Other Things > Gaming

The "What are you currently playing?" Thread

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It's a ton of fun.

Mr. Haxwell:
The Division... with my brother.

I still haven't replaced my current Xbone controller, and yet he wants me to play this with him.

Protoman Blues:
Uh, Monster Hunter World. Lots of that.

Still the usual. Dropped WoW because endgame Legion sucks currently and BfA is looking like a total shitshow. Playing ESO casually now instead. Gone back to Todd's games in general with some Skyrim SE and FO4. Streaming DS3 once in a blue moon.

All my efforts for the most part though are towards SFV because with EVO coming up I need all the practice I can possibly get. If anybody's coming to Vegas for the event shoot me a line and we'll play Melty in the parking lot!


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