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Messages - Blu Cup

Pages: 1
Gaming / Re: SRW Endless Frontier EXCEED
« on: December 12, 2009, 03:35:00 AM »
I'd like for a more open world map this time. The first game's world map was much to linear and there was next to no exploration involved. I'd also like some tougher, but shorter boss battles. I like a long boss fight, but 35-50 minutes was just too much for your average boss.

I really should pick it back up tonight and finish it. I've had it since May and I'm maybe 3/4 of the way through it, but it just kinda faded away, even though I was enjoying it. I blame Rune Factory: Frontier.

One more thing,

Xiaomu > ...

Original / Re: MegaMan 10 - More Playable Blues
« on: December 12, 2009, 03:16:14 AM »
Hmm... on Robot masters; Sicne the popular idea seems to be that 10 is a pun on X, what with robot animals and robot viruses and stuff, It would be interesting indeed if the other RM's are animal based or themed as well.

Mm, FoxyWoman.  8D

No, no. I'd like that WAY too much.

Pages: 1