Sven Needs Your Input: Digital Capcom Games

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Offline Fxeni

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Reply #50 on: January 01, 2013, 06:39:43 PM
I like X6 for what it did... It's still flawed though. You bring up Metroid in your argument, but the design philosophy in those games is not the same thing. You can't get into an area in the first place if you're missing the necessary equipment in the first place in Metroid (for the most part). Such is not the case in X6. In X6, you can get into areas you are completely unable to traverse, and guess what? You can't backtrack out like you can in Metroid, effectively leading you to restart the area completely.

I wouldn't have an issue with these things if they were planned out properly. I wouldn't mind the optional area roadblocks as much if maybe more planning was done so that you would have to use the abilities needed in said optional area to reach it in the first place (such as in Metroid). I wouldn't mind if there was a way to get past the Gate stage nonsense while using the stage layout intelligently (such as in Metroid). Neither of these are the case... therefore the game is flawed.

If they had more time to work with, X6 would probably have had those kinks worked out and it would have been even better. But yeah... hindsight is 20/20 right? Fact of the matter is they didn't have much time, and here we are with a game that had high aspirations but fell flat a bit in the design phase. Such is the way things are with time constraints.

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Reply #51 on: January 01, 2013, 07:36:38 PM
All in all, with the rushed dev time X6 had, it came out reasonably better than most rushed games fare. And IMO, it's still slightly better than X5, if only because X5 railroads you whenever it can. With boss order, with heart tanks, stopping you every five seconds so Alia can blab about the obvious. X6 fixed that [parasitic bomb]. I SHOULD be able to give all my heart tanks to X, or Zero if I want. And the chips were much better this time around. Some were brought over from X5, but the new ones were neat. Especially the 1 use per stage ones like Overdrive or the one that refills your health or something. (Overdrive+Ultimate Buster+Rapid Fire and maybe the speed shot= OH GOD MY PANTS, XTREME 2, IS THAT YOU?)

Also, I want to address the idea of X Air Dashing by default.

I never liked it. Maybe it's just because X1-6 he couldn't do it, but it just feels like it trivializes his Boot Upgrades. he already has the air dash, so it means that's one less feature the Boots are useful for. All they become useful for is the bonus mobility feature, like an upwards air dash, or a hover, or the glide. And i don't feel like the devs really did much to make the boot upgrades stand out any in X7 and 8. The high jump was interesting, and so was the jump attack, but they didnt add anything too special as far as mobility goes- and the Glide was totally forgettable, When a fully mobility upgraded Axl could hover for a pretty decent length.

X always seemed like in his default form, he should be landlocked. Zero get's the default air dash, and the double jump, but he's a close ranged fighter who needs mobility to get out of harm's way quickly. It works. X is a long ranged gunner though, who enemy placement aside- realistically wouldnt really need it. (of course in an ideal scenario, we would be able to aim X's buster in different directions)

So the Armors to me, feel like the way to give him bonus mobility like the air dash and whatever flavor of the day special mobility upgrade the game wants.

Of course though, i can see why they gave it to him, which is because Axl got a default air dash AND hover to boot. So if X didn't have something to balance him out with Axl and Zero's default mobility, he would become obsolete, having to rely on leg upgrades to be on par with the other two's mobility. That's the only reason i can see why they gave him a default air dash. But as far as it normally goes, I really don't feel like X should have it by default. It trivializes the leg upgrades which are supposed to give you that bonus mobility to more easily overcome challenges. And X6 gives you a starting armor to that end, with an air dash, which while nerfed in range over a regular air dash, is something to "make do", until you get that game's poster armor, which includes a much better dash. Much like X5 gives you a starting armor to "Make DO" until you get that game's armor. the difference being that the 4th armor is terribly gamebreaking to the game's difficulty level, since as Hypershell has said previously, it is basically the "End of Game Secret" minus the Giga Attack. You can charge weapons, you take reduced damage, can air dash, can hover, and have the all powerful Plasma Shot. a better way of balancing it would have been to instead give it the Stock Charge, (which seems to be the original armor's "default" buster upgrade, given it is the one that actually matches the rest of the Armor's color scheme) which while useful, is nowhere near as powerful. (specifically, it doesn't pass through enemies leaving plasma balls) And maybe getting rid of the hover.

By contrast however, the Falcon armor is ridiculously nerfed, having lost it's flight capability entirely, leaving a severely gimped Air Dash as a result, the Buster having lost the ability to pass through walls, yet still being a ridiculously thin shot, and not too powerful, and it balances that by leaving the Giga Attack, and giving it the ability to charge special weapons if I remember right. The X6 Falcon Armor is TRULY an example of something to "make do" with until you get the more powerful Armors specific to the Game.

Unfortunately the Blade Buster is kind of wonky, like a poor man's Plasma Shot that doesnt always seem to trigger. But then again, Blade's defining feature is mobility, not power- (I mean, [parasitic bomb], Blade Armor let's you sit there in midair indefinitely until you let go of the dash/jump button!) Power is Shadow's territory, much like Gaea was in X5. (to be honest, the armor themes are really just the same as X5- a mobility armor and a power armor that gives spike protection while taking special weapons away. only difference is Shadow let's you high jump and stick to the roof)

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Fxeni

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Reply #52 on: January 02, 2013, 12:08:29 AM
I agree with the idea that X shouldn't have the air-dash by default... which is why I think the levels should be designed with that in mind. That's all.

Do note I do like X6 more than X5. I just wish I could run through it with nothing like I do in any other X game that lets me. To this day, X2 is still my favourite for that sort of run (and tied with X1 for overall).

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Reply #53 on: January 02, 2013, 12:47:37 AM
yeah, but you can't expect the game to accommodate what is essentially going out of the it's boundaries and what it expects is a natural progression from What you have in the intro stage, to having a longer lifebar, One of it's armors, and/or an upgrade chip or two, not to mention it's special weapons. Doing a minimalist run is essentially going outside the box, so to speak, since it is not something that was in mind when designing the Final areas and their difficulty. The 8 Normal stages you can Normal unarmored plain vanilla no items X all you want. It's possible. But you can't expect the final stages to let you do that. They are supposed to be the stages you get to once you are fully powered up, and the stages are designed accordingly. And even then, as previously stated, the game STARTS you with an armor. meaning it is telling you you WILL need it. That is what the game considers it's default.

Same goes for all the X games. I dont see nearly as many people complain about X1's forced Leg Capsule and forced Buster Upgrade. where, it IS absolutely MANDATORY and impossible to skip without using passwords/cheat codes.

And nobody complains about MM Classic forcing the use of special abilities in final stages either, when almost every single Classic MM game forces the use of special abilities in the final stages.

There is most DEFINITELY a precedent for Mega Man games forcing the use of upgrades in final stages. I Don't see how X6 should be held to different standards and criticized for it, when nobody ever seems to complain about other MM games doing it previously. The Classic MM games sometimes started you off with Rush Coil, or Rush Jet, and they were often mandatory for the final stages. Likewise, X6 STARTS you with the Falcon Armor, and there is a section in Gate's Lab where an Air Dash would be MOST convenient to cross it. But to it's credit, it DOES give you OTHER options, such as jumper, was it? or the special weapons exploit that lets you cross the gap by using Magma Blade, Ground Dash, and the pause menu to switch between them.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #54 on: January 02, 2013, 12:57:40 AM
There is most DEFINITELY a precedent for Mega Man games forcing the use of upgrades in final stages. I Don't see how X6 should be held to different standards and criticized for it, when nobody ever seems to complain about other MM games doing it previously. The Classic MM games sometimes started you off with Rush Coil, or Rush Jet, and they were often mandatory for the final stages. Likewise, X6 STARTS you with the Falcon Armor, and there is a section in Gate's Lab where an Air Dash would be MOST convenient to cross it. But to it's credit, it DOES give you OTHER options, such as jumper, was it? or the special weapons exploit that lets you cross the gap by using Magma Blade, Ground Dash, and the pause menu to switch between them.

Because it gives you the option not to do so. The other games really do not.

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Reply #55 on: January 02, 2013, 01:43:31 AM
I hate to be THAT GUY, but...

How in the hell could you people get so offtopic?
It amazes me, seriously. Like... in three our four posts, this thread derailed so much, I honestly believe, it's on collision course with moon.

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Reply #56 on: January 02, 2013, 03:17:33 AM
Good, Volnutt needs the company.

It's just what happens when you mention X6.  It's runner-up for the "everyone goes batshit crazy" award after Legends.

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Offline Fxeni

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Reply #57 on: January 02, 2013, 03:36:05 AM
Doing a minimalist run is essentially going outside the box, so to speak, since it is not something that was in mind when designing the Final areas and their difficulty. The 8 Normal stages you can Normal unarmored plain vanilla no items X all you want. It's possible. But you can't expect the final stages to let you do that. They are supposed to be the stages you get to once you are fully powered up, and the stages are designed accordingly.

Same goes for all the X games. I dont see nearly as many people complain about X1's forced Leg Capsule and forced Buster Upgrade. where, it IS absolutely MANDATORY and impossible to skip without using passwords/cheat codes.
I just mentioned a game that lets you do it no problem... X2. And X3. And X4 (your favourite if I recall, unless that's changed over time). Even X5 can be done without anything, and you can quite easily start with an (overpowered) armour in that one as you are well aware. Would air-dashing make some of those levels easier? Well, yes. Can they be completed just fine without it? Yes. There's plenty of precedent for being able to complete the game with the bare minimum, so don't you go telling me that it isn't the case.

As for Classic... well [parasitic bomb], you have me there! It's not like you have no choice but to get all the Items/Rush Items in most of the games or anything... oh wait. Oh. You do. Unlike the thing in question I'm talking about here.

As for the derailing... hey, I was just saying that some games are flawed. I'm just explaining why I believe this to be the case.

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Reply #58 on: January 06, 2013, 07:38:54 AM
FYI: In any "special weapon/item required" Classic scenario, it is unlikely but still possible to get stuck by simply running out of energy.  It's something I've heard brought against MM3 in particular with its Rush segments/jumps.

Also, I agree with Flame on the whole "default air-dash trivializes the leg armor" thing.  I mean, I realize that X looks kinda gimped when Zero and Axl default with it.  But the alternative is that the leg armor's value is severely diminished, as whatever additional gimmick it offers probably won't compare to Zero's double jump or Axl's hover, making it a poor choice for a stand-alone upgrade.  

I like X6 for what it did... It's still flawed though. You bring up Metroid in your argument, but the design philosophy in those games is not the same thing. You can't get into an area in the first place if you're missing the necessary equipment in the first place in Metroid (for the most part).
What exactly stops you from entering Turian with the Wave Beam?  Hell, what INDICATES IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER that you're supposed to forsake it?  In nearly any other area in the game, the Ice Beam is the pits.

The thing about NES games is that they were EXPECTED to screw you over through lack of information.  It's just what they did.  You know, 'cuz back then we felt special for buying magazines that explained it to us.  Obviously that doesn't work for the modern 50 hour adventure.  But a traditional X-series game, no matter how pretty its graphics, is short enough and contains enough checkpoints that I feel the occasional hiccup can be forgiven.  Especially if the odds of running into a serious problem aren't all that great to begin with, and the likelihood of X6's "traps" actually catching you off guard is greatly exaggerated.  See below.

Such is not the case in X6. In X6, you can get into areas you are completely unable to traverse, and guess what? You can't backtrack out like you can in Metroid, effectively leading you to restart the area completely.
Again, Gate's Lab 1 is the beginning of the stage, before any enemy appears, so no progress is realistically lost.

Gate's Lab 2 applies to two out of five (six if UA code is active) player/armor choices, and that's assuming you have none of the above-mentioned weapon/part solutions handy.  Being well into the late-game, this is less likely.  The only way it realistically catches you off-guard is false confidence if you're replaying after first clearing the level as Zero (since the trouble spot is X-exclusive).  Unarmored X exists solely for bragging rights; you should NEVER be using him on your first playthrough.  Shadow Armor requires clearing equally difficult jumps just to obtain its parts, so the value of Hyper Dash to one who has no air-dash or Ice Burst has already been taught within the game.

Speaking of tough jumps required to get a Shadow Armor part, Metal Shark Player's alternate route is clearly meant to be accessed with Hyper Dash (or Nova Strike), which in turn gets you across the pit.  While it is POSSIBLE to access the alternate route without it, this requires not only careful timing but also decent knowledge of the game engine in terms of milking your dashes and jumps for maximum speed.  In which case, use Wolfang's weapon for the pit.

Frankly, I'm amazed more people don't complain about Commander Yammark's alternate route.  I mean, it's still an alternate, but it truly is the worst obstacle in the game.  It's in a Nightmare effect area with HIGHLY disruptive effects (either the search lights or the rain can screw you), and with an access route that invites the Shadow Armor (dashing from the ceiling to reach the high route in the main stage).  The only good news is that there's nothing beyond the pit other than the alt boss door, so if you do suicide your way out, then the only thing you missed is a few extra Nightmare Souls from Dynamo.  Then again, for a first-timer, that can be discouraging when you make the return trip just to find that out.

If they had more time to work with, X6 would probably have had those kinks worked out and it would have been even better. But yeah... hindsight is 20/20 right? Fact of the matter is they didn't have much time, and here we are with a game that had high aspirations but fell flat a bit in the design phase. Such is the way things are with time constraints.
Unfortunately it's not always development time that causes that.  We waited quite a bit for X5, and I could make the same poor-implementation arguments there.  Actually, far worse so, in that while you can plan around X6's "flaws", there's a lot wrong with X5's level design that you simply cannot work around.  ESPECIALLY the implementation of the Gaia Armor.  It's virtually impossible to obtain without having visited all 8 Maverick stages already (and using "mad Zero skillz" alternative requires forsaking the Speedster for Jumper, something you should NEVER do in any X-centric playthrough because it cripples the Falcon Armor).  This means that the first "new" stage you get to use it in, Zero Virus 1, is the very worst level in the entire game to be using it.

Do note I do like X6 more than X5. I just wish I could run through it with nothing like I do in any other X game that lets me. To this day, X2 is still my favourite for that sort of run (and tied with X1 for overall).
Honestly, while I'm not generally an "unarmored run" kind of guy, I like it best in X3.  Mainly because I hate X3's buster so much...  Also, charging a close-range Z-Saber in half the time isn't without its benefits.

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Offline Fxeni

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Reply #59 on: January 06, 2013, 08:54:56 AM
Again, never said that the older games were without flaws. I'm just saying that there's flaws here too. It's probably because I think of game design a lot, to ensure whatever I'm working on doesn't fall into the pitfalls of older games I've played plenty of. Does it mean the games are bad? Not at all. But most could stand to be improved upon, some more than others.

I think more development time for X6 might have helped, since it at least had a lot of good foundations going. Everything else was rushed though, and it shows (such as in the examples you gave). I got caught in those traps so, so many times on my first playthrough, which doesn't exactly give a good first impression of the game sadly. As for X5... well... the foundations were poorer, I'll leave it at that :P

For the record, I find characters starting with the air-dash dumb. Any of them. But hey, what do I know.

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Reply #60 on: January 06, 2013, 05:22:27 PM
I was actually defending all but Yammark.  That's the only one that really irks me.  But it is what it is, not everyone has to like it.

It just bugs me when people complain about X6 because they usually direct complaints to the level design.  Truly, to those who like X6, the level design is the point.  Ditto for High Max, as he places a greater emphasis on the character's growth than, well, anyone ever before (Vile tried this in X1, but the fact that you still need Zero to destroy his ride armor dampens it).

Most if not all of what X6 needs is more presentational than it is gameplay.  Grammar, boss sprites, an Exit option that doesn't involve the Title Screen, and more streamlining to the Nightmare effect.  It does NOT need randomization, as is often claimed by people who take poor box and marketing translations too literally (Scaravich does that anyway, it's nothing special).  And I honestly would not touch level design.

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Reply #61 on: January 06, 2013, 11:29:34 PM
When I was younger, I never really found myself blaming stage design or the game itself for my deaths or frustrations. I just thought to myself "Man, this game is hard!" and tried again. If I found myself at an impasse, then I retreated until I was properly equipped to handle the difficult boss/stage obstacle. And lets be honest, nobody uses Default X if they can help it when the games are new. Everyone rushes to get the games Armor so they can barrel through bosses and final stages. It's the Fun part about X5, that it starts you with a fun armor. Not as good in X6, but y'know, "I'll tale it anyway! better than default X!" Unarmored X runs or no items runs start once you've beaten the game millions of times and want to try something new.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #62 on: January 07, 2013, 12:14:48 AM
I was actually defending all but Yammark.

Why does everyone hate Yammark? Because I went Soul Farming AFTER starting him first, it didn't bother me much as I adjusted to when and where the nightmare phenomenon will happen. In Metal Shark Player's case, I stay the [tornado fang] away from him when it's red, same with others. Simple hindrances (again, like Yammark) can be easily conquered if you played the stage first and going back to try the nightmare run.

Here's an interesting note about my first run: I didin't die ONCE on Yammark's stage on the first go. I'd like to thank timing for that. If I died in a stage, I'd blame my impatience for that.

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So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

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Reply #63 on: January 07, 2013, 12:36:08 AM
I respectfully disagree in regards to the level design in X6 then.

For me, there are two different types of deaths: fair and cheap. Fair is when you feel like it is your own fault for dying, when you see the dangers and fail through your own inability to overcome said dangers. Cheap is when you die to things you had no way of knowing what was going to happen (ie. lines of spikes right under you as you switch screens in MM9).

A lot of the segments in X6 feel cheap to me. Not everyone agrees clearly, but that's the way I see it. Sadly X6 isn't the only game to do this, nor will it be the last. Just ask some parts of MM9.

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Reply #64 on: January 07, 2013, 12:56:35 AM
If that's the case most of the cheep death's started to wind up at Gate's Lab 1 due to t-bagging. As far as I remember, there were these wolves that you had to dodge as well as spikes to avoid. If you jump as the wolf is about to fire, it's pretty much insta-death as the shot would trigger knockback and kill you by spike.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Flame

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Reply #65 on: January 07, 2013, 04:29:43 AM
If I recall though, can't you use Wolfang's weapon for the spike section in the first area?

I don't really remember if you can abuse invincibility time to climb up the spikes, since I dont remember if you CAN climb spikes outside of Shadow.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #66 on: January 07, 2013, 05:25:14 PM
I think players are just more knowledgeable and strict about this stuff today (and OLD). Back then I didn't think about the design part of the game, I just wanted to beat the final boss and watch the credits. Today I look at something like Blaze Heatnix or Gigabolt Man-o-war, and I think, man... that is some lazy stage design.

Still, if I had made MM3, I wouldn't want people to get stuck without ammo, as small as that possibility is (I'm referring to Doc Gemini where you will literally be forced to reset if you don't have Rush ammo after Doc Flash... it's not like you just have to get a game over or farm ammo, you must reset the system).

And it's the same with X6 IMO. X6 to me is a unique situation where they did almost everything wrong, but the result is a challenging and interesting game. But again, if I was the director there, it would be a pretty obvious task to test run the game with only unarmored X and see if there were things I could tweak (like... no near impossible jumps).

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Reply #67 on: January 07, 2013, 06:58:09 PM
If I recall though, can't you use Wolfang's weapon for the spike section in the first area?

Yes, you can, but it's all on timing if you don't kill the WOLF first.

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Offline Flame

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Reply #68 on: January 10, 2013, 07:47:04 AM

Sven says it was "very telling", and goes into detail a bit when in particular, he was asked about Mega Man.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Offline Hypershell

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Reply #69 on: January 11, 2013, 01:34:00 AM
Sven's usual semi-optimistic ambiguity.  Hey, whatever it takes to get CoJ's heads out of their asses.  But it's really not that complicated as they make it sound.  Step 1: GET MEGA MAN OFF THE F*@#!ING MOON!

Look, Pandora's Box is open.  Like it or not, everything they do is being compared to Legends.  For half the fanbase, they pick up a phone game, or a free NES game, and the very first part of their impression is asking themselves, "Was this really more worthy of Capcom's effort than Legends 3?"

If they want the fanbase on their side, they need to do something about that.  If they would rather ditch the old grouches and attract a new audience all by themselves...  8D  I'm sorry, I can't say that with a straight face.

If that's the case most of the cheep death's started to wind up at Gate's Lab 1 due to t-bagging. As far as I remember, there were these wolves that you had to dodge as well as spikes to avoid. If you jump as the wolf is about to fire, it's pretty much insta-death as the shot would trigger knockback and kill you by spike.
Impossible.  Your damage barrier protects you from spike death.

Hell, that's WHY the wolves are there.  You can exploit them to guard against sloppy jumps, practically a necessity if you intend to climb using Blade's Mach Dash.

What the barrier DOESN'T do is allow you to grab/wall-kick on spikes.  For that, you need Shadow Armor.

For me, there are two different types of deaths: fair and cheap. Fair is when you feel like it is your own fault for dying, when you see the dangers and fail through your own inability to overcome said dangers. Cheap is when you die to things you had no way of knowing what was going to happen (ie. lines of spikes right under you as you switch screens in MM9).

A lot of the segments in X6 feel cheap to me. Not everyone agrees clearly, but that's the way I see it. Sadly X6 isn't the only game to do this, nor will it be the last. Just ask some parts of MM9.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices MM9's cheapassery.

Thing about X-series games is that you have far greater aerial maneuverability, so you can more realistically react to obstacles in mid-fall.

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Reply #70 on: January 11, 2013, 04:29:46 AM
So I suggested this on PD's corner, but ill ask it again here, since it's somewhat relevant.

What if Capcom US made a Mega Man game? I got the idea from how Sega did it with Sonic. Sonic 1 was Japanese, and while they made Sonic CD, Sega US made Sonic 2, and later 3&K, the three usually considered the best Sonic games ever, while CD... Sort of suffered mainly due to the System itself, and compared with the others really does stand out for it's chaotic level design (Which Im pretty sure was designed the way it was in order to make it far more difficult to maintain a top speed for the time travel gimmick)

So taking that idea, what if Capcom US got a Shot at MM? They (to me anyway) really seem to as a whole, care more about MM than Capcom JP does.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #71 on: January 11, 2013, 04:35:40 AM
Can they even do that without the permission of Japcom?


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Reply #72 on: January 11, 2013, 04:39:56 AM
Because the last time Capcom let the west make one of their games it turned out so well.

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Reply #73 on: January 11, 2013, 05:12:39 AM
Can they even do that without the permission of Japcom?
Well of course not. Japcom- (I love it) would have to task them with it first. I'm just suggesting the idea.

Because the last time Capcom let the west make one of their games it turned out so well.

What, like DmC? Forgive me if I don't know which game you are referring to.

DmC isn't really being made by Capcom, it's being outsourced to NinjaTheory.

...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

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Reply #74 on: January 11, 2013, 11:29:52 PM
Because the last time Capcom let the west make one of their games it turned out so well.

I kinda forgot about that game. Which one was it?

There was also Final Fantasy Mystic Quest made in the US by Square, along with Sonic Spinball, considered to be one of the hardest in the Sonic series. But bloody fun.

If you guys can pick up a fan and release MMxSF can't you do let the US make the games?

Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.