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Messages - KyoKusanagi

Pages: 1
Gaming / Re: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (Wii, PS3, 360, iPhone)
« on: October 14, 2010, 08:41:07 PM »
I'm glad to see that it's getting better reception over here, as opposed to Sonic Retro. Someone please tell me that it's possible to diagnose Sonic fans with a severe case of bipolar disorder. (Case and point: saying Sonic 2006 is better than Sonic 4) Sonic fans are crazy!  o-O

Gaming / Re: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (Wii, PS3, 360, iPhone)
« on: August 27, 2010, 08:51:55 PM »
And its not like he hasnt done it befor either. didnt Advance do that too? (one of them)

Ninja'd by Kieran. But those were more or less Mini Bosses in Sonic 3.

Anyway, that right there is an example of the issue that people have with the name. To them, Sonic 4 should be something that introduces new bosses right off the bat. But then again, Episode 1 is just a prologue to the rest of the game.

Aside from the reuse of bosses, I don't have an issue with the game name like the rest of the Negative Nancies at Retro (who won't even give the game a chance!). I'm actually excited to play the game and to see what Sega has in store for episode 2.

The only problem now is the physics. Of course, you could compare the physics between Sonic CD and the classic games, and find that you can easily walk up a steep incline in a CD level, but not as much in a classic level.

Gaming / Re: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (Wii, PS3, 360, iPhone)
« on: August 27, 2010, 07:18:26 AM »
This place sounds more civilized than the elitists over at Sonic Retro. ("We rage over game titles, music, and think the classics are perfect!...TOO perfect to live up to!")

Sonic fans? Civilized? 8D

I maintain that there is no real consensus in the Sonic fanbase about how to make a "good" Sonic game, nevertheless I have to admire their effort.  And I certainly appreciate them tweaking the running frames/speed, because that was looking pretty sad in earlier builds.

Disorganized as we are, from furries to fantards and jaded old school fans, you are correct. Retro couldn't even get a community-based sequel off the ground. Everyone over there is fuming because this is "Not want we wanted." Ask a fan anything: they may think Sonic 4 involves all of Sonic's friends with Shadow overshadowing (SEE WHAT I DID THAR!?) Sonic. Some envisioned Sega pulling a Megaman 9 move with retro graphics and sounds. (Of course, that's what I would have liked to see) Other fans envisioned a 2D game with HD sprites (ala Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD).

Instead we find that Sega is still a washed-up has-been from the 90's that should have been bought out by Nintendo. Yes, Sega's listening, but methinks they aren't putting their best efforts into making the game (reused bosses, badniks, etc). Jun Senoue (the composer) was even going to use the same computer and development kit he used to make the music for Sonic 3! (The NEC PC-88? 98?) Someone could at least tell him about emulation, right?

Given that this is only the first episode, we don't even know what the rest of the game is going to look like. (Of course, angry fans will still give Sega the 'guilty until proven innocent' treatment) Although I have my suspicions that Episode 2 will involve reusing/making minor edits of Sonic CD content.

Of all the levels I've seen, Lost Labryinth looks the most original.

Original / Concerning music used in the old commercials
« on: July 18, 2010, 10:20:26 AM »
For long time I've wondered whether some of the music used in the Japanese commercials was actually released in audio format. Namely for Rockman 3, since after all it had the best music of the series

Hearing this makes me think that Capcom could have delivered on a completely arranged soundtrack soundtrack for the Complete Works re-releases instead of reusing music from Rockman 2 The Power Fighters.

Could Capcom still have unreleased music under their belts?

I have to agree that the first Megaman game is probably the worst, given that it is the most frustrating.

When I played it for the first time, I thought the music was screeching into my ears. (I'll hand it to you that the Famicom/NES was relatively new at the time, given that the game was made in 1987.)

I don't appreciate the vertical level design either.

I know some friends of mine who didn't like Megaman 9's graphics, (why so IGNorant?) wanting it to be more like Megaman 8 or something a whole lot more.

I like Megaman 7, 8 and MM&B. I just wish there was a Playstation version of MM&B. If anything, MM&B succeeded in making a difficult Megaman game with the charge shot. That deserves praise. Also because of a playable Bass.

Gaming / Re: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (Wii, PS3, 360)
« on: February 24, 2010, 12:37:47 AM »
Not only retreading old stages, but bringing back old boss fights too? Looks like they are hearkening back to old days, playing it safe. This can actually be a good thing. Can't tell from the picture, but if you can get multiple hits on Eggman before touching solid ground, if not all 8 hits, that's another plus. No more boss that take 10 minutes to finish, please.

The problem is that this is Sonic 4. A sequel implies new content, not rehashing the old. The wrecking ball appearance in S3K was acceptable, seeing how it wound up the Death Egg saga, but this is just unacceptable.

Gaming / Re: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (Wii, PS3, 360)
« on: February 24, 2010, 12:18:44 AM »
I think this leak just killed all remaining optimism and anticipation I had for this game.

RIP Sonic 1991-1997

The only thing that Sega can do to save face is cancel the game, or have dedicated fans create the REAL Sonic 4.

But of course, that won't ever happen.

Gaming / Re: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (Wii, PS3, 360)
« on: February 17, 2010, 12:16:07 AM »
'Sup y'all? The retards of the Sonic fanbase are crapping themselves and nitpicking. (Oh well, it can't be helped since some are still suffering from Sonic '06 syndrome)

I'm concerned.

Why didn't the player just go through that loop? What was up with that?

The player sucks. Watch the video again. He tried to use the homing attack to get up the loop.  -AC

And how about the next rising part? Sure, you have to have enough momentum to go up, but did the jump physics seem off to anyone else?

Yea. Sonic jumps like he is on the moon. Jumping animation needs to speed up when Sonic's speed increases. Even the physics are off. Sonic should be falling off the steep incline, not standing on it and walking in place.

Only other gripe I had (and it's mine and mine alone) was the return of the Sonic 1 Special Stage. I hated those. :'( But then, I never really practiced at them or played Sonic 1 with as much intensity as I did S3&K.

It's bittersweet. The only challenge in S3&K's special stages is the speed increase. I'm glad they chose special stages from Sonic 1. Would've liked to seen halfpipes from 2 though...but I enjoy that they are going back to what made Sonic games good for the casual gamer and challenging for expert players.

Anyone like the title screen? I just don't like how Sonic looks like with his "crap-eating grin."

Rockman Series / Re: The Great Cateclysm: Silenced Forever?
« on: February 06, 2009, 12:57:19 AM »
After reading the section about Super Adventure Rockman in R20, I began to doubt the Cataclysm Theory. Although as much as fans would have wanted to see Zero brutally murder all but Dr. Right and Wily, the creator's word stands: Mixing a game for children (Classic Rockman) with a mature story [spoiler](In this case, UN helicopters getting shot down, Dr. Right, Roll and Quickman dying.)[/spoiler] is not a good idea.

Like X, Zero most likely got buried at the end of Dr. Wily's lifetime.

I mean, think like a child. Would you want to see your favorite cartoon characters murdered? I don't think so.

Rock and the gang probably just kept on functioning until their systems ran down. (Except for Blues. He probably went up in a nukuler (sic) explosion.)

I don't see this anywhere on the forums, so.......

This promo art may not look so bad at first, but stop to look at what Mega Man
is doing. He’s ripping out Wood Man’s guts…with his hands! Man, that is absolutely brutal. Screw the Mega Buster, I’m going to pull him apart with my bare fists!

Found At GoNintendo

I'm not sure which is more scary: Rock ripping Woodman apart or Dr. Wily the alien?

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