Blue Valkyrie Adventure

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Offline Blue Valkyrie

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on: November 12, 2016, 05:11:34 PM
BV RP System Version 1.1

Recent Addition: Added the skill system.

A light hearted tale of magic, technology, pirates, adventure and treasure!

BVA runs mostly like your typical RP here with players interacting to what ever situation arises however dungeons and combat will be mechanics based allowing for more tactics and hopefully a more enjoyable experience for all players.

Creating Characters

Creating classes is a simply affair requiring mostly a concept on the player's own part however before getting into that a player must select a class for their character.


Stats are a important part of the combat system and function as follows...

HP (Health Points): Function like any other RPG, HP hits zero your character is KO'd and cannot act until the battle ends or are revived in battle somehow.

SP (Surge Points): Surge Points are spendable points that as a minor action in battle allow a player to restore an amount of HP depending on the related "Surge Value" stat, Surge Points can only be restored by resting for several hours and the amount of points will differ per class.

AC (Armor Class): AC or armor class is the defense/dodge stat of a character, when any enemy or monster attempts to use a power they must roll a D20 dice and add the "Attack" bonus of the power to that roll, if the roll matches or exceeds the AC value of the target the attack is considered a hit while failing that will be considered a miss or blocked (depending on how the player wants to fluff that) AC is determined by class and for the most part will remain the same through the whole RP.

Speed: Speed is the stat that helps determine the action order of both the party and the monsters attacking them. When the DM calls for initiative the players and Monsters roll a D20 and add their speed score to the result. Higher the score the higher on the turn order you are.

Surge Value: Surge Value is the stat that determines how much HP you get from spending a Surge Point, the amount is determined by class and will remain consistent however some powers or items can add bonus HP to the total briefly.

Action Point" An action point is expendable point that can be used once per in game day (restored by an extended rest) to take another turn immediately in battle or re-roll if you don't like the result of a dice elsewhere. Players can only have one action point however monsters may have several.

Combat Classes

The class of a character is a base that determines their role in the party and what their starting stats as well as how many of each Power type they can equip at once is. While this does dictate the roll a character will fill the Power creation system will allow players to act outside this roll into another if they choose.


The tank is designed to protect their allies by drawing the ire of enemies off them and onto the tank themselves, tanks have high HP and AC, but are slower than the other classes and only have one One At-Will power although they have more options for Encounter and Daily powers.

The Tank class has a special built in mechanic called "Mark" when a tank class character uses any power that targets an enemy (regardless of effect) they will mark the target, a marked target will suffer a -3 to hit any target that is not the person who marked them.

An enemy can only have one Mark on them at a time and any new Mark effects will cancel out the old one. A tank can mark multiple enemies at once as long as the Mark effect is not canceled out.

Surge Value: 5
At-Will Powers: 1
Encounter Powers: 3
Daily Powers: 2


Strikers are the primarily damage dealers of the party, they have the most options with At-Will and Encounter Powers as well as high Speed but have low HP, AC and only a single Daily Power. All Strikers have the special ability "Second Chance" an affect that allows them to after making an attack roll they are unhappy with re-roll it once per battle for free.

Surge Value: 3
At-Will Powers: 3
Encounter Powers: 2
Daily Powers: 1


Support characters are well equipped to assist their allies through healing, buffs or even debuffs on their opponents through their large number of encounter and Daily power slots. They have balanced HP, AC and Speed and a higher surge value than the other classes.

Support Class characters have access to the special power "Aid" a minor action that allows the user to grant an ally the ability to spend one of their healing surges right away with a +1 bonus once per encounter/floor.

Surge Value: 6
At Will Powers: 1
Encounter Powers: 3
Daily Powers: 2

Once a character class is chosen a player may create their concept as normal and prepare to create powers.

Power Creation

Powers are split into three categories, At-Wills, Encounters, and Daily Powers, each class has a certain number of these powers that can be active at once; although a player can during their adventure gain new powers and swap out old ones if desired before entering a dungeon.

All classes start with a full set of powers based on their class. Note that role does not dictate the type of powers you must use, classes merely act as a template for the type of character you want to play. (A tank can be focused on damage, while a Striker can also have healing powers for example)

*At-Wills MUST be single target attacks, however Encounter and dalies can target multiple foes.
*At-Wills must be standard actions.
*Encounters and Dailies can be Minor actions as long as they do no damage.
*Powers cannot directly heal HP but they can trigger healing surges.
*Healing cannot be caused by At-Will powers
*Certain Status Effects cannot be applied to At-Wills (Silence/Controlled/Cursed)
*Debuffs cannot stack but two different debuff powers doing the same thing can stack.
*Players can only have one summoned minion at once and they must function like a monster with a set of tactics they follow on their turn.
*Buffs and Debuffs cannot exceed +3 or -3
*Status healing powers cannot be At-Wills
*Powers cannot restore Action Points
*SP can be restored by Daily Powers ONLY.
*A power can only have one element (or none) and can only apply to powers that deal damage
*Elemental defenses can be remove by powers


Elements are added to all damaging attacks and depending on the target's weakness and strengths can add or reduce the total damage. A player can add one element to their attack
and this cannot be changed later unless the DM okays it.

Target's weak to an element take one extra point of damage than normal while enemies that resist and element take one less damage than normal. Enemies who are immune to an element nullify the attack completely.

Basic Attack - A power with no elemental modifier simply deals it's effect.

Status Effects

Status effects add detrimental effects onto the target often damaging or debilitating them in critical ways-at the end of the inflicted target's turn they can roll a D20 with a 15+ roll removing the effect.

Poison - takes one damage at the start of their turn
Blind - takes a -3 to their Attack rolls
Silence - Cannot use Encounter or Daily powers
Bind - Cannot make a Standard or Minor action
Prone - Is knocked over and cannot act until their next turn
Controlled - Target cannot act on their own and must follow the orders of the controller.
Cursed - Suffer a -3 to all dice rolls.

At-Will Powers

At-Will powers are basic attacks that have no limit to the number of times they can be used in combat, they tend to have weaker effects and lower damage however. When creating an At-Will power the Attack Roll can never exceed 4 and damage should never be higher than 4.

At-Wills can have basic effects as well such as marking or status effects, if the player wants something different to happen please run it by me when making your powers and we can hash it out.

"Encounter Power"
Encounter powers are stronger than At-Will powers possessing higher damage and more varied and useful effects however the also cannot be used indefinitely like At-Wills can and may only be used once per individual combat encounter (being refreshed once a battle ends).

Attack Rolls of Encounter Powers cannot exceed 5 and the Damage cannot exceed 6

Encounter Powers are where a player can really flex their character concept.

"Daily Power"
Daily powers are the ultimate abilities of your characters, they have greatest damage and most powerful effects allowing a character to turn the tide of battle, they can only be used once per in game day and require multiple hours of rest before one can be used again.

Daily Powers' attack roll cannot exceed 8 and the damage cannot exceed 10 points.

Power Cards

Powers are written like such...

"Pummel" - Name
"Inflicts basic damage to one foe." - Effect (include the element/status effect/number of targets)
At-Will Power - The type of power it is
Standard Action - The type of action it is
Attack+4 -Roll to Hit
Damage 3 -Damage inflicted

Example Character

Blue (Kid)
Gender: Female
Age: ??? (appears to be a child of twelve or so?)
Race: ??? (Appears human?)
Class: Striker
Bio: (for story and such)

Surge Value: 3
At-Will Powers: 3
Encounter Powers: 2
Daily Powers: 1

"Inflicts non-elemental damage to one foe."
At-Will Power
Standard Action

"Snap Punch"
"Inflicts minor damage to one foe and the snap punch debuff lowering the target's AC by 1"
At-Will Power
Standard Action

"Inflicts light elemental damage to one foe."
At-Will Power
Standard Action

"Allows an ally to spend a healing surge instantly."
Encounter Power
Standard Action

"Non-Elemental damage to one foe, less to a second of the player's choice if possible."
Encounter Power
Standard Action
Attack+5 (Roll separately for both targets if applicable)
Damage 4 to target 1
Damage 2 to target 2

"Generates a blade of light around Blue's right arm, adding the "Lumina" buff to her that raises all attack damage by +3 player must roll a D20 after every turn a roll less than 15 ends the effect"
Daily Power
Minor Action


Skills are abilities that are shared across all characters, they determine a person's ability to do various things, such as picking a lock, jumping a great gap or deciphering some puzzle. Each player can train their character in three skills and any skill that is "trained" gains a +3 to a roll requiring a check involving one of these skills. Untrained a skill roll is a straight D20 roll.

During the Adventure or Encounter phases preforming checks is considered a "Minor Action".

"Acrobatics" - The ability to keep one's balance on treacherous surfaces, dodge traps, slip free from restraints or take less damage from a long fall.

"Athletics"- Any physically demanding action like running, pushing heavy objects, swimming or jumping.

"Arcana" - The knowledge one has regarding magical lore or the ability to sense magical things.

"Bluff" - You can make what’s false appear to be true, what’s outrageous seem plausible, and what’s suspicious seem ordinary. You make a Bluff check to fast-talk a guard, con a merchant, gamble, pass off a disguise or fake documentation, and otherwise tell lies.

"Diplomacy" - You can influence others with your tact, subtlety, and social grace. Diplomacy is used to change opinions, to inspire good will, to haggle with a patron, to demonstrate proper etiquette and decorum, or to negotiate a deal in good faith. 

"Dungeoneering" - The ability to navigate a dungeon, notice a trap or otherwise remember information about the current area.

"Endurance" - The ability to push yourself beyond your physical limits or fight off ill effects on the body such as poisons or injuries.

"Heal" - The medical knowledge of the character, such as basic first aid, set bones, treat illness or disease.

"History" - The ability of a character to remember historical facts or important information of people, places or things.

"Insight" - You can discern intent and decipher body language during social interactions. You make an Insight check to comprehend motives, to read between the lines, to get a sense of moods and attitudes, and to determine how truthful someone is being. You use Insight to counter a Bluff check

"Intimidate" - The ability of a person to influence the actions of others through threats, or hostile actions; in battle a player can also try and preform an intimidate a target.

"Nature" - The ability of the person to understand nature, the natural world, living off the land, natural hazards or creatures as well as navigating the outside world.

"Perception" - Make a Perception check to notice clues, detect secret doors, spot imminent dangers, find traps, follow tracks, listen for sounds behind a closed door, or locate hidden objects. This skill is a counter to stealth checks.

"Religion" - Your character is well versed in matters of religious lore, the gods and people of importance within theses religions.

"Stealth" - Make a Stealth check to conceal yourself from enemies, slink past guards, slip away without being noticed, and sneak up on people without being seen or heard. Stealth checks can be foiled by a perception check, anyone who is under stealth gains a a free action at the beginning of battle, if multiple players/enemies are under stealth follow turn order until all free turns are complete.

"Streetwise" - Allows someone to gain information within a social area like a town or city.

"Thievery" - This skill determines thieving abilities and can perform tasks that require nerves of steel and a steady hand: disabling traps, opening locks, picking pockets, and sleight of hand; stealth checks can assist on thievery checks.


Roleplay Phase

In this phase players can interact and do things in any order, with no need of rolls or turn order unless a player is doing something that requires effort where they will be required to roll a D20 based on the skill roll the DM wants the player to try for.

Example: Sakura wants to pick a lock but she's not trained in thievery. She rolls a D20 and gets a 10 but the roll requires a 15 or higher to succeed so it's a failed roll and she can't unlock the door. Mean while Quickie is trained at thievery and rolls a 14 but being trained in thievery gives Quickie a +3 to her roll so her total roll is 17 and as such is a success.

When the party leave to explore something like a dungeon we enter the "Adventure Phase"

Adventure Phase

Adventure Phase also doesn't require a turn order but does focus more on rolls, for the sake of simplicity when the players explore a location each encounter will be considered a "Floor" regardless of whether they go up or down while proceeding, so traveling through a forest is also considered "floors". HP lost during the adventure phase can be restored via powers, or resting. Resting can only be done on floors where making a campsite is possible.

When players reach a new floor the party must decide how they want to proceed, do they search the area to make sure there is no danger? Or do they simply look for treasure? Regardless a roll must be made with any party members who wish to take part all rolling individually. (the rolls are all counted separately and as long as one beats my difficulty it's considered a success)

Encounter Phase

The final phase is the encounter phase is the final phase where players need to battle monsters, this is where character sheets come into play and some stats exists. So Quickie, Sakura and Phi enter a new floor, they decide to carefully check the area for traps or other hazards but fail their checks, sudden a giant fuzzy spider drops from the ceiling on top of them, OH NO! This monster ambushed the party so it gets a free attack when combat starts!

Players will now roll initiative, Roll a D20 and add your speed stat to that result for your Initiative.

Quickie a tank rolls a 1d20 for a total of 14 and her tank's speed stat of 5 for a total of 19.
Sakura rolls a 1d20 for a total of 2 and adds her Striker class speed of 9 for a total of 11.
Phi rolls a 1d20 for a total of 16 plus her speed of 7 for a total of 23.
The giant fluffy spider rolls a 14 plus it's speed of 7 for a total of 21.

So the turn order is...   Phi, Fluffy Spider, Quickie, and then Sakura. however the spider gets a free turn because it took the party by surprise. Otherwise the order continues until the encounter ends (KO'd enemies or allies are skipped from the imitative)

The Monster bares it's sharp fangs and attacks Quickie! Rolling a 1d20 roll of 13+ the attack roll of 4 from it's bite attack for a total of 17. The roll is then compared to the target's AC or armor class in Quickie's case her AC as a tank is 16, if the roll equals or is greater than the target's AC the attack counts as a hit causing the damage of the attack and applying any other effects.

Quickie as such is unable to defend/dodge the attack and takes the Bites' 1 point of damage. The spider is also poisonous so it's bite also applies the status effect "Poison" Quickie will take one point of damage at the start of ever turn from this point on until she rolls higher than a 15 on a D20 roll at the end of every turn. If poison persists into the Adventure Phase after battle Quickie can try to roll once per floor and will take the damage for each floor they move to.

Now Phi is up, player turns are handled as followed.

A player can take one standard action and a minor action or two minor actions by not making a standard action.

A standard action is an attack or any action such as trying to solve a puzzle during combat or freeing a tied up ally from a rope for example. Most Powers (the attacks everything has in battle) are considered Standard Actions unless said otherwise.

Minor actions are simple things that don't require a full turn such as spending a Healing Surge or pulling an item from your bag or making a check to try and solve a situation during combat.

Phi decides to attack the spider back, as such she must select one of her "Powers" to strike at the target. Phi decides to use the At-Will power "Slash" she rolls a d20 dice and adds "Slash"'s Attack bonus of +4 to the roll for a total of 15, the spider's AC is 12 so that hits and she applies the power's damage of 2 to the spider as well as any effects slash might have had. This counts as a Standard action.

Phi also decides to pull an antidote from her pack to help Quickie and this counts as a Minor action. Quickie can then use a minor action to accept the antidote on her turn and a standard to use it, or Phi can wait until her next turn to spend a minor to give it to Quickie.

While on the topic of Minor actions, Healing Surges can be spent to restores HP to the user in emergency, each class has a different amount of SP or Surge Points and each class gets a different amount of HP back from a used Surge (Tanks get 5 HP back per surge, while Strikers only get 3 back). You can spend as many surges as you have minor actions and SP is restores after an extended rest like Daily powers.

Finally each player has once per in game day an "Action Point" and action points can be used to give the user a new turn right away, or allow that player to re-roll a failed check once.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2016, 06:11:43 PM by Blue Valkyrie »

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #1 on: November 14, 2016, 05:33:22 PM
Okay people are cleared to post if they have any questions regarding the mechanics of the RP's battle system otherwise post character sheets in the general RP topic for now where we can go over the skills you all create and balance them if needed.

Any questions about the concept of the RP storywise should also be posted there for now, although I believe most people who want to join know the basics of the BV universe at this point, this RP will be something of a fresh start so events from the last RP don't count here.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #2 on: November 15, 2016, 05:46:22 PM
Blue Valkyrie Adventure is a soft reboot of the Blue Valkyrie Storyline will feature a new take on the plot while introducing a battle mechanic between the Rping that will hopefully keep people engaged through team work and dungeon crawling.

Taking place on the planet of Azure Star a old world with a storied history, the players of BVA are drawn to the land of Omi a tropical island not yet fully explored; a wild west of sorts where pirates, treasure hunters, and adventurers all run free without the hand of the law to reign them in; many hope to unlock the secrects of the "Precursors" an ancient civilization with advanced magic and technology that ruled the world thousands of years ago and Omi just happens to be packed with such ruins. Perhaps you are an Adventurer hoping to unravel the secrects of the island, or a treasure hunter looking for lost relics; or even someone looking for a new land to call home, Omi offers the chance of a new life for all..but also danger, monsters run wild in areas not colonized and the ruins them selves are still protected by machines long abandoned but still very much operational.

World of Azure
The world of Azure Star is  made up of one major continent known to most as "The mainland" as well as numerous smaller islands believed to have been remnants of a much larger landmass long long ago, the various races can nearly all be found on the main land but have slowly expanded to the other known islands and can be found nearly anywhere.

The known races of Azure Star are, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, and the Sylphs, each race with the exception of the Goblins rule over a specific area of the mainland or island and each have their own unique culture.

The history of Azure Star can be split into three major "eras" or "ages", the First Age is believed to be the creation of the world it's self-while not all cultures worship gods it is a fact that on Azure Star beings known as the Elementals exists and their actions have been noted by historians on several occasions. However seventy years ago the Elves during a rare exchange with the Sylphs learned of an interesting historical fact claiming that the even the Elementals were not the first beings in the world but rather were the children of a being known only as the Primal, the Sylphs believe that this "Primal" created the world then split it's self into fragments that eventually became the elementals who would then go on to seed the world with life thus beginning the second age. It's not known how true this account is but given the seemingly endless life span of a Fae it's quite possible this story may in fact be true.

The second age is believed to have begun with the first races began to appear and develop cultures of their own, there is great debate among all scholars of what races these would be however most agree the age was most dominated by the "Precursors" who quickly developed powerful magic and Magitechology dominating most of the known world given the ruins found across nearly every major landmass on Azure Star. Ultimately this advanced civilization was theorized to have developed over thousands of years before their mysterious extinction, with most agreeing that another fifteen thousand years must have passed between the fall of the precursors and the rise of third age considered to be roughly around the time the modern races began developing civilization of their own given than none of their cultures have any proven accounts of the precursors let along the identity of their race.

The Third Age represents the current modern day and it's history is still being written.

The Humans make up the majority of the world's population and live roughly sixty to ninety years average, they are resourceful and clever and posses high potential for magic as well as shown to be able adapt technology to their needs rather easily. Their appearance can differ depending on the location of their birth or their ancestors and humans are one of the few species that can mate with all the other races leading to Half-Humans who possess traits of both parents.

Human settlements exists across the world however their greatest is the Highland Empire who has spread across a large swath of the mainland conquering many of it's former naboring nations thanks in part to the discover of the Precursor Codex an old data file that after years of translating granted the empire a basic understanding of Magitech and quickly rising them above their rivals.

The elves hail from the forested island of Mystia, and are known for their tall slender forms and pointed ears as well as fair appearances. Elves are long lived able to survive for hundreds of years before succumbing to old age despite never seemingly aging past their prime. Elves have the strongest magical ability of any race able to cast complicated and powerful spells at even a young age, although their desire to adapt magitech or other technologies is rather limited.

Elves to many of the races are considered arrogant and elitist and while this may be true with some for the most part elves prefer to maintain their culture out of a fear of losing what makes them unique due to the fast growth of the Highland empire and the former golblin republic of Garlond. Thankfully Mystia's location and heavy forested land makes it a difficult area to invade and had remained safe forcing Highland to maintain diplomatic ties with the elves rather than attempt an invasion, although many believe this is mostly due to a lack of precursor ruins on their home island.

The dwarves are stocky and resilient race who make their home in the Jagged Peak mountain range, a massive swath of mountains that stretch across the far north of mainland. Typical Dwarves live around the same as a healthy human but they are far for durable and resilient to disease making their life in the less futile lands of the jagged peaks easier.

The Dwarves are the single most talented miners and blacksmiths in the world and have kept a tight hold on their arts for the entirety of their kingdom's life span, heavily religious dwarves hold the importance of class and blood above all else and it is rare to see any interbreeding between the high houses with other races although it is more common among the lower class.

A dwarf is stubborn to change and as elitist as the most arogant elf, and like Mystia the dwarves of Archpeak have managed to avoid falling to the might of the Highland empire thanks to their near impenetrable underground cities and the sheer amount of trade between the two powers. It's believed however that Archpeak sits on a vast precursor ruins leading some to believe the empire is merely waiting for the right moment to strike and claim it's secrets as their own.

The goblins are a short and lanky race known for their large floopy ears and often pointed noses, a typical goblin will live for forty to sixty years and the race as a whole are not know for their physical abilities rather for their clever minds and ability with machines; they are the first race of third age to invent practice steam based technology and even primitive machina; although the air ship is their most noted inventions and for a time the Goblin were the most powerful race.

The goblins originated from the island of Garlond a tropical island not that different from Azure, there the race quickly over took the other species and claimed it as their own forming into what would become the Garlond Empire-their own technological advances permitted the golbins to quickly over take several large areas on the mainland until they came to blows with the Highland Empire, their technology proving to the advantage.

However upon the Highland's discovery of the secret to Precursor Magitech the war shifted leading the Goblins to lose much of the land they had acquired, the final blow to their empire would however come from the sudden eruption from the long thought dormant volcano of Guru Guru at the center of their homeland causing an explosion that tore the island to pieces and killed tens of thousands of goblins and destroyed most of their military fleet of ships and aircraft. With their nation crippled Highland quickly overtook their surviving forces and reduced the Goblins to an endangered species, the survivors spreading out across the world taking what ever work they could to survive or becoming bandits and thieves.

Goblins are not trusted by many of the races in modern day even before due to their aggressive and sometimes brutal invasions of communities on the mainland, often paying little head to the casualties their airship attacks caused, however their race now a shadow of it's former self has led many goblins to search for a new homeland and to change the ways of their warlike ancestors.

When one thinks of the Sylph many simply picture a fairy or sprite however this is not a accurate look at the Fae tribes, in fact the Slyph as a race come in many sizes and shapes, some humanoid while others less so; typically around the size of a human or slightly less the Sylph are powerful practitioners of magic like the elves and mostly live in the forested areas of the main land, they can live for thousands of years and are known for being isolationist compared to even the elves. Some believe they may hold records of the second age where many believe the Precursors once ruled the world but few have ever had the chance to inquire about their origins.

The Fae tribes lack any unified leadership and are mostly tribe like, there seems to be very little conflict between these tribes however with most Fae refusing to resort to fighting using their magic to fend off any would be invaders.

Demons or Makai are a mysterious topic in the world of magic, little is know about this race and like the Sylph they are varied in size and shape compared to the other races; they are however known to be dangerous and aggressive at the best of times although their motivations differ from one to another.

The Makai are a thankfully rare sight in modern days, with some claiming they are in fact a extinct species all together, they do however have similar albeit more primal magics to the Fae tribes leading some to theorize that there is some relation.

(I'll add to this lore post as I come up with things, thought some basic ideas on the known timeline and the races might be helpfull)

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #3 on: December 13, 2016, 06:15:45 PM

Added the skill system into the BV RP system, skills are after the Power section and explain how skill rolls function, the RP, Adventure and Encounter phases have been updated to reflect these changes.

Blue's sheet will be soon updated to give example of how these should appear on your sheet.

Finally will be posting an intro post designed to get the story moving and show off all three phases to new players, please finalize your sheets as the RP will be starting soon.

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #4 on: December 13, 2016, 06:24:17 PM
I think Lettice would fall under Acrobatics ('cause of her wings) or Arcana (she's a magic user). I'll wait on Blue's update before applying anything new.

Fear me.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #5 on: December 13, 2016, 06:26:21 PM
Update is posted, you can pick three trained skills of your choice.

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #6 on: December 13, 2016, 06:38:01 PM
Okay. Then I'll go with Acrobatics, Arcana and Stealth (probably the only other thing I can think Lettice might be capable of using).

I might want to see Blue's updated sheet on how to display these.

Fear me.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #7 on: December 13, 2016, 06:43:54 PM
Blue's is Athletics, Acrobatics and Endurance, mostly based around her physical abilities.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #8 on: January 05, 2017, 03:33:40 PM
It had been a long journey for all aboard the Maiden's Virtue, a three week journey by boat from the mainland and one that was wracked with not one but two storms that could be seen as too close for comfort for such an old ship thankfully the last few days had been nothing but steady seas and warm tropical suns-only the sound of the magitech engine and the crew of the Virtue filled the air.

The bell rang signifying lunch time and passenger and crew alike were called to the mess hall for their meal-as thoes aboard made their way they heard musings that the ship might make port at Omi as soon as this evening.

(I will assume, everyone involved starts on the ship unless they want to already be on the island)

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #9 on: January 12, 2017, 07:42:39 PM
(Just to clarify everyone currently playing starts on the ship mentioned, and are free to start; this is mostly to get everyone to meet.)

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #10 on: January 16, 2017, 10:45:41 AM
(I'll start as soon as I got everything cleaned up on my side.)

Fear me.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #11 on: January 16, 2017, 02:38:11 PM
(I'll start as soon as I got everything cleaned up on my side.)

((Alright, just waiting on everyone else too)

Offline Mr. Haxwell

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Reply #12 on: January 19, 2017, 01:56:47 PM
(I'm eager to start, but feel like waiting till the ship has arrived on the island. Since I feel like the starting point for my character should be on the island. Unless I should provide some filler till everyone's ready.)

Fear me.

Offline Blue Valkyrie

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Reply #13 on: January 19, 2017, 03:25:56 PM
(alright, everyone else whos playing needs to post though before we can start even if it's just a desire to start on the island.  8D )