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Topics - Flame

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Off The Wall / Gaming Jargon confuses the elderly
« on: February 20, 2009, 06:22:22 AM »
while its nothing new that talk of video games confuses grandma, I saw this on the net and decided to post it here.
Video games
take us to many fantastic worlds, but it's rarely a good idea to discuss your digital deeds in the presence of nongamers. Enjoy this little tale from the world of customer service courtesy of Not Always Right.

    (I overheard two cashiers talking about World of Warcraft
    while an older female customer and her husband approached them.)

    Cashier #1: "My guild went on a big raid last night but didn't complete it."

    Cashier #2: "You weren't able to kill the boss?"

    Cashier #1: "No, the boss was really tough to kill; we're going to try again tomorrow."

    Customer: *to husband* "We should call a manager–I can't believe these kids are talking about killing their boss!"

    Cashier #2: "Oh no, ma'am, it's a video game called World of Warcraft. You go on adventures to kill monsters, and the big ones are called 'bosses'."

    Customer: "I don't care about your 'World War' game. No wonder there is so much violence in this world - video games teaching kids to kill their bosses!"

    Cashier #1: "It's not 'World War,' ma'am, it's World of Warcraft, and it's not teaching us violence…"

    Customer: "I don't care what it's called. My husband fought in a real world war and he can tell you, violence is not a game! Right, Richard?

    Customer's husband: *distracted* "Huh?"

    Customer: "Forget it. C'mon, we're never coming back to this place. One of these kids is bound to shoot the place up."

Gaming / Misc. Video Game thread
« on: February 12, 2009, 03:18:33 AM »
because sometimes we dont want to start  a new topic for a small little commentary.
so yeah. post any  Videogame thing here.
EG, I just bought sonic 06, and im not about to start a thread about it.
so yeah. bought it, beat Shadow's storyline, bout halfway through Sonic's, and im just started with Silver's.
I dont see why this game is so hated... its really not that bad IMO... Sonic's Gameplay feels somewhat odd..., but once youve upgraded him enough, it seems to grow on you a bit. other than that, there are some pretty few parts where I have issues with. very few. mainly the fact that certain sections should automatically do something, but theyre like, semi automatic. like certain of the "auto run around the loop and get launched in the air" segments. they sometimes still require you to air dash to actually land on the platform fine, because if you leave it up to the game, you will most likely not land at all, and fall about an inch short of the intended landing spot.
other than that, i find it good. the Loading times werent THAT bad, I felt more frustrated by MM X7's loading times than that, though sometimes they did feel rather unnecessary. like when it switches between level segments.

ZX / Official RPM Falseroid/Livemetal Design Thread
« on: January 02, 2009, 08:36:17 PM »
Because weve all come up withour own Falseroid Ideas, and our own Livemetal ideas.

ill start. Before the first ZX even came out in japan, and us here were going to the japanese ZX website and thinking, "man, this looks cool!" and seeing Giro and having debates over whether it was or wasnt Zero,
I came up with the idea of a Axl model. so, since at the time it was all Zx" Hx etc I made Ax.

when ZXA came out, imagine the look on my face.

Gaming / Which Character theme Fits which Sonic Character best?
« on: December 30, 2008, 05:10:21 AM »
what do YOU think?

1-Open your heart (Sonic Adventure)
2-Live and Learn (Sonic Adventure 2)
3-Team Sonic (From Sonic Heroes)
4-I dont think he had a theme in Shadow the hedgehog, but if he does, it will go here.
5-His World (Sonic The Hedgehog '06)
6-Seven Rings In Hand (Sonic and the Secret Rings)
7-Endless Possibilities (Sonic Unleashed)
8-Knight of the Wind (Sonic and the Black Knight)
9-Sonic Boom (Sonic CD)
  -You Can Do Anything (Sonic CD)
10-It Doesnt Matter (SA)
11-It Doesnt Matter remix (SA2)

1-Throw It All Away (Sonic Adventure 2)
2-This Machine (Sonic Heroes)
3-I Am All of Me (Shadow The Hedgehog)
  -All Hail Shadow
  -Almost Dead
  -Waking Up
  -Chosen One 
  -Never Turn Back
4-All Hail Shadow Remix (Sonic The Hedgehog '06)

1-Theme of Dr. EGGMAN (Sonic Adventure)
2-E.G.G.M.A.N. (Sonic Adventure 2)
3-E.G.G.M.A.N. Doc. Robeatnik Mix (Shadow The Hedgehog)
4-Theme of Dr. Eggman (Sonic The Hedgehog '06), (Sonic Unleashed)

Amy Rose:
1-My Sweet Passion (Sonic Adventure)
2-Team Rose (Sonic Heroes)

so, which theme do you think fits which character better?

EXE / Official RPM Navi Design Thread
« on: December 21, 2008, 03:03:42 AM »
Why the hell not. Im sure we've all made our own Navi's at some point...
I have, thats for sure.
first off, The first forum I joined was a BN RP, so I, having Flame as my Character, created a Netnavi version of him.
Flame EXE.

and, going with how Navis have different versions, I made Flames special Omega version.

I was always tickled by how Omega viruses in BN3 were black and grey. so I made Flames Omega version similar.

Gate EXE.
yeah. hes actually a part of Flame EXE's story.

I had even made Flame some Navi chips.

that shitzel was from quite a while ago.
I wasnt that great at drawing back then, was I? 8D

I also had Axl EXE, but I dont know what happened to him... he must be around my room somewhere.

so posteth your ol' Navi Ideas. (or new ones if you like...).

Off The Wall / Scientists develp the first step in dream recording
« on: December 13, 2008, 04:31:18 AM »
for now, it can only record simple images, but imaging the possibilities for this. one day, we might be able to record our dreams and then play them back on our computer!

Anime & Manga / Casshern Sins
« on: November 30, 2008, 09:42:05 PM »
Because RPM's got Casshern fever on the brain.
discussion about C.Sins goes in here.

Anime & Manga / Yugioh 5 D's
« on: November 30, 2008, 08:26:56 PM »
gonna bring this thread back for discussion purpouses, and to talk about how 4kids will butcher the series.
yeah. just watched episode 34. you KNOW 4kids isnt gonna let that blood stay on Kiriyu. Oh jeez. theyre gonna [tornado fang] this show up bad... (as if thy aren't already>_>;...) worse than they did with the original Yugioh...

Rockman Series / You've played too much Megaman when...
« on: November 22, 2008, 04:48:30 AM »
reasons you’ve played too much megaman.

1. Whenever you need to get across a puddle, you try to get your dog to morph into a hoverjet

2. Whenever a bully gets in your way, you keep trying to charge up your fist to do more damage

3. You bring a thermos around every where you go so if your life runs low you can charge it up

4. You keep saying that everyone's last name is "Man"

5. Your not Mega

6. People stay away from you cause your known to pull down your pants and take out your "Z-saber"

7. You won't go climbing because your afraid of Rock Man

8. You keep opening and closing your refrigerator in hopes that Dr. Light might show up and give you an armor piece

9. One time you tried to blow up the stove hoping that fire man would be destroyed

10. You can't help but waste your entire life sitting in front of a computer screen reading and writing silly messages in Mega Man forums!!!

11. You can answer the exact weapon to use on every boss and say how much damage it does.

12. You've made up your own ideas for what weapons to use on what bosses and decided how much damage each does.

13. Regular music sounds boring and only makes you think how much better MM music is.

14. You can write an essay on whether Mega Man really would have fired at Wily in MM7, whether MM and MMX are really the same character, and what Proto Man's correct name should be.

15. You try to train your pets to be weapons or give you items.

16. You'll actually watch any episode of the MM cartoon, no matter how bad it is.

17. You've bought a game system specifically because it has a Mega Man game on it.

18. You've built Mega Man characters out of Lego's and reenacted game scenes.

19. You spend an entire day listening to MM MIDIs to decide which ones are really the best.

20. You legally change your name to something music-related.

21. Always digging in people's yard's and trying to find the
remains or Dr.Light's lab to set free MegaMan X.

22. You always try to rebuild MegaMan when you loose your
last life in the game.

23. You always wanted to be an astronaut so you can blast off
into outer space to try to find Star Man

24. When one of your MegaMan games break you try to find
Dr.Light so he can fix it.

25. Every thing you own has MegaMan on it.

26. Every Halloween you dress up as MegaMan

27. Every Halloween You dress your dog up as Rush so the
both of you can go out and try to find Dr.Wily.

28. You always go to the zoo and try to find Snake Man.

29. When you're at that zoo you go to the elephant's cage and
attack the elephant because you think it's Flame Mammoth
in disguise.

30. You try to attack that elephant with your X-Buster.

31. You have gone to every MM site on the web.

32.You remember the name and every thing that's on those web sites

33. You tried to build a real-life version of Megaman with household items.

34. You actually did it.

35. You jumped up and tried to do a mid-air dash.

36. You actually pulled it off.

37. You keep calling you friend Zero.

38. You picked up a stick and beat your mortal enemy with it screaming: "DIE DR. WILY!"

39. You scream in your mind "Guilty!" to at least 20 of these you've read so far.

40. Your G/F broke up with you because you accidently called her "Roll"

41.You always put on a jacket when your near a cow thinking it's Blizzard Buffalo.

42.You try to blow up a dumpster hoping to kill Junkman

43.You can hum every theme from the MM games.

44.When you see a beetle you run like heck thinking it's one of Gravity Beetle’s friends.

45.If' you find a yellow scarf on the floor you run around screaming "ProtoMan's dead!"

46. When you beat someone up, you put your hand on their forehead and expect to get a new weapon.

47. You don't feel stupid after doing No. 46

48. You fear anyone with long blonde hair.

49. You got an F on an essay because it was about "Why Zero could
beat the tar out of Bass"

50. You always keep your bedroom door locked at night becuase otherwise the Robot Masters would get you.

51. you get an red AIBO and a robotic cat that you paint green and call it Rush and Tango.

52.You try to ride the AIBO like a Rush jet and accidentally crush it.

53. When someone kicks your butt you say: "I'll get Zero on your butt next time!"

54. You're wondering if this list will really reach 116

55. You've beaten MMX6 with only X

56. You throw Lego men at people saying "Kill them my Servebots! Kill for Daddy!"

57. You actually killed somebody in the manner above.

58. You swear you see Servebots steal your things at night.

59.You glue your dog on your back hoping that you’ll be able to fly

60.You try to wall jump but fail and you get hurt

61.You try it again (and again and again, and so on)

62. You painted your bike helmet like X's and wired it to map out your neighbor hood in green blocks above your head.

63. You know what the hell I'm talking about.

64. You have an idea for this number.

65. You’ve changed your first name to Mega and your last name to Man

66. You see a spot in the roof that looks weak and you try to break it by jumping up in it

67. You’re so desperate to see a megaman movie that you’d even accept Disney to do it

68. You’re so desperate to see a megaman movie that you’d even accept Leonardo di caprio playing megaman

69. You’re remaking the 8-bit games into 16-bit on the computer and hope that capcom or Nintendo will make them into snes games

70.You know why the heck they call that cat Neon Tiger.

71.You call say all the Robot Masters / Maverick’s, and enemies name from memory.

72. You started mixing characters and created a Megachu

73. You tried to kill yourself hoping your parents would revive you as megaman

74. Every time you see a old man in a machine (lets say power shovel) and you start throwing stones at him

75. You´ve made a special edition of your comp., which looks like megaman

76. You’ve made a special edition of your screen, which looks like megamans helmet

78. You just sit all days listening to megaman music (doing NOTHING else)

79. When you hear a megaman song, you can tell which game and which robot master, or that, it’s from

80. you know exactly how far you would have gotten on that stage when u hear a megaman song.

81.You keep a phone with you incase a crisis comes up so you can "plug in" and fix it.

82. You made a MM patch to fight your cravings.

83. You waste night and day during your spring break playing ALL the games over and over again.

84. You wet yourself every time you hear the name "Wily"

85. You have sent 22 letters to Capcom waiting for them to approve of your desire for a Megaman X anime on TV that actually goes along with the series.

86. You are afraid to travel to far away from your home page on the internet because you might get lost in the maze.

87. You think viruses are all over the internet waiting to attack.

88. You break out humming random themes from various MM titles at work/school

89. You're not embarrassed afterwards.

90. you have every single mm game on computer

91. You painted your dog red and named it rush stick your tongue in a socket hoping spark man will come out and fight you go to a nuclear waste facility and try to find Toxic Seahorse

94: You bring all kinds of junk to a girl dressed in red and white, and expect her to make something useful out of it.

95: You kick a garbage pail expecting the lid to either stay on or fly six feet into the air.

96: If the lid stays on after you do #95, you root through the garbage looking for something useful.

97: You broke your PC trying to "jack in" to it.

98: You broke your girlfriend's piano by trying to "jack in" to it.

99: You broke the local TV station van by trying to "jack in" to it.

100: You think there may be some odd connection between Cutman and Edward Scissorhands.

102: It dawns on you that poor Roll is some kind of Stepford wife.

103: After a hard day of playing Megaman, you crawl into bed. You start to doze off... and your fingers start twitching as though you were playing the game.

104: you kill famous people to see if you can get their "special powers"

105: you are afraid of Firemen

106: you think the garbage man is a robot master

107: you have no clue that megaman isnt real

108: all you talk about is megaman

109. You kill your computer when it says it has a virus cause you think it means the Maverick virus.

110. your screen name is Megaman related

111. Your last History report was on the Maverick Wars.

112. You dress up as Zero for Halloween...

113.... Your hair is the right length and you're a guy.

114: Everytime you get promoted to the next grade, you expect your old teacher to give you a password

115: You watch "Star Wars" and wonder what Anakin's doing with Zero's Z-Saber

116. When you hear that the Mets are coming to town, you don your Megaman costume and go looking for them in the hopes that you can eliminate them.

117. You try to perform Zero's three slash combo with your WiiMote/any other remote control.

118. You go dashing around your house.

119. You try to open doors while in mid-air.

120. You're in a pinch and you look for the start button in real life

121. You try to "plug in" your USB drives like in the Rockman.EXE anime

122. You succeed at it.

123. You succeed at it doing it with your foot.

124. You memorized your MM games passwords and you use them as passwords somewhere else.

125. You save up bolts.

126. You try to "slot in" your games into your GB/GBA/NDS

go ahead and add on to the list. I didnt put it in the other topic, (you might be a Rockman fan...) because some of these are just too plain silly.

Forum Games / What are you currently Eating?
« on: November 19, 2008, 02:25:07 AM »
Because one often gets the munchies while on the computer.
ill start.
Im currently eating these REALLY good crackers... ohmigawd, theyre like sex.

X / In the end, Zero's purpose came to pass.
« on: November 15, 2008, 01:05:50 AM »
In the end, when you think about it, Zeros intended purpose of destroying X came to pass after all.
The moment Zero entered the picture, X's fate was sealed already. without Zero, there would have been no maverick virus, without no Virus, there would have been no maverick wars, and X would not have had to fight for so many centuries. without the wars, there would have been no desperate research into curing Viral Maverick programs, Without Zero, Mother elf would never have been created by studying his body and connection to the virus. Without her, the elf wars would never have started, and X would not have been ultimately forced to sacrifice his body to seal away Dark Elf, and therefore would not have been killed by Elpizo lusting after Dark elf.

Zero may not have followed his mission to the letter, or even willingly, but in the end, it happened anyway.

Comic Jam / CJ012 - The great RPM Crash of '08
« on: November 11, 2008, 09:05:29 PM »

I didnt have time to do better... CJ bout the recent crash of RPM. explanation is a meteor. :P
story, one day in RPM a Meteor crashes into RPM, and havoc and panic ensues... as well as the fall and reconstruction of the marvelous city of RPM. (or something like that. -__-)

Forum Games / Make a Wish and have it horribly corrupted, RPM Edition!
« on: November 10, 2008, 03:30:11 AM »
I make a wish, the next person corrupts it horribly, and then they make one, and so forth.

I wish that all the RPM hadnt crashed and been reset...

General / Computer Problem Thread
« on: November 09, 2008, 02:38:15 AM »
post your Computer woes. Someone might just be able to help you.
as for me, I have a small problem. I recently got a New Flash Drive, and Its installed and ready to go,... but... I cant access it... I cant find it on the "My computer" window. HOW THE [Sigma] do I get to my Flash Drive!?
also, I request that Sigma be made a censor. XD

Roleplay / F.A.U.S.T. - RPM's outer space defense and research station
« on: November 08, 2008, 06:07:28 PM »
(First Assault Unconditional Surrender Terminal)

Class: XR-M4 class Orbital Space Station
Armaments:  Super Chain Turrets, Hull Interfaced Aiming Lasers, (H.I.A.L. System)  Giga Core Interfaced Cannon-(Giga Cannon)
Secondary armaments:  Anti Matter Torpedo Launcher, Class-A Photon Missiles
Armor rating: Heavy
Shielding: Dense. C-Class energy shields, type-B energy deflectors

Powered by a prototype Hypermatter Reactor variant, FAUST can stay afloat above RPM effectively for ever, as the reactor is able to produce energy constantly without any aid. It is also, partially powered by Solar radiation, which increases its potential power output- The Giga Reactor is the first and only generator of its kind, being deemed too powerful to mass produce. It is interlaced with the Giga Cannon's computer interface, and is the source of the Giga Cannon's power, which is capable of shattering stars and tearing spacial fabric.

The most advanced security system ever created, It Rivals the Vixy system in terms of complete and total security of FAUST. it is controlled by a computing core located in the upper levels of FAUST, which is linked to the FAUST Server, processing over 10 trillion cameras Ship wide, with little to no effort, powered and accelerated by energy drawn from the Giga Reactor. It's core room, spanning over 2 stories, lies above the Giga reactor, and as such, Is the Main defense line for the Giga reactor, with at least 10,000 passwords consisting of over 15 different languages, 20 different alpha numerals and 1000 binary codes, and over 9,000 firewalls with over 100 passwords each.

Unfortunately, this makes for very difficult system maintenance, and that would be putting it lightly.

The security core is also the Brain of Faust's shielding system, which shields the exterior of the ship.

Cenodoxus': These sleek 2 pilot Battle Ships are able to be deployed in battle. Armed with small  beam cannons, and Class- A Photon Missiles, they support FAUST against enemy threats. FAUST can carry a maximum of 1,000 Cenodoxus' at a time.

Crew positions

Commander -Flame

General - Sakura Leic
Lieutenant General -

Embassadors- Akamaru

Science Operations Commander- Dr. Wily ll

Systems Maintenance Captain- Dr. Wily ll

RP to your hearts content aboard my ship.  You start out in the hangar after just arriving to the station.

Off The Wall / The Super Awesome Vocaloid Thread.
« on: November 08, 2008, 08:03:40 AM »
post all them Vocaloid song videos here.
also, does anyone remember the name this thread had? I dont remember it fully...
"the crazy adventures of ___ and Miku... crazy something something..."

Off The Wall / The Avatar / Signature Changing Thread
« on: November 08, 2008, 07:33:17 AM »
"Whats your current avatar?"
no more explanation needed.

Challenge Mode / Flame's insane Model @ Challenge
« on: November 08, 2008, 07:30:34 AM »
Go through the game using only model @, No Megamen allowed, (exept where its force fed,) No pseudoroids,(exept where there is no other way, or when its force fed)
also, you may use Pseudoroids against bosses like
chronoforce miniboss,
Albert form 2.
go for it.

Fan Creations / Flame's Art Thread: Rebirth.
« on: November 08, 2008, 07:21:18 AM »
oh noes~ itz blank... NOTHINGZ!
so, to make up for it, heres Flame's Girlfriend naked.

followed by her and Vixy on a night out.

do drop by anytime~

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