think Sakura would really like this place.  I get the feeling she could use a mood booster, and I have a couple projects she can work on that need her skills."

"Understood, however I would heavily advise not to destroy boforte even in his damaged state.  Sakura believes he would be more of a detriment to Wily alive than destroyed and considering his abomible tactics of destroying his own allies in the crossfire I tend to agree.  Not to mention the more time he has to spend repairing boforte the less time he has to work on anything else." Borock-bot sighed "Also...I would advise not to tell Sakura about what has happened....if things here go the way I think they will go her mood most likely is going to be worse, and it seemed pretty low to start with."

"Yeah I hear you, okay I won't let you guys down." Fugo nodded as he cut the call.

"Okay guys we need to drive boforte back to his maker, but we also don't wanna destroy him because he's one of Wily's more labor intensive robots so he would need to spend extra time to repair him, and he's kind of a major egotistical bonehead who destroys his backup whenever he's sent out since Wily tends to try to go for overkill on his attacks, and he doesn't care if his backup is sentient or not so it'd be to our tactical advantage to not destroy him." Fugo explained "Normally I'd suggest we'd simply use whatever defense systems we have to scare him off, but I don't think it'd be too reliable with how broken down this place is so we're gonna have to deal with him ourselves. 

That being said, I think Ruby should stay behind, I don't want Wily to know he had yet another Copy-Bot possibly go rougue on him yet and boforte is definitely a "attack first ask questions never" type of bot."

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #7011 on: October 01, 2018, 10:32:28 AM
As the situation unfolded, Ruby's expression slowly changed for her usual upbeat cheeriness to that of someone who looked like they'd just been at ground zero for someone dropping a fart in church.


The disappointment was real.

Kai, though?


Ruby visibly flinched as though she'd been struck as a wave of pure, unadulterated hatred flooded the network. Then, just as quickly as that sensation had come, Kai's presence on the network went dead. Still wincing as the near-physical blow of his....anger?....faded, she snapped her 'round to look at him.

He was stood stock-still, expression completely blank save for his eyes, which seemed oddly glassy and almost unfocused, as though he were looking at the screen depicting boforte but seeing something else entirely. His fists were clenched at his sides, and she wasn't entirely sure if it was the leather of his gloves or his knuckles she could hear creaking.

Hesitantly, she reached out to where she'd last felt him on the network. Nothing. He'd apparently offlined entirely, though she couldn't say whether it was a conscious decision or not. It seemed for the time being that was he was lost in his own mind, for reasons she didn't know and didn't particularly want to speculate on.

What she did know was that he definitely wasn't paying attention to anything that was being said, and that most of what was happening would fly completely over the heads of anyone that wasn't a robot. They'd see the physical reactions, certainly, but what she'd felt from him for those scant few seconds? She knew what anger felt like, Yang certainly got wound up often enough, but that? That was a whole other level of.....

She shook her head, trying to keep the concern out of her voice.

"Y-yeah, I think me staying behind for now is a good idea. I should.....-" - she couldn't help flashing another concerned glance at her companion, still staring blankly into space - "-..I should stay here." She took a deep breath to compose herself, and that air of out-of-character maturity seemed to settle over her again. "Just be careful. boforte's dangerous, probably even more than usual because he's hurt. And....leave the screen on, please." She closed her eyes, shook herself, and seemed to return to normal, fidgeting slightly and repeatedly shooting nervous/concerned looks at Kai.

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Reply #7012 on: October 01, 2018, 12:54:33 PM
Tapping a pill bottle on Ruby's shoulder, Haku looks like she's willing to offer something. The label read "Joy".

"Here; I think you're gonna want some of this, since it looks like you're triggered over our poor visitor." she said, smiling possibly to cheer up Ruby.

(Take your joy! Take your joy! Take your joy!)

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Reply #7013 on: October 01, 2018, 02:28:56 PM
Ruby started at the sudden contact, distracted as she was with continuing to try and reach out to Kai over the network (it was so quiet in her head....), but recovered quickly enough and examined the bottle before shooting a grateful-if-slightly-sheepish smile at Haku.

"Um....thanks! But we're not....we can't.....-" - she ducked her head further into the collar of her coat to hide the embarrassed blush spreading across her face - "-....those won't work for us."

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Reply #7014 on: October 01, 2018, 02:42:24 PM
"It's alright. I understand that you robot's can't ingest these." she giggled, "Just give me a shout if Boforte somehow manages to show up and say hi to you." She added, popping a pill down. Possibly trying to forget the rejection to her offer, as she gave off the most moe-ish smile after the dose.

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Reply #7015 on: October 03, 2018, 12:12:22 AM
"Shame, I thought the delivery guy was gonna get here before we inevitably had a bogey show up."

Touko flashed a devious smirk as she checked her ammo and prepped her weapons.

"Anything I should know about this guy? Any particular weaknesses, exploitable patterns, allergy to bubbles?"

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Reply #7016 on: October 03, 2018, 01:20:34 AM
Ruby bit the inside of her cheek at Touko's question, conflicting thoughts rattling through her head. Of course she knew all about boforte, but....

"These Resistance people seem nice enough.....but boforte's technically family.....but it's BOFORTE.....What do I do....?"

She shot another glance at Kai, still lost in whatever it was the sight (mention?) of her fellow Wilybot had triggered in him.

"U-Uh....I....He's got a short temper, a massive ego and likes using Durians as weapons?" She offered, rather lamely, before promptly clamming up as worry over whether or not what she'd just done counted as betrayal started to wrack her systems. All the Wilybots knew what the Doctor promised to do to traitors, after all.

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Reply #7017 on: October 03, 2018, 02:09:28 AM
"Durians, eh? Good thing I can willingly disable my sense of smell, but those spikes will still be a hassle."

Touko grabbed another belt of ammo and tossed her sunglasses on a table, her gold eyes almost glowing in anticipation of testing her new skills.

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Reply #7018 on: October 03, 2018, 04:51:45 AM
Vieri sighed as she settled herself into the bath away from the rest of the group. Her temporary leg and her prosthetic arm neatly set aside with the rest of her armor, she sighed as relaxation - for the first time since her initial excursion from Rino-Laska - began to set in. Her eyes began to flutter closed...

"Vieri! Vieri! We're under attack!" Ammy's voice called in panic as it sped past the bathroom down the hall.

The Knight-Captain's eyes shot open as pure rage and adrenaline flooded her bloodstream. In seconds she'd rolled herself out of the tub, clicking and twisting on both her arm and the temporary leg as she armored back up, grumbling to herself. Shaking her still damp hair, she sped out behind Ammy, grabbing him by the shoulder, and socking him in the cheek.

"Wh-What was that for?!"

"Nothing!" She cried. "Where art the enemy?!"

Ammy stroked his cheek like a kicked puppy and whimpered. "Few minutes out...?"

"And my leg?"

"Not ready yet! I-I had just started drilling whe-"

Vieri roared in frustration and stomped down the hall, screaming about finding her sword.

As the two of them rejoined the rest, Ammy made a beeline for the fabricator. Checking it, it seemed the parts for his pistol had finally finished. "Thank [tornado fang]." He breathed as he removed them and began assembling them, charging the battery and building the frame.

Vieri strode up to Ruby. "Durians, thou said?" She crossed her arms. "This seems a joke but a knight mustn't ignore the plea for help."

"Gee, thanks." Ammy muttered, rubbing his cheek. As he set in the final screw, he admired his work. "Fugo, I could kiss you." He smirked as he sighted down the empty energy pistol at a wall. Making a beeline for the battery, he checked the level readout on the side of the 'magazine'. "Only about 40% but it'll do."

Vieri stared wistfully at her half-drilled leg still on the desk and clicked the temporary replacement's heel against the ground. "Thine work better be satisfactory when we return." She warned.

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Reply #7019 on: October 03, 2018, 05:50:01 AM
"Such an odd weapon to weaponize." Haku chuckled, probably due to her incapability to show seriousness right now.

"But speaking of short temper, I bet I could help cure that problem for him." she says sarcastically. Not specifying any indication whether she plans on drugging him, or using a more physical method of treating anger management.

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Reply #7020 on: October 04, 2018, 11:48:32 PM
Phi managed to hold her own despite her lack of experience, but couldn’t get any attack to fully connect. Her shots would occasionally graze the outside of the Crossbone’s frame, but wouldn’t do any significant damage. Reaper on the other hand was doing his best with what little he had to work with.

“Enough of this!” Reaper exclaimed as he activated one of the few remaining weapons left that wouldn’t cost much energy; one of the Heat Daggers stowed away in the sole of the Crossbone’s foot. As it was revealed, he kicked into the left leg of the Nadleeh and gored right through it with the Heat Dagger. He took out the other one and stabbed it through the GN Rifle, causing it to spark wildly. Phi frantically went at the controls in an attempt to release the rifle, and manages to do so before it explodes in Nadleeh’s hand.

“Time to finish this,” Reaper says viciously. He grins as he prepares to rip through the cockpit of the Nadleeh, but suddenly he feels immense pressure in his head. He has a vision of what looks like… Protoman Blues? But with longer hair… with fear in his eyes. Blinding lights shine in his eyes, and suddenly the left side of his head explodes in sudden pain. He grasps his head in confusion and great discomfort.

Phi notices that the Crossbone stops moving, and takes the chance to do some damage. She pulls out the GN Saber again and slices off the hand holding the Heat Dagger then thrusts at the shoulder of the Crossbone, piercing right through it. The Crossbone begins to spark uncontrollably as the I-Field generator slowly has a meltdown. The Nadleeh backs off in anticipation of a potential explosion.

Reaper snaps out of the pain and regains his composure, all while it is too late to do anything. He resorts to his last chance at this point… escape. He drops a flash grenade from the Crossbone and jettisons the Full Cloth at the same time, boosting off right as the Full Cloth detonates. He hopes that the flash from the grenade will last long enough to cover his escape, maybe even make his enemy think that he fully exploded. He doesn’t stick around to find out.

"Goddamnit!" Phi seethed as she turned her head away from the bright flash. However, she notices the cloth's explosion reaching towards her, and quickly guards herself with the Nadleeh's shield. After regaining her composure, Reaper was already long gone. Phi figured that he perhaps tried to fake his death, and she briefly reminisced about the hunts she would embark on with her sister, Luna. The snakes and other creatures that would sometimes pretend to be dead to evade their predators. This adaptive instinct was certainly not exclusive to wildlife.

Phi breathed a long sigh and discarded her GN Beam Saber. A part of her wanted to train a little more with her mobile suit, but she needed time to reflect on Arche's outburst from earlier. She rests a steady hand on the controls and uses the other to massage her nose bridge, "How did everything get so [tornado fang]'d..."

Sitting there for a few seconds, she eventually snaps out of her daze and speeds off towards the Sex Station.

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Reply #7021 on: April 21, 2019, 07:20:20 AM
As Fxeni was walking towards the medbay with Asch, a screeching sound overcame the entire base for 4 seconds. Ariani suddenly chimed in on the intercom.

"Come in, Fxeni. Did you just hear that?"

"So that wasn't just us. What happened?" Fxeni asked.

"I'm not sure." Ariani replied. "There was that sudden sound, followed by a flash of green light, and suddenly there's another mobile suit here in the hanger. It's glowing so brightly that I cannot make out whose suit it is. If I didn't know better, I'd say it's.....healing itself?"

"It looks like the 00 Magi, but it's not in great shape!" Sakura chimed in.

"Is everyone okay?" Fxeni quickly asked.

"No one is injured down here, no. I'll post a security detail around the suit. If anything changes, just listen for the alarms!"

Fxeni and Asch approached the medbay doors. "The 00 Magi! What could have happened?" Asch said.

"The GN Particles would account for the green glow and Quantization would explain how it suddenly appeared in the hangar. We haven't had contact with her since they went to defend the Sexstation. My assumption was that she went to..."

Before Fxeni could finish, the medbay doors opened and PBPB was standing there, with shards of cockpit protruding out of multiple parts of her suit, blood covering half her face, slightly glowing green.
"...oh my god..." Fxeni said in shock.

"Y-yeah......y-you know I still look h-hot...." PBPB muttered before passing out, Fxeni catching her before she hit the ground.

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #7022 on: April 24, 2019, 07:04:44 AM
Asch had remained frozen in shock and pure horror for a few moments when he saw PBPB’s condition.  Out of all the many times he had the displeasure of seeing his comrades injured this was by far the most devastating. Not only due to her state, but also because he considered her a sister, even if she didn’t think much of him she was still very important to him. 

As he watched Fxeni pick her up and lay her on one of the bed he saw that his expression was practically unreadable after the initial shock.  Asch couldn’t even imagine what was going through his head between his own near death experiences, the death of some his men only a couple days back still fresh on his mind, and now the woman who he had been forming a complex relationship with since his return was most likely in critical condition.  To say Fxeni’s mind was most likely in a typhoon of turmoil, rage, and grief was probably beyond the understatement of the millennium though Fxeni was doing his absolute damnedest not to show it.

Asch himself wanted to punch something to relieve some of the tension and stress that had been building up inside him, but he knew it was absolutely not the right time to do that so he decided to focus on some more pressing matters instead.

“I’m…..” Asch started before he gulped to find the right words. “I’m going to let Sakura know about Peebs condition.”

“Yeah….” Fxeni nodded “And…..try to get her to come to the medbay if you can.”

“Not like you needed to tell me that…..” Asch sighed “Gonna be easier said than done but I’ll do it even if I might be in worse shape by the end of it.”

Fxeni figured he was referring to Sakura’s considerably already low mood but he knew it was far more than that.

“I knew for a while that Sakura had been hiding things from people she wasn’t the absolute closest to, up til now we were only on nothing more than a profession level or friends due to having other mutual friends and I never been one to pry into things others don’t want to talk about but I had no idea it went this far.” Fxeni sighed.

“Sakura had already managed to tell some of us some of the things she’s been hiding, which is already a huge step, but in cases like these I guess she needs a little push for her own good.” Asch nodded “Zeta told me she’s like an onion, she has a lot of layers that have to be peeled eventually even if it’s exceedingly difficult to do so since onions make you cry due to the smell.”

“Everyone is kind of like that to be fair.” Fxeni stated “But some people have way more layers than others, and some of them are tougher to get at since people in general wear masks in order to hide things they aren’t comfortable about sharing with others to ‘protect’ themselves.”

“I…..sort of get that.” Asch replied, he had a feeling he was referring to how he blew up at Vixy about hiding Lou’s death and PB hiding his other issues.  He admitted that his reaction was no better, but he still wasn’t really ready to confront that topic properly. “But still…..is it really worth all the pain that’s inflicted on the person hiding them and the people that care about them?”

“From an outside perspective maybe not, but unfortunately most societies encourage keeping up perceived appearances.” Fxeni sighed.

“From an outside perspective it still feels like that’s a lot more trouble than it’s worth and makes way more problems like this in the long run.” Asch said shaking his head as he started to walk away.

When Asch got back to Sakura and the engineers were he was somewhat blinded by the glowing Magi 00.  While he could have simply adjusted his optical senses to the point it didn’t bother him he decided to put on the Ray Ban sunglasses he acquired not too long ago to make it easier on himself to do so.  He noticed all the engineers had the same idea including Sakura herself who unsurprisingly was wearing shades of a similar style of PB and PBPB.

Asch walked up to Sakura as casually as he could so he wouldn’t startle her since he knew she was probably on edge.

“Wow that glow sure looks stunning but it also looks eerie as hell.” Asch whistled to break the ice.

Sakura turned back at him with slight surprise but luckily didn’t seemed too shocked he was here.

“Yeah…..are you here because you were curious?” Sakura asked tilting her head slightly.

“Well I can’t really deny I kind of was, but that’s not the main reason I’m here.”  Asch shrugged “Peebs teleported herself to the medbay, she was already there when we arrived.”

“Guess that doesn’t surprise me all that much.” Sakura sighed “How is she?”

“…..No easy way to say it but she’s in just as a bad state if not worse than her suit here.” Asch replied turning slightly away from her. “Even down to the glowing.”

“She’s glowing too?” Sakura pondered “Maybe it’s due to the Magi Tech in her suit and her connection with ADA but I hope it’s not some sort of GN Particle poisoning.”

“GN Particle poisoning, you mean that’s a thing?!” Asch jumped.

“Yes, I did across that topic while I was looking up the specifics about putting a GN Drive in my own suit.  Ordinarily it’s only a problem with older GN Drives and only in beam form, the emissions themselves don’t cause the poisoning.  While it shouldn’t be a problem with the drives we’re using I don’t know about the finer intricacies of this along with all the other factors and variables involved with PBPB’s glowing.” Sakura replied shaking her head “Fxeni would probably be the person who would know the most about this, but this probably wouldn’t be the best time to ask him about it, especially since PBPB probably hasn’t been examined yet.”

“Yeah you’re right…..” Asch sighed “Fxeni’s….trying to keep his composure the best he can right now, but he’s obviously a mess and that thought probably crossed his mind already even though by all accounts that’s hopefully not the case.”

“Yeah….” Sakura nodded as she turned back on the suits “You…..go back to Fxeni I’m sure as much as he wants and needs some time alone it might be better if you were there with him for the time being, I’ll stay here and monitor the repairs of the suits.  I know these guys are some of the best around, but I don’t know how well they know about Magi-Tech considering both the Magi 00 and Magmarock use it to different extents so I probably might be the best person to oversee that right now.”

Asch bit his lip since she put up a very “solid argument”….but he knew it wasn’t gonna be easy accomplish what he needed through “passive ways” so he prepared for the consequences of the more “direct approach”.

Asch slowly and gently but a seemingly reassuring hand on her shoulder which he noticed seemed to put her slightly at ease.

“I’m sorry….” Asch said softly.

Before Sakura could tell him he had no reason to apologize he quickly and smoothly spun her back around so she was facing him again. Before she could react he quickly hoisted her up on his shoulders and bolted from their current location to where the Med Bay was ignoring Sakura’s constant protests and swears while leaving all the Engineers stunned by Asch’s sudden actions.

“Um….should we be concerned about why Asch is carrying Sakura at such high speeds even though she clearly is against his actions?” Ariani asked.

“Eh I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about, he’s probably taking her to the medbay.  She seems like the type to overwork herself like Fxeni you know?” Cassy shrugged.

“I suppose that’s a very good point.” Ariani sighed as she got back to the work at hand.

Back with Asch and Sakura Asch was going as fast he could without risking injuring Sakura.

“Asch for the last time let me [tornado fang]ing go!” Sakura yelled at the top of her lungs as she was banging on his back in a futile attempt to let go to no avail.  While Asch could feel the impact of her hits it wasn’t enough to make him drop her, though it did hurt a little.  However he knew she wasn’t trying very hard in case the engineers could still hear them.

Sakura suddenly stopped her assault knowing she was getting nowhere fast…..so she prepared to use more desperate measures.

“Okay…..you asked for it.” Sakura muttered as she suddenly winded up a very strong kick to the chest.  The sudden surprise impact was enough to make him recoil and loosen his grip on her allowing herself to get off him.  Before he had a chance to recover Sakura proceeded to lift him up so she was holding his body over her head with both hands.

“SAKURAWAITWHATAREYOUGONNA-” Asch sputtered before Sakura launched him like a professional quarter back or Olympic javelin thrower.   

Fxeni was appreciating being alone with his thoughts for the moment when his sixth sense and the ever approaching yell Asch was making informed him that now would probably be a very good time to duck.

As he did the projectile known as Asch came barreling through the medbay doors over Fxeni and the unconscious PBPB before being stopped by the wall on the other side of the room.  When Fxeni looked up he could see that Asch’s impact made a considerable impression on the wall. 

Asch slowly recovered from the impact of being used as a robot cannon ball while briefly wondering how he was still conscious and looking up at the not so fazed Fxeni and noticing that he himself was upside down.

“Welcome back.” Fxeni greeted in a manner far too casual for what had gone down.

“Yeah…...guess I’m back.” Asch replied in a similarly overly causal manner. “You know I think there’s one thing I can confirm about Sakura right now.”

“What’s that?” Fxeni questioned.

“I suspected it before but I think she has near Super Human strength.” Asch stated.

“Seems to be the case, where did she throw you from?” Fxeni asked.

“About half way from the hanger to here.” Asch replied.

“Huh, not bad.” Fxeni nodded.

As they finished their conversation Sakura arrived and gripped the trimming of the now ruined doors with a glare.

“So…..was there a particular reason why you took me away from some very important maintenance to take me to the medbay even though I don’t need to be here and I hate being carried when I don’t need to be?” Sakura said in an annoyed tone while getting a slight glance at PBPB’s condition, winching slightly before turning her ire back to Asch.

“Well even if you said your fine we just wanted to be sure you were okay.” Asch replied.

“Like I said I’m completely fine, anything wrong with me can be fixed with normal first aid and Borock-bot’s White Magic, you guys are the ones who need more attention and I don’t want to waste more resources than needed.” Sakura stated while pinching her nose.

“Are you sure?” Asch prodded.

“Yes, I’m sure.” Sakura nodded with her patience wearing thinner by the moment.

“Reeeeeeeeally sure?” Asch pressed further.

Sakura raised an eyebrow thinking about why Asch was so persistent of the topic when the realization started to slowly dawn on her and her expression slightly softened.

“Borock-bot….” Sakura uttered as she started to put the pieces together “He told you guys I never had a proper medical check-up didn’t he…..”

“Yup, now you put two and two together.” Asch nodded as he finally decided set himself right side up and sit cross legged from his position.

Sakura however turned completely sheepish with a mixture of embarrassment and shame finding it difficult to face them before sighing and resigning herself.

“Guess…..I couldn’t avoid this forever…..” Sakura said slowly “And…...I guess I’d only make more trouble if I don’t get this done won’t I….”

“Yeah….” Asch said gently “I get you’re scared and I understand why you’re so paranoid….even if it’s a little much, but you know it’s for your own good and everyone else in case there is something wrong.  Sides…..it’d probably help you….learn some more things about yourself….and that’s something that’s been bothering you.”

“…….Alright…..” Sakura nodded as she took a seat on a bed and stared at the floor.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

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Reply #7023 on: April 25, 2019, 03:52:46 AM
“Now that that's all taken care of, can I get to work?” An all too familiar voice to Fxeni chimes in. Moments later, the holographic image of Emma Watson sputters into view next to PBPB's bed. “I think she's been hanging around you too much; she managed to get as roughed up as you usually do.”

“I was wondering where your trademark sass was,” Fxeni replied with a sigh.

“My systems were temporarily redirected to scan for hazardous energy in the hangar, which I assume has something to do with miss gazongas galore here,” Emma snips as she examines PBPB.

“You would be right, sadly,” Fxeni replies a tad grimly.

“I usually am. I know you're here since you have an injury, because of course you do,” Emma says with a quick glance at Fxeni with her holographic eyes, “but what about them? The long haired ginger isn't even organic, and the girl is… well, I have no file for her surprisingly.”

“Well… I just wanted to play it safe, since we just got out of a battle. I don't want any sudden surprises in the middle of a scuffle. Mind checking them out once you get Peebs stable?” Fxeni answered, turning his gaze over to the others.

“Certainly, if only because I'm programmed to do so. The girl does seem a bit unnaturally on edge.” Emma says, looking at Sakura. She turns her head towards Asch and asks "Any reason in particular?"

Offline Sakura Leic

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Reply #7024 on: April 25, 2019, 02:10:26 PM
Asch stared at Emma as if she grew a second head.

"You can't be [tornado fang]ing serious." Asch facepalmed as he decided to get up and head to where Sakura sat, though slightly wobbly due to the abuse he went through just now "She's the [tornado fang]ing leader of the Resistance now and she's kind of been through hell for the passed week, including your creator disappearing which she's especially torn up about since he's kind of her surrogate father!   So personal issues aside I think 'unnaturally on edge' is probably to be expected."

"Um Asch?" Sakura said suddenly.

"What's up Sakura?" Asch replied kind of a little shocked she had something to say.

"I think due to the fact I don't have a medical file on record and Emma's functions being mostly limited to things related to medical assistance she probably literally has no idea who I am."  Sakura explained as she started to twiddle her thumbs to keep herself occupied.

"Oh....." Asch said as he finally reached Sakura's bed and sat down wrapping his arm around her "I guess that makes sense?  Kind of a weird quirk though."

"I wouldn't call it a quirk since it is based on a hard limitation like that, but there's no way PB could have anticipated such a result." Sakura sighed though appreciated Asch's presence.

Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection